Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

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Yeah, I agree, unless she had help from somebody. That's the only way I can see her accomplishing anything computer or phone related.
Based on today's technology I'm sure she could have done a lot more damage but looking at technology from 2008 makes it hard for me to believe she was that tech smart. She was smart and cunning but I have to keep reminding myself that she didn't have then what we have now.
Equally shallow here. She has an awful lot of bulge around her lips. Plus her eyes have that dead, out of focus look. Those are the traits that "bug" me.

As far as chipmunk vs. long sallow face, well she's been in jail for several years.
I think she used to photoshop her photos and that's why she always had perfectly white, straight teeth in them, when we know that's not really the case. Plus she always used to wear pound of makeup.
IMO, she's just not that tech savvy to clone a phone or reliably install spyware. I mean, I know she thinks she's all Einsteiny, but this is a noodle head who doesn't know about image metadata, FPS.

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I agree, but Gus Searcy considered himself an electronics genius, among his other flood of talents, and his involvement with the Helio opens the possibility that his help with phone technology may have extended further.
The killer first brings up the idea of a "forest adventure," in a text to Travis in late April (iirc). Travis calls it something like that when he replies to a text she's sent, and says the idea sounds good.

That's the 10 page rape fantasy she sends to herself on May 2 , possible reworked from the emails she said she sent him late night May 1.

On the sex tape (first time I've actually listened to the whole thing), right after they talk about her butt and his endurance, there is one of what seem to be many awkward pauses.

Travis mumbles something that is hard to hear, but after rewinding 3 times I heard it. He says that he is "intrigued by that forest adventure."

It takes a second for her to hear what he said too. And oh my did she change the subject as quickly as she could, to talk about his itinerary, was he coming there before Cancun, etc.

Interesting, eh? What he was saying was that it was HER idea. You would think in the middle of a phone sex call before they got to it that she would want to discuss that idea of hers. No, huh, killer? Why not?

BBM Yes, I just read that bit from Zuri(from CH's book) that basically confirms what some of us have suspected from the start:

"She described how some of the most graphic texts that were attributed to Travis never came from Travis' phone."
Yeah, I agree, unless she had help from somebody. That's the only way I can see her accomplishing anything computer or phone related.

I agree and I think she did get help. Whether from some person she knew personally or by learning from the Internet I am guessing she got help .

One simple example is the Helio phone she got. My understanding is that phone could record voice calls. I am pretty sure she got the phone along with personal instructions on how to use it.

There is no telling how much other help she received with how to plant a virus or "Spoof" an email to show the sender as Travis. A simple spoofing method she could have used was if she acquired his ID and Passwords to his phone and/or email accounts. Then all she would have to do is to login and create and send messages from his accounts. She could even delete them from the SENT folders so Travis would not see that anything was sent but the recipient would still receive the messages.

I don't put anything past her and I am pretty sure she got help with certain things.
Working link below.HERE16~123.GIF

Justice4Travis ‏@Justice4TravisA 1h1 hour ago
EXCLUSIVE: Juror in the #JodiArias trial fell in love with her and held out against the death penalty, claims...
April 22.

Travis blogs about how to have an amazing day. In this entry he mentions having to get his passport in order. He's going to Cancun. The killer reads his blog in her cramped bedroom at her grandparents' house, back in Yreka.

Her credit cards are maxed out, her car is due to be repossessed, tbe foreclosure on her house with Darryl has destroyed her credit for years to come, she owes thousands of dollars each to her grandparents, her parents, Darryl, and to Travis for the BWI she destroyed in a rage. She is unemployed.

I can imagine her sitting in her grandparents bedroom with her Dreamboard and Broken Law of Attraction, looking for a way forward, and deciding that the best way to move on without Travis will be when there is no Travis to move on from.
I started reading "Picture Perfect" by Shanna Hogan and posted my first post #124 on the Side Bar. IIRC, Shanna was the first one to follow this case and had early access to the Alexander's, the Arias' and others. I didn't want to be redundant, so I left some parts out as they have been written about ad nauseum by others, although Shanna was the first to get the details.
Working link below.View attachment 85049

Justice4Travis ‏@Justice4TravisA 1h1 hour ago
EXCLUSIVE: Juror in the #JodiArias trial fell in love with her and held out against the death penalty, claims...

I think the author meant to say Arias "detractors" and not "supporters" in this article. Why would the Arias supporters "hate" the foreman who would not sentence her to death? Interesting that Tara Kelley saw the eye contact between the foreman and CMJA. I wonder if he was attracted to CMJA?
I thought so as well. The problem is it's stated as 'supporters' more than one time in the article. (strange)

I think the author meant to say Arias "detractors" and not "supporters" in this article. Why would the Arias supporters "hate" the foreman who would not sentence her to death? Interesting that Tara Kelley saw the eye contact between the foreman and CMJA. I wonder if he was attracted to CMJA?
I agree, but Gus Searcy considered himself an electronics genius, among his other flood of talents, and his involvement with the Helio opens the possibility that his help with phone technology may have extended further.

