Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

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I just posted some more stuff on the Sidebar that I didn't know before reading the Hughes book. I am shocked, yet not shocked, at some of the things I referenced. You can see just how heinous she was, even in the aftermath of his death. I would be interested reading your take on them here if you don't mind commenting. TIA.

Thank you Zuri, :yourock:
With Pocket's corrections for time. THANK YOU!!!!

May 2. 2008. The day Travis did not send the killer that 10 page tied to a tree rape fantasy.

The one piece of it on her Helio I just saw had a time stamp of 9:20 something AM. The morning of May 2.

From the texts of that day.<From the texts, May 1>

Texting begins 10:49pm. Travis initiates.

T says- you don't care about me. She responds - didn't you see my nice comment on yr blog? (Must be April 22 entry? His next will be on May 5, intro to his book).

From 10:50pm to 11:13pm. they discuss blogs. He's read her entry of April 27 and tells her- a little plagiarism in there. She is very defensive, says she did NOT steal any ideas from Travis, just the idea to post on a blog these thoughts she'd has for oh such a very long time. (scared of power within, etc). She goes on and on about this until Travis finally puts an end to it by telling her- either way, it was a good post.

She does not revel in that compliment, BTW, which was very atypical for her.

At 11:13pm. T asks her what she is doing, she says looking at her emails. In reply to her he says that he is "catching up to a slow start to an already wasted day."

She asks him how did he waste it, "you overachiever, you."
He says by talking Taylor off the ledge, she says that's what friends are for.

11:18pm T says- I don't believe you are checking emails.

11:20pm J- "sure am. One from Dr. Hughes, one from Darryl's mom. That was random."

11:21pm. J- would you rather I said that my fingers are in my p-ssy? That I'm a horny little school girl who needs immediate alleviation?

11:22pm. T: oh my gosh. Are you trying to distract me? Its working. But just the same, email me and say hi.

11:23pm. J: alrighty.

11:24pm. J: oh, and I got a call from an officer saying there was a federal warrant out for my arrest! That was crazy! But it was a mistake haha.

11:25pm. T: saw that.

11:25pm. T: no email, huh?

11:26pm. J: just sent it?

11:27pm. J: Hang on. Trying something else.

11:27pm. T: uh huh. It's easy to send an email, jodi.

11:28pm. J: Gmail, dude. Accept my chat request.

11:39pm. J: maybe there was a delay with hotmail. I went to Gmail.

11:59pm. J: sent you another email.

The next text comes on May 4, the killer telling him to have a good night. He doesn't reply. His first text to her since 11:27pm on May 1 isn't until 2am on May 5.

On May 5 the killer sends him many urgent demanding wheedling texts that he drop everything and visit her that weekend in Yreka. He says no.

We know Travis didn't send her that 10 page warped fantasy of her own. She sent it to herself. What I'm curious about, though, is why Travis was pressing her to send him an email. They're texting, he says he wants her to email him just to say hi. That is....odd.

Also odd is the "oh my gosh" by Travis. She says that. He doesn't. I can't remember a single text in which he says anything remotely like that. Curious.
Last edited by Hope4More; Today at 11:03 AM.

So which chat program had they been using, since she wants TA to accept her chat request? Though I suppose she was using a different handle for her gmail chat... I wonder how many she had?
On the sex tape, JA says that eventually they are both going to "remarry" other people. Odd.


Not odd at all if you're under some delusion that you're first going to marry the guy that's telling you to gtf out of town... or kill him trying.
Maybe she had collagen treatments and they degraded??

Ok so this is going to show just how shallow I

I have been going back and forth between ja interviews and court appearances and something is really bothering me about her face. It was so full and "chipmunk cheeky". How did it get so long? There is something I can't put my finger on that looks wrong. Does this bother anyone else?
What's the time line for the Helio, and did she ever 'borrow' Travis' phone for any length of time?

Only every time he slept or showered or forgot it when he went to the loo....
Only every time he slept or showered or forgot it when he went to the loo....

No time to clone it then but if it was an android or iphone maybe enough time to install a spyware app.
Maybe she had collagen treatments and they degraded??

I wondered too about the felons face change. I read on WS, way back when, that the felon wore 'flippers', fake teeth over her real teeth. The change from straight real white teeth to off white natural space crooked teeth was pointed out after the felon had been in jail for some time. I do not know how much these fake teeth can change a persons face structure. Injections sound real possible too.
I wondered too about the felons face change. I read on WS, way back when, that the felon wore 'flippers', fake teeth over her real teeth. The change from straight real white teeth to off white natural space crooked teeth was pointed out after the felon had been in jail for some time. I do not know how much these fake teeth can change a persons face structure. Injections sound real possible too.

couple that with poor nutrition and stress in jail, father time, no photoshop....
Fuller timeline, context for May 2, 10, and 26.

April 22.

Travis blogs about how to have an amazing day. In this entry he mentions having to get his passport in order. He's going to Cancun. The killer reads his blog in her cramped bedroom at her grandparents' house, back in Yreka.

