Searching For Anna Book: Download and Comments

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I wonder in what order these two "visions" occured. Did the pyschic mention Gary first and then Annasmom dreamed the same info, or the other way around? I would give this greater consideration if Annasmom dreamed it first, then the psychic independently said the same thing. If the Psychic was first, Annasmom's dream could have just recycled that tidbit in the way that a lot of our dream information is just details from our day jumbled around into a fantasy sequence.
Dr. Doogie said:
I wonder in what order these two "visions" occured. Did the pyschic mention Gary first and then Annasmom dreamed the same info, or the other way around? I would give this greater consideration if Annasmom dreamed it first, then the psychic independently said the same thing. If the Psychic was first, Annasmom's dream could have just recycled that tidbit in the way that a lot of our dream information is just details from our day jumbled around into a fantasy sequence.
Doogie, the dream came first. But since we're talking about dreams, I might mention the extremely vivid dream I had a few days after Anna disappeared where she asked me "Why did you fire me?" Since of course I would NEVER EVER under any circumstances fire her (and doubted that she even knew that word), I wondered at the time if someone had told her this by way of explaining why they were taking her away from home. I am awfully skeptical about dreams, but I know Jung and the Talmud take them very seriously.
Jung and the Talmud - sounds like a bad band from the sixties. :D

Since your dream came first (and I assume that the article in the Sunday SF Chronicle/Examiner came after the vision of the psychic), then either something was connecting there or it was another of those maddening coincidences.
Due to the rapidly developing events as of recent, I have removed the downloadable version of "Searching for Anna" from the website. We want to have some control over access to this info if and when the media firestorm begins.
Due to the rapidly developing events as of recent, I have removed the downloadable version of "Searching for Anna" from the website. We want to have some control over access to this info if and when the media firestorm begins.

I just found this thread too...was so looking forward to reading it! Although awaiting news is always exciting too! I have been reading every post about Anna, and my heart aches. I just hope that time, patience and love will give Annasmom all the answers she will need. Dr. Doogie, you are one of my heroes, for all that you have done, and all that you continue to do. May blessings be upon you and your family. You deserve it. Annasmom, and family, i hope you get the answers you need, you all amaze me with your determination. stay safe and strong!
Are there still plans to get the book published, even if Anna has been found? I think it would be great to see it updated with additional chapters chronicling recent events (and events yet to come?) Either way, it is such a great and inspirational story...of a family's strength, perserverance, and love for Anna.
Are there still plans to get the book published, even if Anna has been found? I think it would be great to see it updated with additional chapters chronicling recent events (and events yet to come?) Either way, it is such a great and inspirational story...of a family's strength, perserverance, and love for Anna.

Yes, the plans are to publish it regardless of the outcome of the tests. Obviously, if we get the results that we anticipate, we will need to quickly update the information before publishing.

Early on, when Annasmom and I were discussing the manuscript, I suggested that it would work best if we could write a happy ending to it. I hope that we have found that happy ending.
Yes, the plans are to publish it regardless of the outcome of the tests. Obviously, if we get the results that we anticipate, we will need to quickly update the information before publishing.

Early on, when Annasmom and I were discussing the manuscript, I suggested that it would work best if we could write a happy ending to it. I hope that we have found that happy ending.

If it gets published, I'd love to buy a copy of the book, signed by you and Annasmom :)
Oh wow. I read the thread with the anticipation of going back and clicking to download the book!! That's ok. I'm glad for the recent developments, I can catch the book later. I check here daily (usually two or three times) although I don't post much. Hoping along with everyone else that there will be good news soon. Regardless of the outcome with this latest development, you guys have done some amazing work here.​
Things are falling into place concerning the book. We are on schedule to have it available by the first of next year. The book will be available online at that time. Ordering info will be forthcoming once we have a firm publishing date.
The book has been submitted to the printer and I should be receiving a couple of proof copies next week. Once Annasmom and I approve the proofs (and I make some design changes to the cover), I will be able to announce how it will be available online. It should be available the the publisher's site, along with the usual Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. sites.
The book has been submitted to the printer and I should be receiving a couple of proof copies next week. Once Annasmom and I approve the proofs (and I make some design changes to the cover), I will be able to announce how it will be available online. It should be available the the publisher's site, along with the usual Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. sites.

Wonderful news! I can't wait to get my copy! Uh... do you think I can maybe get it signed? :rolleyes:
What great news!! Of all the missing persons cases I have been involved with or even have knowledge of, Dr. Doogie and Anna's family are the most determined and dedicated people I have encountered. When Anna is found, she won't have an ounce of doubt about how much her real family loved and missed her. :clap: :clap:
Wonderful news! I can't wait to get my copy! Uh... do you think I can maybe get it signed? :rolleyes:
Aww...I'm looking into getting self-adhesive bookplates showing the book cover and thought we could sign those and send them if you want them. Since the books will come by mail, it would be simpler than sending the books themselves back and forth.:blowkiss:
What great news!! Of all the missing persons cases I have been involved with or even have knowledge of, Dr. Doogie and Anna's family are the most determined and dedicated people I have encountered. When Anna is found, she won't have an ounce of doubt about how much her real family loved and missed her. :clap: :clap:
You've been with us all the way. Thank you.:blowkiss:
Annasmom and Doogie, I am so glad that you are moving ahead with the book. I can't wait to buy one of them and show it to my friends and family who think I am nuts for going on the forum so much. They just don't understand why I have worried and prayed so much that Anna would be found, nor the love I feel for you guys. God continue to Bless you in your search for Anna.:)
Aww...I'm looking into getting self-adhesive bookplates showing the book cover and thought we could sign those and send them if you want them. Since the books will come by mail, it would be simpler than sending the books themselves back and forth.:blowkiss:

I want! Just let me know when it's available! Congrats Annasmom... let's home this brings some answers your way.
I am so excited that the book is almost here. I will be ordering at least two copies. My mom is very interested in Anna's case as well so one of the copies will be for her. As others have said, of all the missing persons cases I've read about, my heart really goes out to Anna and her family. You guys are special :blowkiss:

Can't wait to read the book!
Hi everyone! I just wanted to say I am very excited about the book. I can't wait to share it with my family and friends. I have been following this thread from the beginning, and you are often in my thoughts an prayers. I admire your courage and dedication.


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