She did put on that whole dramatic crying and shaking like a chihuahua performance for him, allegedly after a half hour call from TA, back in February 2008(according to her journal Vol.5 P.1-6, from Feb.23-25?) when GS claims in his testimony that she had come to stay with him for 2 days and 1 night in his motorhome and although she was still living in AZ, she was supposedly moving away at that time.

[video=youtube;d2X6CeMq834][/video] starts around 31:53

Then on P.50 in her Vol.5 journal(dated March 14/15) said something about a phone charger and taking some pics, sounds like they were of GS with another woman(Ms.Coffee) even though his divorce wasn't final. Sounds like JA may have something over GS.

Also in her journal Vol.5 P.79 dated April 3 JA claims she hasn't left AZ but will be leaving that night and then on April 6, 2008 she says she spent two nights in the truck and " I got a Helio phone! It's on." That sounds like it could be referring to either her plan, an app she wanted, or both.

In GS's testimony, see video above, he met up with her in Pasadena between 10am and 2pm for about ten minutes and gave her the Helio(allegedly when she was actually moving to northern CA).
What Travis was up to from April 29 on through the morning of May 1 must have blown the killer's mind if she was reading his texts. Presume she was because my goodness were they going missing like crazy in between the ones that stuck. The killer must have left holes in the wall those few days in particular.

After adjusting the times on some texts (thanks, Pocket) what pops out is that Travis had back to back passionate encounters the same night, on April 30. CL actually was waiting in his house for him when he returned from the first; she spent the night, and first thing on the 1st they were texting about the 1,000 Places to See book.


Here's what must have been even worse for her. If she's reading his texts she knows that the man is horny beyond all measure, texting 4 women and talking smut with all of them, and....who is the one woman in his life who can be counted on to talk smut? Her. But he doesn't call or text her for it. When she texts him a few times over those days he responds as briefly as possible and picks right back up with the ladies.

So on the night of May 1....SHE brings up the little horny girl sex talk, and his response? Moving right along, send me an email to say hi. (Oh, and BTW, I know you plagiarized my blog).

Nurmi is supposed to be on Nancy Grace tonight , he will be talking about the butcheress and his book. YAWN.
i think jodi is a sociopath and her motive was self preservation. i don't think she ever could truly have felt love for travis. he had to be taken out because she thought it was all his fault that her reputation was being ruined... sure, she would have 'been' with him or even married him. but ony for status and comfort. too bad for her travis wasn't super rich after all! she sure did drain him like a golddigger though... (and not the type he wanted to marry as in his blog post).
Kelley said: 'When we would go into the judge's' chambers, which was once a week, he would always make eye contact with her [Arias] and do the same when he left.
'He had said he was a womanizer early on and that made me concerned he was going to be attracted to her. It's just such an odd thing to say.'
Kelley said that most jurors could barely even look at Arias, but Zervakos seemed more interested than the others.
She said: 'I honestly think he wanted to find her not guilty but he found her guilty. He found her guilty because he had to because of the evidence that was there.
'When it came to the death penalty phase that was his way out.'
Kelley worked closely with Zervakos because she was juror 17 and he was juror 18, which meant she had a close view of what he was doing.
Kelley said: 'I asked Jodi a lot of questions. Every time I would ask a question I could hear him huffing. He was so unimpressed that I kept asking her questions. His reaction was grunts like he was getting annoyed.'

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Nurmi is supposed to be on Nancy Grace tonight , he will be talking about the butcheress and his book. YAWN.

And I'm going to miss it, and not only because I miss Nancy Grace every chance I get.
So...Zervakos grunted with annoyance when his princess was picked on by other jurors.

Wow. There are just so many things wrong with that picture!
Just a couple of observations and question! :D

wasnt_me said:
I don't know why she "loves" her car so much if the infinity is the same car she kept pawning off on Travis while in Mesa. Something is very hinky about the financial institution. Maybe he was trying to make her get a loan for the BMW. I don't know. But something's not right about the whole car situation and hasn't been since the moment she started asking him all the time to switch cars. I don't know why they were doing that.

Maybe to hide a voice activated recorder to hear what Travis and his "dates" say? Just a guess!

Hope4More said:
That she brought a memory photo book and asked his friends and family to sign it seems especially cruel too. She knew what she was doing, knew that most of those closest to Travis suspected her. She was there to revel in their pain and to demonstrate that she'd won, IMO.

Does anyone know IF anyone there signed it? And where that memorial book is now? Just wondering! :thinking:

I'll check in tomorrow for the answers... :wave:
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