Search Warrants Unsealed Shacknai Zahau

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DNA Solves
Thank you for this eloquent and thoughtful post. I agree 100%. I tried to put this into words and gave up a few times. You did a great job in pointing out the exact problem I have with the text. It was not the text itself, but the context and subsequent actions/inactions.

Both post from Smooth and yourself jogged a memory. When I found my mother dead I managed to stumble outside, spoke briefly with gardener who just arrived then called 911. Then called my husband, no response, then called my aunt.

My aunt arrived and rushed into house only to be dragged out by LE. All the while I repeatedly called my husband's cell, paramedics texted and called him. LE called him and offered to sent a patrol car to get him. I had never been to his office and didn't know where it was. Finally called a friend who's office was near by and been to his office to go over there. My husband thought it odd, all my friend said was call your wife immediately. BTW, he was in a meeting and phone set on silent.

In all texts, missed call messages not one person said your MIL is dead, all just said call me (your wife). While I do not understand AS motivation for texting JS, I find it a crummy way to break unfortunate news to anyone, esp your own brother. In fact, I cannot think of a single instance when a family member left a message stating a death, they either hung up or left a call me message. Maybe times have just changed, IDK.
That makes sense. But im thinking he should hire more if he wants to get the job done. Theres about 3 of us! I never had a reason to sleuth a case before. But unfortunately, I have a personal connection to this one. I wish I was getting paid! I just think it's kind of insulting to label others who have different opinions as being sneaky conspirators. Thank you for answering my question kindly

Welcome. All opinions are encourage as long as they are put forth in a adult manner. Mutual respect is a must. Anything you can share would be great.

I have a chuckle at your thinking suicide believers were the conspirators theorists, I thought those were the murder camp. I'm on the fence, I want to believe, but am bothered by many things.
I said this earlier so sorry for the repeat, but my best guess is that LE determined early on that they could not easily identify a suspect and probably could not convict someone if they did, so they went the easy route. I know this is a serious claim, but I have seen it in other cases and it seems to me across the country and particularly in California the prosecutors like to claim abnormally high conviction rates and they do not like to claim unsolved cases (unless they have to).

Right..I agree. They did say they were totally relying on forensics to determine suicide, or homicide. So they come to find no other prints besides RN so it's easier to say suicide.
Right..I agree. They did say they were totally relying on forensics to determine suicide, or homicide. So they come to find no other prints besides RN so it's easier to say suicide.

I really cringe at this thought. It's incredibly easy to use gloves and, of course, other prints or DNA by family members or anyone regularly in the house could mostly be undetermined. I just saw a quote somewhere but can't find it... it said something like the person to find a victim can never totally be ruled out as a suspect. In Rebecca's case, it looks like she could have been attacked/disabled or forced to do some of what was found so possibly less DNA than some other homicides.

I wonder whose DNA was checked?

This is a bit off the topic of the search warrant but given that cell phones weren't even investigated thoroughly but used as a major motive for suicide, one has to wonder. It is never an easy crime scene with no witnesses and no easy, direct evidence, but it's too bad they didn't investigate the evidence that was so obviously important and easy to analyze.
Both post from Smooth and yourself jogged a memory. When I found my mother dead I managed to stumble outside, spoke briefly with gardener who just arrived then called 911. Then called my husband, no response, then called my aunt.

My aunt arrived and rushed into house only to be dragged out by LE. All the while I repeatedly called my husband's cell, paramedics texted and called him. LE called him and offered to sent a patrol car to get him. I had never been to his office and didn't know where it was. Finally called a friend who's office was near by and been to his office to go over there. My husband thought it odd, all my friend said was call your wife immediately. BTW, he was in a meeting and phone set on silent.

In all texts, missed call messages not one person said your MIL is dead, all just said call me (your wife). While I do not understand AS motivation for texting JS, I find it a crummy way to break unfortunate news to anyone, esp your own brother. In fact, I cannot think of a single instance when a family member left a message stating a death, they either hung up or left a call me message. Maybe times have just changed, IDK.

