You read my mind. It does seem so much like the Natalie Holloway case.
I'm going to be blunt and hope this doesn't break the rules
Warning Discretion Advised!!!
90 + % of females that choose suicide hang themselves. Not to get anymore graphic of how and why it is just that. Extremely heart breaking when investigating.
And usually planned well and in a well known area in the woods where they have been several times before or inside their residences.
Jumping in the water it's very uncommon unless off a bridge.
According to all public information there is nothing indicating this.
However here is the catch 22. She did go boating what appeared often and in the same area if I read correctly from her twitter post. Which I believe she was very familiar with the local waterways.
Sexual identity issue ? What I got from reading her posts is it appeared she liked both genders but I didn't see any identity issues nor did she mind saying who or what turned her on.
Typical 20 + Y/O ?? I don't think so. IMO she appeared comfortable with expressing every detail in a how can I say , profound way ?
Her parents appear to be god loving church attending people. But on her SM it was like she is and was in a 20 YO rebellious living out in her own type way if that makes any sense.
And this is why some people judged her for that , this is why I believe she was very capable of handling her own.
From the National Institute of Mental Health
Are women or men at higher risk?
Suicide was the seventh leading cause of death for males and the fifteenth leading cause of death for females in 2007.1
Almost four times as many males as females die by suicide.1
Firearms, suffocation, and poison are by far the most common methods of suicide, overall. However, men and women differ in the method used, as shown below.1
Suicide by: Males (%) Females (%)
Firearms 56 30
Suffocation24 21
Poisoning 13 40
Research shows that risk factors for suicide include:
depression and other mental disorders, or a substance-abuse disorder (often in combination with other mental disorders). More than 90 percent of people who die by suicide have these risk factors.2
prior suicide attempt
family history of mental disorder or substance abuse
family history of suicide
family violence, including physical or sexual abuse
firearms in the home,3 the method used in more than half of suicides
exposure to the suicidal behavior of others, such as family members, peers, or media figures.2