Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #4

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Ooooh, now I'm recollecting. ....a) She went with TA to SLC via Lake Powell? and/or b) TA went without her and he went via Lake Powell? The time Gus was texting her all day? and she's seething, seething,seething.......

I don't remember that.. ..I do wonder about Hoover Dam.

She and Travis had a text fight while she was returning from her stay with Gus in Las Vegas February 22-25.

She told Travis she was rushing as fast as she could to get back to Mesa, and that she had driven right "on by" Hoover Dam even though she really had looked forward to photographing it.

For her "architectural portfolio". Which she was developing on HIS recommendation.
Sure...drop perusal bombs and run....:D


I was looking for the default timezone setting but didn't see it in the handbook, I did come across a couple of postings of other Sony products and saw mentions they use GMT as default, so seems pretty likely the camera's default also was GMT (as pocketaccent supposed above).
More perusal, the manual for Travis' camera:

Were there other images on the Sony stick recovered from the washer?
Or were TA's photos all on the camera?

Hypothetical: Jodi downloaded photos not from a stick, but from her computer onto the camera. See page 97: Viewing photos from your computer on your camera.
She thought they were going onto the camera. But they went onto the stick? Or would it have mattered to her whether they went on the stick or the camera? It only mattered when the stick wasn't destroyed?
She practiced with some nudie photos and put them on the stick. Then she deleted them 'cos she'd got all the practice she needed. Then she took the shower photos.?
She took the original nudie photos with her own camera.

Per page 98, you can change the "shooting date".
Again, page 102.

Note, I cannot make head or tail of these instructions. They just sound bizarre to me. You have to dink around that much if you're using Windows? :shame: And then just one page for Mac instructions needed to do all of that?

If the manipulation was taking place on her computer, maybe we need the instructions for her camera, not his, to see if the dates the photos were taken on that camera could be manipulated? And then transferred to Travis' camera in the manipulated state?
Dunno, it's google's standard route for those legs, I didn't select any specific road(s) to travel on.

I don't mean to be a pest, but I'm puzzled, 'cos:

Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 10.46.25 PM.jpg
I don't remember that.. ..I do wonder about Hoover Dam.

She and Travis had a text fight while she was returning from her stay with Gus in Las Vegas February 22-25.

She told Travis she was rushing as fast as she could to get back to Mesa, and that she had driven right "on by" Hoover Dam even though she really had looked forward to photographing it.

For her "architectural portfolio". Which she was developing on HIS recommendation.

But he went to an event where Gus was texting Jodi the whole time?

And they went together to SLC?

I was looking for the default timezone setting but didn't see it in the handbook, I did come across a couple of postings of other Sony products and saw mentions they use GMT as default, so seems pretty likely the camera's default also was GMT (as pocketaccent supposed above).

Genius! That could be it... That would put the shower photos in the morning?
Yes TA had a full life and was trying to get rid of her... at least according to his friends. As for when he finally had had enough... I think by the time he spoke to JC at the conference at the beginning of April, he was more than done, but he was trying to be a nice guy about it having never experienced someone like her before.

Christopher would have made a very good witness in the first trial to the truth of what the relationship between Travis and the murderer really was like and, how truly obsessed the murderer was with him.
I often wonder why some of these people were never called to testify.
Concerning the silencer. To use a silencer on a .25 caliber pistol the barrel would require threading on the end of the barrel. That would have to be done by a gunsmith and it usually costs a couple hundred bucks. Most of those little .25 caliber pistols only cost under 200 bucks. The silencer that was found was obviously for the 9MM. It isn't a good idea to fit a silencer to a .25 caliber handgun. A silencer increases the blowback pressure when fired and those little pistols may not be able to withstand that pressure. They are a bad choice to equip with a silencer.
It is being said that Arias supporter "David" (who just passed) left her in his will. Well newsflash to the butcheress... no extra hershey bars for you!!! Not even a chicken fajita. :biggrin: Besides, I read where he had taken a bus to the trial, and had no money to get home so I doubt he had a fortune. It's sad he lost his battle though. It should be a major crime for an inmate to use these people too!!! She is scamming these older men for her personal benefit. Do I feel sorry for the men... NOPE!! Just imagine what she says to them... EWWW

Snipped from article:

"Here's another reason to stay out of jail. If you happen to be the beneficiary of a will, trust or life insurance policy, you won't get the money if you're locked up. Just who does get it depends on the reason you're behind bars. In extreme cases, the funds might go to your victim or victim's family, or even the prison system. That's a score for the taxpayer since it helps pay for a criminal's upkeep."

