Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #2

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Maybe the $2500 brought JA's insurance current, so she had insurance when she rented the car in June, but not back when she was borrowing the BMW and attempting to rent the U-Haul to move?

U-Hauls are surprisingly expensive. Plus, she had to have a truck and a dolly. I was recently quoted $3000 for a tiny truck cross country, without gas, so $2500 doesn't seem out of line to me.

The original plan might have been for Mom to drive the car and JA the truck. What do you think she could have had in that truck?
IIRC,, Bill told Flores in his interview about Sandy saying that to the killer about her stuff being crap, etc. I don't think Bill said that was what they fought about, but could easily be wrong.

In the killer's journal she says she didn't appreciate her mother's negativity about not having a good flight etc., and acted Christlike (snark) by telling her mother to act more positive, which led to Sandy telling her FU and heading straight back.

Who knows. Two lying lawless Arias's and a clueless father/husband. Anything is possible.

You know, I kinda respect her mother for doing that. A long time ago I drove home from San Diego (2.5 hours) for a family party only to have a family friend guilt-trip me for not coming home more/sooner. It pissed me off so much I turned around and left!
IIRC,, Bill told Flores in his interview about Sandy saying that to the killer about her stuff being crap, etc. I don't think Bill said that was what they fought about, but could easily be wrong.

In the killer's journal she says she didn't appreciate her mother's negativity about not having a good flight etc., and acted Christlike (snark) by telling her mother to act more positive, which led to Sandy telling her FU and heading straight back.

Who knows. Two lying lawless Arias's and a clueless father/husband. Anything is possible.

He doesn't seem clueless to me at all: it's like every time he speaks, he rolls his eyes, and says "typical", "how did I guess" "obvious to me." It always seemed as though he had pent-up observations that he never got a chance to say because his wife and kids shut him up. So out it burbles, starting with the interrogation room. If his wife were there, he'd be going "Told you so. That's what I've been saying all along, but you thought you knew better and wouldn't hear it."
Hey! Is THAT why Jodi wore a brace on her hand/wrist (or maybe just had it bandaged) during her trial? I don't remember anyone on tv or on fb ever explain that. Did she punch a wall or somethin' back then? I know she likes to kick things (wall at work, #1 mom, dog), but I didn't think she was a puncher, too.

Anyways... thanks to all the posters who are keeping us updated as to whats-her-name's latest legal wranglings. I just love that she's getting smacked down at every turn. :)

The Soup Nazi to Jodi: Please, you're wasting everyone's time. No appeal for you!! (<-- double exclamation point)

Or as Keith Hernandez and Walt Frazier say in their Just For Men hair color commercial... "DE-NIED" :D

Yes, she punched some walls in Estrella. Hope they bill her for the damage.
What all did she have? She was sleeping on the floor until someone gave her a futon. I know Bill said they were using something of hers that she brought back, but most she hadn't done anything with and it was just sitting there. In ways it makes sense that Sandy would tell her that what she had was crap, and didn't want to spend the money in dragging it back to Yreka, handed over the money and fly back home.

Jodi told Detective Flores that if she was being arrested that the person to handle her affairs didn't live close by. I had the impression it was MM in Monterrey.

It's so bizarre that she had "someone to handle her affairs." Who, in good health, has someone to "handle their affairs" at age 30? Bwahahaha! What "affairs" did she even have? She didn't own anything! No dependents...
The killer gets only one paid for direct appeal, the one being prepared now to the COA. After the COA hears (obligated to) and denies her appeal the killer can appeal that denial to the AZ Supreme Court, but will have to pay for the appeal herself , and the AZ SC isn't obligated to hear it at all.

She also is entitled (sadly) to a free post conviction relief (PCR) process. It isn't an appeal per se, but it will be her only chance to argue ineffective counsel, or to try to bring in "new" "evidence. "

Unfortunately for her , JSS (or a replacement Superior Court judge) will decide whether or not her PCR petition has any merit. So, not happening. She can appeal a PCR denial, but at her own expense.

After state avenues of appeal and relief have been exhausted she can file a writ of habaes corpus, which is an appeal to a federal court arguing that her constitutional rights to a fair trial were somehow violated. The federal court isn't obligated to take the appeal, which she'd have to pay for, and which would be VERY expensive.

Appeals beyond the federal circuit court are so unlikely as to not be worth mentioning, except to say...she'd have to pay for them and there is no way she'll ever be able to come up with that kind of money. IMO she won't be able to pay for even one fed appeal.

