Found Deceased SC - Sheridan Wahl, 21, Myrtle Beach, 19 Sep 2021

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I feel compelled to make this post. A young woman is mysteriously dead - every scenario, no matter how far-fetched or perhaps distasteful, must be entertained and examined. JMO

"... [MBPD] determined that Wahl had left our jurisdiction safely."

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This maddening, cryptic statement begs a hundred more questions. The ONLY way MBPD could have made this statement is if an officer(s) had personal contact with and first-hand knowledge of SW's actions and movements. Who determined she was "safe"? When? Where? How? Why? Yet no incident report was made of any such (pre-death) contact; the sole incident report is the missing person report filed after her mother called MBPD.

What if a murderer is hiding in plain sight?

What if LE was responsible for SW's disappearance and death?

SW was a VERY attractive young woman. Somehow, somewhere, she landed on LE radar before her death.

WHAT IF a police officer involved in that contact with SW followed her from the scooter store, out of MB city limits, onto Hwy 378? At that point, she was not missing and NO police incident report had been made regarding her. Just a cop(s) and SW on the same highway, under the radar, so to speak. Easy enough for LE to flash his lights and pull her over. Handcuff her and put her in the back of his police cruiser. Leave her while he drove her car to that cornfield, removed the license plate and torched it. Return to his cruiser, take her off somewhere else ... and 42 hours later she's found dead at the FD training tower. We don't how long or short a time she had been there before being found. A MBPD cop car certainly would not be out of place or suspicious parked at a Fire Station (or anywhere), day or night.

Hiding in plain sight.

Agree, and in addition to the above, her last purported Instagram post with hashtags referencing a stolen car and 911 and detective.

I've thought from the beginning this case has echoes of the Sarah Everard case. The initial vague statements from LE and the subsequent silence is so odd, and telling.

my opinions only
any possibility someone could have followed her in another car and forced her to pull over, or she was being chased in car and she drove through field?

The very tight timeline does seem to make more sense if there is more than one car, and maybe two or more people involved. One possible theory I have is that Sheridan and a man left the scooter place in her car. Maybe willingly, but possibly coerced. Another person (persons) in a separate vehicle followed. The could have all just met and decided to hang out, or it was nefarious.

They go to the firehouse, something happens, she is fatally injured. (accident -drug overdose, fall from height?, or intentional attack). The other people leave her at the firehouse, then drive her car away and torch it in the corn field, taking care to remove as many vehicle identifiers as possible. Then they depart in the remaining vehicle.

Though separated by a significant distance, these two locations seem tied together with respect to Sheridan's time of death. It could be that she died well after the torching of the car and the events are unrelated but I just don't think so. Based on the limited info available, it's also hard to think of a plausible scenario in which Sheridan does all this by herself. Also still wonder if the torching of the car was done to intentionally draw attention to Sheridan's body -as if believing that the nearest fire station would immediately respond, and thus discover Sheridan. And that the person/persons with her at the time of her death were LE/first responder type.

my opinions only.
Yeah the likelihood that another car is involved is pretty high considering someone torched the car, police found the car pretty soon afterwards, and yet no one was seen on site and/or arrested nearby. Whomever it was got away, and quickly.

I too have posted about the possibility of this being a LE-affiliated crime. It would indeed make sense in light of the initial cryptic statement, little to no utilization of the media, and virtually no comments to the public. It's almost like they want this crime hushed up and grown cold.

The perp took the time to remove the licence plates and obscure the VIN identification number of the car, but why?

So it isn't traced back to Sheridan?
Well, OK....but what difference would it have made?

Once LE discovered her body a few miles away, there was a chance the police may see if the two are connected anyway, which is what happened.
The perp took the time to remove the licence plates and obscure the VIN identification number of the car, but why?

So it isn't traced back to Sheridan?
Well, OK....but what difference would it have made?

Once LE discovered her body a few miles away, there was a chance the police may see if the two are connected anyway, which is what happened.

