SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #8

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I agree (although I am a social scientist but not a psychologist or sociologist, so my opinion probably doesn't mean much).

For me personally, trying to understand the dark side of human nature (murderers, abductors, etc) and seeing the hope, support, and love communities and perfect strangers give victims and their families helps me to better understand the human experience that we all share in this life. Some people to to church. Some people meditate. Some people fish, hunt, and go camping. I run & go on WS.

I was off here since very early this morning and find I have come back to several pages of posts. It's taken me a while to catch up.

So, to get away from SM and the Police Document That Shall Not Be Named, I have seen more posts about the use of dogs around HE's car at the landing.

Do we know that dogs were brought to that location to look around where the car was parked specifically? I am hearing that dogs did not hit on the car. But I don't remember a news article or anything from an VI that mentions this. I still lean toward the car being parked at the landing to throw off an investigation, but if dogs picked up her scent that scenario goes out the window.

We have all seen cases where dogs have come to the scene days, almost a week later, and picked up a scent. In Dr. Taleka Patrick's case, LE brought dogs to the site almost a week later. BUT that was on the side on the interstate where it less likely to have several others outside of LE and searchers going through the area. In HE's case we have a public boat landing, so I don't what the chances are of the dogs finding the scent.

IOW, if the dogs picked up her scent there is a very good chance that she drove there. BUT just because the dogs don't get a scent, it may not necessarily mean she wasn't there. Other factors may have prevented the dogs from getting the scent.
Welcome GGE! :)
I always enjoy reading your posts and would welcome your input on Heather's case.

Thanks! I have no thoughts yet, I need something more comprehensive than PeterThomasFan's very helpful timeline post just prior to mine, where I request a timeline (LOL we posted just after one another so I never saw it until now). I'm going to have to read some back threads or some articles I think.
Thank you for your reply. I applaud WS' goal and the moderators for keeping the boards clean and victim friendly, etc. Perhaps I am wrong, but I assume the rules here at WS are in place not only to protect the victim and those innocently connected to the situation but also as legal protection. My question was about specific SM sites like Facebook , no rules or moderators. just page administrators. Would they be libel if they acknowledged knowing about comments being made and some of the replies could possibly be defamatory , including threats of stalking etc..

I know this is the very least of their worries right now..but while reading there I couldn't help but think of what a nightmare it would be to have to defend yourself against the very person you believe is responsible for your daughter's disappearance.

I hope I haven't strayed into forbidden territory.

I just read this article today which is going to put tweets in to court to test the waters. New word for day is "twibel" ;)

Courtney Love Defends Tweet in 'Twibel' Defamation Suit

By ABC News | ABC News Blogs – 12 hours ago


For the first time, a case of alleged libel on Twitter is going to trial and the accused is singer-actress Courtney Love.

In a 2010 tweet, Love suggested her lawyer at the time, Rhonda Holmes, had been "bought off" when she wouldn't help Love in a legal battle with the managers of her late husband's estate. Love was married to Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain.

A handful of Twitter libel, or Twibel, cases have been filed in the past, but Love's case is the only one that has made it to trial in the U.S.
Sometimes it's the people that post that are in some way associated with the case itself…..Take for instance Missing Jessica Heeringa from Norton Shores, Michigan.Jessica went missing on April 26th from the Exxon gas station where she worked. One of her co-workers that was not working that night,(who happened to be in the area) saw a vehicle behind the store, turned her own vehicle back around, and just watched. Did nothing but watch. Did not check on Jessica to see if she was ok. This co-worker later gave an eye witness account about the vehicle, but it caused drama on the Facebook page.
So far nobody has been able to locate Jessica, the Towne and Country Mini van or the sketch of the person driving it.
There are lots of reasons why there is drama or believability or unbelievability of things that transpire in missing persons cases.

Wow! I had followed the Jessica Heeringa case in news articles, but not here. I did not know a co-worker was near-by! I had always wondered how they got the description of the vehicle and the sketch of the suspect!

I need to check in here more often!!!
Thanks! I have no thoughts yet, I need something more comprehensive than PeterThomasFan's very helpful timeline post just prior to mine, where I request a timeline (LOL we posted just after one another so I never saw it until now). I'm going to have to read some back threads or some articles I think.

Nice to see you here GGE~

There is not an organized or accurate timeline that I am aware of. Let us know if you need any help locating specifics.

There are lots of newbies and local folks following closely. Everyone is very helpful.

The First Amendment protects free speech as long as that speech (communication) does not rise to the level of libel and /or slander. You have free speech rights as long as you don't abuse that right such as yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre, for example. Once harm (damage) has been done, the trouble begins. But, under the law, truth is always an absolute defense as long as there is no malice aforethought. Speak the truth and you shall have no fear. But - be careful: there are a whole lot of hungry lawyers out there!
Wow! I had followed the Jessica Heeringa case in news articles, but not here. I did not know a co-worker was near-by! I had always wondered how they got the description of the vehicle and the sketch of the suspect!

