SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #32

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Was there any disclosure of who Alex' drug dealer was?
I would think that a rich man would not stoop to the indignity of dealing with a street dealer, but would have a personal assistant to to that kind of work.
In the end, both prosecutors and defense attorneys appear to have decided Smith could hurt their cases as much as help them.

Defense attorney Dick Harpootlian said Smith had six different explanations for shooting Murdaugh “and any other information you ask him about.”

But earlier this month as prosecutors and Harpootlian discussed with the judge whether Smith would testify, the feisty defense attorney lamented Smith might not be called.

So cousin Eddie can come up with alternate explanations as well.
This is minor but I thought it odd that the alex murdaugh family spent vacations and holidays with both families.
That’s usually a tough call which family to go to Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays.

Yet I believe both MM/PM showed no alcohol in body from autopsy, if I recall. That was surprising.
Yes, makes you wonder about the independent lab company that completed the toxicology test results!

We know it was somehow possible for Gloria Satterfield's death certificate to omit her death followed an accident and not natural. MOO
Yes, makes you wonder about the independent lab company that completed the toxicology test results!

We know it was somehow possible for Gloria Satterfield's death certificate to omit her death followed an accident and not natural. MOO

I didn’t doubt it, when i was young and did drink (beer) it was a weekend thing with friends and Maggie had workers then Dr. Appt so i would think that she had not drank that day.

You say this well. I realized when he was blabbering on the stand , if the jury is hung or comes back NG …I will be okay with it. Because he really is not getting away with anything. Every photo of their bodies and every digital & time trace of what he did has been shoved in his face and shown to the world. I think he’s always been a Narc. He just masked it by paying attention & being what people were looking for in his persona. I’m sure he will ride his story until he dies. He is comfortable with dominating, controlling & getting away with deceit.
He’s being exposed right now. That is the ultimate wound.
His voice on the kennel video…that badge hanging off his pocket at the hospital.That’s the real AM. I do hope the jurors who have empathy can see that AM deserves none.

I too hope anyone who may be on the fence or have empathy will be swayed to vote guilty knowing that they are not changing the course of his life. Even if he remains behind bars for the financial crimes, I do want him to be found guilty of the murders.
Body language experts, interrogators, and law enforcement personnel will be using AM's testimony for decades to teach people on how to spot when people are lying. I'm no expert but enjoy watching breakdowns by body language specialists and even I was picking up 100's of instances of deception during his time on the stand. His entire time on the stand was nothing but BS. It's so obvious.
Watch the Behavior Panel on Youtube. Tons of experience and very aware. Must see TV. One, Mark even did a Ted Talk:) IMPOV
Body language experts, interrogators, and law enforcement personnel will be using AM's testimony for decades to teach people on how to spot when people are lying. I'm no expert but enjoy watching breakdowns by body language specialists and even I was picking up 100's of instances of deception during his time on the stand. His entire time on the stand was nothing but BS. It's so obvious.
Watch the Behavior Panel on Youtube. Tons of experience and very aware. Must see TV. One, Mark even did a Ted Talk:)
Remember toward the end of Alec's testimony, when they were showing the photo of Maggie's car and the golf cart parked in front of the house? Alec mentioned that to recharge this particular 6-person model, one would lift the back seat to access the receptacle.

I was wondering if there would be storage under there? or at least enough space to stash wet, bloody clothes and shoes? Possibly even guns if they were breached or broken down? MOO.

I think Paul and Maggie drove together in one of he trucks, and Alex drove separately after, in the Golf Cart.
I know it sounds crazy, but the jury needs to not consider that AM may go to jail for financial crimes. This guy might find a way to get out of those crimes or minimal jail time. If the prosecution can prove their case the jury needs to do their job based on this case and convict him for the murders. Knowing other charges are pending is not a reason for jurors to not convict, just because he may serve many long years in prison. Those are separate cases even though they are presenting much of those cases to show his motivation and desperation to murder his wife and "child" as he said on his 911 call.
I agree. I've been on a few juries and quite often a civil suit will come up in questioning a victim ("Is it true that you've already retained an attorney for a civil suit against the defendant?" type of thing). The judge's instructions always specifically addressed the possibility of other penalties the defendant might face and said they were not to be considered.
Was there any disclosure of who Alex' drug dealer was?
I would think that a rich man would not stoop to the indignity of dealing with a street dealer, but would have a personal assistant to to that kind of work.
During AM's roadside shooting confession with his attorneys present, he alleged he got his drugs from cousin Eddie that bought them from alleged members of the Walterboro Cowboys, a violent Bloods-affiliated street gang.

South Carolina Assistant Attorney General Creighton Waters said in court that money “misappropriated” by Murdaugh went through his alleged accomplice, Walterboro resident Curtis “Cousin Eddie” Smith, 62, who’s in jail after being indicted with Murdaugh in late June on sweeping drug and conspiracy charges. From Smith, the AG said, the money “continued downstream” to Rivers and Roberts.

