SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #32

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Defense suggested AM was too tall to fire the shot that killed Paul. Did anyone ever suggest that he could have stumbled as he backed up from Paul (surprised that Paul didn’t fall from the first shot) and fired that 2nd shot from a seated or even prone position?
I am wondering if this matters to the jury. That defense witness and that crazy tiny person story was so ridiculous and narrowly focused that it all just looked like bs nonsense that should be completely thrown out (to me.) The witness’s credibility was destroyed by the prosecution, and his acknowledgment that it could have been a larger person in a different body position or physical location, but that they chose not to show any of those possibilities, just made it look so ‘bought and paid for’ to me. i am wondering if the jury feels the same.
IMO -- I seriously doubt the dysfunction in AM's nuclear family was a novelty. Parenting and relational skills are learned so my guess is codependency, passive-aggressive behavior, chemical abuse, irrational thinking, enabling, and all kinds of unhealthy dynamics can be found among the extended family. Denial is also a big part of dysfunctional relationships. My read on some of the family facial expressions during the trial is self-righteous indignation -- how dare this happen to them? MOO. MOO.
I know we don't talk about the family, but has any general information about Randy or John Marvin or Lynn's familes been revealed? Have they had alcohol issues? Changed schools a lot? Trouble with the law? Or was all the bad behavors Alex & Maggie's kids?
His flip-flopping from Mags to Maggie, RoRo to Rogan and PauPau to Paul throughout his testimony should be ENOUGH for anyone ...of any intelligence realize how incredibly disingenuous and contriving this guy truly is.

I would love to know...was his underage drunk son "PauPau" or "Paul" when he killed that young lady after plowing into that bridge?
it appears paul morphed into paw paw for his performance in court...the state actually asked him about the nicknames and if they were used when speaking to investigators. he said I dont know but did use names like that all the time. I always wondered if he ever or consistently referred to Maggie as "babe". seems he used that term when he left a text message that nite.
I'm still trying to understand why more info hasn't come forward in this trial about that roadside incident. Because according to the little I read, heard and watched, Alex was about to ambush Eddie. Eddie reacted quickly enough and got the gun away from Alex and that's when Alex fell to the ground and HIT his head on the pavement (he wasn't grazed by a bullet). Eddie then grabbed the gun and drove away. It's unclear whether he went to the authorities or not.

Because think about it....if Alex's story about Eddie being paid to kill him was true (which it's not) why wouldn't Eddie complete his mission?? Are we to believe he came equipped with only one bullet? Alex's lies are uber insulting to anyone paying attention.

Why didn't the State make Alex explain this more? Because to me, this proves Alex killed Maggie and Paul if you believe Eddie. Because according to Eddie once again, he's saying Alex set him up and was going to kill HIM and then blame the murders of Maggie and Paul on Eddie (leaving Alex for last).
And in Alex-land, he'd come off as 'the hero' having killed the real murderer. It makes perfect logistical logic to me.
Ah...the roadside incident. Such a theatrical production with such bad reviews. There's no point in calling CES to the stand. CES is an iffy witness at best because he has his own rear to protect and his testimony would result in a "he said-no he said" with both he and AM not being truthful. Best to keep only one liar testifying.

As it stands now, we have AM calling Blanca that Saturday morning for his medical cards because he has some lab work to get done that weekend (version 1). We also have AM being fired from PMPED the day before. Then we have AM's lawyers suggesting (saying) he needed the medical cards because he was going to be checking into detox the following Monday so he could get his addiction under control (version 2). Then in version number 3 we once again have AM's lawyers suggesting (saying) AM hired CES to shoot him because he wanted to leave BM his make that 12mil life insurance. He wanted to suicide himself because his policy wouldn't pay on a suicide (I guess AM lost the ability to read his policy which is a shame since he was a PI attorney who obviously used to know how to read an insurance policy). IMO the defense was trying to bait CW into putting CES on the stand so they could run with version 3 and hope the jury didn't remember versions 1 and 2. IMO by refusing to take that bait, the jury now has all versions of the Roadside Lie written and produced by AM himself.
From what the boat kids said in the Netflix documentary, it sounds like it really only took two drinks for Paul to be drunk and slide into Timmy mode. With all the pictures in the Netflix doc showing Paul doing manual labor and chores around Moselle, I suspect that he really didn't drink when he was "working." Sure, some drinks while everyone is hunting I bet, but not when doing day to day stuff. By all accounts, Paul was pretty happy and grounded when doing physical work stuff. Drinking would be for social time.
Paul's feet were swelling up. He was only 22 yrs old. I thought it was possibly alcoholic hepatitis/liver damage.
My takeaway-
Alex and Maggie didn't sound like they were disciplinarians at all. In fact, they appeared to be enablers (and they were bigots which also to me reflects their immaturity)
This chills me to the bone. Go to 6 hrs and 19 minutes and watch until 6 hrs, 19 minutes, 45 seconds. It's when CW asks him if he's a family annihilator. Watch both with sound and without sound

The rage that builds up in his face after he answers is haunting.

