Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #2

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Travis Alexander's Friend Recalls Telling Jodi Arias About the Murder

For what it's worth!!!

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Marketing spot for a news channel .
'nuff said and nothing new for those that followed ... we have heard about his phone call to her before

A new TV show, "Murder made us famous ".. On a channel I have never even heard of... wanting ratings. Thanks for letting us know, but I will pass.
That program comes on tonight at 9 on the REELS channel. Weren't Dan and his sister people who took up for Jodi and testified for the prosecution? I thought at least one of them visited her in jail. If so, it will be interesting to see what he says now.
Sounds like Dan ... wasn't too clued in as to ... the real Jodi or he never would have called her! :rolleyes:

Well considering Dan hadn't seen what's behind door #1 and door #2, I think he may have been a little smitten with her from the outset -- even after "the Havasupai-backpack-hissyfit-incident".

Didn't they have some sort of convo about digital cameras or photography in general? She probably showed him a completely different side of herself (save for the backpack incident) than the psycho/drama/stalker-y side that Travis, sadly, would have to deal with later on. :(

Also, does anyone know if Dan was part of Travis' inner circle who knew all the bs that JA put TA through the last year or so of his life, or was he just sort of out on the periphery and out of the loop to all the back-biting that was going on between them both? As Det. Harry Callahan once famously said, "to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself." :D

But, yeah... taking JA to TA's memorial service? A-w-k-w-a-r-d.

And Dan driving her by TA's house afterwards? PTSD my foot! Hmm... I wonder if that should have been brought up by Juan or Dr. D at trial (unless I missed it)? Oh, heck... of course Jodi or ALV or Dr. Fog would have a rational explanation for her doing that, too. Duh! lol
Just checking in, yes I am still following this case and lurk on various FB pages & groups, and occasionally that crazy supporter site. Saw the final tally of the "Appellate Trust Fund" which I think is just a bunch of hogwash. Also saw the latest letter from the killer to Garry, oh yes, she is "swamped" all right, in sweat maybe.
Reviewed the information on the AZDOC website and saw her appellate attorney has requested transcripts & exhibits to review. God bless that poor attorney! Imagine having to wade through all that garbage looking for legal errors! And I will bet she finds none, at least of any magnitude that will present a major appellate issue that will affect the verdict or even get the killer a new trial. More waste of taxpayer dollars....Any guess of when her appeal will be heard? I am thinking another 2 yrs or so.
Can't wait until Juan writes his book. Though in the back of my mind, I wonder if this is indeed true as I didn't think a prosecutor can write any book until appeals are finished. I hope it is as good as Bugliosi's "Helter Skeltor" or the book about Jeffrey MacDonald. I can't remember that author but remember at first he was a MacDonald supporter but changed his mind after doing all the research for the book.
I wonder if CMJA's family has been down to visit her. I will bet not.
What a miserable life the killer must have. I don't claim happiness for a human being suffering, but she did the crime and must do the time. Her choice led her to where she is. When I think of the cruelty she inflicted on Travis, all her lies, Travis' (continued) character assassination and her last statement at sentencing to that poor family, her punishment is deserved. She is a murderer, and a threat to society. She would have killed again.
Yep, I plan to watch "Murder Made Me Famous" tonight on Reelz as well. It'll be interesting to see Dan Freeman speak.
I think it was Aaron Dewey who drove her past Travis' home. I believe he also drove her to give a DNA sample and interview with Flores, but IIRC, she clammed up and wouldn't talk at the time. I don't remember if Dan was into photography, but I do recall Taylor Searle gave him (Travis) advice as to what camera to buy. I can't recall who picked the butcheress up from the airport, anyone know offhand?
Went to a party today and a friend's daughter was there. I knew she had done 3 years prison time for drugs and had been released a couple of years ago, but did not realize it was Perryville. I told her about Websleuths and asked her about JA's 2 sweatshirt comment. She burst out laughing and said "That girl's lying her azz off.". She then said it was hell in the summer and demonstrated the swam cooler's air output by softly blowing, like blowing out a birthday candle. She said the winter was better because of the blankets. I wanted to ask all kinds of questions, but it was her grandmother's party so I shut up.
Thanks for the reminder abt tonights show salberg7!! post # 406
I'm watching the REELZ " Murder Made Me Famous" about Jodi now. She really is evil.
Watched the show. Think it was as accurate as any speculation. Her Fans:laughing: are not going to be please. :jail:

It's astonishing how many outfits JA had. I mean, who can afford all that stuff? It's not even like they're crappy clothes. And all she had was waitressing, which she skipped out of on a regular basis? And constantly needed a lot of gas for her midnight visits to Travis from Palm Desert or wherever she lived.

