Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #5

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Correction. Not a fire truck. Red caboose

The toys Jodi referenced in the "pedo" letter also found their way into her testimony 2/12/13


Braids were hot . . . alluded to school girl outfit . .. .alluded TA had an interest in younger women . . .

Did he ever ask you to act a little younger?

long pause . . . yea one time
Describe the incident

in his bedroom . . . sometime in fall prior to walking in on him of Jan of 2008 .. .what did he want you to do?
I knew I was coming over to hang out with him which would proably would lead to sex . . he had some toys out on the floor . .. . we didn't actually do anything with them . . he dropped it . . .

it was a little . . train car . . . not a whole train . . . a red caboose . . . . .I thought he wanted me to play with it . . we had already incorporated candy and massage oil . . . he ran it over my body and I over his . . . like a massage . . . . I don't know . . .

We ended up having sex . . . anal sex . . . . wearing the boys underwear . . . playing with these toys - kind of adult play I guess you could say . . .

Yep. Toys became that, and finding the toys in the attic became putting xmas decorations away in the attic. Despite the fact TA's house didn't HAVE an attic.

Also in the pedo letter is a reference to "boy's shorts," which of course became the Spidey undies TA sent her on Valentine's day, despite the fact he didn't even tell her happy VD much less send her anything, and despite the fact she is the one who decided, on February 25, 2008, to dress up as a horny little school girl in braids, told TA she already owned the underwear, told him she wanted to take a bath with him, and mentioned the idea of candy .
Flores even testified there was nothing in the attic she described. No toys. No Christmas decorations stored.

When I think of Toys in the Attic I stI'll think it's my favorite Aerosmith album

November, 2007. JA writes in journal that she didn't take her journal with her to a particular event because she was afraid of what would happen if someone picked it up and read about all those transgressions with Travis.

May 22, 2008. JA writes in journal:

"I am mortified that my phone was stolen. It had a hugely scandalous text message from him (10 pgs!) that he sent last week. It would make a steamy romance novel sound like script from a G-rated Disney movie. I also had 1 or 2 recorded conversations that were equally as scandalous. I never did figure out how to play those back for him. (....)

Wherever my phone is now, I just hope those text messages & conversations are never discovered. yikes. It’s certainly not Pamela Anderson or Paris Hilton level scandal, there’s no video, but it would be embarrassing none-the-less." (from Juror 13 page).
For anyone who has access to BK's site (I still do too). Remember BK posting throughout the PP2, when we only had tweets? Hers are the most comprehensive notes by far for each court day of the retrial.

Here's the thing. The May 26 chat transcriptions on her site and in Juror 13's do not give times, just the content of the chat. In her log for MF's testimony which went over the chat (to distort it), BK does provide times for a number of the lines in the chat; she wrote them down from the chat being displayed on screen. I am sure the times are correct. Some of the lines, with times, are below.

Thing is, those timed lines do NOT seem to match the sequence in transcriptions of the chat, reading it either from bottom up or top down. It matters, not just for getting a sense of how the fight unfolded, but because of what was being said at the end of the chat, where things were left.

If anyone is willing to take a look, do you see what I mean? Can you figure out the actual order? It looks to me like a lot of what was is presented as a transcript is in fact out of order....

2:33 AM thru -4:47AM or 4:49AM. GCHAT

2:36 TA comment on Danny Jones’ FB makes you look a cheap *advertiser censored*

2:38. JA Only you would say that. Anyone else would see it as joke,,,

TA- on to next dick, Kyle Kimball? (PPL, someone she refers to in her (spring 08) journal as someone she doesn’t think, for KK’s sake, she should be around again).

2:42. Never dealt with a more solid form of evil.

Just before 2:45. Caused me more pain than the death of my father.

TA: I do realize I hate you.

3:14AM I may be a liar, a *advertiser censored*, never slashed yr tires.

3:24AM. You tried to murder me from the inside out.

3:32. You deserve so much more than the crap ive given you.

344 . dildo with a heart beat.

349. I get so caught up in wanting to do…

3:59. Unevolved way of…..

4:25 JA--wanted to hear yr voice, yr not the only one who is addicted.
Part of another timeline: The NA55 chat and afterwards with Mysterious Maria (aka )

May 13-May 14. Travis texts virtually nonstop with NA55 between 12:07 AM on May 13 through 11:48PM, May 14, with a few hours-long breaks. His is the first text.

This session is the only time he ever texts with NA55, and is singular as well both for its length and for the long (many hours) stretches of time while texting with her that he is neither receiving or sending other texts.

