SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #26

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Yes that did seem odd. The defendant seemed a little perplexed that the remaining son did not want to go deer or dove hunting at the estate, scene of the slayings. And that if he did not intend to go, then he was going to allow one of his defense attorneys on the property to do so. Interesting. IMO.
Triangulation is a form of a narcissist gaining control of you. Buster is not doing what AM wants to happen (which is present life as normal on that property). AM punishes BM in a way by saying someone else will hunt in your place then. Unfortunately I’m familiar with this tactic.

AM said to Maggies sister that he believed whoever did this had planned it for awhile, or something like that, and my first thought was "the pills and addiction were a part of his plan"
Another thing that struck me about the “planned this for a long time”:
Remember allllll the talk about the missing/ stolen 300 Blackout? Well, in the video of the 3rd police interview that was played in court and has been posted here many times, he was acting all wishy washy about whether they actually had another one. LE says we KNOW/ have testimony/ proof of some kind that “Maggie DID buy another 300 Blackout. You were supposed to go sign the paperwork, and you never did.” Then one of them, I think it was AM, said, “That’s why it is not registered with ATF”.
It gave me chills. Wondering just how long he had been planning the murders— if years before he got his wife to pay for and pick up a gun that he had reported stolen, had her promise he would come do the paperwork, and he never did, knowing that it was slipping through the cracks of being registered. Maybe he even wanted it for other kills that would not be traced to him.
The witnesses or data don’t lie, imo.

Throughout the trial, the prosecution asked witnesses, including friends and relatives of the Murdaughs, whom they heard speaking, and every person identified the voices as belonging to Paul, Margaret and Alex.

In interviews with investigators just after the killings and about two months later, Murdaugh denied having been at the dog kennels. Instead, he said that the last time he saw his family was earlier in the evening at dinner and that he then took a short nap and left to visit his ailing mother, who has Alzheimer's disease.

State Law Enforcement Division agent David Owen, the lead investigator, testified Wednesday that there were too many inconsistencies in what Murdaugh had told them over time and that the apparent use of family firearms in the killings — based on shell casings at the scene — and a lack of DNA to point to other suspects helped pinpoint Murdaugh as the only credible lead.

On Friday, the state's final witness, State Law Enforcement Division special agent Peter Rudofski, reconstructed the evening of the murders using cellphone data extracted from the phones of Murdaugh, his wife and son, and GPS data from Murdaugh's Chevrolet Suburban to suggest his movements became quick around the time of the killings.

Murdaugh began walking at a fast pace at 9:02 p.m., according to the data. Then five minutes later, he drove to his mother's house about 15 miles away, stayed for roughly 20 minutes and then returned home at 10 p.m. During the drive to and from his mother's house, he reached speeds that far exceeded the 55 mph limit, Rudofski testified.

Several witnesses commented on how much time Alex spent at his parents. Blanca said that Maggie told her he was going over there at night and she was worried that he wasn't getting enough sleep. Maggie's sister testified that he went over a lot, sometimes twice a day. But Miss Shelley testified that she'd only seen him there at night a couple times. Where was Alex actually going at night?
Seeing AM's history unfold I'm thinking he was out doing another shadowy activity. The same thought you might get when driving down an empty highway at night and see someone just standing on the side of the road staring at you as you go by.
Several witnesses commented on how much time Alex spent at his parents. Blanca said that Maggie told her he was going over there at night and she was worried that he wasn't getting enough sleep. Maggie's sister testified that he went over a lot, sometimes twice a day. But Miss Shelley testified that she'd only seen him there at night a couple times. Where was Alex actually going at night?

Yes…obviously a ‘story’ he gave MM. Visiting twice a day when his Mother was no longer even cognizant of his presence…makes no sense.

The whole money situation makes no sense either. Millions passing through his hands, but he’s taking out mortgages. Sometimes I wonder if we have it backwards…if AM was working for Cousin Eddy, not the other way around.

Obviously, AM was able to pull off a double life for a long time. MP’s testimony described her sister’s husband as a dedicated family man, family activities at the heart of their life. He was very close to her Mother and Father and his own family as well. They LOVED him. They all seem to spend a great deal of time together, yet this outrageously expensive addiction went unnoticed.