It's also amazing that Flores managed to light on the exact pair of pants she used in the murder. She probably owned 50 other pairs.

And notice in that photo TA doesn't want to touch her. He probably had the queasies about her a lot, but maybe couldn't figure out why. There may have been many people in his life who also gave him the queasies, and he'd learned to ignore that feeling.
^^^Not just regular outfits either, but usually her choice of clothes reflect alot of cleavage. If you are going on a trip with a religious group as well as a brother and sister (the Freemans) I would think you would want to dress with a bit more modesty.
Watched the show, it was more of the same as "Dirty Little Secret" but reflected their relationship as well as any other fiction out there. Crawling through the doggie door was "priceless". One thing that strikes me when watching any of the movies associated with this crime is just how bloody the crime must have been. Both of them must have been covered in blood. How terrifying. I think she showered over Travis' body after putting him in there, as there were no blood stains on the carpeted stairs or to the laundry room and poor Travis was essentially rinsed of most blood in the shower.
How anyone can say this crime was self defense is absolutely beyond me. It was clearly premeditated and his murder was overkill.
I still believe that Travis had no idea the killer was coming to see him that fateful night. I think she snuck in and just appeared when he was watching youtube videos & he felt sorry for her and let her stay. I am sure he thought he was done with her. The bad thing is that alot of people say he was emotionally abusive to her (Zervakos in last night's movie for instance) due to his messages and chats during April-May 2008, but I think she just got under his skin so much that he was at wit's end and was tired of being nice to her, figuring that stronger words to her would get his point across better and she would leave him alone. After all, nothing he said to her was untrue, IMO. Any other normal woman would have gotten the hint months prior that he just wasn't into her anymore & faded away, but the killer was not any other woman but an obsessed sociopath.
I am curious to know what the killer felt she needed to speak to an attorney about, as it was alluded she had done many people wrong and needed a lawyer. Hacked into PPL? Employee records or personnel files? Don't know that we will ever know.
And notice in that photo TA doesn't want to touch her. He probably had the queasies about her a lot, but maybe couldn't figure out why. There may have been many people in his life who also gave him the queasies, and he'd learned to ignore that feeling.

Yeah, he rationalized mistrust of people as something unhealthy or bad due to his abuse. They feel guilty for having negative feelings, and learn not to trust those feelings because they have so much fear left over from similar early childhood experiences, that they don't know how else to deal with 'bad feelings.' So they stop learning how to associate a person as causing them bad or healthy feelings with conviction -reminder of trauma and they could be disproportionately associating negative feelings. It's some weird defense mechanism for the mind, probably. He was also trying to live by his faith, so it probably would have felt like casting a stone for him about her... heh. It's so darn hard to feel emphatically sometimes even though mentally you KNOW something is off about someone, you don't feel it emotionally because someone is hiding too well for others to see.

You know what, I'd bet that Travis had a hard time feeling confident too, too many good feelings probably overwhelms someone if they faced what he did as well. How do you know for sure to trust your judgement, it's a fragile psyche I would imagine.
Weather forecast for Phoenix today- 113F... now that's hot no matter how dry it is.
From my 'Twitter'. Active link is there also.
Beautiful picture.
Justice4Travis ‏@Justice4TravisA 10h10 hours ago
Guys, I just want to show you this amazing group of people - jurors from both trials, Tanisha, Harold and Det....
I watched the show and was truly shocked at how graphic it was! The way they showed JA brutally murdering him was alot to take over the screen...
They possibly portrayed the way things went down, even the fact that she may have gone thru the doggy door. That was a big doggy door!!
I agree salberg7, I don't necessarily think he was verbally or emotionally abusive to her, he just became so frustrated w/her that he tried anything to discourage her from him, and nothing was working. Poor guy. All jmo.
LMAO, one of the whackos from the butcheress's "life support" site posted this pic and thinks the female posing with Juan is our friend Katiecoolady. Too funny!!!! This one is our friend, but the wrong Katie. They used this caption: Juan cops a feel off Katie Cool Lady ....... " You got some *advertiser censored* on you girl"

I just have to let KCL know, she will laugh her *advertiser censored* off. :laughing:

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