I don't feel bad for her victims either, however, I am sure there are family members that could actually use that money for their college tuition, car, medical purposes... I really don't think inmates need *commissary in the first place (and I mean for violent offenders - if they are getting cash, most of it should go to victim's family)!
Were there other images on the Sony stick recovered from the washer?
Or were TA's photos all on the camera?


Ths hypothetical makes little sense to me in terms of why Arias would need to do it. It clearly stems from her desperate attempt to lie out of the pic evidence when confronted by Detective Flores in a police interview.
Ugh, I'm rereading some of the old threads from during the trial/penalty? period and this recap from Feb.13/13 provides a few refreshers and possible clues for some of our current discussions over the last few days.
"The only thing I said was I would tell everyone he was a pediphile with a past . . . at the time I thought it was child *advertiser censored* but I realized it was just a child picture not *advertiser censored*"

My comment, so she admits she had threatened TA with pedi accusations but that there was nothing there.
"I think I met Gus in Southern Calif and then went to Holister then spent night and then to Yreka . . . ."
my question- This was on the way back to Yreka in April??
"Phone sex conversation recorded on the 10th . . . were you having other similar chats with TA when you moved back to Yreka . .
yes - that was increasing . . . .. 3 other times and other than that it only happened one time.

"the one the day after we broke up . . . I never did that before ]

first time phone sex . . . .
I was in Big Sur - I got the idea he was masturbating . . . there were two prior to the one played yesterday and one afterward - I think

"April or May . . . don't think of me as a blond because I am a brunette now . . . I died my hair in late March or April . . . I waited to go to convention with dark hair and a few blond highlights . . . "
"I think I met Gus in Southern Calif and then went to Holister then spent night and then to Yreka . . . ."
my question- This was on the way back to Yreka in April??

Yes. And BTW, Gus was in Pasadena, and Hollister CA is about 45 minutes away from Monterey, where Matt lived.

So, her murder route essentially retraced the path of her humiliating forced retreat from Mesa.

Monday, March 3. (texts, no journal for her for this day).

Travis is texting with Michelle, trying to arrange a double date to ask Mimi out on, and asking her if she’s spoken to Lisa. Says he’s having a bad or sad day, having a hard time functioning. Mentions that he and Mimi are carpooling to FHE and they’re going to get their pottery afterwards. tells Deanna he is so broke his checking acct is in negative balance and he doesn’t know how he’s going to afford gas to convention. Travis spends hours working on PPL stuff with his associates.

The killer has his car, which he needs for FHE at 7 that night. At 4:45 the killer texts she’s lost her wallet and will be delayed. A minute later she texts-never mind, found it. Travis must be running late, because he texts Mimi a bit after 7 to check if she’d like the guacamole he’s made for her because she was in the mood for avocado. She does, he leaves.

At 7:33pm the killer texts him she has a thought, to call her if he’s not at FHE (checking to see if he is in the house, no doubt). At 10:44 pm she texts that she’ll be there in 15 minutes. T’s next and last text is close to 3am, business related.

Tuesday. March 4. (Texts). Not a lot of texting this day. Some back and forth with Taylor and Michelle, some PPL business. Starts to organize a Sunday pancake breakfast party at his house.

The killer texts him that she is at work, bored, no tables but they’re keeping her there. T just says wow, but a bit later he texts with her for 2 hours, 1:30-3:30, while she is at work, bored. He starts the texting with a gentle teasing about something she’s said a while past, she says yeh, funny that I used to think silly things like that all the time. Drops a sexual hint to Travis, he doesn’t respond.