Also peculiar, IMO, is that he sent “how are ya” texts to other women on and off during this marathon, at times smack in the middle of his most salacious exchanges with NA55. Recipients include CL and Katie.

JA had previously expressed jealousy in writing about Katie, and 3 days later would express it again in her poor me email to TA about giving Katie credit for editing, but not her. Only 5 days earlier, on the 8th, TA seems to have realized that JA had intercepted all the many texts between CL and himself sent after their May 1st tryst. (“You’re dead to me” text was sent to JA literally the moment he figured that out, and while he and CL were still deep in texting

During the marathon with NA55, and again at points one would assume TA found extremely engrossing, Travis also chats briefly and casually with a few PPL associates. His texts are mostly to give pats on the back, nothing urgent about them whatsoever.

At 2:05AM, almost 2 hours in, JA sends her one and only text for the day of May 13:
“Wow. Screening my calls. That hurts. Wow.”

Between 8:54-11:48PM (May 14), TA gives NA55 directions to his house, then an hour or so after she supposedly arrives, they text very briefly about what he said to his roommate (singular) after she left.

NA55’s last text to TA is “oh.” Neither comments about having fun, thanks, talk with you soon, nada, just about roommate and that “oh” at 11:48PM, and then NA55 poofs forevermore.

May 14. 12:03AM. TA to JA----“How dare you.”

3:25AM MariaM texts TA a goodnight, “ gorgeous boy,” tells him to sleep well.

3:26 AM TA replies a goodnight, says his heart is “skipping a beat,” that he’ll talk with her soon.

3:36 AM MariaM texts that she needs his heart in working order, and that he’s a “total darling,” and “Talk soon honey!”

1:53PM. TA texts MariaM.: “Hey there. No call from you last night. What r you doing?”

1:56PM. JA (3 minutes later) texts TA and says thanks for calling me back.

2:09PM. TA texts JA and says---Why are you snooping my LDS account with bogus accounts?

JA goes on one of her long lying explanations…..Haven’t. Was last there 2 days ago, and BTW last time I looked at YOUR account was in Mesa, when you sent me a msg, subject line-“nice *advertiser censored*. “ If I felt like wasting my precious time I wouldn’t use the initial J, and anyway, I could snoop you without you ever knowing.

TA tells her--Chill. “Its just creepy.”

JA doesn’t chill. She keeps going. Tells him LDS linkup is more open to snooping because it doesn’t have a privacy setting.

Then a long explanation about why she doesn’t bother to check her LDS account much anymore, she’s logging in right then to try to find his message so she can see his profile but dang,, so much old mail, dang, his message is deleted, as well as a lot of older msgs, that makes her so sad, how do I find you now without changing search criteria? Ends with--Oh, nevermind, I found you, TDogg!

TA says--Found what out? Don’t waste yr time. It’s precious, remember?

2:37PM JA says, yay, want to turn my computer off. Good job putting your website link in “About Me,” TA says that’s the main reason for me using Linkup now, she says, to promote your website? TA says, no, not really. She says she doesn’t understand, but, “oh well.”

3:39PM. JA sends an accidental text about bringing Jasmine (Yreka friend’s baby) to a street fair that weekend.

3:40. TA doesn’t rise to bait, just says, yah, I’ll see if Jasmine is available (he has no idea who Jasmine is).

3:43. JA replies—(clearly directly to Travis, she's not even trying to pretend otherwise).. She should be since she’s only 12 weeks old, unless she’s napping plans. We can put her in a carrier..hahaha. No reply.

5:52PM. JA texts TA--send me a pic of you.

No other texts that day, only one text on May 15.
Hope, do you know if the 'NA55' showed up like that in texts to Travis, or is that a notation BK's site gave to that texter?

P.S. Thanks for being concerned about my absence, just taking a little head space. :)
Part of another timeline: The NA55 chat and afterwards with Mysterious Maria (aka )

May 13-May 14. Travis texts virtually nonstop with NA55 between 12:07 AM on May 13 through 11:48PM, May 14, with a few hours-long breaks. His is the first text.

This session is the only time he ever texts with NA55, and is singular as well both for its length and for the long (many hours) stretches of time while texting with her that he is neither receiving or sending other texts.

Also peculiar, IMO, is that he sent “how are ya” texts to other women on and off during this marathon, at times smack in the middle of his most salacious exchanges with NA55. Recipients include CL and Katie.