Her credit cards are maxed out, her car is due to be repossessed, tbe foreclosure on her house with Darryl has destroyed her credit for years to come, she owes thousands of dollars each to her grandparents, her parents, Darryl, and to Travis for the BWI she destroyed in a rage. She is unemployed.

April 23.

Travis buys a $1,500 professional camera, better than any she'd dreamed of being able to own herself though SHE was the photographer. Travis has often called upon her to take pics at PPL events. Now he doesn't have any need to AND he has a far superior camera.

April 26. The killer sends Travis a text with a link to check out..."paint your ". She tells him- yes, this text is meant for you.

April 29.

The killer blogs about being amazing, and uses the same quote TA has already used in a blog entry ("our deepest fear isn't that we are inadequate.....")

Travis asks Mimi to go to Cancun and she says yes. Travis writes in his journal: "I'm happy."

April 29, 30. Travis is texting with multiple women at the same time, including CL and Maria. He's trying to convince CL to come spend the night. She's willing.

May 1. CL comes over to T's house. She arrives in the afternoon. They hook up.

May 1. At night. Texts between Travis and the killer. He says he's read her blog and teases her about plagiarizing from his blog. The killer is very not amused. She tries to draw him into sex talk, he declines.

May 2. Date the killer sent the 10 page rape fantasy to herself.

May 4. Killer blog. Says she stopped believing in the Law of Attraction 6 months earlier (but it still works anyway).

May 2-8. CL and Travis sent multiple messages to each other about having sex and enjoying each other. All of the texts disappear, are never received.

May 5. Travis posts the introduction to his book Raising You. He credits Katie Barnes for editing his work.

The killer texts Travis repeatedly, begging him to drop everything and come to Yreka that weekend. He says no.

(filling in mid-May later)

May 13. Travis writes in his journal that he has met some women online, says that online is not what he typically does, but that one woman in particular has "raised my eyebrows so much that it almost seems too good to be true." "She's so pretty its hard to swallow." He mentions they have "spoken."

He ends with..."its better to trust too much than too little. So the plot thickens on the blind race to the altar."

(Anyone else thinking.....paint your The killer baiting him? Travis doesn't mention this mysterious woman again, BTW).
Thanks so much Hope, funny that on the 5th she's begging him to come to Yreka yet "5 days later" in the sex tape she's talking like it's a planned event and he's not saying no, I just wonder how much before (the saved date) that part of the tape had been recorded - when had he been willing to take a trip up there and what made him decide 'h*ll no I'm not going to go'?
The killer first brings up the idea of a "forest adventure," in a text to Travis in late April (iirc). Travis calls it something like that when he replies to a text she's sent, and says the idea sounds good.

That's the 10 page rape fantasy she sends to herself on May 2 , possible reworked from the emails she said she sent him late night May 1.

On the sex tape (first time I've actually listened to the whole thing), right after they talk about her butt and his endurance, there is one of what seem to be many awkward pauses.

Travis mumbles something that is hard to hear, but after rewinding 3 times I heard it. He says that he is "intrigued by that forest adventure."

It takes a second for her to hear what he said too. And oh my did she change the subject as quickly as she could, to talk about his itinerary, was he coming there before Cancun, etc.

Interesting, eh? What he was saying was that it was HER idea. You would think in the middle of a phone sex call before they got to it that she would want to discuss that idea of hers. No, huh, killer? Why not?
Detouring to Gus Searcy. (All this is my last blast of transferring new info from BK site and pulling stuff together for context).

On April 26 CL tells Travis that Larry Smith has been named PPL regional manager. Travis isn't thrilled, she asks why. T tells her that he doesn't think Larry Smith likes him very much.

On April 27 , again texting with CL, he asks her if Smith had mentioned any changes to how AZ PPL would be run. (She's at a PPL event where Travis was supposed to be too, but he's sunburnt and missing at least days of it).

CL says Smith is going to (essentially) nix Super Saturdays. Travis responds- what an *advertiser censored*, and tells CL the only reason for Smith's reorganizing is to benefit himself.

April 29. The killer texts Travis to ask him for Larry Smith's email. T asks her why she wants it. She says Gus Searcy asked her to get it for him. The killer then texts LS's email to Travis (yes, you read that right). Travis says yes and tells her he is actually with Smith at the moment.

She texts Travis -- tell Smith that Gus is aware his spelling is his Achilles heel and not to hold it against him.

She repeats herself... make sure you tell Larry Smith that for Gus. And tells Travis she's read the email Gus sent Smith herself, that if she were the recipient she'd hold the bad spelling and grammar against the sender, but "you know how I am" about that kind of thing.

T. Check. He's gonna get pulled. No 10th SS."
J: he knows.
T: what did the email say?
J: congratulations (etc.)
T: how dare you.

At another PPL event in early May (iirc), both Travis and Gus attend and are in the same room close enough to each other for Travis to see Gus texting like crazy. Travis texts the killer, tells her that about Gus, and asks her-- is he texting you by any chance?

She avoids the question, says something about helping Searcy hook up with some woman, then adds at the end...yes, Gus did just text me (providing a reason on the spot for why Gus is texting her, IMO).

