Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

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I remember Dr DeMarte discussing a "flip" occurred and JA knocked TA off the pedestal causing her to no longer value his life.

I'm wondering at what point and what happened to cause this "flip"? Was it on the way back to Yreka in April? I tend to think it was even before then, perhaps when he was dating Lisa and JA's craziness became full blown: the stalking, slashing of tires, letter to Lisa, lights being turned on, etc.

I think she felt compelled to leave Mesa because her obsessive behavior towards Travis was becoming more and more obvious in the community. She was becoming increasingly seen as unwelcome and intrusive, and the rumors were growing.

She could only solve her financial problems by taking a waitressing job, but that would be humiliating to her image as the rising PPL star she probably represented herself as initially, yet her social reputation would not allow her to successfully sell PPL to the community.

So she left, but she still tried to pull Travis towards her through sex, and particularly after she left, to try to make Travis feel responsible for her Mormon spirituality.

Maybe she flipped because Travis wasn't fully taking the bait and she saw him slipping away.
Why was the 10th significant?

Two reasons. Travis had an important date with Mimi that night, and it was the day of a particularly nasty fight that resulted from the killer playing games with him.

The killer had access to his texts. She knew he was going on that date with Mimi and that it was important to him. So she played the well worn game of "accidentally" sending a text to him that she meant for someone else.

She insulted Travis further by insinuating in the text (to a non extstent man) that they didn't have privacy because her "ex-boyfriend" had her passwords and was likely to snoop.

That bit of nastiness came after an opening round of her doing everything she could think of to get his attention, including sending him a poem. He didn't respond.
Ok so this is going to show just how shallow I

I have been going back and forth between ja interviews and court appearances and something is really bothering me about her face. It was so full and "chipmunk cheeky". How did it get so long? There is something I can't put my finger on that looks wrong. Does this bother anyone else?
Did that fool help her get another car? And yes, by fool I do mean Travis!

Desert Schools is a credit union. Financial lending.

Could he have co-signed a car? Was he getting her out of her mess with the car she had to "give" back to the bank?"

Is that what all the praise for his friendship was all about in April? And was that what the "running around doing stuff for her" was about in April? Is this why he was concerned about her getting a job?

Was she supposed to be making BMW payments AND making payments on a new ride? If she didn't make the payments, that'd be a reason he'd feel scammed....

I don't know. But it's interesting that they are talking financial institutions and lawyers.

It was always weird that he'd "give" her the BMW. But she destroyed it and still needed a car. Why did he give it to her in the first place? Was she always supposed to make payments on it? Was it going to be her new car in Yreka? Once it got destroyed, she had to still pay for it AND get another car, yes?

That poor man who was vulnerable to her psychopathy did not buy her a car or co-sign for one or help her financially in any way after she left Mesa.

He agreed to sell her the BWI on ridiculously easy terms for her after she had (intentionally, IMO) blown it up.

She never had possession of the car. The BWI was still in a garage, unrepaired, at the time of his murder. She tried to convince the executor of T's estate that the car was hers. Denied.

She still had her Infinity at the time of the murder. Her excuse for renting a car in June was that the Infinity used too much gas. Her car was repossessed by the time she was arrested. Or as she explained to Flores then, she had " given it back to the bank."
That poor man who was vulnerable to her psychopathy did not buy her a car or co-sign for one or help her financially in any way after she left Mesa.

He agreed to sell her the BWI on ridiculously easy terms for her after she had (intentionally, IMO) blown it up.

She never had possession of the car. The BWI was still in a garage, unrepaired, at the time of his murder. She tried to convince the executor of T's estate that the car was hers. Denied.

She still had her Infinity at the time of the murder. Her excuse for renting a car in June was that the Infinity used too much gas. Her car was repossessed by the time she was arrested. Or as she explained to Flores then, she had " given it back to the bank."

Yes, and that hardly made him a fool. Travis seemed to be a very loving, caring, and giving man. No human being deserves to be tortured and slaughtered the way he was. :( What part of GTF out of my life did that beast not understand?
May 2. 2008. The day Travis did not send the killer that 10 page tied to a tree rape fantasy.

The one piece of it on her Helio I just saw had a time stamp of 9:20 something AM. The morning of May 2.

From the texts of that day.

Texting begins at 5:49am, Travis initiates. From context, I think he'd been up all night.