I don't know how it is at Rady's, but in the hospitals in my area, cell phones can't be used on the premises. So maybe AS sent a text figuring whenever JS could turn on his phone, he'd find the message.
Hi thinkingstraight and welcome to websleuths. There are many cases being discussed here at WS. I know the new posters will enjoy helping with other cases. Have you been verified as an insider by WS?

Thank you? I think? No, I have not been Verified. I know who I am so why should I get verified? It's not as if I brought some "inside" scoop.
AS voluntarily took the poly. He didn't fail it; the test was inconclusive. It isn't irrelevant that the examiner felt AS was truthful because a polygraph is not a purely scientific test. Results rely on interpretation by the examiner and LE is satisfied with the results.


LE can't force anybody to take a polygraph. It is purely voluntary but, that said, by the time of the suicide, I think there were questions being asked about Max's injuries. They were clearly more severe and didn't involve a scooter.


Your second statement on Adams polygraph, seems to refute your first statement. Are you saying Adam was forced to take the polygraph test, or that he chose to take the polygraph test?

Either scenario, the outcome is the same. Inconclusive. Interpretation by the examiner is useless.
Thank you? I think? No, I have not been Verified. I know who I am so why should I get verified? It's not as if I brought some "inside" scoop.

Tricia and the other moderators ask that posters who state they are 'insiders' on a case, verify that with a moderator.

:welcome: to Websleuths!!
I don't know how it is at Rady's, but in the hospitals in my area, cell phones can't be used on the premises. So maybe AS sent a text figuring whenever JS could turn on his phone, he'd find the message.

All three major hospitals in my area do allow cell phone usage within the hospital and ICU.
I don't know how it is at Rady's, but in the hospitals in my area, cell phones can't be used on the premises. So maybe AS sent a text figuring whenever JS could turn on his phone, he'd find the message.

..JS then called DS while she was @ maxie's bedside, apparently cell phones can be used there. would be interesting to see who else JS called, you would think he would have immediatley called AS back------"hung herself???? what are you talking about???did you call 911?? what's going on there???" type of stuff..

..i can't believe LE hasn't subpoenaed the cell records of AS, the last person to ever see her alive---and the 1st one to see her dead..
Thank you? I think? No, I have not been Verified. I know who I am so why should I get verified? It's not as if I brought some "inside" scoop.

I am sorry...I thought your post said you had personal interest in this I was asking if you had been verified by WS as such. My bad.
Tricia and the other moderators ask that posters who state they are 'insiders' on a case, verify that with a moderator.

:welcome: to Websleuths!!

I think that's only if the poster is giving inside info, not opinions.
brawnybreeze I'm so sorry about losing your mother and the trauma of having been the one to find her.. It is very apparent in your words describing that day's events that it is still very vivid, very raw, and visceral feelings in sharing it with us.. Thank you for sharing and your personal experience is like the many that I've seen or know of in that it's just such a very traumatic as well as sacred subject(I. E. The death of a loved one no matter how they died, but especially when death is in such a violent and dramatic way) and is not something the vast majority of people would text, especially in three words.. Again thank u for sharing that with us..(((HUGS)))

Referring to another post's question about why Adam's words are in quotes?? Um.. Maybe because it is a direct quote derived from the warrant of what Adam Shacknai stated in the 6:48am text to his brother.. It is quoting Adam Shacknai therefor it is quoted to ensure that it is seen that it is a direct quote using Adam's words rather than a poster's words of what the text said.. That is why you will see direct quotes punctuated to ensure to keep fact from opinion or a poster's own words.. This by far is not the only case this is done in.. It is common practice and as I said helps to keep straight what is fact, as in a direct quote from a court doc, and what is not..
I've not seen any proof that AS was asked to take a polygraph. Many people volunteer to do so in order to eliminate themselves as a suspect.

LE have publicly stated only that AS was a witness and also have publicly stated no crime was committed.