I'm guessing because it was a simple enough thing to do in order to buy just a little bit more time by delaying car identification. And this again highlights that the person who did this was savvy enough to understand it would cause enough of a delay to aid their hasty departure from the area.
ALSO, I did find something kind of random but everything kind of fits regarding what everyone thinks are weird/alarming hashtags. So in the movie Incredibles 2, Mr. Incredible gets his car stolen and his son ends up stealing it back. There is also a stolen red car that Mr. Incredible has to find since the 911 call to police resulted in them being unable to it track down. There is a scene where he is ranting about how he is overwhelmed in life and tells his daughter he does it by "rollin with the punches baby" and right after says "I ain't doing no crash landing ok". Also in that movie, there are detectives etc. I know this sounds totally random BUT that saying about rolling with the punches is a popular line from that movie, it also involves stolen cars, 911, detectives so what if that is what she is referring to? Now I'm gonna get even more random bc McDonalds launched a series of happy meal toys of the characters and Edna who is a lot of peoples favorite character was the number 9. In the movie, she created a fireproof superhero suit as well. If you look up an image of her she has a short black bob which whoever blew up the image of SW with the sunglasses on, if you look at the top part of the lens on the left in the photo (her right eye though) it almost looks like that little figurine with the same shape of its head/hair. I get this probably sounds totally crazy but in all honestly from the sayings to the characters to even the fire part it is just interesting how all of the hashtags make sense based on the movie and then the fire part even is ironic considering the car was on fire and she was found at a fire station. Lots of images of Edna and fire if you google too. I would seriously take a look at this and tell I totally out of my mind or do you think this could have been referencing that? Thoughts?!?
I'm sorry but WHAT. hahaha
Yeah the likelihood that another car is involved is pretty high considering someone torched the car, police found the car pretty soon afterwards, and yet no one was seen on site and/or arrested nearby. Whomever it was got away, and quickly.

I too have posted about the possibility of this being a LE-affiliated crime. It would indeed make sense in light of the initial cryptic statement, little to no utilization of the media, and virtually no comments to the public. It's almost like they want this crime hushed up and grown cold.


But DID someone torch the car?? I have yet to find information that states arson as the reason for the fire. I’m not saying that it isn’t most likely what occurred, but no confirmation from LE from what I’ve seen so far.

This is such a perplexing case, mostly I think because of the timeline.
I wish we knew what frame of mind Sheridan was in when she called her mom at the scooter rental place. I think she may have been upset and agitated so her mother suggested she stay the night rather than drive back to Tampa.

I've reading up on crime in MB and it seems that car jacking is a thing. One case, unless I have completely misread the circumstances involve a guy who has been arrested twice for violent carjackings, one in 2013 that resulted in the owner of the vehicle still listed as missing. The carjack guy and his accomplice have been charged with his murder. However, not only did he carjack the missing person in 2013 with an accomplice he just car jacked another person in July, 2021.

If you are up on murder charges for a 2013 crime do they let you out of prison until the trial? It seemed like both crimes were very violent.

Again, in March 2020, two separate carjackings took place. Both victims were female. One was robbed by the carjacker then he stole her vehicle. The second carjacker entered the victims car while she was putting air in her tire. He pushed her out of the vehicle.

Is it possible that someone did carjack Sheridan while she was sitting in her car deciding what to do? She may have been pushed out of a moving vehicle and made her way to the fire station for help without realizing no one was there.

Here are several links to the stories above.

Trials on hold for duo charged in murder, kidnapping of Aynor teen

Suspect connected to missing Aynor teen faces carjacking charges, report says

But wait, there's more:

Federal Indictment Returned in Kidnapping and Carjacking Resulting in Death
The perp took the time to remove the licence plates and obscure the VIN identification number of the car, but why?

So it isn't traced back to Sheridan?
Well, OK....but what difference would it have made?

Once LE discovered her body a few miles away, there was a chance the police may see if the two are connected anyway, which is what happened.