JA had previously expressed jealousy in writing about Katie, and 3 days later would express it again in her poor me email to TA about giving Katie credit for editing, but not her. Only 5 days earlier, on the 8th, TA seems to have realized that JA had intercepted all the many texts between CL and himself sent after their May 1st tryst. (“You’re dead to me” text was sent to JA literally the moment he figured that out, and while he and CL were still deep in texting

During the marathon with NA55, and again at points one would assume TA found extremely engrossing, Travis also chats briefly and casually with a few PPL associates. His texts are mostly to give pats on the back, nothing urgent about them whatsoever.

At 2:05AM, almost 2 hours in, JA sends her one and only text for the day of May 13:
“Wow. Screening my calls. That hurts. Wow.”

Between 8:54-11:48PM (May 14), TA gives NA55 directions to his house, then an hour or so after she supposedly arrives, they text very briefly about what he said to his roommate (singular) after she left.

NA55’s last text to TA is “oh.” Neither comments about having fun, thanks, talk with you soon, nada, just about roommate and that “oh” at 11:48PM, and then NA55 poofs forevermore.

May 14. 12:03AM. TA to JA----“How dare you.”

3:25AM MariaM texts TA a goodnight, “ gorgeous boy,” tells him to sleep well.

3:26 AM TA replies a goodnight, says his heart is “skipping a beat,” that he’ll talk with her soon.

3:36 AM MariaM texts that she needs his heart in working order, and that he’s a “total darling,” and “Talk soon honey!”

1:53PM. TA texts MariaM.: “Hey there. No call from you last night. What r you doing?”

1:56PM. JA (3 minutes later) texts TA and says thanks for calling me back.

2:09PM. TA texts JA and says---Why are you snooping my LDS account with bogus accounts?

JA goes on one of her long lying explanations…..Haven’t. Was last there 2 days ago, and BTW last time I looked at YOUR account was in Mesa, when you sent me a msg, subject line-“nice *advertiser censored*. “ If I felt like wasting my precious time I wouldn’t use the initial J, and anyway, I could snoop you without you ever knowing.

TA tells her--Chill. “Its just creepy.”

JA doesn’t chill. She keeps going. Tells him LDS linkup is more open to snooping because it doesn’t have a privacy setting.

Then a long explanation about why she doesn’t bother to check her LDS account much anymore, she’s logging in right then to try to find his message so she can see his profile but dang,, so much old mail, dang, his message is deleted, as well as a lot of older msgs, that makes her so sad, how do I find you now without changing search criteria? Ends with--Oh, nevermind, I found you, TDogg!

TA says--Found what out? Don’t waste yr time. It’s precious, remember?

2:37PM JA says, yay, want to turn my computer off. Good job putting your website link in “About Me,” TA says that’s the main reason for me using Linkup now, she says, to promote your website? TA says, no, not really. She says she doesn’t understand, but, “oh well.”

3:39PM. JA sends an accidental text about bringing Jasmine (Yreka friend’s baby) to a street fair that weekend.

3:40. TA doesn’t rise to bait, just says, yah, I’ll see if Jasmine is available (he has no idea who Jasmine is).

3:43. JA replies—(clearly directly to Travis, she's not even trying to pretend otherwise).. She should be since she’s only 12 weeks old, unless she’s napping plans. We can put her in a carrier..hahaha. No reply.

5:52PM. JA texts TA--send me a pic of you.

No other texts that day, only one text on May 15.

Sorry but I'm still wondering if NA55 could have been JA("housesitting" for someone in southern CA for those couple of days and just a short skip and a hop to Mesa)... he had his new camera by then(bought April 23/08) and the "how dare you" still fits imo. Then her specifically telling him to send her a pic of him the next day... as in hey, go check out the pics on your new camera.


Travis Alexander's last speech April 24 2008 at the Fort Collins PPLU (Unedited Version)

In it he says he bought his camera the day before.
"Travis texted Jodi that he wanted to buy a new camera on 4/23/15 at about 630pm. So yeah, I guess after talking to her, he must have gotten to best buy by 9pm!"
Hope, do you know if the 'NA55' showed up like that in texts to Travis, or is that a notation BK's site gave to that texter?

P.S. Thanks for being concerned about my absence, just taking a little head space. :)

Hi Geevee! NA = Not Assigned. The raw text decoder used the abbreviation for the phone numbers Travis hadn't assigned names to/put in as his contacts.
'You f*cked* up. What you told my attorney next day directly contradicts what I&#8217;ve been saying for over a year. Get down here ASAP and see me before you talk to them again and before you testify so we can fix this. Interview was excellent. Must talk ASAP.'

