SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #32

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Could Paul's pockets have been tested for drugs?

Didn't Alec say something about trying to do something with the phone, then figuring it out?

I think he has a flashbulb moment and realized where his stash was, whether Paul had it, hid it or Alec remembered where he himself had left it.

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Given the odd, blurted out comments from Alex during testimony, it seems like he had over-thought what questions he would be asked and how he would answer them. When he wasn't asked the questions he expected, he volunteered testimony that was more damaging than helpful. He had a story to tell and he was confident that he would control the narrative and sway the jury. I think he failed.
Could Paul's pockets have been tested for drugs?

Didn't Alec say something about trying to do something with the phone, then figuring it out?

I think he has a flashbulb moment and realized where his stash was, whether Paul had it, hit it or Alec remembered where he himself had left it.

Based on testimony, this seems premeditated. Alex stated that the person who murdered them thought about it for a long time.

I don't think this had anything to do with drugs that day at Moselle.
Great post. I never knew evil the way that Chris Watts committed evil. I thought Casey Anthony was bad. She is. I thought Jodi Arias was evil. She is. And Barry Morphew and Oj, and the three Peterson's that killed their wives. They are all evil and not one of them had reason to murder their family members. But they did. Chris Watts makes your skin crawl. His poor babies! And how about the man out west who killed his wife and when CPS was closing in, he blew up the house with him and his little boys in it?

When you read about AM being so privileged, spoiled, rich and yet angry at his wife for confronting him about pills and his son for family embarrassment, you cannot feel sorry for him. Think of ALL the families he destroyed. And think of all the officials who are in his back pocket! He is a liar and a murderer. I believe the jury sees it.
I’m praying the jury sees it!
Assuming he doesn’t pay off the LE, SLED, family members, lawyers and judges. That is his history. Money talks. He just inherited a ton of it. He also stole PMs and MMS portion by murdering them.

IMO, if he walks on the murder charges, he will skate on the thefts.
Corruption happens, no doubt. But it happens in dark corners.

This case on the other hand is national news. CNN and Fox News went to wall-to-wall coverage during Alex's testimony. I was literally on a call yesterday with people from Brazil, Mexico and Germany, and people started discussing it.

Any funny business that allowed Alex to walk and every tv network, every national newspaper, every local reporter, every true crime blogger would be down in the Low Country asking questions. Any official who takes a bribe from the Murdaughs and thinks he could get away with it unscathed would have have to be touched in the head.

(Edit - I should also add that I believe the financial stuff will be in Federal court. So, he'd have to bribe the FBI, federal judges and US attorneys.)
I have reviewed multiple sources about LE search but have the following questions:

1). Does anyone know (with 100% certainty) if the 8in diameter well at the Mosellle property was searched by LE? Seems like that would have been a great quick dumping ground (especially if gun(s) were somewhat dismantled—heck with the right tools you could hack those quickly)

2) there’s a lot of creeks, river, lakes and ponds at Moselle much less that area he drive to and from Mommas. I know they searched down river some time much later. But what about the day(s) following the murders?

There are just so many possibilities but there would still be pieces. The 300 blackout alone was made to survive water even over long periods of time. I could go on about that alone but will stop here lol

Too much time on my hands waiting for court tomorrow
Police previously reported and testified the only vehicle at the crime scene (kennels) when they arrived was AM's suburban.

In trying to determine how PM & MM got to the kennels, AM repeatedly told investigators PM must have driven his F-250 to the kennels and since MM was found at the kennels, she must have ridden with PM. This was the story consistently told by AM before testifying that he rode the golf cart from the house to the kennels and back.

However, the problem with AM's story is PM's F250 was not located anywhere on the property when police arrived, causing them to issue a BOLO for PM's truck!

AM never told investigators that PM did not drive his F250 to Moselle on June 7 but instead was driving John Marvin's truck. (Since changing his story that he was at the kennels, AM testified that PM drove John Marvin's truck to Moselle on Monday, June 7).

When PM's truck was located by police in the morning parked off Hwy 63, it was learned that the truck was not stolen from the crime scene but left broken down on the road by John Marvin when he was driving to Moselle Monday night after getting the call from AM about the murders.

While true there were other trucks on the property including the farm truck and Buster's truck, there was no truck at the kennels when police arrived.