T says- you don't care about me. She responds - didn't you see my nice comment on yr blog? (Must be April 22 entry? His next will be on May 5, intro to his book).

From 5:50am to 6:13am they discuss blogs. He's read her entry of April 27 and tells her- a little plagiarism in there. She is very defensive, says she did NOT steal any ideas from Travis, just the idea to post on a blog these thoughts she'd has for oh such a very long time. (scared of power within, etc). She goes on and on about this until Travis finally puts an end to it by telling her- either way, it was a good post.

She does not revel in that compliment, BTW, which was very atypical for her.

At 6:13am T asks her what she is doing, she says looking at her emails. In reply to her he says that he is "catching up to a slow start to an already wasted day."

She asks him how did he waste it, "you overachiever, you."
He says by talking Taylor off the ledge, she says that's what friends are for.

6:18. T says- I don't believe you are checking emails.
6:20. J- "sure am. One from Dr. Hughes, one from Darryl's mom. That was random."

621am. J- would you rather I said that my fingers are in my p-ssy? That I'm a horny little school girl who needs immediate alleviation?

6:22. T: oh my gosh. Are you trying to distract me? Its working. But just the same, email me and say hi.

6:23. J: alrighty. :)

6:24. J: oh, and I got a call from an officer saying there was a federal warrant out for my arrest! That was crazy! But it was a mistake haha. :)

6:25. T: saw that.

6:25. T: no email, huh?

6:26. J: just sent it?

6:27. J: Hang on. Trying something else.

6:27. T: uh huh. It's easy to send an email, jodi.

6:28. J: Gmail, dude. Accept my chat request.

6:39. J: maybe there was a delay with hotmail. I went to Gmail.

6:59AM. J: sent you another email. :)

The next text comes on May 4, the killer telling him to have a good night. He doesn't reply. His first text to her since 6:27am on May 2 isn't until 9am on May 5.

On May 5 the killer sends him many urgent demanding wheedling texts that he drop everything and visit her that weekend in Yreka. He says no.

We know Travis didn't send her that 10 page warped fantasy of her own. She sent it to herself. What I'm curious about, though, is why Travis was pressing her to send him an email. They're texting, he says he wants her to email him just to say hi. That is....odd.

Also odd is the "oh my gosh" by Travis. She says that. He doesn't. I can't remember a single text in which he says anything remotely like that. Curious.

Those time displayed on the 'separate texts' are GreenWITCH time. We need to subtract 7 hours. So May 2, 5:49 AM = May 1, 10:49 PM :)
Ok so this is going to show just how shallow I

I have been going back and forth between ja interviews and court appearances and something is really bothering me about her face. It was so full and "chipmunk cheeky". How did it get so long? There is something I can't put my finger on that looks wrong. Does this bother anyone else?

She went from Strawberry Frapuccinos to baloney sandwiches, from hiking in the mountains to pacing back and forth, and from driving with the windows down to a narrow slice of sunlight through a jail cell window.
Who was it here saying Gus Searcy might be involved...somehow, in some part of this?

I'm beginning to agree that he might have been used by the killer or that their goals aligned for a time.

I don't understand the politics of AZ 's PPL that were playing out in April and May 08 but I know from T's journal they were intense, and he was increasingly put off by them. At some point it seemed possible T might even be deposed from his exec. director position?

Whatever was going on with PPL seemed to be of pretty great significance to T. Enter Gus. In May the killer sent Travis texts indicating she was in close contact with Gus and was reading emails that Gus was sending to Larry Smith, who IIRC, was very much involved in the AZ leadership battles.

Odd, right? The killer wasn't even a peon in this org. Umm. But she did have access to T's texting with Chris Hughes and others, and many of the texts about PPL politics are very opinionated, name names, and are as blunt as they are critical.
Those time displayed on the 'separate texts' are GreenWITCH time. We need to subtract 7 hours. So May 2, 5:49 AM = May 1, 10:49 PM :)

BK didn't convert the time on the sep. texts??? Are you sure? The month by month texts were definitely converted (aaargh).

If times need converting can someone else (pretty please) do the honors of correcting the times in my chronology? My brain is beginning to go splat. :D
Who was it here saying Gus Searcy might be involved...somehow, in some part of this?

I'm beginning to agree that he might have been used by the killer or that their goals aligned for a time.