The fire probably obscured the VIN number. Plus it's on the dash etched on a little metal bar that may have melted depending on how hot the fire burned. VIN's are also found on several other locations on the vehicle. People have discussed whether the plate was paper if the car was relatively new to Sheridan, although that sounds almost like too much coincidence, IMO.
A few it seems like something is off in the sense that if her mom last talked to her around 1pm and hold told her to stay the night instead of drive home...WHY? If it was because of the drive, its not like she was leaving late enough that she would have been driving in the dark the majority of it..would have arrived in Tampa around 9-10pm but maybe that was the reasoning. If it was because she sounded "off" that would explain more because if her dad was looking for her that afternoon that means he knew something to do so. It was already said that he did not see her dad (which we only know from mom saying that in missing report so did she know that the whole time or after she couldnt get a hold of her and talked to the dad) but not ever if he knew she was coming or not.

I would assume that because he went looking for her there was a reason. So either he was trying to get a hold of her, maybe he had talked to her in days before and knew she was there but he/she was busy, they werent getting along and she didnt want to see him etc. but I dont believe that he would just start looking for her randomly so her mom must have alerted him. Which makes me feel like a lot actually happened on that call between her and her mom or after when she talked to the dad. If she had just casually had a chat with her complaining about not being able to rent scooter and deciding to come home I dont think if she tried to call her back a couple of other times in the next hour and two and her not answer would be enough for mom to call the dad and tell him to start looking for her. If she had told her to stay the night, why not just assume she would call her back eventually, why alert the dad to start looking for her hours later?

Also, where did the mom think she was staying? Maybe she told her mom she was going to see her dad and thats where she thought she was staying or maybe she called once she got there and said she had met up with friends and would grab dinner with dad one night or that once she got there she talked to her dad and they argued so she decided not to see him or he was busy/had other people staying with him/could have been out of town for work bc he didnt know she was coming. Or she told her mom she was staying with him, dad nod no clue she was even there until mom called him and was like hey I dont want her to drive back alone now itll be too late/dark or she seemed like she was in a bad mood etc. and the dad was like wait what...she is here? And the mom freaked out and said she said she was coming to visit you and thats when she called back to figure out what was going on but no answer. So that is why she thought something was so wrong bc the dad said he had never even seen her?
Also, wouldnt she have been at school? FSU had started by then so maybe she went up Thurs/Fri just for the weekend and then wanted to drive back because she had school Mon? The 19th was a Friday so maybe she was trying to make it home for classes. Which also would be weird then for her mom to tell her to stay and miss them? I had a schedule once where I had no classes Tues or Thurs so maybe she didnt have any Monday and so her mom said to just leave earlier in the morning on Mon to make it home in time but not to drive alone in the dark for those last few hours of the trip? Either way...seems very odd that a college student would want to make close to a 20 hour drive alone, right after the semester started to go visit her dad for just a couple days...why not visit him weeks earlier before school started?
Also, wouldnt she have been at school? FSU had started by then so maybe she went up Thurs/Fri just for the weekend and then wanted to drive back because she had school Mon? The 19th was a Friday so maybe she was trying to make it home for classes. Which also would be weird then for her mom to tell her to stay and miss them? I had a schedule once where I had no classes Tues or Thurs so maybe she didnt have any Monday and so her mom said to just leave earlier in the morning on Mon to make it home in time but not to drive alone in the dark for those last few hours of the trip? Either way...seems very odd that a college student would want to make close to a 20 hour drive alone, right after the semester started to go visit her dad for just a couple days...why not visit him weeks earlier before school started?