IMO, AM's story about not knowing where PM was after supper but being certain that MM went out to the kennels (because MM was such a dog lover) never made sense. And telling police they must have taken PM's truck to the kennels --all the while knowing PM wasn't driving his F250 on Monday was yet another lie by AM.

Today, I think it is more likely that all 3 traveled to the kennels on the golf cart because AM did not want them to have a vehicle at the kennels when they were about to be shot. No, AM couldn't take any chance one or both might escape. MOO
Police previously reported and testified the only vehicle at the crime scene (kennels) when they arrived was AM's suburban.

In trying to determine how PM & MM got to the kennels, AM repeatedly told investigators PM must have driven his F-250 to the kennels and since MM was found at the kennels, she must have ridden with PM. This was the story consistently told by AM before testifying that he rode the golf cart from the house to the kennels and back.

However, the problem with AM's story is PM's F250 was not located anywhere on the property when police arrived, causing them to issue a BOLO for PM's truck!

AM never told investigators that PM did not drive his F250 to Moselle on June 7 but instead was driving John Marvin's truck. (Since changing his story that he was at the kennels, AM testified that PM drove John Marvin's truck to Moselle on Monday, June 7).

When PM's truck was located by police in the morning parked off Hwy 63, it was learned that the truck was not stolen from the crime scene but left broken down on the road by John Marvin when he was driving to Moselle Monday night after getting the call from AM about the murders.

While true there were other trucks on the property including the farm truck and Buster's truck, there was no truck at the kennels when police arrived.

IMO, AM's story about not knowing where PM was after supper but being certain that MM went out to the kennels (because MM was such a dog lover) never made sense. And telling police they must have taken PM's truck to the kennels --all the while knowing PM wasn't driving his F250 on Monday was yet another lie by AM.

Today, I think it is more likely that all 3 traveled to the kennels on the golf cart because AM did not want them to have a vehicle at the kennels when they were about to be shot. No, AM couldn't take any chance one or both might escape. MOO
Yes. I’m in complete agreement.
Is this a thing -- if Alec had ADHD, could he have been using small amounts (not the ridiculous amounts he's claiming) to focus? Me, in hospital narcotics knock me out. Could it be that Alec was using them to function? All his debts and secrets piling up, perhaps he felt he needed his drugs so, in his mind if nowhere else, he could figure his way out of the situation, much as he had been for decades?

One thing worth remembering is that we are seeing Alec in a cage, as it were. We have heard how he was a Tasmanian devil, blowing in and blowing out, even Maggie couldn't get him to sit still for even ten minutes. That's part of why he was so successful (in his work and in his frauds) IMO. Fast answer for everything, as we've seen on the stand. Constantly in motion. Impossible to pin down. Him or the truth. Imagine if you only talked to him for two or five minutes. Harder to see the lies, harder to vet the stories, harder to fact find, harder to challenge, harder to confront.

He'll never say it, he'll never admit it but I think the truth of what happened that day came out on the stand -- I did what I didn't want to do -- in fact, if the actual truth fell out of his face, the truth as he sees it -- it would sound like this: what choice did I have? They made me do it. Didn't want to, had to.

He left his phone at the house.

He knew what he was about to do.

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this was painful to listen to but here ya go.... I found the statement: "after maggie asked me to leave" then in the same breath corrects it "after maggie asked me to go with her".

SORRY on this link screen its 22:41
His flip-flopping from Mags to Maggie, RoRo to Rogan and PauPau to Paul throughout his testimony should be ENOUGH for anyone ...of any intelligence realize how incredibly disingenuous and contriving this guy truly is.

I would love to know...was his underage drunk son "PauPau" or "Paul" when he killed that young lady after plowing into that bridge?
I have reviewed multiple sources about LE search but have the following questions:

1). Does anyone know (with 100% certainty) if the 8in diameter well at the Mosellle property was searched by LE? Seems like that would have been a great quick dumping ground (especially if gun(s) were somewhat dismantled—heck with the right tools you could hack those quickly)

2) there’s a lot of creeks, river, lakes and ponds at Moselle much less that area he drive to and from Mommas. I know they searched down river some time much later. But what about the day(s) following the murders?

