Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #2

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Not sure if it's been reported and I just missed seeing it, but there is another DENIAL on COA website today. This is the one about Juan's book:

View attachment 84025

It's dated 11/6, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't there during the day on Friday.


Another one bites the dust......:cupcake:
Not sure if it's been reported and I just missed seeing it, but there is another DENIAL on COA website today. This is the one about Juan's book:

View attachment 84025

It's dated 11/6, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't there during the day on Friday.

Oh this makes me so happy, but are you sure it has to do with Juans book and not the AG's motion to open some of the sealed evidence that they said had nothing to do with her appeals
Originally Posted by samspace070
I have no idea, this woman was nuts and did stupid things and clever things, maybe there is a reason we can't conceive from a psycho like her, but you have a valid point, "why would she put fake photos on his camera. But the pic of him lying on the bed appearing to be asleep after 50 seconds of her rear photo doesn't make sense. This is a real puzzle for someone to figure out.

Whoa, I think I may have just had a "BAM" moment. The nudie pics have always seemed odd and out of place to me. Under lit, out of focus, etc.

Now... unlike several here at WS, I always believed they each posed for their nudies (as bad as they are), and were in fact taken the afternoon that She-Devil killed Travis.

But... if I put samspace and pages' posts together... I just had an epiphany.

Now first of all, I know all the photo images on digital camera are recorded and captured by the camera's memory card so a person can't simply download pics from their computer harddrive (or flash drive/memory stick/thumb drive device, etc) directly on to the camera's memory card to "fake" a picture being taken by the camera. BUT... it is ***entirely*** possible for a person to use a digital camera to take a picture of another picture! In so doing, that would explain how nekkid pictures previously taken of Jodi and Travis were found on his camera's memory card -- because Jodi used Travis' camera to take pictures of old pictures which she had printed out and brought with her. Right???

That would explain why the nudies look dark -- because when taking pictures of pictures, she would have only been able to use the natural light that was available to her in the room at the time and would not have used the camera's flash. Why? Because had she used the camera's flash, the pictures would have been "blown out" from the reflection of the flash itself. That sounds about right.

And Jodi taking pictures of pictures would also explain the poor focus of the nekkid picture images. Don't all digital cameras these days focus automatically by pressing the shutter button halfway? The blurry pics of Travis on his bed might still be blurry if the camera didn't focus correctly when she took the pic. But she could always take another picture of him after the focus was set correctly, right? BUT... if she's talking a picture of a picture of Travis, she has to get the camera lens zoomed in close enough to fill the LCD screen with the image she is about to take, and if you are too close to a subject with the wrong lens, the image will be fuzzy and appear out of focus. The only way to get the image back in focus is to get further away from the subject. And she couldn't do that and still fill the camera's LCD screen with the picture of Travis she was taking. That also sounds about right.

I also remember her saying to Det. Flores about the recovered nekkid images, "it sort of looks like me, but were they maybe taken on a different day"? That would make sense that the pics were indeed from an earlier encounter. Presumably the only thing she didn't think about was Travis' camera embedding a timestamp in the pics she took on July 4th. Whoopsies!

It's only three years too late for her trial, and thankfully she's now rotting in prison for the rest of her poor, pathetic, miserable life, but has anyone mentioned Jodi perhaps doing this (taking pictures of pictures) to get the nudies on Travis' camera. Considering that I am now starting to think they may not have had any sexual encounters that day, I can totally see her doing that. She's that cunning! (though still shortsighted re: the timestamp thing, lol)

Is my theory within the realm of possibilities, or too far out there? Would Jodi taking pictures of pictures also explain the timing and sequence of the nudies? Because it would certainly explain the poor lighting and focus. And it IS one way to get nekkid pics of them on his camera card for he and Mimi to unexpectedly see as they view their vacation pics of Cancun. And if that was her intention, she must not have thought about killing him till later on that afternoon. Otherwise, why even bother?

Sorry for the long post! lol

I already posted before I read your post, but you answered my question about downloading / uploading (whichever one, lol) pics from her camera to his. Though I'd never thought about the possibility of her taking pictures of pictures. I think you could be onto something, WingDing. . I also don't think Ms. Einstein was thinking about the time stamp or thought she could change it and couldn't.
I do.

"There is a morbid curiosity."

One of her few honest statements.

She had more than morbid curiosity, though I'll readily grant you she had that too.

Her need to see them was too great to be explained by just sick curiousity. As I recall, she tried every manipulation she could think of to get access, even trying to wheedle the female cop into showing them to her, who she otherwise largely stonewalled.
Remember during the Flores interregation how desperately she wanted to see what pics they had from June 4? Maybe she wanted to see them to get an idea of what was and was not recoverable from the camera. ( In addition to , or not, of getting enough clues from the crime scene to piece together another story).

I remember her asking a number of times about seeing the pics. She asked the female detective as well as Flores a number of times, it was very telling. But tell me how anyone can kill someone like she did, a butchery if ever there was one, and act normally? It would definitely give a normal person PTSD, but CMJA is not normal. She went about cleaning up the scene and covering up evidence and taking evidence with her and setting up an alibi with Ryan. She even called Leslie U. and then left that stupid message on TA's phone like she was never there. Someone with PTSD wouldn't do that, but someone EVIL would.
This is a very interesting theory. It would explain how the photos were reasonable compositions in the sense that she was in the middle of the photos. I can't imagine being able to be that precise with those positions if you have to jump into them after depressing the camera button. That's not a lot of time! So, she had to have spent time rehearsing or marking the placement somehow. But if she took the photos off-site, she need only have used the photos that came out the best and she could have cropped them.

