SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #32

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Did they determine any of the guns in the home had been fired recently? (As in did they smell the barrels or anything?)

I know the ammo matched what was in the house but I keep hearing about missing guns. If the guns used in the shootings weren’t found in the home or on the grounds, what happened to them? Does the timeline from his phone and vehicle allow for him to have gotten rid of them?
Yes. Immediately after the murders, at Alex's parents' property, Alex's truck was parked on the lawn behind the house. The truck also stopped along the driveway before he left the property. That property was not searched at the time of the murders.

Alex volunteered during testimony that he was not washing the guns and wrapping them in a blue rain coat immediately after the murders. The housekeeper at Almeda (parents' home) testified that Alex brought a blue raincoat into the Almeda house a few days after murders. There was gunshot residue on the inside of the raincoat.

pg 54


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You really have to "admire" a guy who uses drug addiction as a "defense" for lying to LEO. Lots of chutzpah there. Drug addiction is hardly ever used as a defense. AM is hoping someone on the jury has been addicted to opiates, or has sympathy for addicts.

The media has done a great job, portraying addicts as victims of doctors who write prescriptions for cash. And evil drug companies. I am sure AM has some sort of "sob story" how he was injured and became an addict, through no fault of his own.
Police previously reported and testified the only vehicle at the crime scene (kennels) when they arrived was AM's suburban.

In trying to determine how PM & MM got to the kennels, AM repeatedly told investigators PM must have driven his F-250 to the kennels and since MM was found at the kennels, she must have ridden with PM. This was the story consistently told by AM before testifying that he rode the golf cart from the house to the kennels and back.

However, the problem with AM's story is PM's F250 was not located anywhere on the property when police arrived, causing them to issue a BOLO for PM's truck!

AM never told investigators that PM did not drive his F250 to Moselle on June 7 but instead was driving John Marvin's truck. (Since changing his story that he was at the kennels, AM testified that PM drove John Marvin's truck to Moselle on Monday, June 7).

When PM's truck was located by police in the morning parked off Hwy 63, it was learned that the truck was not stolen from the crime scene but left broken down on the road by John Marvin when he was driving to Moselle Monday night after getting the call from AM about the murders.

While true there were other trucks on the property including the farm truck and Buster's truck, there was no truck at the kennels when police arrived.

IMO, AM's story about not knowing where PM was after supper but being certain that MM went out to the kennels (because MM was such a dog lover) never made sense. And telling police they must have taken PM's truck to the kennels --all the while knowing PM wasn't driving his F250 on Monday was yet another lie by AM.

Today, I think it is more likely that all 3 traveled to the kennels on the golf cart because AM did not want them to have a vehicle at the kennels when they were about to be shot. No, AM couldn't take any chance one or both might escape. MOO
Oh so I think I missed this truck part!

Alex rode the property with Paul that day for an hour or so. He knew what truck Paul had, but he told SLED that he must have driven a truck that he knew wasn't there at all to possibly suggest the murders stole the truck?
There seems to be a lot of people coming out lately that are willing to ignore overwhelming circumstantial evidence that AM is guilty by simply saying, they just can’t understand why AM would kill his family. It just would never happen. They think the motive put forth by the state is weak.
Those people need to look up family annihilators. There’s a long list, and not one decent motive for any of them.
I think those that doesn't see a motive don't understand drugs, power, money and having the perfect storm of problems coming to a head.

It's the reason Alex exaggerates his drug problem
It's the reason Alex denies the confrontation at work was a big deal even though his co worker saw it otherwise
It's the reason Alex denies trying to tamper with witnesses, it's them that are mistaken not him.
Then when they ask why he lied, well paranoia over the drugs.. (his go to excuse for every issue he has)
I heard questions asked to someone - perhaps more than one witness - regarding the dogs and which cages they were in and whether they had a collar on and such. Were they found in the wrong cages or something by LE?