Does system training at his house that evening.

Tuesday . March 4. Journal. She’s sitting in TA’s office with him, “participating” in his system training call, writing in her journal. Writes- I’m bored.

“I’m here (doing PPL) because I need a way out.” PPL is an opportunity!

(This is important, really, IMO. She's grasping at straws now, deluding herself that positive thinking and PPL will somehow magically save her financially).

On the next page, after a few perfunctory notes from the call, she makes a detailed list of 44 things she’s looking for in a husband.

Later in the day she writes that she sees it as a wake up call that someone else from PPL signed up “her” prospect at Mimi’s that day, a fellow staff member. She tells herself she’s been lazy and it’s time to get serious.

Wednesday, March 5 ( texts). Travis tries to get Taylor and or Dan F to go to rock gym with him to practice climbing so he can impress Mimi. Talks with Samantha about picking up his mountain bike back, but his nephew uses it occasionally, so he says never mind, keep it.

Two of 3 of his last texts of the night are to the killer, telling her she’s messed up things” indefinitely in that category,” and a bit later- “well, what the hell do you expect me to do about it? “ CL had been trying to engage him texting before that. His last text of the night, to CL, is uncharacteristically short- “sorry” (she told him her guinea pig had died).

Wednesday. March 5. (journal). She says she’s starting to see “light at the end of the tunnel, “ and writes down her plan: She’ll go to CA that weekend to do wedding photos (plane fare paid by whom?), then OKC convention, then pack for a week, then leave the week after that (last week in March).

Says she’s going to dye her hair brown. Mentions things aren’t going very well for Travis with Mimi, but that he’ll be fine because he’s amazing and she’s grateful for his friendship.

Thursday March 6 (texts). The killer texts him frequently, beginning early in the AM, including one of her accidental texts about paying her share of the electricity bill, thanks to you (Travis). They seem to have had oral sex the night before.

She heads over to his house around 5:30pm, texts him 3 hours later that she forgot to taste the ice cream. By context, she’s there for a car switch, because Travis spent time that evening with Mimi and perhaps Michelle.

Travis asks CL if she’s available to go on a double date the next night (March 7), then spends hours texting with her, both flirting very suggestively until 1:20AM.

March 6. (journal) Writes- wow, difficult to say goodbye to yesterdays and what might have “ just been my fantasies or a parallel reality.” Then tells herself she is choosing to create a better future reality for herself.

Says Travis called and asked her to come with him to get the Prius, and that she hadn’t known how to ask him if she could do that with him, and was so thrilled he asked her , she told him , it was as good as being asked by him to go to the Executive Director banquet at the upcoming OKC convention. (How unsubtle and manipulative is that?!)

Says Travis told her he would ask her, of course, but can’t because of Sky, as much as that grieved him. Even though Travis isn’t actually dating Mimi, Sky is expecting things to progress, so really wouldn’t approve. No worries, though, it’s all good. She’ll earn it on her own!

Next year she’ll see Travis there with Mimi and she’ll be there with someone too. Didn’t expect to go to that banquet this year anyway.

Says spent time at T-Dogg’s watching snl skits on internet and talked and fooled around a little, plans definite now for a road trip to OKC, looking forward to checking off places! T driving me to airport. It would be the first time family sees me blond. Hmm. Will dye hair after convention.

Friday, March 7. (journal). At airport. T dropped me off. Have some good PD books with me to read as I wait and on the plane. Nah. I’ll save them for when I can really focus on them, because the wisdom in them is too important to try to read right now.

Friday. March 7 (texts). (Travis drops the killer off at the airport I think before 11AM).

He texts with Michelle, who asks him if he kissed Mimi the night before. Nope.

He tells Michelle that he wants Mimi to come on a road trip with him to the OKC conference (!!!) and asks if Michelle wants to be part of a road trip travelling group.

She says she wants to but may have a conflict. Travis says he has a date for that evening, and that he had his 5th dream about Mimi the night before.