Much as we hated them- Nurmi and Wilmott did their jobs and gave her the best defense they could. She has zero grounds for ineffective counsel. They would have had to both be sleeping during the trial for that to fly and it's rare for that to be granted. What "new" evidence could she possibly have? It's not like it was a whodunnit and she confessed and the evidence matched that she was there and the last person to see Travis alive. She had means, motive, and opportunity. Clearly, despite her gas cans, she was in Arizona when she claimed she wasn't.
I hadn't spent much time watching the female interrogator because Flores was much more interesting, but the little snippet I watched in this interrogation segment really wasn't half bad. I'm thinking she hasn't been given that much credit. For one thing, her body language is excellent. She's leaned right into Jodi. Jodi is doing her thing of messing with her hair (when do we not see her messing with her hair?), but it's a habit and relaxed, not so much contrived as it is with Flores. And then, the detective has let down her hair. I always wondered about this—it seemed so un-policelike—but she has a big kink in it, so you can tell she's let it down for Jodi's benefit. She also has a very soft and inviting voice, plus she seems to be a good listener (appearance is everything to Jodi). Her interrogation is more like a girl chat with the school nurse, not the school principal. Flores is more like an assistant principal responsible for discipline. Since Jodi does her little girl voice with them a lot, it's not a bad strategy to pretend like they're in school. Also, they seem on her side, which is exactly what Jodi didn't get from school, and they may have thought this would be seductive to her.

Anyway, the female detective's interrogation is a contrast to earlier when she does the gofer duties (e.g. producing a sandwich and accompanying Jodi to the toilet) for Flores; at those times, she's a no-nonsense tough broad officer snap snap.

She seems to be a fairly junior officer (plus, a deputy in the sheriff's department, not the high falutin' State Police), and I think she deserves more notice for how she carried herself that day.

Seen I've seen Yreka, there's probably not much more to that Sheriff's office than the inquisition room, a kitchenette (you can hear the microwave) and a very basic staff office. The printer may have been in the interrogation room for the simple reason there was nowhere else to put it.

Saw that interrogation tactic on another show recently. They mirror the perp's behavior as a way to get the subject to feel relaxed and closer to them. Bonding.
I think it was MM too. As far as her crap. Exactly. She'd hone from owning a home (on paper anyway) to not even owning a bed. She probably had books and her "art," the potted plants she killed in the UHaul, and at least a couple piles of stuff she had stolen from Travis.

My guess is renting a UHaul was more about creating drama about a Big Move, and having an excuse to stay in Mesa every last minute she could, hoping Travis would throw himself in front of the UHaul and beg her to stay.

Does anyone remember JA mentioning how she moved all of her stuff to Mesa? I imagine she showed up in her car with a stuffed trunk, not a rented 16 footer! I agree the rental was more about creating drama and obstacles to leaving Mesa because she sure didn't seem to have any difficulties coming to Mesa.
U-Hauls are surprisingly expensive. Plus, she had to have a truck and a dolly. I was recently quoted $3000 for a tiny truck cross country, without gas, so $2500 doesn't seem out of line to me.

The original plan might have been for Mom to drive the car and JA the truck. What do you think she could have had in that truck?[/QUOTE]

BBM In the truck? My guess is halter tops and hot chocolate soaked cell phones :scared:
U-Hauls are surprisingly expensive. The original plan might have been for Mom to drive the car and JA the truck. What do you think she could have had in that truck?

* Three things: a pile of clothing, a porcelain angel, and a cardboard box that may or may not have contained her social security card. :D
Much as we hated them- Nurmi and Wilmott did their jobs and gave her the best defense they could. She has zero grounds for ineffective counsel. They would have had to both be sleeping during the trial for that to fly and it's rare for that to be granted. What "new" evidence could she possibly have? It's not like it was a whodunnit and she confessed and the evidence matched that she was there and the last person to see Travis alive. She had means, motive, and opportunity. Clearly, despite her gas cans, she was in Arizona when she claimed she wasn't.

She powered on her cell phone outside of Kingman Arizona. Flores called her on - lost for hours - took a nap in the car because she "literally" ran out of gas, but found her phone charger when she woke up and was doing some housekeeping in the car, she never says how she got gas to continue her way to see Ryan Burns in Salt Lake.
Yes, and I think it was the twenty second - twenty fourth, that they were coming back from Las Vegas, she wrote that Travis was in a bad mood, but by the time they got back to Mesa he was in a better mood, and she went home and cleaned up (I think those were her words), grabbed the tootsie pops and went to Travis's. So she was in Travis's bed twenty four hours after she "caught" him on the twenty first. Didn't seem to bother her at all no matter what she says.

