SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #25

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Didn’t someone post earlier today that Prince was spending that much on drugs?
Well we know what happened to him. It’s insanity.
What irritates me is the number of people who cannot afford a good cancer drug or to put food on the table and here’s a weasel who thinks he’s entitled to stay high all the time. Total waste of money!! And life.
Long shot but did they ever bring dogs out to Almeda? Even if he had his clothes in a cooler, all of which was later moved and disposed of, maybe a dog would alert on the blood scent where it had been?

I wonder if he enlisted anyone's help retrieving and disposing of it. More than likely he was back out there burying it on a different visit.

For some who immediately sympathized with AM, I am sure they feel betrayed, disgusted. Especially those who helped him afterward. Some may even feel a bit of guilt, standing with him, only to learn the horrid truth. I feel especially sad for MM's sister and her family. So sad.
The sister looks like MM too.
The hug from BM when his aunt was leaving court was an emotional reminder that it’s more than all about Alex.
This man has cost everyone so much.

About Alex and his fat fingers doing a restaurant search within the hour of his 911 call, if there was a reasonable explanation for that action, surely defense would have offered it. "Trying to locate Buster" would have sounded a whole lot better than fat fingers. If it was fat fingers, what was so important that he was googling anything at that time? Methinks there's no good reason and the defense knows it.

About Alex and his fat fingers doing a restaurant search within the hour of his 911 call, if there was a reasonable explanation for that action, surely defense would have offered it. "Trying to locate Buster" would have sounded a whole lot better than fat fingers. If it was fat fingers, what was so important that he was googling anything at that time? Methinks there's no good reason and the defense knows it.

What's really interesting about this text is that the sender is Michael Gunn. Presumably that's the same Michael Gunn from Forge Consulting who testified earlier in the trial about Alex misusing the 'Forge' name to steal funds.

Hmm, from Gunn's testimony it sure didn't seem like they had the sort of relationship where he would be sending AM pictures of scantily clad women late at night. I doubt this has anything to do with the murders. But it is kind of amusing to see how Gunn spun his association with Alex as, "Oh, we only played golf at industry conferences and had a few business lunches," when it looks like they were really much closer.
There's always one cockroach that just stands there when the light's come on, the rest scatter into the darkness.
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As for the wedding band found in the car, some wonder if she took ring(s) off for a manicure.

In my experience, women sitting next to me wear more diamonds than you can imagine.

Many see it as a status symbol, full bore gel nails, all the rings, and a glass of wine to boot. (Yes, wine and beer are offered where I go.)
Not sure if anyone has floated this version of the “motive” but I started thinking maybe the immediate Murdaugh family of 4 was starting to fracture into 2 camps - AM&BM versus MM&PM. AM feeling his authority is being encroached on by MM and PM snooping into his pill stash and calling him out. MM is really upset and increasingly worried about the boat case, the community shunning, the possibility of her youngest (always the baby even as an adult) going to prison for a significant portion of his life, and the looming financial exposure of the wrongful death civil cases. The “what’s for dinner” emails between MM and PM really struck and saddened me because it shows at the end of the day Paul just wants to see his mom and have a home cooked meal. Now this is totally speculation, but MM has 2 problems to solve - 1) husband on drugs, more awareness on her part about finances, concern she isn’t in the loop about the real state of affairs financially and 2) AM’s financial and drug distractions are impairing his ability, in her mind, to solve the “what to do about Paul’s” legal situation. Normally she would stay in her lane when it came to legal matters, but she starts to stray into AM’s territory. MM is taking Blanca and her sister into confidence. Maybe MM was on the verge of trying to take over control of the finances and Paul’s legal situation in a very non-Murdaugh fashion - with honesty and possible admissions of guilt, contrition or responsibility. As a mom, you would do anything to protect your child, but AM was acting recklessly. Again speculation- but if MM in the role of more responsible parent is making noise about trying to settle the civil case, liquidating property assets, and maybe thinking about a plea in the criminal case, this threatens the Murdaugh dynasty which is on the brink of being under AM’s “watch” with his dad dying. AM cannot risk MM inserting herself into matters that should be left the men in the succession of the legacy. The pill research and texts show PM and MM were outing him which with AM’s personality type starts to feel very, very threatening; so much so AM is going into self-preservation mode; is there an “intervention” in the works. This is an existential threat that unfortunately calls for drastic measures. His wife is becoming “the enemy” with her prying and the youngest, detective, is enabling her; so those 2 are acting in concert in a very non-Murdaugh manner. MM is acting normal so as not to tip off a confrontation with AM that may be coming. Weighing his options, AM rationalizes that the oldest son has to be the one to survive, so he has to protect Buster at the expense of Paul. And sadly MM is way out of her lane, how dare she, and well, he doesn’t have a choice. The Murdaugh’s are a southern variation of the mob, and killing within one’s family, in the name of loyalty to the dynasty family, is one’s duty in that twisted paradigm.

All speculation - but looking at it as AM & Buster versus MM & Paul kind of struck me today.
Just woke up to the most brilliant “Aha” post of the entire trial. Prosecutors should use this as their closing statements. This sums it up and takes all the confusion and messiness out of the past 4 wks.
About Alex and his fat fingers doing a restaurant search within the hour of his 911 call, if there was a reasonable explanation for that action, surely defense would have offered it. "Trying to locate Buster" would have sounded a whole lot better than fat fingers. If it was fat fingers, what was so important that he was googling anything at that time? Methinks there's no good reason and the defense knows it.


Could he have been having food delivered for the police and detectives working the crime scene.?

That’s all I got.
About Alex and his fat fingers doing a restaurant search within the hour of his 911 call, if there was a reasonable explanation for that action, surely defense would have offered it. "Trying to locate Buster" would have sounded a whole lot better than fat fingers. If it was fat fingers, what was so important that he was googling anything at that time? Methinks there's no good reason and the defense knows it.

How ironic, on the menu of Whaley's Edisto:


Kid sized cheeseburger 7.95

He told them that in opening statements

4:38:35 now later in the process I will appoint
4:38:39 one of you to serve as the four person
4:38:42 of the jury
4:38:44 and that person will have the

Notice his sister sitting behind him and nodding at Harpo talking. She still thinks AM is not guilty. In denial Big time!
I'm still hung up on Alec sending Blanca to Mossell the next morning to clean for him. Such entitlement, such use of people, such lack of anything coming close to empathy. Blanca had to be reeling from her own sense of grief, shock, sadness, loss.

The man has no heart.

I shouldn't be surprised. But I always am.

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I feel like the judge could use his discretion to have them elect their own foreperson if he wanted to, with the parties’ agreement. I find it odd to force a juror to be foreperson and to impose the decision on the jury as opposed to them naturally deciding it themselves based on personality, group dynamic etc.
He did tell them in his opening statement to them. It's his practice. I've never heard of this before, but apparently the way he conducts his Courtroom. The Foreperson has no more weight in anything, other than collecting the verdicts and presenting them to the Court really.
I'm still hung up on Alec sending Blanca to Mossell the next morning to clean for him. Such entitlement, such use of people, such lack of anything coming close to empathy. Blanca had to be reeling.

The man has no heart.

I shouldn't be surprised. But I always am.

Thinking in AM's request for her to cleanup it would muddy up any investigation at the house.
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