Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #2

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Don'tcha know she's voluntarily joined the tiny house movement? I'll bet she'd be jealous if she heard about the woman who has sex with a tree!:laughing:

LOL :hilarious:

You have such an awesome sense of humor. I always enjoy running into your posts on the many many different threads I visit. :applause:
Bwahaha! She's "swamped" with mail and this has given her little spare time! She clearly is such a celebrity that she doesn't have time for every penpal that comes off the pike. LMAO! She's in prison, for gosh sake, what the h***l has she got to do all day? Take the every-other-day mandatory shower? Do her time in the rec yard? Dream about the Hershey bar she'll take a week to pay for if and when she gets a job scrubbing toilets?

I'll bet we can put the "depression" in air quotes, too (remember the Flores interrogation?): JA's narcissistic idea of a low mood and likely not the clinical variety. If she weren't a psychopath, it likely would be just plain old depression reflecting her recent change of scene, no Jodi drama lavished in.

I think the change of scene has been good for her (hehe), too, especially the Perryville upgrade, even more so because there's no ALV to magnify her pathology with glossy magazines and "compassion"! Settle in, and settle down. Sounds like she might be acclimatizing to her new accommodations along with the heat-shimmer rising from the desert! A little downsizing of one's living space often does a world of good.... As we know, she was looking forward to the move, as well as her much-vaunted welcoming reception. That concept only lasted a moment, 'til the guards stepped in and nuked the BS with a little reality check. What's a poor gal to do? Get "depressed" and overwhelmed with life's new possibilities and, of course, all that fan mail....

And as for her budget, she's a veritable model at trimming expenses for the rest of the world—as well as her under age groupies—now that a big chunk of her commissary money is going to the Alexanders and/or the state in restitution. Simplify, simplify! Velveeta with jalapeños is a whole lot easier on the income than strawberry frappucinos; it reflects well on her that she's come to this perspective. Clever, clever!

The Perryville warden is owed a big promotion for her bull-dogged commitment to burying Jodi with hard-assedness. Clever, clever!

I wonder what JA's mug shot would look like now?

The vent mate aspect is a whole story in itself. The relationship was squelched by the prison though, almost as soon as it started, from what I gather. I really stepped in it on FB regarding that.

The murderer's fans (what is left of them) are really tuning up the crazy. Since the murderer is so effectively locked down and cannot communicate, they've resorted to the kind of speculation that has been discussed here. And they are truly rabid now.
I know this is a shock, but apparently someone is not telling the truth. The guy that runs the JAII site responded to supporters worrying about her by posting:

"You have no need to worry. Jodi is having an awesome time. She's actually happier and has more freedom than most people on the "outside." "

So either she's happy to have her sweatshirts w/those incredible swamp coolers, she's sweltering in 100+ degree temps, she's depressed or she's having an awesome time. Who to believe?As someone pointed out in another forum, if she is saying she's having an awesome time in Perryville, she's actually sicker than anyone knew cuz that just ain't right!

Dude has to keep the money flowing somehow. ;-)
I know this is a shock, but apparently someone is not telling the truth. The guy that runs the JAII site responded to supporters worrying about her by posting:

"You have no need to worry. Jodi is having an awesome time. She's actually happier and has more freedom than most people on the "outside." "

So either she's happy to have her sweatshirts w/those incredible swamp coolers, she's sweltering in 100+ degree temps, she's depressed or she's having an awesome time. Who to believe?As someone pointed out in another forum, if she is saying she's having an awesome time in Perryville, she's actually sicker than anyone knew cuz that just ain't right!

LOL - vote for the funniest quote about JA: "... is having an awesome tie. She's actually happier and has ore freedom than most people on the outside".

These (jaii socially undesirable) are the kind of people with whom you can't have rational discussions. There is no rationality for them. What they say is the truth regardless of what they might be confronted with.

I've seen police interviews

LE: "This is video of you doing xyz, your DNA is there, your fingerprints are on the weapon, we have eyewitnesses in addition to the video."
Criminal: "Gosh, it sure does look like me, but it's not me. I was never there, it didn't happen."
LE: "How do you explain the mountain of evidence proving you not only were there, you did this?"
Criminal: "I can't explain it. I just know that it wasn't me, I wasn't there, I didn't do it."

People like that- you never ever ever get them to admit what they don't want to acknowledge - they need to think they have the upper hand and in a way they do - you can't argue with crazy. It's infuriating trying to have a normal conversation with them about anything, not even the weather.
In case anyone hasn't seen it yet - or wants to watch the made-for-TV movie again - Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret will air on LMN at 4:00 (EDT) today.
LOL - vote for the funniest quote about JA: "... is having an awesome tie. She's actually happier and has ore freedom than most people on the outside".

These (jaii socially undesirable) are the kind of people with whom you can't have rational discussions. There is no rationality for them. What they say is the truth regardless of what they might be confronted with.

I've seen police interviews

LE: "This is video of you doing xyz, your DNA is there, your fingerprints are on the weapon, we have eyewitnesses in addition to the video."
Criminal: "Gosh, it sure does look like me, but it's not me. I was never there, it didn't happen."
LE: "How do you explain the mountain of evidence proving you not only were there, you did this?"
Criminal: "I can't explain it. I just know that it wasn't me, I wasn't there, I didn't do it."