Likewise at work. He was their top producer at the firm. How did he manage to function at the top of his game in his professional and family life all those years while supposedly struggling with such an onerous addiction that his million dollar bonus couldn’t cover it?

I hope a conviction isn’t just the end of this ‘other‘ mystery.
This is a reference to the CNN doc that aired last night.
1) Apparently Paul had a mean, violent alter ego named Timmy.
2) and when he drank, his fingers splayed and became basically unusable. Thoughts? Ideas? Does this sound like mental illness?
His behavior surrounding the boat crash before, during and after shows zero regard for anyone other than himself. I don’t want to assume too much because maybe he is just an entitled spoiled brat and that’s all, or maybe something deeper…?

3) recording of AM on phone with sister in law (not sure which one):
”I thought back to when i started taking all these (drugs)… remember when Maggie first moved to Hampton and she really struggled?… That created a lot of bitter feelings…”

Anyone have any info to explain the meaning here? Whose bitter feelings were they? His? Maggie’s? The locals against the family?
Or, is he saying that he has had bitter feelings against Maggie ever since she moved to town and struggled (presumably IMOO to love it there/ fit in with the locals)? That’s decades of resentment and bitterness he is admitting to.
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This is a reference to the CNN doc that aired last night.
1) Apparently Paul had a mean, violent alter ego named Timmy.
2) and when he drank, his fingers splayed and became basically unusable. Thoughts? Ideas? Does this sound like mental illness?
His behavior surrounding the boat crash before, during and after shows zero regard for anyone other than himself. I don’t want to assume too much because maybe he is just an entitled spoiled brat and that’s all, or maybe something deeper…?
Some of that behavior, at least point #1, might also be attributed to alcohol? And perhaps excessive consumption or over consumption? MOO.
Yes…obviously a ‘story’ he gave MM. Visiting twice a day when his Mother was no longer even cognizant of his presence…makes no sense.

The whole money situation makes no sense either. Millions passing through his hands, but he’s taking out mortgages. Sometimes I wonder if we have it backwards…if AM was working for Cousin Eddy, not the other way around.

Obviously, AM was able to pull off a double life for a long time. MP’s testimony described her sister’s husband as a dedicated family man, family activities at the heart of their life. He was very close to her Mother and Father and his own family as well. They LOVED him. They all seem to spend a great deal of time together, yet this outrageously expensive addiction went unnoticed.

Likewise at work. He was their top producer at the firm. How did he manage to function at the top of his game in his professional and family life all those years while supposedly struggling with such an onerous addiction that his million dollar bonus couldn’t cover it?

I hope a conviction isn’t just the end of this ‘other‘ mystery.
I agree with your questions. I don’t think it adds up that he has a drug use issue. I think he used that as a sympathy card excuse when he got caught. He must be dealing/ trafficking/ middle man. Because, you couldn‘t use that much drugs and not be noticed and function at that high of a level. Plus you can’t get over an addiction like that in a few days.
Also, YES, where is the money?! All the money he made as an attorney + the millions he stole + drug trafficking money = ?? If he was smart (but not ethical), there would be millions in offshore accounts. But I am beginning to think that he is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is, and that he never expected to even be suspected of anything. I hope so though. I hope the feds find it and give it back to those who deserve it.
John Bedingfield, a second cousin of Murdaugh’s — their grandmothers were sisters — told the jury how he had configured for Murdaugh two assault-type rifles to fire the powerful .300 Blackout rounds. Bedingfield, a state Department of Natural Resources officer, repairs, makes and sells guns in his spare time.

“He (Alex) was looking for a couple of guns for the boys to hunt pigs with” around Christmas 2016, Bedingfield testified under questioning by Waters.

The “boys” Bedingfield referred to were Buster, Murdaugh’s oldest son, and Paul. Murdaugh wanted the rifles configured to accept and fire the powerful .300 Blackout rounds, which are perfect for hunting wild hogs in the country, animals so numerous they constitute a menace to people and crops in rural communities, Bedingfield testified.

Those two guns, with mounted expensive thermal scopes so the boys could hunt at night, and sirocco paint jobs cost $9,188 for the pair, Bedingfield testified. He painted Buster’s gun black; Paul’s tan.