Body language experts, interrogators, and law enforcement personnel will be using AM's testimony for decades to teach people on how to spot when people are lying. I'm no expert but enjoy watching breakdowns by body language specialists and even I was picking up 100's of instances of deception during his time on the stand. His entire time on the stand was nothing but BS. It's so obvious.
Watch the Behavior Panel on Youtube. Tons of experience and very aware. Must see TV. One, Mark even did a Ted Talk:)
Remember toward the end of Alec's testimony, when they were showing the photo of Maggie's car and the golf cart parked in front of the house? Alec mentioned that to recharge this particular 6-person model, one would lift the back seat to access the receptacle.

I was wondering if there would be storage under there? or at least enough space to stash wet, bloody clothes and shoes? Possibly even guns if they were breached or broken down? MOO.

I think Paul and Maggie drove together in one of he trucks, and Alex drove separately after, in the Golf Cart.
I'll agree that he was pleased. He's also delusional. He's so full of himself that he couldn't see he was allowed to run his mouth. His whole testimony was like The Emperor's New Clothes with Carly Simon's You're So Vain playing in the background. CW could have stopped him from his pontification but why when he was doing so much damage to himself.
Smart to let the Defendant blab/spew out his pie hole, as very often they let truth slip in unaware:) Overexplaining will sink that ship. Gang Plank awaits...MOO
It bothered me that CW couldn’t reel in the blabbermouth. But AM was hell bent on doing his studied and rehearsed monologues, “Mr. Waters.” I wonder if in SC the attorney can request a simple yes or no, but must let the witness then elaborate. Because did you notice that both sides used this tactic: “Just answer yes or no, then you can explain.”

It seemed like a power game Alex was playing, and he was quite pleased with his performance and ability to monopolize the time spent during the State’s questioning. Note that he didn’t do that, generally, with his own attorneys. He only did it with CW. Power game. It was so frustrating to watch. But that last Q by Waters was very effective IMO.

Anyone else agree that AM was quite happy with himself about his performance?
He's a Malignant Narcissist, so of course he was pleased with himself. He got the chance to perform his rehearsed speech. Loose lips sink ships:) I loved watching him reveal more than we were originally told. Good play by the AG.
Remember toward the end of Alec's testimony, when they were showing the photo of Maggie's car and the golf cart parked in front of the house? Alec mentioned that to recharge this particular 6-person model, one would lift the back seat to access the receptacle.

I was wondering if there would be storage under there? or at least enough space to stash wet, bloody clothes and shoes? Possibly even guns if they were breached or broken down? MOO.
No, my husband shoots sporting clays, travels all over the Us and Europe. He has to rent a cart when traveling, they are all usually electric and there is not room to store much of anything under the seats
And I swear there was something in his mouth, and he started doing that weird movement of his mouth and jaw just before each crying spell. What the heck did he have going on in his mouth? It’s so gross. (I’m not referring to the constant tic-tacs or whatever as he sits at the defense table. I’m referring to his grotesque facial/mouth movements when he testified).

Seriously, was he biting down on something sharp that he had tucked inside his mouth? Eww, he’s so disgusting.
I was wondering if it was loose dentures. I kinda had to look away while it was happening.
No, this is why I think it might have been a ruse.
Cash is Paul's friend's dog, and often would stay with the Murdaughs, because the friend's girlfriend isn't allowed any animals and he stays with her often. Paul was taking pictures of the tail to send to his friend at the time of he Murders. Sad. MOO
I was wondering if it was loose dentures. I kinda had to look away while it was happening.
I agree. Gross for sure. He looked like he was chewing the side of his mouth or tongue. Yuck. He does chew tobacco, so no idea if it's a learned habit? Weird in any case.
I too hope anyone who may be on the fence or have empathy will be swayed to vote guilty knowing that they are not changing the course of his life. Even if he remains behind bars for the financial crimes, I do want him to be found guilty of the murders.
I also want him found guilty. IMO there is a huge difference between going to some fluffy white collar crime prison for financial crimes and going to "real" prison for double homicide. IMO MOO
My husband cannot wrap his head around AM killing PM. He gets the concept of killing the wife (hello??? should I be offended?? LOL) but not the son. He understands all the circumstantial evidence and the lies and all the "facts" of the case, but without the "smoking gun" he still sees reasonable doubt. If he was on the jury, he would probably be the reason for a hung jury. As much as I want AM to be found guilty, and I definitely think he IS guilty, I think this may be the outcome. I hope I'm wrong (although it is better than not guilty). IMO

Side note: I find myself suddenly in the market for a divorce attorney. Recommendations?? LOL
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