The intended recipient clearly didn't know anything about the pedo claim. Otherwise he/she would not have contradicted JA's claim. Therefore this person had nothing to do with forged letters.

MM could have been the intended recipient if he told her attorney he has not seen any bruises on JA, although JM stated in TrialDiary Jen's interview that he does not know who it could have been.

JM also interviewed MM. MM told him he had never seen bruises on JA (JM told JA during his cross *see below). Defense never called him since MM told them the same. As simple as that.

I strongly believe MM &#8800;pedo letter author

MM is nothing more than another alibi who JA hoped to have lied for her but chose not to.

*Watch from 2:58:30 (MM had no knowledge of bruises, objection!, objection!, approach!)
Sorry but I'm still wondering if NA55 could have been JA("housesitting" for someone in southern CA for those couple of days and just a short skip and a hop to Mesa)... he had his new camera by then(bought April 23/08) and the "how dare you" still fits imo. Then her specifically telling him to send her a pic of him the next day... as in hey, go check out the pics on your new camera.

Snipped by me

I once thought that too, Val. One thing for sure, IMO, both of them were playing games with each other by May 13.
Remember 'ha ha ha, I still beat you. Brat'?
Sorry but I'm still wondering if NA55 could have been JA("housesitting" for someone in southern CA for those couple of days and just a short skip and a hop to Mesa)... he had his new camera by then(bought April 23/08) and the "how dare you" still fits imo. Then her specifically telling him to send her a pic of him the next day... as in hey, go check out the pics on your new camera.


Travis Alexander's last speech April 24 2008 at the Fort Collins PPLU (Unedited Version)

In it he says he bought his camera the day before.
"Travis texted Jodi that he wanted to buy a new camera on 4/23/15 at about 630pm. So yeah, I guess after talking to her, he must have gotten to best buy by 9pm!"

Really am 99% positive on this one that JA was the target, not the trap setter.

Look at Maria M context above, and there's more context for the NA55 as TA accomplice that I've posted before, and more, but briefly-

1. What was within the texting.

2. His immediate accusation that she was hacking his LDS linkup (where MariaM had advertised herself).

3. Her long and convoluted denial about even looking at his LDS account and why.

4. His saying to MariaM that he hadn't heard from her "last night" ....when actually they had exchanged texts in the early AM, AFTER the NA55 text.

5. The complete day plus free of JA texts, just the one about his not taking her calls.

6., Travis confronting MariaM on the 21st saying he knew she wasn't who she said she was, stop lying.

7. The text exchange with Regan on the 22 when Regan asks about the psycho and Travis says---- she denied it at first but finally admitted to it.

8. Notice who feels in control (mistakenly)....Travis--- not the .


NA55 was about TA saying to JA....I see you. I know you snoop on me. I think you are going online and trying to trap me, to play games with me by pretending to be other women.

I've had enough. Giving you a taste of your own medicine, showing you how you sound to other folks, not just me, and am trying in every way I know how to get you to stop lying, stop messing with me.
Snipped by me

I once thought that too, Val. One thing for sure, IMO, both of them were playing games with each other by May 13.
Remember 'ha ha ha, I still beat you. Brat'?

I really agree. TA warned her again and again that he was beginning to despise her and to give him a "pardon from her madness."

On May 9 he told her flat out.....stop? I haven't even begun. No more mercy.
For anyone who has access to BK's site (I still do too). Remember BK posting throughout the PP2, when we only had tweets? Hers are the most comprehensive notes by far for each court day of the retrial.

Here's the thing. The May 26 chat transcriptions on her site and in Juror 13's do not give times, just the content of the chat. In her log for MF's testimony which went over the chat (to distort it), BK does provide times for a number of the lines in the chat; she wrote them down from the chat being displayed on screen. I am sure the times are correct. Some of the lines, with times, are below.

Thing is, those timed lines do NOT seem to match the sequence in transcriptions of the chat, reading it either from bottom up or top down. It matters, not just for getting a sense of how the fight unfolded, but because of what was being said at the end of the chat, where things were left.

If anyone is willing to take a look, do you see what I mean? Can you figure out the actual order? It looks to me like a lot of what was is presented as a transcript is in fact out of order....

2:33 AM thru -4:47AM or 4:49AM. GCHAT

2:36 TA comment on Danny Jones&#8217; FB makes you look a cheap *advertiser censored*

2:38. JA Only you would say that. Anyone else would see it as joke,,,

TA- on to next dick, Kyle Kimball? (PPL, someone she refers to in her (spring 08) journal as someone she doesn&#8217;t think, for KK&#8217;s sake, she should be around again).

