Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #2

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She had more than morbid curiosity, though I'll readily grant you she had that too.

Her need to see them was too great to be explained by just sick curiousity. As I recall, she tried every manipulation she could think of to get access, even trying to wheedle the female cop into showing them to her, who she otherwise largely stonewalled.

Yea I know she definitely wanted to see them to aid in her alibi, but that statement reveals her character so well...along with her mother's statement that Jodi appeared so happy and normal after the trip, and really all of her behavior after the fact. Far from having PTSD, she was completely unchanged by the murder. Her inner world is isolated and barren, and the most conspicuous absence is a conscience.
There's another Jodi Arias out there, complete with blonde hair... Just watched a brand new episode of 20/20. Her name is Anjelika Graswald and the victim is Vince Viafore. The method was different, she let him drown in a river, but her mannerisms and attitude are pure Jodi! Complete with gymnastics in the interrogation room, she pretended to capsize her kayak when the rescuers got close, and she partied right after his dead and had zero remorse.
Just found we have a thread on it, but no time to read:*ARREST*-2
Yes, I'm sure. The one about Juan's book is titled "MOTION TO ENFORCE PROTECTIVE ORDER ISSUED AUGUST 13, 2015" The one about the AG's unsealing is titled "MOTION TO ENFORCE PROTECTIVE ORDER re: Superior Court Ordering Items Unsealed"

That was the COA's order that said items it had previously allowed to be unsealed were only to be read for appeal purposes and by the attorneys, etc.

You are absolutely right, Lin!!! !Woot!

Three of 4 denied, one pending.

1. Motion to Disqualify COA.

2. Motion to Reconsider.

3. Motion to read JM's book and prevent him from publishing it (quasi-snarky).

4. Motion of being pissy about not knowing what was in the State's motion to look at sealed records.- pending, but since the court has ruled in the State's favor on every aspect of their related motion, the "pending" is just a formality.
I've been reading the journals and texts - I think it was in volume 1 of Jodi's journals when she "moved" to Mesa. From her journal entries about it, it seems she never planned on moving to Mesa, certainly not before the "official" break up, and it was not part of a joint decision made with Travis or even with his knowledge.

From her journals, it sounds like she just went to Mesa some time in July/August 07 and was going to stay with Rachel and Scott for maybe a night or two, but then just decided to stay. It also seems like she never really had a home in Mesa - she couch surfed among various friends.

I'll try to find the journal entry again and paraphrase it.
You are absolutely right, Lin!!! !Woot!

Three of 4 denied, one pending.

1. Motion to Disqualify COA.

2. Motion to Reconsider.

3. Motion to read JM's book and prevent him from publishing it (quasi-snarky).

4. Motion of being pissy about not knowing what was in the State's motion to look at sealed records.- pending, but since the court has ruled in the State's favor on every aspect of their related motion, the "pending" is just a formality.

Like I said I love it. She is losing all the way around, I wonder if she is punching the wall again. LOL
Depends on what you mean by sex. There are plenty of mentions in texts about getting together for this or that, including Travis texting her- do you want to grind? Others about are you coming over, or her saying she was too tired to come over, these being in the early morning hours (1 or 2 AM).

There was a longish exchange in Jan where she was running around shopping for a romp costume, and that romp is the one for which she buys the spidies- it is a young girl costume of some sort

Didn't she say on the stand that the spidies were a gift from Travis for her first Valentine's day? 2007?
I've been reading the journals and texts - I think it was in volume 1 of Jodi's journals when she "moved" to Mesa. From her journal entries about it, it seems she never planned on moving to Mesa, certainly not before the "official" break up, and it was not part of a joint decision made with Travis or even with his knowledge.

From her journals, it sounds like she just went to Mesa some time in July/August 07 and was going to stay with Rachel and Scott for maybe a night or two, but then just decided to stay. It also seems like she never really had a home in Mesa - she couch surfed among various friends.

I'll try to find the journal entry again and paraphrase it.

Hi, Minor!

Travis tried like heck to prevent her from moving to Mesa, but definitely knew she was coming out and was angry/upset. She moved in with Rachel temporarily, then found roommates much closer to T's house and moved there.