Apart from Jodi's over-emphasis on rear-end sex, if she was hoping Travis and Mimi would discover those nudies mixed in with their vacation photos, a moonshot is typically a big FU. Jodi's is more elaborate, grosser, and contrived (photoshopped for exaggerated cavities?), but so is everything she ever did.

She took the originals about the same time as the sex tape? So she was in braids mode? I wonder what else she did that night.

I thought she might have taken Travis' nude photos originally to frame him for the masturbation/pedophile episode she made up. And then she found a new use for them, juxtaposing them with her own nudies.

Oh wait, so the photos of Travis on the bed were something she'd taken on a different date as well, not just her own? Or, is that a possibility ?
She said that she stopped by her half sister Julie (who's baby she was to taken photo's of but never did) to pick up stuff and that the U Haul was full.

It's strange about baby pics, didn't she also say Daryl's sister had a new baby and she was supposedly going to take baby pics on her journey but didn't have time? :thinking:
Not sure if it's been reported and I just missed seeing it, but there is another DENIAL on COA website today. This is the one about Juan's book:

View attachment 84025

It's dated 11/6, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't there during the day on Friday.

What was the protective order from Aug 13?
There is more on COA.


"A special appearance is defined as an attorney that appears on your behalf ONLY for a LIMITED PURPOSE, and who does NOT become your lawyer or attorney of record in the case."

Guessing these entries are the AG attorney possibly appearing for the State re: the unsealing motion, along with filing the sealed doc that was obtained?
She was definitely shocked with the pre-mediated first degree murder verdict. She thought her Attorneys did a bang up job of making her look like the victim. But the more she talked to Troy Hayden the more her anger came out, so she attacked TA again and made those horrible comments. Claimed she still loved him but couldn't look at his family because they all looked like Travis and she didn't want to see the face of her abuser???? What nonsense is that? She used that interview to add new lies to her story
What was the protective order from Aug 13?

That the sealed trial records stay sealed, can only be opened for purpose relating to appeals, then must be resealed..

Lin- I don't think the Motion relating to JM was ruled on.

Docket indicates the State filed its response, and that separately, made a 'special appearance, " asked for and was granted the sealing of its own motion (unrelated use of sealed records).
There is more on COA.

View attachment 84027

"A special appearance is defined as an attorney that appears on your behalf ONLY for a LIMITED PURPOSE, and who does NOT become your lawyer or attorney of record in the case."

Guessing these entries are the AG attorney possibly appearing for the State re: the unsealing motion, along with filing the sealed doc that was obtained?

My guess too. :)
Then again, if she took pictures of pictures (thinking that mimi might see them in cancun) Why also pack a gun?

I think she had murder on her mind from the moment she left CA.
Oh this makes me so happy, but are you sure it has to do with Juans book and not the AG's motion to open some of the sealed evidence that they said had nothing to do with her appeals
Yes, I'm sure. The one about Juan's book is titled "MOTION TO ENFORCE PROTECTIVE ORDER ISSUED AUGUST 13, 2015" The one about the AG's unsealing is titled "MOTION TO ENFORCE PROTECTIVE ORDER re: Superior Court Ordering Items Unsealed"
What was the protective order from Aug 13?
That was the COA's order that said items it had previously allowed to be unsealed were only to be read for appeal purposes and by the attorneys, etc.
In the interview with the father he stated that CMJA told him she bought a gun because she thought she might need it. Why would she say that? I don't believe that stupid story about the camping trip. After shooting TA with the .25 she wanted a more powerful weapon so she got the 9mm
Then again, if she took pictures of pictures (thinking that mimi might see them in cancun) Why also pack a gun?

I think she had murder on her mind from the moment she left CA.

To kill him with a gun then to kill his reputation as well, the goal being to hurt every last person Travis loved, and who loved Travis but rejected her.
Good thought. But then why would she delete the pictures after the murder? She's such a . I don't think I could ever understand how her lunatic mind works
Yes, I'm sure. The one about Juan's book is titled "MOTION TO ENFORCE PROTECTIVE ORDER ISSUED AUGUST 13, 2015" The one about the AG's unsealing is titled "MOTION TO ENFORCE PROTECTIVE ORDER re: Superior Court Ordering Items Unsealed"

That was the COA's order that said items it had previously allowed to be unsealed were only to be read for appeal purposes and by the attorneys, etc.

Thank You LinTx, now I am really happy
That the sealed trial records stay sealed, can only be opened for purpose relating to appeals, then must be resealed..

Lin- I don't think the Motion relating to JM was ruled on.

Docket indicates the State filed its response, and that separately, made a 'special appearance, " asked for and was granted the sealing of its own motion (unrelated use of sealed records).

In the graphic in my post, see line #160 - that is the denial of the motion about Juan's book. Line items 161-164 are about the remaining motion re: the AG getting the unsealed record.
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