I don't understand the politics of AZ 's PPL that were playing out in April and May 08 but I know from T's journal they were intense, and he was increasingly put off by them. At some point it seemed possible T might even be deposed from his exec. director position?

Whatever was going on with PPL seemed to be of pretty great significance to T. Enter Gus. In May the killer sent Travis texts indicating she was in close contact with Gus and was reading emails that Gus was sending to Larry Smith, who IIRC, was very much involved in the AZ leadership battles.

Odd, right? The killer wasn't even a peon in this org. Umm. But she did have access to T's texting with Chris Hughes and others, and many of the texts about PPL politics are very opinionated, name names, and are as blunt as they are critical.
I don't know what Gus's position was in the hierarchy of PPL, but I find it hard to believe he was respected by his peers. Maybe he had enough of a downline to carry some weight. He was an easy mark for JA, which explains her interest in him, and his interest in her is self-explanatory.
BK didn't convert the time on the sep. texts??? Are you sure? The month by month texts were definitely converted (aaargh).

If times need converting can someone else (pretty please) do the honors of correcting the times in my chronology? My brain is beginning to go splat. :D

Done. Corrections are shown in < >. What i did definitely qualifies as a plagiarism, so forgive me. My brain is also scrambled doing this.

May 2. 2008. The day Travis did not send the killer that 10 page tied to a tree rape fantasy.

The one piece of it on her Helio I just saw had a time stamp of 9:20 something AM. The morning of May 2.

From the texts of that day.<From the texts, May 1>

Texting begins at 5:49am <10:49pm>, Travis initiates. From context, I think he'd been up all night.

T says- you don't care about me. She responds - didn't you see my nice comment on yr blog? (Must be April 22 entry? His next will be on May 5, intro to his book).

From 5:50am <10:50pm> to 6:13am <11:13pm> they discuss blogs. He's read her entry of April 27 and tells her- a little plagiarism in there. She is very defensive, says she did NOT steal any ideas from Travis, just the idea to post on a blog these thoughts she'd has for oh such a very long time. (scared of power within, etc). She goes on and on about this until Travis finally puts an end to it by telling her- either way, it was a good post.

She does not revel in that compliment, BTW, which was very atypical for her.

At 6:13am <11:13pm>T asks her what she is doing, she says looking at her emails. In reply to her he says that he is "catching up to a slow start to an already wasted day."

She asks him how did he waste it, "you overachiever, you."
He says by talking Taylor off the ledge, she says that's what friends are for.

6:18 <11:18pm>. T says- I don't believe you are checking emails.
6:20 <11:20pm>. J- "sure am. One from Dr. Hughes, one from Darryl's mom. That was random."

621am <11:21pm>. J- would you rather I said that my fingers are in my p-ssy? That I'm a horny little school girl who needs immediate alleviation?

6:22 <11:22pm>. T: oh my gosh. Are you trying to distract me? Its working. But just the same, email me and say hi.

6:23 <11:23pm>. J: alrighty.

6:24 <11:24pm>. J: oh, and I got a call from an officer saying there was a federal warrant out for my arrest! That was crazy! But it was a mistake haha.

6:25 <11:25pm>. T: saw that.

6:25 <11:25pm>. T: no email, huh?

6:26 <11:26pm>. J: just sent it?

6:27 <11:27pm>. J: Hang on. Trying something else.

6:27 <11:27pm>. T: uh huh. It's easy to send an email, jodi.

6:28 <11:28pm>. J: Gmail, dude. Accept my chat request.

6:39 <11:39pm>. J: maybe there was a delay with hotmail. I went to Gmail.

6:59AM <11:59pm>. J: sent you another email.

The next text comes on May 4, the killer telling him to have a good night. He doesn't reply. His first text to her since 6:27am on May 2 <11:27pm on May 1> isn't until 9am <2am> on May 5.

On May 5 the killer sends him many urgent demanding wheedling texts that he drop everything and visit her that weekend in Yreka. He says no.

We know Travis didn't send her that 10 page warped fantasy of her own. She sent it to herself. What I'm curious about, though, is why Travis was pressing her to send him an email. They're texting, he says he wants her to email him just to say hi. That is....odd.

Also odd is the "oh my gosh" by Travis. She says that. He doesn't. I can't remember a single text in which he says anything remotely like that. Curious.
Last edited by Hope4More; Today at 11:03 AM.
Who was it here saying Gus Searcy might be involved...somehow, in some part of this?