She didn't have her own friends in Mesa she could use.
Sex was fundamental to their relationship. It was Travis' weakness and Jodi's main method of manipulation. They were only a 'couple' for five months, and in that five months Travis grew to dislike her more and more. Her personality proved more incompatible with his with each passing day, yet the sex continued, because it was the only thing Jodi could use to keep Travis in her life.

So in the end the sex had nothing to do with compatibility and everything to do with manipulation.

On that last day, manipulation played a key role.

IMO, they were never boyfriend/girlfriend. She wasn't even living nearby during the period when she claims they were boyfriend/girlfriend. They were, though, sexmates to some extent, probably a lot more on the phone than in person.
I've been reading the journals and texts - I think it was in volume 1 of Jodi's journals when she "moved" to Mesa. From her journal entries about it, it seems she never planned on moving to Mesa, certainly not before the "official" break up, and it was not part of a joint decision made with Travis or even with his knowledge.

From her journals, it sounds like she just went to Mesa some time in July/August 07 and was going to stay with Rachel and Scott for maybe a night or two, but then just decided to stay. It also seems like she never really had a home in Mesa - she couch surfed among various friends.

I'll try to find the journal entry again and paraphrase it.

Thanks Minor, and nice to see you back. :)
There is more on COA.

View attachment 84027

"A special appearance is defined as an attorney that appears on your behalf ONLY for a LIMITED PURPOSE, and who does NOT become your lawyer or attorney of record in the case."

Guessing these entries are the AG attorney possibly appearing for the State re: the unsealing motion, along with filing the sealed doc that was obtained?

Think this all has to do with the investigation that is not related to Arias appeal as in the motion on KOC site. The Attorney Paul Ahler is the investigator.

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
10/27/2015 8:00 AM
CR2008-031021-001 DT 10/26/2015
Docket Code 023 Form R000A Page 1
HON. SAM J. MYERS L. Mitchell
This Court has received an ex parte motion from the State of Arizona counsel filed under
seal. Good cause appearing, this Court granted the State’s motion.
The sex call was on the Helio. The May text blowup was not. And she did get the Helio from Gus after she left Mesa, while driving her U-Haul and going very much out of way get it from Gus rather than driving straight to Yreka.

He could have just mailed it to her.....

The whole Gus trip didn't make any sense to me. The amount extra she was going to have to pay for the U-Haul+gas because she dropped by Gus's would have been enough to buy the phone, no Gus intervention needed! There clearly was some other reason she was going by Gus's. Was she hauling something for him in that U-Haul (since she herself didn't have anything to haul)? Something not legal? Was he pimping her?
Is there a reason why Juan didn't subpoena Matt to testify about those fake letters. Does anyone know if the prosecution talked to him or deposed him? I believe the killer gave Matt those journals of Travis's in order to fake the letters. There is a program on the internet that will allow you to do that. Weather it was available at that time, 2008, I don't know but would assume it was or something similar. The fact that they were electronic copies says it all IMO.

Yes, I read a pseudo confession to the murder by Jodi, put together from her journals. Evidently, it only took a few minutes to do.
That's the first argument about the pics I've heard that puts them in a different light than I've always seen them in before: as a simple record of events that day.

Killing him + destroying his reputation is thoroughly consistent with her character.

I still don't see any reason to believe they were planted or taken on a different day. It would explain why she left the camera and memory card, and perhaps by deleting them she thought the time stamps would be deleted too, but leaving the possibility the raw data (no pun intended) would be found by investigators.

It still seems unnecessarily risky when one of her prime objectives was to distance herself from the crime, and crime scene.

Jodi is so focused on revenge rather than getting a job done well, that she steps on her own feet. It would be just like her to plant evidence for revenge purposes and have it mess up her plan.
July 25, 2007

Jodi's at her house in Palm Desert for the last night.

She frets over having to worry about Travis kissing other girls and asks herself whether she should hold on or let go.

August 1, 2015

Jodi has been to "Systems" and at the Freemans that evening and is back at Rachel's watching a movie.

August 2, 2015

"I love him. I could not possibly love him not, though I wish I could stop. Turn it off like a lightswitch. Duct tape it down so it can't turn back on. Or better yet, (unplug, scratched out) cut off its life source. Make it dead in a second. Lifeless. A meaningless network of wires that do and mean nothing."