And while on the subject of the dogs… Am I nuts for thinking that the dogs would be barking for quite some time if their beloved owners were shot dead in front of them and lying on the ground and they coul not get to them? AM says no one was at the kennels besides MM & PM when he went to the house - if that was true the klller(s) had to arrive as he was returning to the house but the dogs didn’t bark? And weren’t still barking when he came out to get in his vehicle to leave? I’m pretty sure my little doggie would be trying to tear down that kennel to get out and get to me.
I heard questions asked to someone - perhaps more than one witness - regarding the dogs and which cages they were in and whether they had a collar on and such. Were they found in the wrong cages or something by LE?

And while on the subject of the dogs… Am I nuts for thinking that the dogs would be barking for quite some time if their beloved owners were shot dead in front of them and lying on the ground and they coul not get to them? AM says no one was at the kennels besides MM & PM when he went to the house - if that was true the klller(s) had to arrive as he was returning to the house but the dogs didn’t bark? And weren’t still barking when he came out to get in his vehicle to leave? I’m pretty sure my little doggie would be trying to tear down that kennel to get out and get to me.
Yes, the man who came over twice a day to take care of the dogs testified that a couple of the dogs were back in the wrong kennels (I think Bubba and Grady, but it may also have included Maggie). He drew a diagram of where each dog's kennel was. The dog caretaker also testified that someone else had been using the hose which was usual, and that the person had put the hose away with kinks in it, which he never did. He further testified that the beds were left up where they would have been if someone had been cleaning out the cages, but they were never just left that way. I don't know what to think about that last bit. Maybe Alex was pretending to clean out the cages so that he could get close to Paul to make sure he wasn't on the phone, without Paul thinking much of it?
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Defense suggested AM was too tall to fire the shot that killed Paul. Did anyone ever suggest that he could have stumbled as he backed up from Paul (surprised that Paul didn’t fall from the first shot) and fired that 2nd shot from a seated or even prone position?
I thought the exact same thing but this was late at night. Maybe Alex needed his fix?

Alex Murdaugh needs to command the situation at all times. No one controls Alex. And no one deprives Alex. I think Paul had the balls to confront Alex more than the other two. So yes, he could always buy more but maybe it was just the audacity of Paul having control over Alex in that very moment.
I think it's highly possible.
All I know is Alex killed them both. The reason may never be known.
I think adding in the boat case being in the front of Alex's mind because of the hearing coming up that week and knowing he was stealing and this boat case could expose his financials/stealing from clients and the firm.. then if Paul did confront him again about the pills or found some/took them, now we have an angry Alex and the reason he needs the pills is because this looming boat case and he can't have his financials exposed.. he can't handle it all he needs those pills at least. If Paul was stopping him from the pills or if Maggie mentioned them again or even found some while he was showering maybe.. it's all just him seeing rage at the bind Paul has put him in because if the boat case wasn't there, his financials wouldn't be exposed, and those stressors I think were closing in on him and now is the time he needed those pills.. no detox, no withdrawls, he needed the pills.
Defense suggested AM was too tall to fire the shot that killed Paul. Did anyone ever suggest that he could have stumbled as he backed up from Paul (surprised that Paul didn’t fall from the first shot) and fired that 2nd shot from a seated or even prone position?
It's likely Alex was sitting in his golf cart. That would make him 5'2"
Defense suggested AM was too tall to fire the shot that killed Paul. Did anyone ever suggest that he could have stumbled as he backed up from Paul (surprised that Paul didn’t fall from the first shot) and fired that 2nd shot from a seated or even prone position?
The defence had a witness; an engineer originally hired for the boat crash trial, testify that the shooters were no taller than 5'2". He stated that he disagreed with the pathologist regarding angle of bullets.

Someone in his office created a 3d animation showing gunshots to a quail cage and a dog house. It was immediately obvious in the 3d animation that the height of the human figures in the 3d animation was approximately 4' tall.

On cross examination, he conceded that he limited the number of variables in his 3d reconstruction to angle of the bullet in the quail cage (bullet not recovered), and then calculated the distance from the quail cage to find a location where the shooters would be 5'2". It was as though he thought he could concoct a story and that he should be believed because he is an engineer, even though he has no training in crime scene analysis or ballistics.

