Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #4

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I'm not going to start questioning the words from Travis also. Just because we don't want him to have/had/was/briefly be with the killer under any circumstances, I won't start defining what it MEANS or under what specific parameters.

If TA said it, then it happened and I think we have to suck it up. That doesn't mean it lasted long.

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I agree. There is enough evidence from Travis alone on this subject.
At least once ... from google: and

She is, was, and always will be a liar who gets caught in her lies.





Caption on Myspace says "Gotta' Love Sepia"...... "Sepia" as in photshopping sepia?? Hmm.
Lol . Several of those surely were taken before Christmas '07. She's not very good at anything, is she, including lying.

No skills whatsoever, she can't even fake a good lie. I would think they were all before 2007. LMAO
This was the lying butcheress when she was manipulating Judge Stephens.... she all but said she would change her testimony to suit her needs.... LIAR!!


Jodi Arias herself then got to put her two cents into this argument. She then made a little slip up in her attempt to speak eloquently to the judge. Juan caught it though. In explaining why she wants to trample the Constitution of the taxpayers paying for her defense she said:

“It is not about who is sitting in the courtroom. It is about the knowledge that there are people privy to my testimony. Mr. Martinez said it is that I would be less nervous if we cleared the courtroom. It is more about knowing, in my mind as I’m trying to answer these questions that there are people who are privy to what I’m saying and should I answer one way or another because of these threats – so that was not accurate. It is not about who is sitting in the courtroom.”

That was Jodi Arias, convicted killer, telling a judge that there were certain conditions under which she could tell certain stories. It’s a slippery slope for her, obviously, and it’s almost amazing that she doesn’t realize how quickly she digs her own grave.
Off for the night, weather is affecting server in a badass way. I am getting booted from everything. Stay safe my fellow snow buddies. I hope electric doesn't go poof, but I suppose it could be worse.. I have a generator, so I'll be okay.. hoping for the best for others
Off for the night, weather is affecting server in a badass way. I am getting booted from everything. Stay safe my fellow snow buddies. I hope electric doesn't go poof, but I suppose it could be worse.. I have a generator, so I'll be okay.. hoping for the best for others

Be safe (and warm)!!!
Off for the night, weather is affecting server in a badass way. I am getting booted from everything. Stay safe my fellow snow buddies. I hope electric doesn't go poof, but I suppose it could be worse.. I have a generator, so I'll be okay.. hoping for the best for others

Take good care, CA!
Off for the night, weather is affecting server in a badass way. I am getting booted from everything. Stay safe my fellow snow buddies. I hope electric doesn't go poof, but I suppose it could be worse.. I have a generator, so I'll be okay.. hoping for the best for others

Good luck, personally, I was liking our rather warmer winter (I was like, oh please, let us have it just this once... ). The snow makes such a mess on the highways here. Suppose we should be glad it is happening on a weekend! *whew*
Travis defined her as his girlfriend, eventually, for a very short time and after massive pressure from Arias. She did bake cookies at his house. He bought her cookies - a gift card. His own words indicate he thought if her as a girlfriend - albeit briefly. They attended movie theatre, went on trips.

It is strange, even though TA has referred to her as such, even the Hughes (whom they spent a lot of time with initially, and TA remained in contact with - despite killer's attempts to sabotage his friendship with them), have stated that there is no evidence that TA and JA were 'in a relationship.'

They stated that a few times in their book. Yet, TA never corrected her when she referred to herself as his girlfriend in the audio we've heard so... I believe Travis WOULD have, for sure, if he felt uncomfortable with her calling herself that and the context was pretty clear. "I wasn't your girlfriend then."

I DO believe, their relationship was BS, all lies, how is that a real relationship? It is one of victim/predator, that's all. No REAL relationship, any sincerity or bf/gf type atmosphere WAS short, in my personal opinion. There is evidence for that too. Hell, I'd buy he'd have only called her gf for a week, at best, their only functional week together (maybe even just a short weekend of bf/gf recognition), else, they were fighting all the time! Evidence of this, and JA stated this herself in her own diary so..

I do NOT believe they were truly on a bf/gf level, however, not just due to pathological sabotage (one after another), but because if you are fighting all the time, that is evidence you are not even on the same page, they were simply DATING. He called her his gf only due to his uncomfortability at some point with the nature of their exclusivity. She made him jealous, so that was provoked too perhaps... just to call her his gf, that is.

I mean, at that point, she had managed to aggravate him into arguments with others, he'd have to defend 'poor Jodi,' and everyone would wonder why he was with her. She greatly manipulated their so-called bf/gf 'relationship.' False relationship, that's what I'd call it, JMO.
They stated that a few times in their book. Yet, TA never corrected her when she referred to herself as his girlfriend in the audio we've heard so... I believe Travis WOULD have, for sure, if he felt uncomfortable with her calling herself that and the context was pretty clear. "I wasn't your girlfriend then."
False relationship, that's what I'd call it, JMO.

When searching for truth anything Arias says is rightly regarded as a potential lie in this case. In the audio referred to Travis calls Arias his girlfriend - several times. It's not simply that he doesn't correct her assertion. Travis, in his own words, describes her as his girlfriend. Just a few minutes in, TA repeats that she was his girlfriend.


I can't bear to listen to this tape beyond those first few minutes as what she was doing there was monsterously calculating. She ramps up the false lightness - dipping in and out of agenda negotiated topics. There is lots of evidence to support that she had little status beyond the title 'girlfriend' (for the briefest time) but it's important to record facts alongside opinions when evidence contains them.
OT, but today I'm glad I don't own a chihuahua.