Has a conference call in the AM, lots of technical difficulties for the whole group in accessing the call.

Goes on his date with CL. She texts him around 8pm she might be a little late, then at 12:30 that she’d had a lot of fun, thanks him, then at 2:04 that she’d made it home safely, another thanks for keeping her company by phone while she was the road.

Killer texts to him: around 3pm- with a lame joke and a demand that he call!! At 7:15 pm about the sun setting at MT Shasta, at 7:19pm that she was bored, and asking him what’s he’s up tonight? And at 11:45- forgot to tell you I made it here OK.

NO replies from Travis to any of her texts. She’s getting a taste of what it’s like to be back in Yreka, bored, no friends to hang out with, just family, and Travis 1,000 miles away, who clearly is too busy to even call to ask her if she arrived safely. Or to answer a single one of her texts, even the one close to midnight! What is he doing??!!!!
Were there other images on the Sony stick recovered from the washer?
Or were TA's photos all on the camera?

Hypothetical: Jodi downloaded photos not from a stick, but from her computer onto the camera. See page 97: Viewing photos from your computer on your camera.
She thought they were going onto the camera. But they went onto the stick? Or would it have mattered to her whether they went on the stick or the camera? It only mattered when the stick wasn't destroyed?
She practiced with some nudie photos and put them on the stick. Then she deleted them 'cos she'd got all the practice she needed. Then she took the shower photos.?
She took the original nudie photos with her own camera.

Per page 98, you can change the "shooting date".
Again, page 102.

Note, I cannot make head or tail of these instructions. They just sound bizarre to me. You have to dink around that much if you're using Windows? :shame: And then just one page for Mac instructions needed to do all of that?

If the manipulation was taking place on her computer, maybe we need the instructions for her camera, not his, to see if the dates the photos were taken on that camera could be manipulated? And then transferred to Travis' camera in the manipulated state?


Yes, there were 90+ other pics on the stick that were not deleted, we have not seen them nor have any other info about them (when they were taken, who is in them, etc.) just that they were on the stick along with the deleted nudes and shower pics.
Reprise of Hope4More's entry of 2-20-15

4/1 Text (or chat) TA and Michelle Lowry: there’s a Michelle in our ward who has been playing spy for Jodi for months, giving her info about Lisa and Mimi. I have had no privacy for a year. (She’s read) my journals, goes into my texts and emails.

What got my attention here is that TA is saying that JA has been at her snoopy c***p (that he's known about) for a year.

This is not "since June when we broke up"; not "this happened in May and that's why we broke up"...

but.... "it was happening already in March of last year". In Jodi's version, they were "boyfriend/girlfriend" at that time (even though they never had a date). As far as I can tell, there never was a "boyfriend/girlfriend" thing going in Travis' mind.

On another topic, I notice that people put considerable weight on two phrases of TA's.
Phrase 1. "She's a great girl." To me, this seems to be "Mormon-talk", since it gets repeated quite a bit. I picked up on it especially after hearing EF say to Jodi during the interrogation, something to the effect "You seem to be a nice girl......" Bwahahaha (I don't know how he pulled that off.). And Jodi uses the phrase frequently herself: "I mean, she's a great girl...." referring to Deanna. What I'm saying is, when TA calls Jodi a "great girl" there is no real greatness or niceness necessarily involved. It's just something Mormons say. Sometimes, it even seems to mean the opposite!
[I could stick in a feminist reminder here that Jodi hasn't been a girl for a couple of decades....]
Phrase 2. "I love you." I don't put any great stock in this. In the real world, the word "love" gets bandied about quite a bit. It rarely means "I love you; let's get married." It's not specifically romantic. Except to Jodi. My colleagues "love" each other momentarily when they cover for each other; "Don't you just love her?" is an expression of appreciating someone's positive qualities, not LOVE; and "I'm just loving what I'm doing right now" is a reflection of a felicitous career move.
I'm sure TA figured out the "love" word calmed Jodi down: I think we should take it with a grain of salt. I don't even think TA knew what love was. I think he knew what loving behavior is, and when he says "I loved you" he meant "I demonstrated loving behavior to you and this c***p is what you gave me in return".
Reprise of Hope4More's entry of 2-20-15

4/1 Text (or chat) TA and Michelle Lowry: there’s a Michelle in our ward who has been playing spy for Jodi for months, giving her info about Lisa and Mimi. I have had no privacy for a year. (She’s read) my journals, goes into my texts and emails.

