School Suspends Teens For Wearing Crucifixes

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Those guys go to school to get an education, not for a fashion show, or to proclaim their religion via what they wear.
you do not give up all your rights as a citizen just because you stepped into a school. in this country we still have the right to express our beliefs no matter who they offend. i doubt that right will last much longer but today we have it. even our kids.
While I agree with the spirit of your sentiment, I also know: That principal will also cite "safety hazard" as a reason why he told the boys not to wear those crucifixes. He will probably win on those grounds, those could make pretty good garrottes. *wry* :(
While I agree with the spirit of your sentiment, I also know: That principal will also cite "safety hazard" as a reason why he told the boys not to wear those crucifixes. He will probably win on those grounds, those could make pretty good garrottes. *wry* :(
to win i would think he would need to show that these children either had a connection to a gang or that gangs in his area used a cross in their symbol. in the article he says neither. he only says police gave a class for teachers where they said gang in other areas had done this so watch for it. another area he would need to address in any court would be did he ban all students from wearing this religious symbol or did he simply look at the student and decide this type of student might be in a gang. if the nice little white girl can wear it then so can the Latin boys.
Well, I would hope that he'd not allow anyone to wear a sturdy necklace or scarf that an attacker could use to strangle the person wearing the item to death with! Yes, if I were a principal at a school that had a lot of violence I'd also ban neckties, and any kind of scarf or tie inside a sweatshirt for safety reasons. Probably belts too and extra long shoe laces. But that's just me being extra cautious, probably this principal hasn't thought of those yet.
We can not live in a spirit of fear. We were not created to do so. That principle is one Blessed man, for it wasn't my son he singled out and decided to assert authority in my domain. Education starts in the home, not the dang school. No one overrides me concerning mine.
The principal is charged with making sure his students are safe. And, he is charged with making sure there isn't a glaring gap left such that a student could get injured and parents sue. :( A litigious society tends to keep fear alive. :( :(
The principal is charged with making sure his students are safe. And, he is charged with making sure there isn't a glaring gap left such that a student could get injured and parents sue. :( A litigious society tends to keep fear alive. :( :(

And a student is charged to get their education, to not be harrassed and singled out, to obey and live peacefully in society. Students (our youth), have many many pressures at these ages. This principal doesn't even know if their affiliated with a gang. His actions sound half cocked.

You need to know what your doing, have the facts, speak with the parents, investigate before you go to such extremes as this. I feel he has incited anger, not what your saying he's charged with doing.
Well, I would hope that he'd not allow anyone to wear a sturdy necklace or scarf that an attacker could use to strangle the person wearing the item to death with! Yes, if I were a principal at a school that had a lot of violence I'd also ban neckties, and any kind of scarf or tie inside a sweatshirt for safety reasons. Probably belts too and extra long shoe laces. But that's just me being extra cautious, probably this principal hasn't thought of those yet.
i refuse to send my child to school naked.
i refuse to send my child to school naked.

;) :crazy: Wellllll..... It *would* be eye opening statement as to what you and your child thinks of the school policy, right? :angel: :truce: :slap: Ow! Ok, I'll be sorta good, promise! :eek:
I had mixed feelings about this too until I read some of the comments under this article. There are posts from parents of children who attend school with these boys who, apparently, have been victims of their bullying and are disgusted by their "sweet angel" act. According to some posts (which may or may not be true) they even have juvenile records, previous suspensions, and many complaints in their pasts.

The school obviously cannot release this information, but you have to wonder why a principal would bring this kind of headache on himself without a good reason.
I had mixed feelings about this too until I read some of the comments under this article. There are posts from parents of children who attend school with these boys who, apparently, have been victims of their bullying and are disgusted by their "sweet angel" act. According to some posts (which may or may not be true) they even have juvenile records, previous suspensions, and many complaints in their pasts.