When I saw this the first time (live Friday) I was half expecting him to stand up and go ballistic, requiring LE intervention. He was furious. MOO.
Given the odd, blurted out comments from Alex during testimony, it seems like he had over-thought what questions he would be asked and how he would answer them. When he wasn't asked the questions he expected, he volunteered testimony that was more damaging than helpful. He had a story to tell and he was confident that he would control the narrative and sway the jury. I think he failed.
I totally agree with you. One of my favorite "I didn't think you'd ask me about that" moments was CW's first question about the badge. Obviously AM wasn't expecting this question and was completely perplexed about this line of questioning.
In thinking about Murdaugh taking both barbiturates and opioids, I Googled about the combo and this popped up.

"Patients who are prescribed both opioids and sedating drugs are six times more likely to die of an overdose than people on opioids alone, according to researchers from the University of Washington School of Public Health and the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries."

Yet it appears Murdaugh was never reported as having OD'd. Does the assumed street value of oxycontin/oxycodone come anywhere near the size checks he was writing to Cousin Eddie?

"Murdaugh had written $2.4 million worth of checks to Smith, according to court papers." Murdaugh jurors unlikely to hear from Curtis 'Cousin Eddie' Smith at murder trial
Paul's feet were swelling up. He was only 22 yrs old. I thought it was possibly alcoholic hepatitis/liver damage.
My takeaway-
Alex and Maggie didn't sound like they were disciplinarians at all. In fact, they appeared to be enablers (and they were bigots which also to me reflects their immaturity)
maybe I missed if this was fact and validated or just another AM story?
Yes, the man who cameblood over twice a day to take care of the dogs testified that a couple of the dogs were back in the wrong kennels (I think Bubba and Grady, but it may also have included Maggie). He drew a diagram of where each dog's kennel was. The dog caretaker also testified that someone else had been using the hose which was usual, and that the person had put the hose away with kinks in it, which he never did. He further testified that the beds were left up where they would have been if someone had been cleaning out the cages, but they were never just left that way. I don't know what to think about that last bit. Maybe Alex was pretending to clean out the cages so that he could get close to Paul to make sure he wasn't on the phone, without Paul thinking much of it?
It feels extra dark to say, but maybe, someone didn't want to buy new dog beds because they would be covered in blood. If you know there is going to be carnage and water everywhere shortly...

I do think the hose activity might have been multi-purpose.
I actually was wondering if Alex might be on the spectrum at a very high-functioning autistic level. He carries a few traits. One of them is, he's incredibly literal. There seems to be a need for him to correct statements to reflect exactness. I know he's also stalling too but there is something about the way he ponders, sits, moves, focuses, etc...that I don't feel is 'normal'. Even his bobbing head is a trait. He lacks any and all self-awareness. And the mere fact that he actually thinks he's fooling people is a little beyond being a narcissist IMO.

I too don't think he was taking all those pills. I think he might've been a recreational user and might've gotten dependent on them, but I don't think he was like a junkie. I'm just not sensing that. He'd be nodding off and people would've noticed after 20 years. You can't stay 'high' and alert all the time on opioids.

And to me, he's not very bright. He comes off as confident (hence con-man) but he's rather slow-witted. IMO of course.
Please believe me when I say yes it’s possible he was taking a huge dose.

I have seen it both with work (trauma and ER & also acute care psych over 35 years). I never say I have seen it all because I never cease to be shocked at the next thing that rolls in

That plus let’s just say I have seen it in “regular ole life” too. Crazy crazy crazy stuff that thankfully I was able to walk away (unlike MM)

I have been blessed to see addicts recover. Renew themselves, focus that passion into purpose that is healthy, sustaining, and incredible
Corruption happens, no doubt. But it happens in dark corners.

This case on the other hand is national news. CNN and Fox News went to wall-to-wall coverage during Alex's testimony. I was literally on a call yesterday with people from Brazil, Mexico and Germany, and people started discussing it.