What got my attention here is that TA is saying that JA has been at her snoopy c***p (that he's known about) for a year.

This is not "since June when we broke up"; not "this happened in May and that's why we broke up"...

but.... "it was happening already in March of last year". In Jodi's version, they were "boyfriend/girlfriend" at that time (even though they never had a date). As far as I can tell, there never was a "boyfriend/girlfriend" thing going in Travis' mind.

On another topic, I notice that people put considerable weight on two phrases of TA's.
Phrase 1. "She's a great girl." To me, this seems to be "Mormon-talk", since it gets repeated quite a bit. I picked up on it especially after hearing EF say to Jodi during the interrogation, something to the effect "You seem to be a nice girl......" Bwahahaha (I don't know how he pulled that off.). And Jodi uses the phrase frequently herself: "I mean, she's a great girl...." referring to Deanna. What I'm saying is, when TA calls Jodi a "great girl" there is no real greatness or niceness necessarily involved. It's just something Mormons say. Sometimes, it even seems to mean the opposite!
[I could stick in a feminist reminder here that Jodi hasn't been a girl for a couple of decades....]
Phrase 2. "I love you." I don't put any great stock in this. In the real world, the word "love" gets bandied about quite a bit. It rarely means "I love you; let's get married." It's not specifically romantic. Except to Jodi. My colleagues "love" each other momentarily when they cover for each other; "Don't you just love her?" is an expression of appreciating someone's positive qualities, not LOVE; and "I'm just loving what I'm doing right now" is a reflection of a felicitous career move.
I'm sure TA figured out the "love" word calmed Jodi down: I think we should take it with a grain of salt. I don't even think TA knew what love was. I think he knew what loving behavior is, and when he says "I loved you" he meant "I demonstrated loving behavior to you and this c***p is what you gave me in return".

There really was a boyfriend- girlfriend thing going on in his mind, for a few months in 2007, but it was never remotely what the killer thought it was or hoped it would be.

DeMarte explained extremely well how the killer's BPD skewed her thoughts/emotions at that early stage.

And Travis clearly never got the "exclusive" memo. I think he very much knew what love was, was extremely loving to his friends, and genuinely had loved Deanna for a very long while.

It was commitment he had a problem with, and had he not felt so pressured to marry by 30, maybe that wouldn't have been a big deal either in time.

Hell, I didn't get married until I was 34, and only did then because the right man dropped into my very full, very happy and very independent single life.
It would not be 9 hours..... it would be 55 miles one way out of her way, going back and forth on the interstate. She could have done that to "prove" she hadn't gone to Arizona.

Does it fit with her mileage, the time/location of the ping and the confirmed receipts(her cc or debit with times/dates)? We know she paid cash for gas when she didn't want to be tracked and after Mesa, where I'm sure she helped herself to whatever cash TA had had on hand, she could have afforded it. That whole story about running out of gas and some guy stopping to help her... hmm, sounds similar to the story she had once told TA about running out of gas and getting a ride and dinner from some kind stranger.

Yes, there were 90+ other pics on the stick that were not deleted, we have not seen them nor have any other info about them (when they were taken, who is in them, etc.) just that they were on the stick along with the deleted nudes and shower pics.

I think LE and JM must believe those 90 pics were taken by Travis, or by someone using his camera with his permission.

My guess is they are probably mostly of PPL events, or are otherwise demonstrably pics she couldn't have taken.

Think about it. Wouldn't the DT have seized on any possibility the memory card was hers if the other photos presented that opportunity?
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