100% junk science.
Does anyone have any insight on the tire mark on Maggie’s leg from the ATV? It seem I recall the testimony being “at some point she came in contact with it but no evidence she was run over by it” but I didn’t quite catch if her leg was bruised or had an abrasion as if she was hit or if it was just an imprint on her pants like she may have leaned against it.

There was no bruise on MM's leg according to the Pathologist who testified that from the photos, she believed it was dirt/mud impression on MM's leg that had already been brushed off her leg when MM's body arrived at the morgue.

MM was wearing a dress when she was murdered, and I think the idea of a "bruise" was planted by the defense during questioning even though the pathologist was clear there was no bruise on MM's leg. MOO
Off Topic: who the heck would date a gal who didn't like dogs? Just saying. Although, the coincidence of Paul Paul doing the video at that exact time of the dog, Cash, for his friend is amazing evidence that places AM at the kennels right before the murders. 8:44.
Here are a couple of screenshots from the 3d animation testimony. The grey mound on the ground is Maggies body. The 2nd screenshot places the shooters standing in her body. Notice the size of Maggie's body on the ground (roughly 5'3" tall) compared to the size of the imaginary shooters.


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This fact (below) may result in additional charges for Alex. I'm guessing that no one told him about the Netflix series which focused on Alex and his father going to the hospital on the night of the boat accident in an attempt to stage a cover-up of facts surrounding the accident. They manipulated the injured victims in an attempt to frame Paul's friend as the driver.

Under oath, Alex strongly denied that he attempted to interfere with the boat accident investigation. Perjury.

"[Alex] also briefly addressed accusations that he tried to stage a cover-up in the 2019 boat case — a huge part of the Netflix series' narrative — saying they were untrue."​

Insider news
I never would intentionally hurt my wife and son.
I would never intentionally hurt my wife and son.
I would never intentionally hurt my wife and son.

Earlier in the trial I thought there was a possibility that AM might break down and confess. When he rocked back and forth, wiping tears, I’m thinking, just confess your sins - you’ll be free, not from consequences but the tremendous burden will be lifted. I thought he was close, but not anymore. He sold his soul to the devil and I think he’s past the point of return. IMO

For dollars on the penny.

Only AM could expletive-you-up the devil.

Who hasn't he taken advantage of?

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I found this testimony from Alex interesting. He is asserting fact, and expecting that everyone will listen to him and pursue his fact because he's a wealthy prominent Murdaugh, a lawyer and a solicitor. He is blaming a vigilante related to the boat crash, and it's not working. It almost seemed like this was one of the first times in his life that he was challenged for making absurd, self-serving claims.

" ...because I can tell you for a fact ... that the person or people who did what I saw on June the 7th, they hated Paul Murdaugh, and they had anger in their heart. And that is the only, only reason that somebody could be mad at PawPaw like that and hate him like that.”​

Defense suggested AM was too tall to fire the shot that killed Paul. Did anyone ever suggest that he could have stumbled as he backed up from Paul (surprised that Paul didn’t fall from the first shot) and fired that 2nd shot from a seated or even prone position?
Personally, I think he purposefully shot from low angles to deflect suspicion from himself.

He's an avid hunter. He could have easily practiced these kind of shots ahead of time when no one else was around.
excuse me if this has already been mentioned...could AM have been looking for his pills in the house, couldn't find them so went down to kennels to confront MM and PM...he was in a fever pitch, perhaps at the height of withdrawal (if there is such a thing) and threatened to shoot them if they don't give him the drugs...perhaps Paul walked away an AM (by now over the top incensed and paranoid and out of his right mind) fires two shots at him not meaning to kill him and then after Maggie sees/hears, he shoots her too, not thinking of anything but getting more pills. He then pulls Paul up by his belt loop to see if he's still alive...(as any parent would do when they see their child lying on the ground covered in blood) but really wanted to see if the pills were in Paul's pants. He left his phone there instead of throwing it away, as he did with Maggie's...I keep coming back to his comment "I would never intentionally hurt my wife or child"....
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