The school obviously cannot release this information, but you have to wonder why a principal would bring this kind of headache on himself without a good reason.
the principal thought he had good reason. just a few months ago police warned that gang members in other areas had used it as a symbol. he was told to look for it as a problem. even if the kids are bad kids and that is a big "if" because not everyone online is as honest as we are here, picking on other kids does not make you a gang member.
the principal thought he had good reason. just a few months ago police warned that gang members in other areas had used it as a symbol. he was told to look for it as a problem. even if the kids are bad kids and that is a big "if" because not everyone online is as honest as we are here, picking on other kids does not make you a gang member.
Here in CA even the most innocent looking items can be gang related or even certain color combinations. that is why they are not allowed. It has nothing to do with religion or anything else..just gang activity. my kids couldn't CUFF THEIR PANTS!. How innocent is that? yet it has some gang meaning and so it wasn't allowed.
I don't question this stuff anymore it just is the way it is.
Here in CA even the most innocent looking items can be gang related or even certain color combinations. that is why they are not allowed. It has nothing to do with religion or anything else..just gang activity. my kids couldn't CUFF THEIR PANTS!. How innocent is that? yet it has some gang meaning and so it wasn't allowed.
I don't question this stuff anymore it just is the way it is.
- that is so sad. we now say the government can make any rule and dont question it. a gang picks a color and it now belongs to them. all innocent people may no longer wear it. they pick a brand name of clothing and innocent kids are forbidden to wear it. they pick a fashion statement and innocent people must step aside because it now belongs to them. now gangs own god but we just keep on allowing them to dictate how the innocent act. what is the line that we would not allow them to cross?
- that is so sad. we now say the government can make any rule and dont question it. a gang picks a color and it now belongs to them. all innocent people may no longer wear it. they pick a brand name of clothing and innocent kids are forbidden to wear it. they pick a fashion statement and innocent people must step aside because it now belongs to them. now gangs own god but we just keep on allowing them to dictate how the innocent act. what is the line that we would not allow them to cross?

:clap: nice post.
Why not just let everyone where what they want (granted it is not provocative; then that way they'll know who is gang members and who is not. The ones that aren't won't be throwing gang signs correctly anyway.
These boys have a right to wear religious jewelery.
- that is so sad. we now say the government can make any rule and dont question it. a gang picks a color and it now belongs to them. all innocent people may no longer wear it. they pick a brand name of clothing and innocent kids are forbidden to wear it. they pick a fashion statement and innocent people must step aside because it now belongs to them. now gangs own god but we just keep on allowing them to dictate how the innocent act. what is the line that we would not allow them to cross?
This is only when they are in school and that is reasonable. It's not the govt that makes these rules it is school admin. and this is usually in the best interest of our kids. I am ok with it. Tryng to keep peace where thousands of young peple congregate is a major undertaking. If you want to let your kids go to school in gang colors more power to ya but why would you want to do that?!
- that is so sad. we now say the government can make any rule and dont question it. a gang picks a color and it now belongs to them. all innocent people may no longer wear it. they pick a brand name of clothing and innocent kids are forbidden to wear it. they pick a fashion statement and innocent people must step aside because it now belongs to them. now gangs own god but we just keep on allowing them to dictate how the innocent act. what is the line that we would not allow them to cross?

I agree Sherri. It's extremely frustrating since it seems we must just follow their lead for the sake of safety. Crazy how much a color or an otherwise innocent symbol can mean.

JBean - I wouldn't think anyone deliberately wants to send their kids to school in gang colors, but it's crazy to have colors be OWNED by a group of idiots and even crazier that parents have to abide by color codes set by criminals.
I agree Sherri. It's extremely frustrating since it seems we must just follow their lead for the sake of safety. Crazy how much a color or an otherwise innocent symbol can mean.

JBean - I wouldn't think anyone deliberately wants to send their kids to school in gang colors, but it's crazy to have colors be OWNED by a group of idiots and even crazier that parents have to abide by color codes set by criminals.
While they are in school I would much rather play it safe. The good kids might be right but we don't want them to be dead right.:)
Wear what they want after school. That's not so unusual anyway.

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