There are just so many possibilities but there would still be pieces. The 300 blackout alone was made to survive water even over long periods of time. I could go on about that alone but will stop here lol

Too much time on my hands waiting for court tomorrow
I think the guns and clothes, etc are buried on the property. He probable pre-dug a hole. I don’t think what happened was spur of the moment at all.
Just had a lightbulb moment. What is that sapling tree that fell over was set back into a hole, awaiting being easily pulled out then recovered after something was buried there.
oh, if trees and dogs could talk!
So true, and look how many people say they could never believe their relative, friend or neighbor could kill anyone …. good grief, there are cases every day where this happens! I think people don’t want to believe people could be that evil, but they are. So many cases we follow here at WS proves that!
yes, as many posters pointed out about Watts. sheesh...his wife was documenting her life online, mommy blogging, right down to the moment she filmed the disclosure of her 3rd pregnancy....watching him in that video is chilling.

watching him the day LE came into his house and then going to the neighbor's house who had a ring video tape. he was so preoccupied with his girlfriend, he didnt even care about his wife's cell phone, not knowing she is texting with a friend about the problems in her marriage....not concerned with what may be discovered on his phone or that the gf would disclose the affair. more chilling, denying everything, then new story admitting he killed his wife because she killed their children:eek: then fessed up to killing all of them.

its really scary watching him plead to the public .....if you want to call it that, that was bizarro too...almost laughing while he says he wants them back so bad. o_O

IMO money and power, community standing etc should more closely scrutinized in a murder investigation because there are so many more moving parts...and wow, he was battling many storms..
To lighten the mood...Watched Nancy Grace, and she got this gem from Twitter: Enjoy:)

Mags and Paw Paw have been talking to Ro Ro, Stanky Leg, Little Jimmy and Fathead, who heard about the Pill Pills from Handsome and Dibble Dabble, and told Bus Bus and MM they threatened to call the Po Po on the Talkie Talkie.
My concern is not just that they were crying, because I agree with you that the jury may weep over the hideous nature of the murders.

My concern is more about a juror handing Alex a tissue. That makes me think at least one juror IS in fact feeling sorry FOR Alex.

That seems to me like a very personal gesture, even a bonding moment, and I was under the impression that a jury is not supposed to physically or verbally connect with the defendant in any way.

Also this new misdemeanor charge inclines me to believe Alex is sure he’s in charge of that courtroom. A longtime practicing attorney, even though he was a civil lawyer and not criminal, would know that a relative cannot sneak contraband to a defendant. IMO he didn’t care, or still is under the impression that as a Murdaugh, he’d get away with it.

Reminds me of Breaking Bad… a “criminal” lawyer. Unlike Saul Goodman though, Alex is accustomed to having his way at home, in his career and because he was a Big Man in Town.

I honestly believe Alex doesn't even know right from wrong now. His world existed for him and his needs with never a concern for another, unless there was something in it for him.
Off Topic: who the heck would date a gal who didn't like dogs? Just saying. Although, the coincidence of Paul Paul doing the video at that exact time of the dog, Cash, for his friend is amazing evidence that places AM at the kennels right before the murders. 8:44.
Dogs weren’t allowed where his girlfriend lived, possibly a rented apartment
She may love dogs but has to abide by the rules
A niece of mine lives in an apartment complex that does not allow them on the property outside or in
Is this a thing -- if Alec had ADHD, could he have been using small amounts (not the ridiculous amounts he's claiming) to focus? Me, in hospital narcotics knock me out. Could it be that Alec was using them to function? All is devts and secrets piling up, perhaps he felt he needed his drugs so, in his mind if nowhere else, he could figure his way out of the situation, much as he had been for decades?

One thing worth remembering is that we are seeing Alec in a cage, as it were. We have heard how he was a Tasmanian devil, blowing in and blowing out, even Maggie couldn't get him to sit still for even ten minutes. That's part of why he was so successful (in his work and in his frauds) IMO. Fast answer for everything, as we've seen on the stand. Imagine if you only talked to him for two or five minutes? Harder to see the lies, harder to pair the stories, harder to fact find, harder to challenge, harder to confront.

He'll member say it, he'll member admit it but I think the truth of what happened that day came out on the stand -- I didn't what I didn't want to do -- in fact, if the actual truth fell out of his face, the truth as he sees it -- it would sound like this: what choice did I have? They made me do it. Didn't want to, had to.

He left his phone at the house.