2:42. Never dealt with a more solid form of evil.

Just before 2:45. Caused me more pain than the death of my father.

TA: I do realize I hate you.

3:14AM I may be a liar, a *advertiser censored*, never slashed yr tires.

3:24AM. You tried to murder me from the inside out.

3:32. You deserve so much more than the crap ive given you.

344 . dildo with a heart beat.

349. I get so caught up in wanting to do&#8230;

3:59. Unevolved way of&#8230;..

4:25 JA--wanted to hear yr voice, yr not the only one who is addicted.

I have not renewed my subscription but wow, the chat has different flavor when read as you presented.
I have not renewed my subscription but wow, the chat has different flavor when read as you presented.

Pocket....have you looked at the chat transcript on Juror 13's website? I think its missing a few lines, but close enough for this purpose. :)
Snipped by me

I once thought that too, Val. One thing for sure, IMO, both of them were playing games with each other by May 13.
Remember 'ha ha ha, I still beat you. Brat'?

I think it was the first thought of pretty much everyone here, including me, that there was something weird and off about the NA55 thing.

It seriously creeped me out, maybe in part because I assumed JA was behind it. It was only after discussing the texting over at BK's that I changed my mind.

The text decoder volunteer offered up the thought it was a trap set by TA and an accomplice. Up to that point it hadn't occurred to me that TA would play that kind of dangerous game with her.

The more I review now the more I agree with Pocket....they were messing with each other, but for entirely different reasons. He needed his sanity back. She needed him to die.
'You f*cked* up. What you told my attorney next day directly contradicts what I&#8217;ve been saying for over a year. Get down here ASAP and see me before you talk to them again and before you testify so we can fix this. Interview was excellent. Must talk ASAP.'

The intended recipient clearly didn't know anything about the pedo claim. Otherwise he/she would not have contradicted JA's claim. Therefore this person had nothing to do with forged letters.

MM could have been the intended recipient if he told her attorney he has not seen any bruises on JA, although JM stated in TrialDiary Jen's interview that he does not know who it could have been.

JM also interviewed MM. MM told him he had never seen bruises on JA (JM told JA during his cross *see below). Defense never called him since MM told them the same. As simple as that.

I strongly believe MM &#8800;pedo letter author

MM is nothing more than another alibi who JA hoped to have lied for her but chose not to.

*Wthan w from 2:58:30 (MM had no knowledge of bruises, objection!, objection!, approach!)

JM said at trial that the testimony referred to in the magazines was to be given during a hearing held within days. I thought that hearing was about the admissibility of the pedo letters? Is that incorrect?

I think I'm following your logic about the recipient not being MM...but--- because the recipient told her lawyers something different than what she 'd been saying for a year doesn't necessarily mean that thing wasn't related to pedo, just that the versions of what happened differed. Toys versus *advertiser censored* on computer or paper, for example.

If not MM, though, who would have forged those letters? Didn't this first come up in 2010? That was 3 years before most people had heard her name, and she certainly didn't talk about pedo in her ghastly 48 hours interview.....

Last, I think there was more to the defense not calling MM than that. Nurmi has said he believes the jury would have given her the DP if MM had testified. Don't think that would be so "just" because JM could prove he would have been willing to lie for her, much less because he wouldn't testify he had seen bruises.
MAY 15-17.

May 15. One text, Travis to JA.

TA says: how about typing up some chapters of my book? No reply from JA.

Day Mimi says just friends, and tells him she didn&#8217;t receive the email he sent her.

May 16. JA sends recognize me/ let&#8217;s be friends email. Excerpts:


Hey, there, I feel like sharing this with you. After all, you are my friend. It&#8217;s been a bit of a sore subject for both of us in the past and sometimes it feels like it continues to be, but I hope you&#8217;ll understand where I am coming from. I really hope you can stretch your mind and heart for this and put yourself in my shoes for the moment. I&#8217;m not saying you have to stay there nor do you have to agree with me, but I think if you give it an honest and sincere effort you will surely understand the way I feel, and why it is I sometimes feel this way.

I know the tone of an email or text message can sometime be ambiguous since the receiver is only interpreting what the tone of the sender would be if it were spoken, so please know that the spirit in which i send this is that of love, camaraderie, and amistad (friendship).

Here goes...

I realized after further introspection why it is that I asked you to give me a little mention in your next post as credit for the task of editing and grammar and typing the lengthly thing out. Partly, it is obvious. You gave your friend Katie a mention, and that was just for the intro.

