Senate Candidate Roy Moore accused of molesting 14yo girl

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If children are being victimized, it wouldn't necessarily mean the child or their parents would have to testify in a court trial. Adults knew about Roy's actions (which they did, because tax dollars went to police and security personnel hired to 'keep him away from' underage children), and others even "quietly allowed" the behavior because he was a powerful man. And white. People — adults knew what was happening.

Yes, people ALSO protected each other. That was part of my point. They did what they could when people in power refused to intervene in his criminal behavior to REMOVE HIM from having access to children and provide him CONSEQUENCES for his illegal behavior. Instead, he moved in rarified air, allowed to groom and prey on girls.

He was allowed to continue his predatory activity without any real consequences. Why? Probably because of who he was and his position of power (and so-called godliness).

The culture of hushing and not reporting it that you talk about still exists.

And it was around on the 70s and before, as it was in the 80s, too, and 90s, and 2000s and today. Hopefully we're breaking through the stigma and scapegoating that inhibited adults and law enforcement from prosecuting these chronic offenders — too often white men in positions of authority.

Agreed. 100% I think the U.S. may be at a unique point in history now. It's going to be interesting to see what happens. Trump, who had pretty much admitted to having the morals of an alley cat, on Howard Stern, and had 12 women speak out against him, after the Billy Bush Bus Incident, is our POTUS, and is supporting Moore, so, it really will be an interesting next few years.
Remember, Roy Moore was repeatedly elected/appointed/removed, re-elected/reappointed/removed from office.

He has flagrantly disregarded any law but his own, imo. Repeatedly. He created the Foundation for Moral Law and has warped Christian teachings to suit his predatory worldview.

Yet his party refuses to disown him. (Edit to add: He was indeed a Democrat until the early 90s, when he veered hard to the far right, yet some conservatives today say supporting him is better than risking losing control of their political scorecard.) He has repeatedly flaunted Constitutional and federal law. Yet he’s still in politics. Yet our US president endorsed him.

So much contradiction.

THIS ^ is the part that gets to me. After it got "out" in the general public, as to what he is, WTH were grown *advertiser censored** folks doin' votin' for a <modsnip - term not allowed here>? I just tuned into the t.v. and Seth Meyers just said, of Roy Moore, "Do you know how creepy you had to be, to be "creepy" in the 70s?!" This is exactly what I've been talking about. If you're banned at the mall, folks are told to keep you away from the cheerleaders, and you're trolling for your wife at a pre-teen pageant, they know you have a problem. Even without formal charges, they could've voted his hide out of office.
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How will this sexual assault moment end? With a whimper.

Almost exactly a year ago, Conway participated in a Women Rule Summit, where she preached about the importance of sisterly solidarity. &#8220;It&#8217;s great to ask how we&#8217;re making opportunities for women, but do we even have each other&#8217;s support, frankly, on our way there?&#8221; she asked.

This week Conway answered that question. In an apparent violation of the Hatch Act &#8212; which restricts government officials from using their offices for political gain &#8212; she went on Fox News and strongly suggested viewers support Roy Moore over Democrat Doug Jones in the Alabama Senate election because &#8220;we want the votes in the Senate.&#8221;
No, this may be common in one "sect" of the evangelical church. I've been to enough of them to know that it was not taught in any of them that I attended. Period. It's just like there is a "sect" or offshoot, to use another word for it, of the evangelical church, who are snake handlers. They keep, and handle, poisonous snakes, rattlers, usually, and worship with them draped about their necks and off their arms. Some will even drink poison. If they get bitten, or get sick, they feel their faith was not strong enough. No ambulance is called. They are taken home to live or die. Although, the churches I have attended would be considered evangelical, I have NEVER had this taught as doctrine, in any church that I have ever attended. However, the pastors, and church members, of this splinter, sect/offshoot, of the church, take these verses, from Acts 28:3-5 and Mark 16:18, and have misinterpreted them (to say it lightly and imo). My point being, just because some folks have bought into this home school, grooming, b.s., does not mean that it is being taught all throughout the churches, as doctrine.