Bedingfield testified that Murdaugh came to him in 2018 to buy a third .300 Blackout configured rifle that only cost $875 because it lacked a thermal scope. Murdaugh said he had to buy a third gun because Paul had lost his, Bedingfield testified.

Stuck out at me. 300 caliber ammo.

The TSA said in a press release last week that a 52-year-old man from Jefferson, Louisiana, was in possession of a Palmetto PA-15 Multi AR firearm, which was loaded with 30 rounds of .300 caliber ammunition, and five additional loaded magazines, bringing the total number of rounds to 163. The man planned to carry the gun and ammunition onto the plane.

That would be sickening but you may be right, using the influence and power the family has acquired thru the decades is their MO. No regard for others. I understand and do believe that everybody deserves a defense, that said, his attorneys are willing to play dirty too (I do know there are crooked prosecutors and this behavior is not reserved for just defense). In the boat case, Griffin is willing to go after another kid when he knows it was Paul driving the boat, he is a . MOO
I posted a bit back that both caregivers made that comment/statement. Where was he going?
I would think that MM or the boys would have found out thru casual conversation "Paul has been visiting a lot” etc. with the caregivers or others that AM was not actually visiting his parents at night unless they were lying/covering for AM. Maybe MM did not see or speak often with them. I can understand them covering for him, not wanting to get in the middle of whatever was going on, create trouble for themselves and their employment, testifying under oath is a different matter. He was a master of deception, though, so would not be surprising they never knew. Maybe that was another lie someone discovered.
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I'm glad that the defense 'opened the door' for the roadside 'suicide'.
It goes to show that when AM's back is against the wall, he resorts to putting on a huge show to get the heat off of him and buy him time - MOO.

I don't doubt that this was a high strung guy with or without the opiods and that his brain was always working to find a way to put AM in control and two steps ahead of everyone. Unfortunatly, he failed to recognize that others in his circle were not always looking out for themselves and had actually formed close bonds and caring feelings for his family - something totally foreign to AM.

The boatcrash lawsuit was looming on the horizon and AM was going to be forced to reveal his current monetary situation and expose all his lies and deeds. So, he had to take care of his problem by murdering his youngest son (the reason for the lawsuit in the first place) and his wife (who would be shocked to learn of their monetary problems and might have been looking at divorce attorneys or probably surely would have once his schemes came to the light and would take an even larger chunk of his already dwindling money) - jmo.

Blanca truly cared for the Murdaugh family and knew their patterns and, because of laundry, knew exactly where everything was stored in their house. AM trying to gaslight her about the Vinnie Vines shirt backfired.
AM trying to gaslight his mothers caretaker about the timelength that he was 'visiting' also backfired.
His lawfirm fired him for money laundering and it was going to be publicly exposed in a couple days so, lets buy ourselves some time and cause a distraction by setting up a (fake) suicide attempt - moo.
Lastly, you can't hide digital data and PM's video puts AM at the kennels at the approximate time of the killings and then the data from the phones and the vehicle also tell the tale.

IMO, I can't see how you (and therefore the jury) can't see that AM is the common thread in all of this and the roadside 'suicide' and the kennel murders are similiar reactions to losing and attempting to regain control.
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This is a reference to the CNN doc that aired last night.
1) Apparently Paul had a mean, violent alter ego named Timmy.
2) and when he drank, his fingers splayed and became basically unusable. Thoughts? Ideas? Does this sound like mental illness?
His behavior surrounding the boat crash before, during and after shows zero regard for anyone other than himself. I don’t want to assume too much because maybe he is just an entitled spoiled brat and that’s all, or maybe something deeper…?

3) recording of AM on phone with sister in law (not sure which one):
”I thought back to when i started taking all these (drugs)… remember when Maggie first moved to Hampton and she really struggled?… That created a lot of bitter feelings…”

Anyone have any info to explain the meaning here? Whose bitter feelings were they? His? Maggie’s? The locals against the family?
Or, is he saying that he has had bitter feelings against Maggie ever since she moved to town and struggled (presumably IMOO to love it there/ fit in with the locals)? That’s decades of resentment and bitterness he is admitting to.

