Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #4

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Texts for comparison.

Here is a brief (paraphrased and greatly condensed) summary of the 2 text chats, one on March 9, 2008 (area code of “Talie”is in AZ), and the chat on May 13, 2008 (area code in Riverside, CA) which led directly to Travis telling the killer he “knew what she had done.”

The full texts are available on the Beth Karas on Crime subscription website, and BTW, both the mods there and the volunteer who converted all the raw text records into usable format have been nothing short of awesome. 

First text: March 9-10, 2008. Travis (T) and “Talie” (TLE)

Texting begins at 5:06pm, with T asked TLE about what questions she has.

TLE says- so many…why a CA area code? Do u have a hot date tonight?

T says no, she says she’s taking care of dad while mom’s out of town, her mom is in Palonoma, “not that u care.”

TLE: How far have you gone with “activities?” T: Everything else but it.

TLE: Are you a virgin? T: depends on definition

TLE: Do u think you’re Temple worthy? T: Dunno. (these questions are asked within 10 minutes, max, from start of texting).

TLE: Gay thoughts? Haha. Just kidding.

TLE: Don’t u crave (going all the way). T: Yes. big time

TLE: That’s the best part. TE: That’s what I hear. But I can compensate.

TLE: “she tells u that but it’s not true.”

TLE: 5:57pm. I’ll explain.

TLE vanishes until 6:41PM, T is basically texting--hello? Hello? Are u there. 

TLE- 6:41pm. Sorry, finishing dinner

TLE: Oral sex is great, but inside is better and best.

TLE: “I wonder if I could break u.” T: U could try.

T: When? TLE: NOW

TLE: “I live in Show Low. Usually there on weekends, sister watches the kids , but she’s not here now. I mean I am usually in the valley. “

T: That sucks. Then how? (this back and forth of now..but not really, then when, different answers by Talie goes on for a bit, and includes:

TLE: Unless u drive here tonight, it’s going to have wait til next weekend.

T: How far a drive is it?

TLE: My ex went out of town or I’d be free tonight. Down in the valley. (huh?)

Discussion about shaved in the nether regions.

T: -cool. Me too. It’s so much easier that way.

TLE: Still can’t understand yr way of thinking about full sex.

T: What should I expect? Any answer will do.

TLE: “What do you mean? I am just a simple girl who doesn’t understand why( everything but).

T: 11:29 pm. when can we meet

TLE: 11:44pm. Bring it on.

12:00AM- 1:17AM. T: Want to talk? Hello? Hello? Did u fall asleep

2:00AM. The killer texts: Thanks for singing me to sleep. “Have sweet dreams. Tomorrow is going to be a great day. I love u goodnight.”

7:32AM, Feb 10. TLE: Sorry, am a mom, couldn’t stay awake.
9:11 PM. Killer to T: Hey. are u feeling better.

1:04AM T to TLE- are you awake. (no reply).

10:24AM, Feb 11. TLE: “Good morning. U were done with your issue at 1:30am? Must have been very important.”

Travis tells her that his tires were just slashed, again, for the 3rd time. TLE replies-“ I’m sorry. That sucks. u have enemies?’

Travis says, I guess I must, an ex-girlfriend or an ex-roomie of mine who was crazy, that his best guess is his psycho ex-roomie. TLE asks if he has a lot of “those” meanng GF’s or enemies, T says a lot of both. She says, are you not a nice guy?

T replies- I’m very nice, (I might attract envy) and besides the tire-slasher I don’t have any enemies, actually, and the tire-slasher “is obviously a very sick individual.”

TLE says, yah, me too. I keep separate and “have no friends” because “I don’t like controversy or drama.”

February 12. TLE: bad news. Have to cancel tomorrow night. (Feb 13)

February 13. Killer tries to seduce Travis. Can’t. (T-Dogg isn’t horny..frownie face frownie face.)
It looks to me from the list sequence as though the blank would say, "it hurts......."

There are 20 missing letters altogether. You can tell because it's a monospace font where every letter takes up the same width. Someone please doublecheck the count, though.

What has to go in that sequence if jodi had been reading enough Victorian novels lately (there are indications from the list in the sentence before where to put commas, etc), using Courier:

,/it/hurts/ ,/
where the / is a required non-letter space


,/it/hurts/^^^^^^^,/ 7 spaces left
/like/^^^^^^^^^^^^,/ 12 spaces left
/that/^^^^^^^^^^^^,/ 12 spaces left

So what goes in there?
my family? (9 spaces required)
Travis (in some iteration)?
my friends? (10 spaces required)

Dang, when I post, it turns out Courier doesn't do spaces. Let me try something else.... Not that either...

Now I've used karats for available spaces ^^^^^

Now I think it's "animals" (7 spaces)

It hurts people, it hurts animals, and it hurts me.

The defense clearly had all references to animal abuse withheld from the jury.
Second Text. May 13-14, 2008. “NA55” (unidentified in text records) and Travis.

(FWIW, Travis tells Michelle the day before that he is going to need her help for awhile).

Texting begins at 12:07 AM, with Travis asking, so what are you going to do to me? You said I should be scared. NA- not scared, just amazed.
Discussed, in approximate order- So who makes the first move? Where do u live? She gives him an intersection, but says -u won’t come.

NA: Come cuddle with me.

T: My house is more cool. Come over and make a baby.

NA- what? What does that mean?

T: It’s just a silly way of saying let’s make out

NA: .Can’t make a baby just kissing. T: Can’t make a baby just snuggling either.

T: Trying to figure out if u want to get scandalous with me, can’t tell

NA: Do u want a boy or girl?