Friday, August 3, 2007

"I'm in Mesa, AZ today. I'll be living in this area for a while, unless something ultra compelling entices me to move, but if it does, it will have to be something positive, because I've had enough negativity for an entire year over the last month & a half. And I don't care how up-rooted I appear to others, I'm not a tree, I'm a sovereign adult capable of making my own decisions and free to choose whatever I want."

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"I have been living with Rachel & Scott for about 2 weeks now , and push has not quite come to shove, but it's become necessary that I move out w/in the next day or two."

She goes on about how she doesn't have any friends to intrude upon at the moment, but Travis "temporarily" allowed her to store her stuff at his house in exchange for Jodi cleaning Travis' house for free for a week.

August 13, 2007

Travis is concerned about how close Jodi lives to him. Jodi says she is on the verge of pushing him out of her life completely, "which would have to involve moving geographically again."
To me it looks like she was ruminating and obsessing about Travis from July 25; she heads to Mesa around August 1 to feed her obsession but without a plan to move there - without any plan for anything, really. Then on Aug. 3 she decides she's staying in Mesa and will just stay with whomever she can.
There's another Jodi Arias out there, complete with blonde hair... Just watched a brand new episode of 20/20. Her name is Anjelika Graswald and the victim is Vince Viafore. The method was different, she let him drown in a river, but her mannerisms and attitude are pure Jodi! Complete with gymnastics in the interrogation room, she pretended to capsize her kayak when the rescuers got close, and she partied right after his dead and had zero remorse.
Just found we have a thread on it, but no time to read:*ARREST*-2

Why did the judge put a gag order on everyone but the defendant? I think she is just like JA and guilty as charged. Will follow the trial in any event
It's strange about baby pics, didn't she also say Daryl's sister had a new baby and she was supposedly going to take baby pics on her journey but didn't have time? :thinking:

Yeah, I think i'm in error,that it was Daryl's sister.

In her text to Travis is a thank's for taking care of my plants. Her boxes of crap with her SS card,and her art work.

In one text Travis is trying to make some changes on a painting she's doing for Napoleon, and she blows him off. He does this twice. He thinks it needed something more around Naps face. LOL I call it dimension. Hmmm, was that the painting Jodi insisted him sign in ink? and she leaves it behind and Travis sees through her, calls her on it.

She thanks him for a peacoat for Christmas 2007.

The Helio was used for the sex calls, and she complained way too much in telling her journal about the naughty things she and Travis had done, and that they had done it several times. Then Gus sends her a new phone, and I don't know if it was another Helio.

THe Helio was found by Aunt Sue when she went for Chinese takeout, two years later and found it under the seat of Jodi's grandpa's truck. About the time the self defense claim was entered.
This is one of the gas stations the murderess claimed she fueled at around midnite, used mainly by truckers... Hmm.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"I have been living with Rachel & Scott for about 2 weeks now , and push has not quite come to shove, but it's become necessary that I move out w/in the next day or two."

She goes on about how she doesn't have any friends to intrude upon at the moment, but Travis "temporarily" allowed her to store her stuff at his house in exchange for Jodi cleaning Travis' house for free for a week.

August 13, 2007

Travis is concerned about how close Jodi lives to him. Jodi says she is on the verge of pushing him out of her life completely, "which would have to involve moving geographically again."
To me it looks like she was ruminating and obsessing about Travis from July 25; she heads to Mesa around August 1 to feed her obsession but without a plan to move there - without any plan for anything, really. Then on Aug. 3 she decides she's staying in Mesa and will just stay with whomever she can.[/QUOTE]

Do you recall where she lived after Rachel had her move out, and well really up until she went back to Yreka?
The whole Gus trip didn't make any sense to me. The amount extra she was going to have to pay for the U-Haul+gas because she dropped by Gus's would have been enough to buy the phone, no Gus intervention needed! There clearly was some other reason she was going by Gus's. Was she hauling something for him in that U-Haul (since she herself didn't have anything to haul)? Something not legal? Was he pimping her?

BBM ~ That's what I think.
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