Thanks,very much, rsd, for speaking up on this. I am an evangelical Christian and a conservative, and I have listened intently about the Roy Moore saga. I absolutely don't endorse or believe in any of this anti-Biblical preying on children, whether it's done by Republicans or Democrats or purple dinosaurs. I also believe in character and ethics in politicians, and if it takes a scandal like this to bring it back to politics, I'm all for it. It's disgusting that men (or women) in power would hurt or take advantage of children in any way. I always listen to both sides of the issue==I didnt believe the accusers or Roy Moore until I heard the full story(ies). Please do not lump together all Christians (or Republicans or conservatives or women or whatever) based on what a few are doing.
Woman Tried to Dupe Washington Post With False Claim About Roy Moore, Paper Says

A woman with ties to a right-wing activist group falsely claimed to The Washington Post that she had conceived a child with Roy S. Moore, the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama, when she was 15, the newspaper reported on Monday afternoon.

The woman, identified by the paper as Jaime T. Phillips, claimed in recent interviews with reporters that she had an abortion after having sex with Mr. Moore in 1992. But The Post said that it had discovered inconsistencies in her account and evidence that the woman concocted the sensational claim to try to dupe reporters and coax them into discussing the political impact her story could have on Mr. Moore.

A reporter with The Post confronted the woman about the holes in her story on Wednesday and then Post journalists saw her on Monday morning entering the offices of Project Veritas, a conservative group that films undercover videos. The organization, led by the activist James O’Keefe, has recently targeted journalists, trying to goad them into revealing biases or unethical schemes to discredit the news media.

WOW. Woman made up claims against Moore in attempt to entrap the WP.

I found the story because of a segment on Fox News.
How Washington Post exposed effort to peddle phony allegations against Roy Moore

"In one instance, at least, the war on the media has backfired spectacularly.

An effort to entrap the Washington Post into publishing bogus allegations against Roy Moore instead wound up highlighting the paper&#8217;s careful reporting&#8212;and the willingness of a conservative activist to use lies about statutory rape and abortion."
Protect Veritas stepped on a rake.

Kudos to WaPo for its due diligence and high ethical journalism standards.
Trump to campaign for accused child molester Roy Moore? Trump plans campaign rally next door in Pensacola, Florida Dec 8.
I live in Alabama and would probably not even voted Dec 12. Just being honest because I haven't kept up with everything like I should. I usually agree more with Republican candidates, with the exception of our last presidential election which I couldn't vote for either of the main candidates. That being said, I will be voting Dec 12 and not for Moore. It is really sad that these are the people we have to choose from when electing our leaders. I just don't understand how in the world the republican party can justify his actions as being ok

Woman shares new evidence of relationship with Roy Moore when she was 17

Debbie Wesson Gibson was in her attic hauling out boxes of Christmas decorations last week when she noticed a storage bin she said she had forgotten about. Inside was a scrapbook from her senior year of high school, and taped to a page titled &#8220;Those Who Inspire&#8221; was a graduation card.

&#8220;Happy graduation Debbie,&#8221; it read in slanted cursive handwriting. &#8220;I wanted to give you this card myself. I know that you&#8217;ll be a success in anything you do. Roy.&#8221;

The inscription, Gibson said, was written by Roy Moore, the Alabama Republican nominee for U.S. Senate who in recent days has repeatedly denied the accounts of five women who told The Washington Post that he pursued them when they were teenagers and he was an assistant district attorney in his 30s.

Lots of images with the article.
Trump called Roy Moore today. I have no doubt people of Alabama will elect Moore as senator even after all those women came forward. Same people overwhelmingly voted for Trump.
Trump called Roy Moore today. I have no doubt people of Alabama will elect Moore as senator even after all those women came forward. Same people overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

So while others lose their jobs and status Roy Moore wins. Shameful. If it happens, but like you said there's no doubt now.
AZ Senator Jeff Flake tweeted out copy of check for $100.00 to Democratic candidate Doug Jones today with "Country Over Party" written above check.
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