People like that- you never ever ever get them to admit what they don't want to acknowledge - they need to think they have the upper hand and in a way they do - you can't argue with crazy. It's infuriating trying to have a normal conversation with them about anything, not even the weather.

Yep, not even the weather and not even these: 10514649_10152530463425568_1064719111755211694_n.jpg

I learned that the hard way very recently. Yikes.
Spectacular shot! :D

Thank you. Fans of the murderer didn't like my inserting hummingbird photos into their vitriol. :floorlaugh: I just kept doing it and telling them that I had hundreds of these photos.

I also mentioned specific facts about hummingbirds in general and certain species in particular.
Thank you. Fans of the murderer didn't like my inserting hummingbird photos into their vitriol. :floorlaugh: I just kept doing it and telling them that I had hundreds of these photos.

I also mentioned specific facts about hummingbirds in general and certain species in particular.
That's almost as good as the hacker(s) who took over the Confederate Flag FB page and turned it into a Southern LBGT page for Michelle Obama and Judaism!
Don't forget to ask them if Jodi likes humming birds, it'll discombobulate them!:hilarious:
That's almost as good as the hacker(s) who took over the Confederate Flag FB page and turned it into a Southern LBGT page for Michelle Obama and Judaism!
Don't forget to ask them if Jodi likes humming birds, it'll discombobulate them!:hilarious:

Actually (here I go again!) AZ is probably the best U.S. state when it comes to hummingbirds, both in sheer numbers and in the number of species. It was appropriate. :floorlaugh: I was always civil when it came to discussion of the trial. I'm anti-DP and not a moral imbecile or a dope.

I quit that discussion page because it became so toxic. One woman even told me to shove the pics up my ars*. Note the asterisk and the spelling I just used. When I voiced my concerns to the admin of that page weeks later and asked her how it was going, she accused me of stalking her. Such a puerile mess...but I was trying to diffuse the illogical and loco conversations with hummingbird pics and facts.

And it is sort of like the situation you mention with the Confederate flag...just a little more subtle. :fence:

Janx, yer killing me! My face is hurting from smiling :) I enjoy hearing about your hummingbird infestation at that site. I'll bet you had fun. I would have cracked up reading the "discussions". Sometimes, it takes so little to get them frothing at the mouth. Something as delightful as a hummingbird? My gosh, you'd think you were posting horrid amoral things, not something so tiny and busy and beautiful! Jeez, who doesn't appreciate a hummingbird? I guess some people like wallowing in the putridness of anger and self-righteousness.

:dance: :rollercoaster:

:panic: OMG! A pretty picture in the middle of our important discussions! :hilarious:

People like that- you never ever ever get them to admit what they don't want to acknowledge - they need to think they have the upper hand and in a way they do - you can't argue with crazy. It's infuriating trying to have a normal conversation with them about anything, not even the weather.

I never EVER have a conversation w/crazy anymore. They don't win if you ignore them in much of the 'conversation' and just emphasize the moral/point - they lack social graces/ethics, etc etc (you are really just talking to a narcissist wall). Lol
That's almost as good as the hacker(s) who took over the Confederate Flag FB page and turned it into a Southern LBGT page for Michelle Obama and Judaism!
Don't forget to ask them if Jodi likes humming birds, it'll discombobulate them!:hilarious:

I was thinking hundreds of posts of dog "reincarnations" of Doggie Dog or whatever was the name of the poor canine she kicked to death. They could all be having happy lives "on the outside".
Janx, yer killing me! My face is hurting from smiling :) I enjoy hearing about your hummingbird infestation at that site. I'll bet you had fun. I would have cracked up reading the "discussions". Sometimes, it takes so little to get them frothing at the mouth. Something as delightful as a hummingbird? My gosh, you'd think you were posting horrid amoral things, not something so tiny and busy and beautiful! Jeez, who doesn't appreciate a hummingbird? I guess some people like wallowing in the putridness of anger and self-righteousness.

:dance: :rollercoaster:

:panic: OMG! A pretty picture in the middle of our important discussions! :hilarious:

Exactly. Justice worked in this case. Life goes on, thank Dog.
What if we didn't have our justice system? I'm an old and well educated woman, but this was the first trial I'd ever followed--on Youtube with no commentary or sensation. AZLawyer was here to explain and educate. Really, in the history of trials and trial education, this was a big one because of the technology of social media.

It was a good first trial to follow since evidence was clear. I wondered about the defense attorneys and despised them until I realized that they were up against so much; they were doing their jobs. The only problem i have with the defense attorneys, as I have mentioned before, is that they are taking their anti-DP cause too far.
I never EVER have a conversation w/crazy anymore. They don't win if you ignore them in much of the 'conversation' and just emphasize the moral/point - they lack social graces/ethics, etc etc (you are really just talking to a narcissist wall). Lol

Add to this, they have the most foul mouthed females I have ever heard. Trash mouths!!!! :shame:
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