Sooo, the tootsie pop pics were from Jan 2008 and not June, correct?
Does anyone remember JA mentioning how she moved all of her stuff to Mesa? I imagine she showed up in her car with a stuffed trunk, not a rented 16 footer! I agree the rental was more about creating drama and obstacles to leaving Mesa because she sure didn't seem to have any difficulties coming to Mesa.

Well Arias slept in it for 4 days before leaving for Yrekka. also she stopped at Julie's to pick up things she stored there. according to her journal/text messages.
In one message she text TA about coming inside cause the uhual didn't recline. he took her a pillow.
arias was trying to get TA to let her stay at his home and he stonewalled Arias. Probably why she testified to Trravis giving her the double bird.
That's gonna hurt!!! Hope she breaks a few bones in her knuckles. Irresistible force (not my terminology) meets immovable object (concrete). I accidentally kicked a small step (one of the very few) in my house as I was in a hurry and flying through the house to get ready before a friend came over a couple of weeks ago- my big toe is still black & blue.

I feel for you Linask, A hurt foot really hinders your activities. hope your big toe gets better soon.
Does anyone remember JA mentioning how she moved all of her stuff to Mesa? I imagine she showed up in her car with a stuffed trunk, not a rented 16 footer! I agree the rental was more about creating drama and obstacles to leaving Mesa because she sure didn't seem to have any difficulties coming to Mesa.

I'm trying to get back in at Beth's site so I can back to the time before she went to Mesa. There is something about when she and Travis "broke up" that she fled to Big Sur and MM, and then moved to Mesa in August, and MM wasn't happy that she was moving there and told her so. He thought it was a bad idea.
Jodi writes of Sandy's trip to Mesa. She said Sandy *****ed and griped as soon a she picked her up at the airport, and they got into a fight and Sandy flew back home.

Since she mentions that MM was in Mesa around that time, I wonder if he was going to drive back with her, but he didn't have insurance either? so she called Sandy. I don't think it was as planned as they say about that trip. Sandy had to take off work to go down there. Jodi needed Sandy there for some reason. Bill Arais wasn't happy about the money spent on that trip, he shows his bitterness in his interview.

iI'm trying to remember where I'd read that Sandy told Jodi to leave what she had behind, it was crap, and that was what the fight was about. Anyone else remember that?

I remember something about her telling her she didn't need to bring all that old stuff back but like you I can't remember if it was in testimony or in her journal or in a text. Maybe someone else can remember where we got that information. it is going to drive me crazy until I find out, just like that corking the pot did. LOL
Sooo, the tootsie pop pics were from Jan 2008 and not June, correct?

Yes, it was in January. So why still be talking about four months later if it wasn't all that? She also writes during the January timeframe (IIRC) that Travis made love to her for the second time, and it was different, and he wanted it to be special.
Thanks! It's not so much as painful now as ugly. I can wear shoes fortunately, but I'm hoping it's healing. It's gone from blue to black. Hoping it doesn't get gangrene and hoping I can avoid another doctor visit. One other time, near Christmas I tripped over rolls of curling ribbon on the floor and bruised the middle toe on my other foot. Thought I broke it because it hurt so bad... the doctor prescribed me Tramadal- that was a nightmare!

You need steel-toed slippers!
I wonder how much the ridiculous motion to dismiss and the motion to reconsider cost AZ taxpayers?

At what point is enough enough and far too much? She's a garden variety killer who has already cost AZ taxpayers millions, her direct appeal hasn't even been briefed or considered yet, and taxpayers will foot the bill for attorneys to go through the motions (heh) of winning a chance at PC relief.

She's not legally entitled to have attys waste taxpayer money on these frivolous motions. There should be some kind of safeguard in the system that protects the right of taxpayers to not have THEIR tax dollars spent on pure farce.

I Don't see how AZ can afford to spend this kind of money on all their murder defendants. CMJA costs the taxpayers over three million dollars for her trials and we all know appeals cost lots of money but how can AZ justify spending another three million on this convicted murderess and not on their other convicts? If I was an AZ taxpayer I would start a campaign to stop this over spending. Most people don't have millions to spend on their defense so why should the taxpayers pay it out for her? She wasn't even an AZ resident. She was living in CA.
In her journal on Aug 1, she talks about not blaming others for your situation, she says you can take the road of blame or the road of responsibility. Can you believe that??? She even says you are responsible for your situation because of the choices you made. Why didn't Juan Martinez show that in court? This woman blames everyone else but herself. She even blames the Alexanders for the length of the two trials because she was trying to settle. Even that half bald Attorney of hers said that. But they failed to say it was a settlement for 2nd degree not 1st degree. Someone needs to remind that idiot what she wrote in her own journal.
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