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When searching for truth anything Arias says is rightly regarded as a potential lie in this case. In the audio referred to Travis calls Arias his girlfriend - several times. It's not simply that he doesn't correct her assertion. Travis, in his own words, describes her as his girlfriend. Just a few minutes in, TA repeats that she was his girlfriend.


I can't bear to listen to this tape beyond those first few minutes as what she was doing there was monsterously calculating. She ramps up the false lightness - dipping in and out of agenda negotiated topics. There is lots of evidence to support that she had little status beyond the title 'girlfriend' (for the briefest time) but it's important to record facts alongside opinions when evidence contains them.

With all due respect to the Hughes- and I'm not trying to rehash arguments about whether they were or were not good friends to Travis- I don't think they are the best judges of the "relationship" Travis had with the killer, whatever it was.

From the text record, anyway, what I see is that Travis didn't confide in them anything about the killer, at least from December '07 on through til he was murdered.

He spoke with Taylor about her (from the very beginning, including about her move to Mesa), and did so as well with Michelle and Regan. Not the Hughes.

The one time Chris mentions the killer is in March 2008, at convention, when he made extremely disparaging remarks about her. Travis not only didn't defend the killer, he distanced himself entirely by saying he had to bring her because the tickets had been bought long ago and that he was just "using" her for gas money to get to convention.

Yet...Travis paid all of HER expenses for the trip, and spent 2 extra days on the road with her, sightseeing.

There was --amazingly!! --truth in the killer's statements that Travis was unwilling to admit to the Hughes the degree he was still tangled up with her, IMO, though of course she twisted the reasons for his reticence.

Were they ever "BF-GF"? Have to say I found that topic horribly annoying every time it was brought up at trial. How sophomoric, her "remembering" the exact date when they became "official," yada yada. It seemed easy to believe I was watching a conflict resolution exercise for high school students rather then a DP trial.

Many of T's friends have said he was genuinely extremely interested in her, for a time. They did get together handfuls of times when they lived many miles apart, and apparently they may have emailed and texted constantly then as well. And they did have sex of whatever kind.

Maybe I'm old fashioned- am definitely the first part of that :D, but I think all that qualifies as a relationship. However brief. And however founded on lies.
It is strange, even though TA has referred to her as such, even the Hughes (whom they spent a lot of time with initially, and TA remained in contact with - despite killer's attempts to sabotage his friendship with them), have stated that there is no evidence that TA and JA were 'in a relationship.'

They stated that a few times in their book. Yet, TA never corrected her when she referred to herself as his girlfriend in the audio we've heard so... I believe Travis WOULD have, for sure, if he felt uncomfortable with her calling herself that and the context was pretty clear. "I wasn't your girlfriend then."

I DO believe, their relationship was BS, all lies, how is that a real relationship? It is one of victim/predator, that's all. No REAL relationship, any sincerity or bf/gf type atmosphere WAS short, in my personal opinion. There is evidence for that too. Hell, I'd buy he'd have only called her gf for a week, at best, their only functional week together (maybe even just a short weekend of bf/gf recognition), else, they were fighting all the time! Evidence of this, and JA stated this herself in her own diary so..

I do NOT believe they were truly on a bf/gf level, however, not just due to pathological sabotage (one after another), but because if you are fighting all the time, that is evidence you are not even on the same page, they were simply DATING. He called her his gf only due to his uncomfortability at some point with the nature of their exclusivity. She made him jealous, so that was provoked too perhaps... just to call her his gf, that is.

I mean, at that point, she had managed to aggravate him into arguments with others, he'd have to defend 'poor Jodi,' and everyone would wonder why he was with her. She greatly manipulated their so-called bf/gf 'relationship.' False relationship, that's what I'd call it, JMO.

My thoughts exactly.

In fact, the extent of this boyfriend/girlfriend thing were so unclear that Jodi in her interrogation said she and Travis had arguments about when it "began." She might have testified to this as well.

On the trip to SLC in 2007, she says she's expecting a proposal even though he has never said he loves her.

Late on, it seems, he starts tossing in the "Love you" thing. I find this a very common expression in the US.

Often, he didn't argue with her in order to keep the peace. I mean, really, where would it get him?

And, finally, Travis loves dates/dating and the process of setting up dates. He texts "nice girls" all day to set up dates, double dates, rock climbing, all kinds of stuff. In fact, he's a very creative date inviter. (I did say upthread he would be fun to be around.) He doesn't take JA on these kinds of dates. Most of the time, she's not "in the mix" although she keeps trying to get in there. Yes, they go traveling, but she frequently pays her own way, and it is with the stated intention of going to all 1000 places. I believe this started after they had already broken up.
Men who have regulars at the nearest Playboy Bunny residence call their regulars "girlfriends." They even buy them flowers sometimes.... Pay for stuff..... Just sayin'.
Did TA ever refer to himself as Jodi's "boyfriend"?

We should be looking at a totality of "boyfriend/girlfriend" and not just one half of it.
Did TA ever refer to himself as Jodi's "boyfriend"?

We should be looking at a totality of "boyfriend/girlfriend" and not just one half of it.

The discussion points I responded to focused on Arias being his girlfriend. Or not being so. That was what was being questioned.

One of the things I like about this forum is the base of knowledge that has firm foundation in fact. So, if it's claimed that he never called her his girlfriend and evidence shows he did, noting the facts helps. Same with your point on going to see a movie or baking cookies. The evidence shows that she did these things so it's worth being clear on those points. These small matters don't negate the discussion on his level of commitment to to her or the very brief window in which the tag girlfriend was applied.
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