I need to check in here more often!!!

Off Topic:
Here is a link to Jessica Heeringa's thread on Websleuths and in this link you will find links to all the threads for Missing Jessica Heeringa.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 - #8
Does anyone have a timeline put together for this case yet? I apologize if I've missed it. I haven't followed this case at all WS-style, only brief news stories here and there, and I have a feeling I've missed a great deal.

Maybe a brave and kind soul would be willing and able to give me the cliff notes version of this case, as per TOS of course?

GGE - if you are willing to give it a shot, there is a copy of the redacted police report linked in the first post of this thread. That might be a good place to start.



PS - when things settle down a bit, I'll take a shot at putting a map together.

Thanks! Just starting to look thru there now. :)

Salem - thanks for the link! I'll start with the police report before the media thread. May as well start at the very beginning... I'll see if I can do a timeline tomorrow if nobody gets to one in the meantime but it's going to take me until at least then - I'm on Eastern time so it's already 10pm here. :)

edit - wait that is the whole police report? it looks like a screencap of just the first page of the report, unless it's really very short.... hm.
Thanks! I have no thoughts yet, I need something more comprehensive than PeterThomasFan's very helpful timeline post just prior to mine, where I request a timeline (LOL we posted just after one another so I never saw it until now). I'm going to have to read some back threads or some articles I think.

I certainly have one @GGE but, there are still a lot of conflicting times based off of everything on the table so far. Without having specific call and text times, exact time when HE's car was reported/found, time when TE retrieved car, it's hard to post something that would be that accurate. Not to mention that there are critical times noted in the PR that we cannot mention here. :banghead:
O/T: I just want to say that so far this has been the most active case I have followed on Websleuths. It is also the one that I feel I have the best grasp on re: the players, hypothesis etc. I have been a member of Websleuths for about 4 years. I honestly have to say that you all are the BEST. If I ever would happen to go missing, I'm telling my family to come here. I am so proud to be a part of such a valuable group. Thank you, Thank you all!

Also a HUGE thank you to all the Mods that keep us straight and keep WS clean. I apologize, I know I overstepped the boundaries yesterday and I am sorry that you all had to clean it up.

Now, back to Heather....I must say she is a beautiful girl. After she gets through all of this (gotta keep thinking positive), I really think she should pursue modeling. She doesn't have the height, but she does have the looks and the fun personality. :)
I don't think the police are going to name a suspect or POI until an arrest has been made. With that being said, I think LE has almost enough cards to play their hand. I think they are lining things up and seeing what else the can uncover. I just pray that the extra info the obtain holds the key that will allow HE to come home safe and sound or a means for quick justice. This is just what I think and it's my own opinion.
I just want to thank escabeche (I think I spelled it right) for teaching us about the Microsoft "snipping tool" in the accessories. Sooooo very helpful- esp. because I can never remember which keys to hit for screen shot- and work from so many different computers which use different keys.

Sorry for the o/t, but seriously, thanks :loveyou:
I can't speak for the motives as to why people post on SM, but I think I can speak for most of us on WS and why we're here: to ensure that justice is served for the victims and their families who suffer horrendous crimes. It is important for our society that we all keep a watchful eye on justice, crime, and how our society patrols itself. Remember, we all could be a victim in an instant if the situation presents itself---certainly if there is a society that provides no punishment or at least some tools or mechanisms to ensure safety. All of our voices and all of our efforts are important to ensuring we can live in a safe society. It is absolutely that important and that's why I love WS.

I'd like to add that I wish patience, composure, and grace to the family of HE at this time. I'm certain that there will be an outcome and that justice will be served.

And last, a big hello to GG....good to see you here!

I just want to thank escabeche (I think I spelled it right) for teaching us about the Microsoft "snipping tool" in the accessories. Sooooo very helpful- esp. because I can never remember which keys to hit for screen shot- and work from so many different computers which use different keys.

Sorry for the o/t, but seriously, thanks :loveyou:

No problem! Not many people know about it but it is very handy :)
edit - wait that is the whole police report? it looks like a screencap of just the first page of the report, unless it's really very short.... hm.

nevermind, editing because i found it online and it really is this short. How bizarre.
bumping this - so, seriously. After Adrienne Salinas' case many people know how I get about police reports (primary sources are awesome!)... the link in the opening post of this thread and everywhere else I've looked isn't to a police report. It's to a news website. To an image on a news website actually... an image of one page of the report. A useless page, IMO.

Where's the real report? Don't worry I won't talk about it, I just need to be able to read it if I'm to properly get involved here.

The police report is actually 3 pages long, but I didn't save the link.
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