Searching For Anna Book: Download and Comments

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Might mot post much on this forum. But I do want the book. I think one reason I do not post is Anna went missing about 30 miles from where I lived.Seems The Bay ares have had to many children go missing.An I am talking about for over 25 years.
Might mot post much on this forum. But I do want the book. I think one reason I do not post is Anna went missing about 30 miles from where I lived.Seems The Bay ares have had to many children go missing.An I am talking about for over 25 years.

There was a definite "spike" in abductions of young girls in the late 1980's. One of the things that I did early on in the search for Anna was to look at all the missing children cases in the region looking for any possible connections. No obvious links were found (with, perhaps, the exception of the disappearance of Cynthia Sumpter from San Jose in 1974), but it was sobering to see how many children disappeared during that era.
Any update on the book release? I'm getting anxious... :D
I'm getting excited. I've been periodically googling "Searching for Anna" to see if I can find it listed on Amazon or something ;)
Soon, very soon.

The book will be available first through the self-publishing company ( It will take 2-4 weeks for it to become available through outside sources such as
Soon, very soon.

The book will be available first through the self-publishing company ( It will take 2-4 weeks for it to become available through outside sources such as

Doogie just called to tell me that the book is up and running on Lulu:

If you want a signed bookplate, send a self-addressed envelope to Annasmom, Box 370462, Montara CA 94037 and I'll send you one as soon as they arrive.
If anyone has any trouble purchasing the book through the above link, please let me know. Setting up the book through Lulu was more complicated than I thought (probably more my fault than theirs), so there may be a couple more glitches that need to be worked out. Your feedback will be helpful.

The book is currently available through the link It will also be available in a few weeks through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. We will soon have a link estalished on to the site for easy ordering.

We have two goals in publishing the book. First, we want to spread the word about Anna to the broadest audience possible in the hope that someone with any information will see it and come forward. This is the reason that sites such as Amazon are important venues to distribute the book. Secondly, we are hoping to use revenue generated from book sales to help finance the search (expenses such as website hosting and access to pay research sites, etc.). This is mentioned because there is a major difference in royalties paid between Lulu and the other retail outlets. Books purchased directly through Lulu will generate about four times the revenue for the search as compared to Amazon. So everything being equal on your part, purchasing through Lulu will help the search the most.

Thanks to everyone who been anxious to see the finished product. I have been somewhat AWOL while working on the final touches of the book, but now that it is compete, I intend to jump back into this forum with renewed vigor. There are several interesting leads that have been set aside while I concentrated on the book, but I will persue them afresh now that I can focus on the search.
I see that a couple of copies of the book have been purchased already. When the person who purchased these copies receives them, please PM me. I have some questions concerning the quality of the printing/artwork that you can answer. Thanks!
Just wanted to say I just purchased a copy through Lulu, the sign up and purchase process was very easy, was happy to see paypal is accepted. Received confirmation immediately.

Thanks, Melissa. I have ordered before from Lulu and they did a great job getting me my book in a timely fashion - especially since the book was printed "on-demand".

My concern is that the artwork on the cover in the preview on Lulu looks like it may have "choppy" type. The creation of the cover art involved pulling in a lot of different type files from different sources, then setting the type in Photoshop (which is notorious for type problems). I am hoping that what I am seeing on screen is not a problem on the actual printed piece. When people receive the book, please let me know. Thanks!
Hats off to Dr. Doogie!!!!! I have been in Florida for awhile staying with critical ill family. Hearing the good news about the book was the best news I've had all week. My toughest decision was whether to ship my copies here or back home. I decided to have them shipped home expecting them in weeks Afterwards, I found out how quickly the book ships I should have had it sent here.
Fyi: Ordered the book from Lulu yesterday. Sent link in email to everyone on my mailing list! Hope others will do the same.
i clicked on the link but no picture was visible i even refreshed the page a few times i wonder if its the server
I don't know how I missed this thread yesterday! Congrats Annasmom and Doogie! I can't wait to get my copy!

I will order a book as soon as I can and I will definitely send for my autograph!

FYI: I also posted Doogie's thread re the purchase of the book in WS's book forum...
Thanks, everybody. Once we get a link set up on to, I will put together an email about Anna's case and the book to be distributed. If you decide to create your own email to share about the book, please have people either link straight to Lulu or to the website.
i ordered one also. was easy to use & i like being able to pay with paypal. very reasonable priced and shipping costs (i used media mail) good also. thanks for letting everyone know they were ready. looking forward to it.

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