Logically, I am your friend, too. Your first chapter is at length and much longer, and so being the human that I am, it would make me feel good to have a little recognition thrown my way.

But it goes deeper than that. I know I should be over this by now, and on most levels I am, really. But I feel that I never got the proper &#8220;credit&#8221; or recognition I deserved as your girlfriend&#8230;&#8230;.

(May 16, cont.)

Tells Michelle to check out his website, the video of 3 minute speech making fun of himself for being single. Jared took it with TA&#8217;s new camera.

TA texts with Chris about Larry Smith, Chris says TA should be a trainer, TA asks about comp, it&#8217;s all up to Larry Smith, who TA says asked him if he wanted to run briefings (be a CMC) which was a stupid and weird question since TA had always run the biggest briefings in the state when he was in charge.

Chris says- So did you say yes? TA--Said yes, I love it, and he said he&#8217;s choosing CMC&#8217;s now so he thought he would ask. Sounds fishy. Smith is trying to mooch off what I&#8217;ve already built. If he tries to give me the boot I won&#8217;t let him. No way no how.

May 17.

TA texts JA: Are u texting Gus??? She stalls, diverts. TA tells her he&#8217;s with Gus at an event (a type TA rarely attends), she says-- oh you&#8217;re there? Why yes, I set him up with a date and I&#8217;m stoked for him. Why are you there?

CL is at the same event. He shows her off, tells her it feels good to be kinda serious with her, more than a casual flirt, that many others would be overjoyed to have the chance to treat her as well as she deserves to be treated. Tells her he hopes she reads the book of Mormon, to ask him anything she wants, talks to her to keep her company on her drive home. Tells her he misses her already after she&#8217;s there. They have spent time cuddling (at least) at the event.

TA posts on his blog &#8220;Why I want to Marry a Golddigger.&#8221;


(first piece for May 18, from her journal

(journal excerpts are from Juror 13's webpage, texts for all my timelines are paraphrased from BK's On Crime subscription website).

May 18. Frustrating times. My Helio phone was stolen. It is hugely inconvenient. I notified a few people, namely Ryan, Steve, & Sam, via email/myspace. I hope Ryan doesn&#8217;t think I flaked on him. I also let Gus know, too, since he was supposed to get back to me about how his date w/Joy went. I sort of steered him toward her so I&#8217;m a little proud of myself :)
JM said at trial that the testimony referred to in the magazines was to be given during a hearing held within days. I thought that hearing was about the admissibility of the pedo letters? Is that incorrect?

Your statement is correct.
He orchestrated his cross so that the megazine messages seemed to be related to JA contacting MM (by phone) prior to JM's interview with him. Very clever of JM, the maestro. He was basically telling jurors not to believe anything JA has to say about MM being her ally, the only witness of T's abuse.
IMO, JM, to this day, doesn't know who was the intended recipient.

I think I'm following your logic about the recipient not being MM...but--- because the recipient told her lawyers something different than what she 'd been saying for a year doesn't necessarily mean that thing wasn't related to pedo, just that the versions of what happened differed. Toys versus *advertiser censored* on computer or paper, for example.

Could be... Possible but not probable IMO

If not MM, though, who would have forged those letters? Didn't this first come up in 2010? That was 3 years before most people had heard her name, and she certainly didn't talk about pedo in her ghastly 48 hours interview.....

Maybe one of her family members?

Last, I think there was more to the defense not calling MM than that. Nurmi has said he believes the jury would have given her the DP if MM had testified. Don't think that would be so "just" because JM could prove he would have been willing to lie for her, much less because he wouldn't testify he had seen bruises.

MM would have crushed all of JA's evil lies against Travis.
No pedo, no abuse.
I think JA was wearing red blouse on this day.
JM asked her -MM, he is your ally?
JA replied -Was..
My opinion in blue
It appears that the entry posted below is the only thing the appeals court is waiting for. All other transcripts have been filed so hopefully the words "appeal denied" will come soon. Then she of course can file for the PCR, which I doubt very seriously will be heard...psst, hey butcheress, Judge Sherry already said natural life and she meant it!!

26-Feb-2016 FILED: Motion for Extension of Time to File Transcript - (Michael Babicky)

I forgot to mention that DB is now claiming that KN showed her/him a lot of evidence that wasn't allowed in at the trial, and that she knows a lot that she just can't say. I question her/he's motive for becoming a member of the Super Duper site, especially at this stage of the game. :thinking:
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