it’s more like a 9 hour drive and with the exception of the 1 hour drive from I-95 to MB it’s mostly interstate highway.
Some very interesting insight from her memorial. Her friend sings a song by Bruno Mars called "Talking to the Moon" which she said she sent her right before she passed away and asked her what she thought of the lyrics and their meaning. If you look them up there are lines about neighbors thinking you're crazy, people thinking you've gone mad but the gist of it is about having lost someone (whether death or breakup) who was all they ever had and talking to the moon at night hoping they are on the other side of the moon talking back. Then after about 30mins her mother speaks and says some interesting things as well. Said that Sheridan lived with her for the last nine months and it has been amazing but she knew it wouldn't last long because she would be gone/moved out. She also said that the day before she passed away she recorded her very first song/single in a recording studio and was so excited that she was "flying high". She was flourishing in her career with music according to her Mom and things were moving very fast. They played the song for everyone attending, so sad. I just don't know what to think about all this still.
I wish we knew what frame of mind Sheridan was in when she called her mom at the scooter rental place. I think she may have been upset and agitated so her mother suggested she stay the night rather than drive back to Tampa.

I've reading up on crime in MB and it seems that car jacking is a thing. One case, unless I have completely misread the circumstances involve a guy who has been arrested twice for violent carjackings, one in 2013 that resulted in the owner of the vehicle still listed as missing. The carjack guy and his accomplice have been charged with his murder. However, not only did he carjack the missing person in 2013 with an accomplice he just car jacked another person in July, 2021.

If you are up on murder charges for a 2013 crime do they let you out of prison until the trial? It seemed like both crimes were very violent.

Again, in March 2020, two separate carjackings took place. Both victims were female. One was robbed by the carjacker then he stole her vehicle. The second carjacker entered the victims car while she was putting air in her tire. He pushed her out of the vehicle.

Is it possible that someone did carjack Sheridan while she was sitting in her car deciding what to do? She may have been pushed out of a moving vehicle and made her way to the fire station for help without realizing no one was there.

Here are several links to the stories above.

Trials on hold for duo charged in murder, kidnapping of Aynor teen

Suspect connected to missing Aynor teen faces carjacking charges, report says

But wait, there's more:

Federal Indictment Returned in Kidnapping and Carjacking Resulting in Death

Possible theory but why carjack SW's vehicle just to remove the plates and torch it one hour later, not to mention taking valuable escape time to place her body behind the FD tower? Then he'd need another car! Carjacker could have just initially dragged her out of her car and driven off OR stopped down the road and pushed her out of the car and taken off.
A quick Google search reveals several recording studios in Myrtle Beach. Could that be the real reason for this unexplained trip? This could open up new lines of inquiry. Although I don't know why she couldn't use a studio closer to Tampa.

Nevertheless, the timeline only works if she was kidnapped or diverted while on her way back to Tampa. It's possible she was kidnapped by someone who just happened to be going that way, but that would be a big coincidence.
Also, wouldnt she have been at school? FSU had started by then so maybe she went up Thurs/Fri just for the weekend and then wanted to drive back because she had school Mon? The 19th was a Friday so maybe she was trying to make it home for classes. Which also would be weird then for her mom to tell her to stay and miss them? I had a schedule once where I had no classes Tues or Thurs so maybe she didnt have any Monday and so her mom said to just leave earlier in the morning on Mon to make it home in time but not to drive alone in the dark for those last few hours of the trip? Either way...seems very odd that a college student would want to make close to a 20 hour drive alone, right after the semester started to go visit her dad for just a couple days...why not visit him weeks earlier before school started?

Sept 19 was a Sunday. But you bring up a very good point about school having already started and about her returning to her classes. Which, to me, brings up a logical question: was she skipping classes to make this trip? If so, why? Just a thought.
In regards to her instagram. Her photo was uploaded on sept 17 but her comment with the 911 hashtags was written by her afterwards around that day she went missing
You can see here by the dates in fact her friends responded “are you ok?” “Your mom is looking for you” right after
This makes me believe she was sending an sos using Instagram saying she was in danger her car was stolen and she needed help.


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In regards to her instagram. Her photo was uploaded on sept 17 but her comment with the 911 hashtags was written by her afterwards around that day she went missing
You can see here by the dates in fact her friends responded “are you ok?” “Your mom is looking for you” right after
This makes me believe she was sending an sos using Instagram saying she was in danger her car was stolen and she needed help.
How can you tell it was written later?

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