Yet you are accusing the man of murder even though LE has stated no murder took place.JMO

Please re-read Tori's mom's statement that you quoted. She did not accuse the man of murder in that quote.


No matter whether AS "volunteered to take a polygraph" or "agreed to take one when asked by LE". Either way it was voluntary.

In the attached search warrant, page 6, lines 10-14 states that AS was questioned by LE on July 13 and later that same day LE facilitated a polygraph for him. Maybe, IMO, LE was not satisfied with his answers?

Interesting fact that in the LE presser, they did not mention any other "witnesses" taking a poly--whether volunteered or acquiesing to a request by LE. There must be a valid reason that AS was the only person to do so.



  • warrant_11-165.pdf
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AS texts JS that Rebecca is dead????? WHAT?????

I skimmed the search warrants and just off the top here is something else that popped out at me...

DS went to her coronado home at 0800 and returned to the hospital at 2000 (8 pm). Her twin sister Nina, who was staying at DS home, texts Rebecca and wants to come over to talk to her at 10:41 pm the same night.

I really want to know if DS and her sister are identical twins...

"Whoa" is right!

On Thursday, a San Diego Superior Court judge unsealed search warrants obtained by Coronado police during the initial stages of the investigation.

Detective Keith James asked for records linked to at least one landline phone at the mansion on Ocean Boulevard between July 11, when Shacknai’s son, Max, was injured, and July 13.

The detective also seized surveillance videos, recorded on DVDs, of the entrances at Rady Children’s Hospital where Max was treated. According to the documents, investigators wanted the DVDs to help determine Shacknai’s whereabouts between July 11 and July 13.

A third warrant, signed July 22, shows that Coronado police seized several items from the mansion, including an ornate chandelier found in the trash, a black T-shirt, electrical wire, a silver Razor scooter and a soccer ball. All of the items had been found and photographed in the stairwell of the home, shortly after Max was injured.
I am sorry, I think I read the warrant incorrectly. I read it like the officer witnessed that he had texted his brother that she had hung herself. I thought maybe the actual text had been revealed somewhere and I had missed it. I didn't take the officers statement to mean those were his exact words. I also didn't take that as if that's all he related to his brother at that time or if that was the only communication he had attempted.

brawnybreeze I'm so sorry about losing your mother and the trauma of having been the one to find her.. It is very apparent in your words describing that day's events that it is still very vivid, very raw, and visceral feelings in sharing it with us.. Thank you for sharing and your personal experience is like the many that I've seen or know of in that it's just such a very traumatic as well as sacred subject(I. E. The death of a loved one no matter how they died, but especially when death is in such a violent and dramatic way) and is not something the vast majority of people would text, especially in three words.. Again thank u for sharing that with us..(((HUGS)))

Referring to another post's question about why Adam's words are in quotes?? Um.. Maybe because it is a direct quote derived from the warrant of what Adam Shacknai stated in the 6:48am text to his brother.. It is quoting Adam Shacknai therefor it is quoted to ensure that it is seen that it is a direct quote using Adam's words rather than a poster's words of what the text said.. That is why you will see direct quotes punctuated to ensure to keep fact from opinion or a poster's own words.. This by far is not the only case this is done in.. It is common practice and as I said helps to keep straight what is fact, as in a direct quote from a court doc, and what is not..
I don't know how it is at Rady's, but in the hospitals in my area, cell phones can't be used on the premises. So maybe AS sent a text figuring whenever JS could turn on his phone, he'd find the message.

That's a very important point. When mom was in ICU and dying, all cell phones had to be turned off. We merely called the nurses desk/ICU desk and a nurse let us know to call me back. Forgot about that little tid-bit. We could, however, use cells in the lobby and dining areas.

We know that JS wasn't at the hospital at the time the call was made - but AS wouldn't know that. I can't begin to know what he was thinking, and perhaps AS was too stressed out with police presence that he thought it best to text. At that time did he even know the name of the hospital that JS was at? I still think the text should have said "call me" vs. "Rebecca hanged herself". I'll throw him a bone though because when I think about it, my husband would prolly do the same thing! No offense to men, but mine definitely has a sensitivity chip missing sometimes ;)

But what reasoning did JS have to call Dina instead of calling his brother back to get details. How did he know RZ was dead? It's an easy assumption to make no doubt, but why spread the news to Dina when you haven't comfirmed the details with the brother?