Whatever else, fgs. Travis thinks he's rid of her and she is inserting herself into his work world too, and beyond that, is telling Travis her reach extends to his boss of sorts, Smith. Who doesn't like him. And she almost certainly has access to T's texts, in which he is bad mouthing the man...
For those that are reading the "Our Friend Travis" posts on the Side Bar, I finished. I paraphrased a lot of it and I didn't check my grammar lol. Hopefully it made sense as my brain doesn't work too well. I tried to pull out the things that we didn't all know already.

I was going to start Shanna Hogan's book, "Picture Perfect" and I can do the same with that book if anyone is interested. I had resisted reading these books as I had CMJA burnout. Spending time with sociopathy and evil took its toll in 2013.

On a side note, Steven is feeling better and is home per KCL. YAY!
No time to clone it then but if it was an android or iphone maybe enough time to install a spyware app.
IMO, she's just not that tech savvy to clone a phone or reliably install spyware. I mean, I know she thinks she's all Einsteiny, but this is a noodle head who doesn't know about image metadata, FPS.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Maybe she had collagen treatments and they degraded??
Jail isn't going to make anyone look better (unless you were on drugs and living on the street before). She used a ton of makeup, and probably other products before jail. Doubt that was all on the canteen list.

I do believe she had cheap dental veneers, which didn't make it to the trial.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
For those that are reading the "Our Friend Travis" posts on the Side Bar, I finished. I paraphrased a lot of it and I didn't check my grammar lol. Hopefully it made sense as my brain doesn't work too well. I tried to pull out the things that we didn't all know already.

I was going to start Shanna Hogan's book, "Picture Perfect" and I can do the same with that book if anyone is interested. I had resisted reading these books as I had CMJA burnout. Spending time with sociopathy and evil took its toll in 2013.

On a side note, Steven is feeling better and is home per KCL. YAY!

I dearly appreciate all the work you've done for our benefit Zuri, I didn't plan to read any of the books for the same burnout reason, but very glad to know so many more details and others' perspectives. Glad too that Steven is home and feeling better, I hope he can find a way to heal from all of this.
Detouring to Gus Searcy. (All this is my last blast of transferring new info from BK site and pulling stuff together for context).

On April 26 CL tells Travis that Larry Smith has been named PPL regional manager. Travis isn't thrilled, she asks why. T tells her that he doesn't think Larry Smith likes him very much.

On April 27 , again texting with CL, he asks her if Smith had mentioned any changes to how AZ PPL would be run. (She's at a PPL event where Travis was supposed to be too, but he's sunburnt and missing at least days of it).

CL says Smith is going to (essentially) nix Super Saturdays. Travis responds- what an *advertiser censored*, and tells CL the only reason for Smith's reorganizing is to benefit himself.

April 29. The killer texts Travis to ask him for Larry Smith's email. T asks her why she wants it. She says Gus Searcy asked her to get it for him. The killer then texts LS's email to Travis (yes, you read that right). Travis says yes and tells her he is actually with Smith at the moment.

She texts Travis -- tell Smith that Gus is aware his spelling is his Achilles heel and not to hold it against him.

She repeats herself... make sure you tell Larry Smith that for Gus. And tells Travis she's read the email Gus sent Smith herself, that if she were the recipient she'd hold the bad spelling and grammar against the sender, but "you know how I am" about that kind of thing.

T. Check. He's gonna get pulled. No 10th SS."
J: he knows.
T: what did the email say?
J: congratulations (etc.)
T: how dare you.

At another PPL event in early May (iirc), both Travis and Gus attend and are in the same room close enough to each other for Travis to see Gus texting like crazy. Travis texts the killer, tells her that about Gus, and asks her-- is he texting you by any chance?

She avoids the question, says something about helping Searcy hook up with some woman, then adds at the end...yes, Gus did just text me (providing a reason on the spot for why Gus is texting her, IMO).

Whatever else, fgs. Travis thinks he's rid of her and she is inserting herself into his work world too, and beyond that, is telling Travis her reach extends to his boss of sorts, Smith. Who doesn't like him. And she almost certainly has access to T's texts, in which he is bad mouthing the man...

Thanks Hope :) He never had a moment of peace (or privacy) from the day he met her until she took his life, did he?
IMO, she's just not that tech savvy to clone a phone or reliably install spyware. I mean, I know she thinks she's all Einsteiny, but this is a noodle head who doesn't know about image metadata, FPS.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Yeah, I agree, unless she had help from somebody. That's the only way I can see her accomplishing anything computer or phone related.
I dearly appreciate all the work you've done for our benefit Zuri, I didn't plan to read any of the books for the same burnout reason, but very glad to know so many more details and others' perspectives. Glad too that Steven is home and feeling better, I hope he can find a way to heal from all of this.
I'm with Geevee! Thank you Zuri, I was never going to read them either but so grateful to you (and the others- Yes/No, Hope for more and Pocket, am I missing someone?) for reading and sharing. I will be reading anything from the books you are willing to share. I think you all have done an incredible job of getting closer to the truth. Let's hope Juan's book ties it all up for us! Thanks again! XO
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