Just from things I’ve read, and my own thoughts, I think PM had behavior issues his entire life. Partly related to ADHD and partly to him being an entitled spoiled brat. He could be reckless and was a famously mean drunk.
There obviously was another side to him that his aunt talked about.
I take the talk about MM first moving to Hampton as it was a huge adjustment for her moving to such an isolated rural community and she voiced it. Maybe the other Murdaughs didn’t appreciate it., felt she should just shut up and realize how lucky she was to have married a Murdaugh.
And I conned my daughter into helping me and I set up-- me trying to pull up, run over, check for pulses, try and turn her over Yada Yada Yada.

Just turning her over alone was 17 seconds by itself. No way could all that be done in 20 seconds. And I would have got blood and brain matter all over me.

Under 10 seconds moving with your rifle--wow!!!
I don't think AM tried to turn Paul over. I also don't think AM handled Paul's phone until after the 911 call (and before first responders arrived). Paul's screen remained off from shortly after the murders until 10:18:08, when his phone backlight came on for 12 seconds. After AM hung up from 911 he called Randy then Paul's phone backlight came on and once it was off he messaged Randy and then called JMM. Shortly after that he made his first call to Rogan.

Long post ahead —> Here are all the factors that point overwhelmingly to Alex’s guilt:
1. At the murder scene 4 minutes before M & P we’re shot. He either shot them himself or he heard or saw them being shot because he couldn’t have walked back to the house before they were shot. Obviously he shot them.

2.He gave false alibi for the time of the murders (on the couch napping). Repeatedly falsely claimed he had not been to kennels after dinner.

3. His secret life was about to be exposed to his family and the world. Typical family annihilator.

4. Paul and Maggie were only at Moselle because he beckoned them there. And then he lied and said Maggie came because she was worried about him.

5. Family weapons were used to commit the murders. The shotgun Alex was holding can’t be ruled out as murder weapon.

6. Paul’s 300 Blackout never found.

7. Maggie’s phone handled immediately after death and was disposed of along the route Alex drove minutes later.

8. Alex changed clothes at some point and the clothes and shoes he had been wearing have never been found.

9. AM tried to get Blanca to say he was wearing different clothes; he tried to get Shelley to say he was at mother’s house twice as long as he actually was there.

10. Called 911 17 seconds after Suburban stopped at kennels. No time to check pulses and turn Paul over and move his phone like he told cops.

11. Driving 80 mph on his way back from Alameda at 10:00 pm on a dark dangerous road.

12. Failed suicide

13. Confronted by P and M about bags of pills in his laptop shortly before murders.

14. Mad at Paul for costing him millions due to drunk boat crash that killed Mallory.

15. Drove past driveway to tree line and out buildings at mom’s house, likely hiding weapons and clothes.

16. Blue tarp carried into mothers house, likely concealing evidence.

17. All other suspects with possible motive have been ruled out.

18. P and M must have known and trusted their killer because no defense wounds.

19. He said he went to work 8:30-9:00 but it was actually after noon when he left for work. He had all morning to make preparations for killing.

20. No activity on his phone, no steps logged for AM at all between 8:05 pm and 9:02. He left his phone in the house when he went to kennels around 8:30.

21. When he texted and called Maggie at 9:00 ish to tell her he was leaving - he had just seen her at the kennel (and the defense has now admitted that), so these texts/calls were sent for the sole purpose of concealing his whereabouts at the murder scene.

There’s probably more. Feel free to add on to this list.
Great post!

I would add the frantic efforts to get in touch with Rogan before (and after) first responders arrived. Alex likely knew that Paul was in the middle of 'chatting' with Rogan when he was killed.

For reference, from LE's timeline:

AM hangs up from 911 call @10:17
backlight comes on on Paul's phone for 20 seconds @10:18:08
AM calls Rogan @10:21:25
AM calls Rogan @10:24 and messages him immediately after "please call me"
AM tries to Facetime Rogan @10:25:49 as first responders are arriving
AM chats with first responders 10:26-10:29
AM tries to Facetime Rogan @10:30

And he hadn't even reached out to his one surviving son yet! So, so desperate to reach Rogan. Why? (rhetorical question...I think we all know why)

ETA: typo. "knew" not "new" :rolleyes:
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