My opinion only - thanks.
Here is the issue, ATLEAST for me personally.. WS is about us all being able to voice our opinion or view of how we see aspects of a case(just as thinkingstraight views the warrant differently than I, as shown in the post ^above^).. That is the beauty of WS in that it welcomes all views(of course as long as they're within reason).. Outlandish and wild theories with zero basis are against TOS and not allowed..

I have zero issue with opposing views, infact the forums would be pretty bare of posts of we didnt have varying opinions and views on aspects of cases and discussion of them whether its in agreement or disagreement.. There are forums here at WS with cases where my view is the opposing view, not the popular, nor majority's view on specifics of a case.. So, I know what it is to be on both sides of the fence here in discussing different cases and no matter what side of the fence I'm on I thoroughly enjoy posting and discussing those differing views and opinions with my fellow sleuthers.. There truly is no bullying or ganging up of members against the minority in a case(of course there's always the random rogue posters who choose to bully) but our mods are more than capable to easily and quickly discern who those are and they are immediately handled appropriately.. But for the great majority of the time it's a pleasant and enjoyable discussion, tho, often about subjects that are not in any way pleasant or enjoyable much like here in Rebecca's forum where the tragedy and loss of two beautiful lives is the subject at hand..

For me personally it's not any opinions differing from mine in that one may believe she did infact commit suicide.. I don't believe anyone has issue with that as far as I can tell from the discussions taking place..MOO..

So, what then would be the harm in having the case or cases reopened??

That is what I do not understand in some people's opinions of painting Rebecca in an extremely negative and even disrespectful light and are against the case being reopened.. For those few who believe Max died under a different circumstance than what LE have found in it being a terrible, tragic accident.. If truly this is believed wouldn't you want justice for His death?? That will never happen unless a closer look is taken.. I personally am extremely confident that Max's death was accidental and only welcome a closer look to put to rest any who may feel differently..

And I would expect the exact same attitude be equally important in Rebecca's case.. If one feels confident it is without a doubt suicide then why not welcome the closer look to quell the feelings those of us who strongly believe that it is NOT suicide??

That is what I do not understand and find to be an issue.. Either way and no matter what side of the fence one is on.. No matter.. If the case is solid as one believes it to be then what in the world is the negative or the harm in taking a closer look???*

And that is all that we are asking for.. A true investigation of the facts and the evidence of Rebecca's case to be collected, weighed, and viewed and see to where it then leads..
Really?? What's the fear or harm that would come from that?
Again, can someone humor me and show me where Adam used the exact sentence, "she hung herself" can someone show me that he did not try some other form of communication? And where is it that that is all he communicated to his brother at that time. This is an honest inquiry as I am interpreting the warrant completely different that anyone else. Thank you!

That's a very important point. When mom was in ICU and dying, all cell phones had to be turned off. We merely called the nurses desk/ICU desk and a nurse let us know to call me back. Forgot about that little tid-bit. We could, however, use cells in the lobby and dining areas.

We know that JS wasn't at the hospital at the time the call was made - but AS wouldn't know that. I can't begin to know what he was thinking, and perhaps AS was too stressed out with police presence that he thought it best to text. At that time did he even know the name of the hospital that JS was at? I still think the text should have said "call me" vs. "Rebecca hanged herself". I'll throw him a bone though because when I think about it, my husband would prolly do the same thing! No offense to men, but mine definitely has a sensitivity chip missing sometimes ;)

But what reasoning did JS have to call Dina instead of calling his brother back to get details. How did he know RZ was dead? It's an easy assumption to make no doubt, but why spread the news to Dina when you haven't comfirmed the details with the brother?

My opinion only - thanks.

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