Any funny business that allowed Alex to walk and every tv network, every national newspaper, every local reporter, every true crime blogger would be down in the Low Country asking questions. Any official who takes a bribe from the Murdaughs and thinks he could get away with it unscathed would have have to be touched in the head.

(Edit - I should also add that I believe the financial stuff will be in Federal court. So, he'd have to bribe the FBI, federal judges and US attorneys.)

So far, I believe the charges are all SC and I'm perplexed by that. One would think that tax evasion at the state level would result in the IRS auditing his federal taxes - surely he put the same numbers on both returns? Maybe not.

I thought Ponzi schemes were against federal law as well:

I've been explaining this to myself by thinking that SC will try him first (he faces 900-1000 years in prison) and if he gets more than 100 years for the financial crimes - perhaps the feds will save themselves the expense? I'm guessing that he could get a cushier prison from the Feds and maybe that's something SC would prefer not happen. I truly don't know.

I do have to give him credit with his testimony. He caught himself immediately with this and carried on. Most of the time, he thought deliberately before he answered. He is a very masterful bs’er. Obviously years of experience, but it is impressive to watch it.
I've been saying this for years that the AM's of the world scare me to death! He's the seatmate on your last flight, the big guy on the golf course happy to let you play through, or the jolly neighbor next door. o_O
The rage that builds up in his face after he answers is haunting.

When I saw this the first time (live Friday) I was half expecting him to stand up and go ballistic, requiring LE intervention. He was furious. MOO.
Oh me too. I thought he was going to lunge at CW.

Alex has a lot of hate in his heart. His politeness is just a veneer for his contempt. I'm having a hard time knowing there are people like the Murdaughs, who lure animals in, just to kill them for sport. I'm not against hunting at all but...for food. Not because you can!!

Side note: Alex hated blacks. Maggie called her help the "Mexicans". Paul hated poor people (a comment he supposedly said to his girlfriend that fateful night) Buster?...he probably hates being alive right about now. I can't wait until he goes down for his involvement in Stephen's death (and yes, I think Buster is a closet gay IMO)
This fact (below) may result in additional charges for Alex. I'm guessing that no one told him about the Netflix series which focused on Alex and his father going to the hospital on the night of the boat accident in an attempt to stage a cover-up of facts surrounding the accident. They manipulated the injured victims in an attempt to frame Paul's friend as the driver.

Under oath, Alex strongly denied that he attempted to interfere with the boat accident investigation. Perjury.

"[Alex] also briefly addressed accusations that he tried to stage a cover-up in the 2019 boat case — a huge part of the Netflix series' narrative — saying they were untrue."​

Insider news

It was also shown in a CNN series shortly before Netflix. I had not seen the actual footage of AM and his Father at the hospital before I saw it on the CNN series.

Its telling and it elaborates on what had been recorded from the witnesses at the hospital (nurses). The way they acted to the kids and hospital staff was shameful. It neglected the serious nature of the accident. No surprise there.

Good timing on the release of these televised series. HBO did one also but it wasn’t recent. The specials they did very early on were mild in comparison to these.
Thank you! I was beginning to think I am the only one who thought Waters did a great job. In addition, AM looked like a fool.
I have read here that jurors were crying during his testimony. There is a young YouTube reporter names “James” who also reported from the Depp trial. He works alone and does not work for a news organization. He has been to the trial every day. He said none of the jurors have cried one time. He also said all the jurors look bored and one even rolled his eyes. As far as the juror with the blanket over her head, jurors were all provided blankets because James said the courtroom was freezing.
I believe AM will be found guilty. It is possible there will be a hung jury but I don’t think so. Someone murdered a mother and her son and AM placed himself there with his own testimony.
As for his Southern accent, that’s just the way people in the South speak. I listened to him. I didn’t find his accent off putting. Those jurors have likely heard his voice before.
Having watched both the HBO and Netflix specials about the case, there have been clips of Alex's father and grandfather. I noted in one such clip that dad or grandad used the "d" instead of "th" sound when he spoke (dat or duh or some similar word). I think it's a local and/or family way of speaking.
The rage that builds up in his face after he answers is haunting.

When I saw this the first time (live Friday) I was half expecting him to stand up and go ballistic, requiring LE intervention. He was furious. MOO.

And, it was about this time that CW got AM into the "yes, yes, yes" loop. AM realized this and made a conscious effort to stop the "yes" replies and began slowing down his answers.
I find it easy to believe that Paul might have done chores and imbibed at the same time. A true alcoholic. There are many of them. So many alcoholics start with beer in the morning (or Bailey's in their coffee). They drink around the clock and can function more or less while doing so.

My POV of course.
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