He knew what he was about to do.

I actually was wondering if Alex might be on the spectrum at a very high-functioning autistic level. He carries a few traits. One of them is, he's incredibly literal. There seems to be a need for him to correct statements to reflect exactness. I know he's also stalling too but there is something about the way he ponders, sits, moves, focuses, etc...that I don't feel is 'normal'. Even his bobbing head is a trait. He lacks any and all self-awareness. And the mere fact that he actually thinks he's fooling people is a little beyond being a narcissist IMO.

I too don't think he was taking all those pills. I think he might've been a recreational user and might've gotten dependent on them, but I don't think he was like a junkie. I'm just not sensing that. He'd be nodding off and people would've noticed after 20 years. You can't stay 'high' and alert all the time on opioids.

And to me, he's not very bright. He comes off as confident (hence con-man) but he's rather slow-witted. IMO of course.
I tend to see that his dependency on MM and his reputation drove him. I think he believes he loved her but his definition of love is skewed.

With his father dying, the father's trust will kick in for all of the Murdaugh siblings. AM wanted cash more than anything. With the law firm on to him, cash was going to get tight and he was going to have to fork over everything he had with little hopes that the law firm would not report him to LE. MM had to have known they were in financial trouble. And, there were the financials that would need to be filed in the boat case. He can say what he wants but his crimes coming to light must have been terrifying for him. For a lawyer who had not committed crimes, it might have been a nothing burger but not a man who had stolen millions.

During the direct examination of him, AM says he was not worried about the theft discovery nor the financial materials needed for the civil case. Other lawyers confirm that the financial declaration was not a big thing. True. But, if you are AM, the financials and the other thefts of money you have done are putting you on a path to being discovered right quick because the lawyers for the plaintiffs are not going to accept that you have nothing and forensic accountants are going to be up in your business. IF PM is dead, so is the criminal case. IF PM is dead, it will be hard to get a judgment against AM because there is no interview/interrogatories/depositions of PM. IF MM is dead, he does not have to face the humiliation of being broke in front of her. IF MM is dead, she won't be able to have any interviews/interrogatories/depositions either. She can't answer what he did or PM did or if she had a call about him. The only way to stop the PM boat accident stuff is to kill them off. He will still have one son, his money, and his trust fund, even if his other financial crimes come to light. And, I think he believed the law firm would just let him pay everything back without going to LE.

Put that with the drug discoveries by PM and MM. The family annihilator him was bound to show up. JMHO.

“If PM is dead so is the criminal case”

Leaning to that more so than PM giving him a hard time about the drugs. AM could not survive a criminal conviction for his son. It would be a blow to his ego to lose in litigation. He would have to come face to face with Paul being the driver. He would have a criminal for a son and would feel that is a reflection on him. Leaving a stain on the family dynasty is not an option.

The thought of him being exposed with all the legal activities that come with a trial also wasn’t an option.

Whatever the marriage was going through he couldn’t be sure of what MM was going to do or what she would require of him. More EXPOSURE.
I think everything had come to a head by June 7th. I’m sure AM planned that evening, otherwise why would he be making sure PM and MM would go to Moselle that evening? MM did not live there, she spent most of her time at Edisto. I believe there was a hearing scheduled for June 10th regarding the boat case, and AM decided the one way to stop that hearing was to kill PM. I think he hated what his son had done to the Murdaugh family name. I believe that MM had found out too much about the financial issues after AM said they couldn’t afford for her to buy the place she wanted in Hilton Head, therefore she’d become too much of a liability. Couple these things with the theft that his law firm now knew about and AM’s world was crashing down. He could garner sympathy if people thought vigilantes had slaughtered his family. AM was desperate!
Yes, makes you wonder about the independent lab company that completed the toxicology test results!

We know it was somehow possible for Gloria Satterfield's death certificate to omit her death followed an accident and not natural. MOO

From what the boat kids said in the Netflix documentary, it sounds like it really only took two drinks for Paul to be drunk and slide into Timmy mode. With all the pictures in the Netflix doc showing Paul doing manual labor and chores around Moselle, I suspect that he really didn't drink when he was "working." Sure, some drinks while everyone is hunting I bet, but not when doing day to day stuff. By all accounts, Paul was pretty happy and grounded when doing physical work stuff. Drinking would be for social time.
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