I'm beginning to agree that he might have been used by the killer or that their goals aligned for a time.

I don't understand the politics of AZ 's PPL that were playing out in April and May 08 but I know from T's journal they were intense, and he was increasingly put off by them. At some point it seemed possible T might even be deposed from his exec. director position?

Whatever was going on with PPL seemed to be of pretty great significance to T. Enter Gus. In May the killer sent Travis texts indicating she was in close contact with Gus and was reading emails that Gus was sending to Larry Smith, who IIRC, was very much involved in the AZ leadership battles.

Odd, right? The killer wasn't even a peon in this org. Umm. But she did have access to T's texting with Chris Hughes and others, and many of the texts about PPL politics are very opinionated, name names, and are as blunt as they are critical.

I remember seeing one of Gus's PPL presentations, I guess on Youtube, where he's bragging that his daughter has to obey his fatherly rules because he's paying for her college, then he shows up on Judge Judy being sued by her in order to get her furniture back. Classy guy, and a real family man.
"While he doesn’t blame Alexander for the tragedy, Searcy does think “he helped create the environment in which for this to occur. I was alone in a motorhome with Jodi five days BEFORE this happened and nothing happened to me,” he said. “And if I was with her five days from now, I wouldn’t be worried either because I haven’t done anything to a create an environment for this to happen.”

Gus and Larry Smith

CONGRATULATIONS Inland Empire Leaders for a Super Successful day today with Mr. Larry Smith & Mr. Gus Searcy. We had DOZEN & DOZEN of Sharp Guest. Gosh we love working with True Professionals...
On the sex tape, JA says that eventually they are both going to "remarry" other people. Odd.

On the sex tape, JA says that eventually they are both going to "remarry" other people. Odd.


I remember that and it always stood out to me.
On the sex tape, JA says that eventually they are both going to "remarry" other people. Odd.


Remnants of her foregone conclusion I guess.
"While he doesn&#8217;t blame Alexander for the tragedy, Searcy does think &#8220;he helped create the environment in which for this to occur. I was alone in a motorhome with Jodi five days BEFORE this happened and nothing happened to me,&#8221; he said. &#8220;And if I was with her five days from now, I wouldn&#8217;t be worried either because I haven&#8217;t done anything to a create an environment for this to happen.&#8221;

Gus and Larry Smith

CONGRATULATIONS Inland Empire Leaders for a Super Successful day today with Mr. Larry Smith & Mr. Gus Searcy. We had DOZEN & DOZEN of Sharp Guest. Gosh we love working with True Professionals...
He's misguided to think of himself as a character witness.

"Objection, foundation"
Looking through all April texts again, checking for PPL and Gus Searcy related texts, and what jumps out is T's activities at the end of April. In other words, just days before May 2.

First, around April 28-30, Travis is definitely juggling the ladies, sometimes flirting with 3 literally at the same time. He was seemingly absolutely determined to have at least one of them over to his house to enjoy more than tea and crumpets.

The killer is listening in, I assume, and interrupts every once in a while to ask or tell T some non sequitur or the other.

But here's what's odd. Again the pattern of GF's texts going missing, but this time is different. Some of the time the GF's do get the texts.....but they are blank. On one, a single emoticon is there but the rest of the text is missing.

The killer is collecting the texts, maybe?
Looking through all April texts again, checking for PPL and Gus Searcy related texts, and what jumps out is T's activities at the end of April. In other words, just days before May 2.

First, around April 28-30, Travis is definitely juggling the ladies, sometimes flirting with 3 literally at the same time. He was seemingly absolutely determined to have at least one of them over to his house to enjoy more than tea and crumpets.

The killer is listening in, I assume, and interrupts every once in a while to ask or tell T some non sequitur or the other.

But here's what's odd. Again the pattern of GF's texts going missing, but this time is different. Some of the time the GF's do get the texts.....but they are blank. On one, a single emoticon is there but the rest of the text is missing.

The killer is collecting the texts, maybe?
We know she blatantly responded to the text that came into Travis (IIRC they were in the hotel room in Huntington Beach and Travis was taking a shower) as if she was Travis- the killer was cruel in her reply- something along the lines of " just cuddling with Jodi" when asked what he was doing. Remember? She absolutely was intercepting, deleting, replying... Whatever. That girl was very, very dangerous- as we have all come to learn. I wish Travis would have realized this about her.
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