VERDICT WATCH SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #37

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Yep, no way he checked their pulses turned Paul over, no blood on his shoes. Nothing transferred to him. Moo
I wish the state will counter about the condition of his clothes when LE arrived. never heard the defense say he LIED about checking pulses or touching the bodies. that is the mistake AM made from 911 call on. he was so fixated on 'not being there', he should have made sure he had transfer blood on him in conjunction with his 911 call telling them he touched them and same statement to LE. yet he is clean.
He was very unhappy with that expert and is now trying to erase him.

Surely he's going to wind down soon? He isn't speaking like a man who is enjoying his own arguments or wants to be up there - he's going down a list the defense collectively prepared.

I'm so confused - defense is ready to admit that "Alec knew he did it" (planned the fake suicide), but he mumbles through the build-up to his point and then plainly announces, "Alec knew he did it!" subliminally planting the message that Alec commits crimes in the jury's minds.

And he's grateful for something (for bodycams) but boy is he rambling. I guess he just needs to get all these points on the record. I'm almost feeling sorry for him.

Comes across as defeated and not believing in his own words. I’m surprised DH would be pleased with this, but who knows.
This doesn't sound like a good deflection of the state's case. It's more like a session of griping. Jim is starting to sound bitter.

When your defense attorney doesn't sound like he's convinced himself?

I agree. I think there are issues behind the scenes. And I do not think JG practiced this or sought consultation about how best to do the closing argument from a communications or other expert.

He's trying to say that because he, JG (the defense) is puzzled by certain parts of the case, and he's a reasonable person, the jury must be equally puzzled - which constitutes reasonable doubt. He's dancing around the fact that AM could not have "touched them" at 10 pm after returning from his parents' house. He touched them right after he killed them - earlier. Once the timeline is in place, there is no mystery about how the blood got in the Suburban (and when).

Now the drug excuse again. And excuses for lying.

Rebuttal: Well we do agree with the Defense that it was just a regular day for Alex - nothing unusual - he got up and lied, went to work and lied some more, came home and lied, thought about lying on his way to his mom’s, lied to Shelly, lied to everyone he called going back and forth mom’s, practiced lying for the 911 call on the way home, lied to Buster, his law partners, in-laws, Paul’s friends - yup just another regular, business as usual day in the life of AM.
There is ample evidence of AM's guilt, much of it related to his horrible attempts at an alibi ... but, it has always bothered me that the main evidence of his guilt is an audio recording, supposedly immediately prior to the murder, about a dog with a guinea in his mouth. It raises doubt, although I am not sure it is reasonable doubt.

If AM had simply said, I was at the kennel and decided to visit mama and Paul and Maggie stayed behind to visit the dogs and didn't want to go with me, he might still be a suspect, but likely wouldn't have come to trial. If you take away the lies about being at the scene, the evidence is quite weak. The murder weapons were never found. The shell casings are linked to a model of rifle, but not an individual rifle. There are other potential situations, other than death, which would cause two phones to go silent at a particular time. The crime scene wasn't preserved and evidence left by others may have been destroyed. Lying about being at the kennel followed by the world's shortest nap before going to visit mama has "done him in."
I think another factor is he didn't know about the video so he called and texted Maggie repeatedly in that 9:04 time frame. If he just lied about being at the kennel, why did he do that? It was to try to paint the picture he wasn't there. So why do that if he doesn't know he's going to need an alibi? If he was there, but later didn't want to be seen as a suspect or because he had pills.. etc.. Why did he call her over and over and then text he was going to see Em? He was just there so it makes no sense unless he knew they were gone and he was creating the illusion he wasn't there. So it's more than just he lied about being there and a video showed he was.. he also left his phone at the house, said he was napping, and called and texted as if he didn't just see them.

That was recorded on the 2nd officer's bodycam on the scene. 42 minutes after he arrived one of Alex's friends ( sorry don't remember who) asked Alex if he told Buster that he may be in danger. What you're hearing is Alex jumping ALL over that and yelling the length of the kennel to the other officers to alert his son. It was definitely a light bulb moment as Alex hadn't bothered to even think about Buster because he knew full well no one was coming for him!
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