T: Neither. not the result, just the action before.

T: Come here. Comfortable.

NA: Do you have a roommate? Just is huge we don’t see each other.

NA. Sweet.

T: Gonna come over and rape me?

NA: “It’s not rape if u want it. “

T: Good point. You must be horny to want to drive over at 1am.

NA: Would it be worth it?

T: Yes. U could get away with a lot.

T: What would you like to do together? What are you into?

NA: I don’t know.

T: You Might want to figure it out.

NA: What would u like me to do?

T: anything, except all out sex of course

NA: "You are confusing me".

T: "Yes, that’s the point. "

T: Tell me what you’d like.

NA: I don’t think u would do anything if I came over. Tell me what you’d do if I came over right now.

T: Does my answer determine if u will?

NA: Maybe.

T: Times wasting. Just come

T: Ha. Are you trying to incriminate me or trying to figure out what you can get away with if u came over? Just start driving..

NA: Would u freak if I took off my clothes.

T: No. are you coming? Are u teasing a brother?

NA: I want to get in your bed and take yr clothes off.

1:28 until 2:01AM , NA doesn’t reply to 4-5 texts of T saying- hello? Hello? What happened to you?

2:01AM. NA: I think u would freak if I came over.

2:02AM. “ Ouch. I’m a little hurt.”

2:05 AM. The killer texts: “ Wow, Not gonna lie. That hurts. Screening my calls. Wow.”

5:45AM. NA: Sorry. Fell asleep.

T: 5:45AM. I believe u.

11:13AM. Discussion about what work Travis does, he asks her-heard of PPL? She says sure…then. Haha. No. Tells T that he has a cool job set up/life.

Asks- So when r we playing in your bed.? T says tonight. She asks are you going to take me out on a date first? He says it depends on when you get here.

A long exchange follows where he’s explaining to her that (basically) his work includes having things that need to be done at night, that he has to structure his time around his work.

NA keeps trying to get him to drop his work to accommodate her, that it will be too late at night by the time he is done.

T: well, you were willing to come at 2AM last night. I guess you were just horny then.

NA: I was?

3:27PM, May 14. so r u coming tonight. Are u going to ravage me?

NA: Depends on what u mean by ravage.

T: Have yr way with me.

NA: Oh, I would.

(one minute after this text Travis texts Maria to ask how her lesson went).

T: What would u do to me?

NA: I’d throw u on the bed…

T: Objectify me?

NA: I’d use other words.

T: What words? I want them in writing.

NA sends a series of texts laying out what she’d do, kissing him starting on the lips and working her way down. She stops at his belly/hips. As she’s texting that Travis texts his friend who is editing the first chapter of his book, telling her to go read his blog and tell him if it needs edits.

NA stops and says- you haven’t said what u would do. T says- reciprocate.

Tells NA- I am groomed smooth as a baby. “ It makes things much easier.”

NA: Just start telling me.

T: “That’s a little risky. How do I know your roommates aren’t sitting there with you, listening?”

4:48-5:03PM- Texting Maria with cheerful friendly feedback about how her lesson went, as he and NA get more explicit.

NA: Tell you? I’ve told you my shirt is off and I’m on top of u. What more do u need?

TA: 5:04PM- Long description of how he would use his hands, mouth and “you can guess what else” to drive her wild with teasing, and then he’d submit to whatever she wanted that was most tempting to her.

TA: 5:05PM. Tells Maria to go check out his blog.

5:13 PM. T asks NA- did u fall asleep again? She says no. Sounds good.

T: What took u so long to reply?

NA: was just thinking about what u said.

Travis texts Samantha.

NA. What would you do? (note- LOL. Getting him to repeat it).

TA. I would (this and that) and then I would (position her “ in direct line with my member.”

NA: I would straddle you.

T: What would u do to make it fun?

NA: Move my hips. ;)

T: Am I up to this challenge? (texts CL- hey, get back in touch!)

6:33-659pm. A when? back and forth, back and forth.

6:59PM. T tells NA he’s looking at her new photos, asks her when they were taken, she looks so young. She says- I’m the blond one. T says- I know. When did u take them. U look so young,

T: You sure you’re not 16?

NA: I look like I’m 12. But you don’t look 30.

T says – as long as you are at least 18. Birthday? Oh, So u just turned 20.

7:24-7:44. Another back and forth about when. (lol).

NA changes the subject and asks T why he isn’t married. T replies- lots of reasons.

NA- but do you want to be? T: of course.

NA- How many girls have u been with?

T: Dated? Countless.

NA: How many did you date seriously?

T changes the subject,
tells her-Answer my question. When.

Next many minutes:

NA: “I want a present.” T: asks when. NA: “I want a present”. T: Asks when. NA: “I want a present.”

T: No. I need a straight answer. I have work that has to get done.

NA: Are u a good kisser? Are you good at other things?

T: “You think I don’t know what is going on.but I do and I have, I just don’t have all of it figured out yet.”

NA: Huh?

Another 10 min back and forth about when.

NA: I’ll make it worth your while if I can come earlier.

T:It’s not about that, it’s about work that needs to be done.

Between 9:18 and 9:58. She’s on her way there driving texts, including NA telling T she wants to see his puppy.

At 11:36PM she texts him- u didn’t want your roommates to see me? Travis replies- I just didn’t feel like having a discussion with them about it.

NA asks, what will you tell them? He says --that a friend from Riverside came to visit. She says, and that we were in your room with the lights off. Oh.

That is the last text ever from NA, sent at 11:48 PM, May 14.

Travis texts the killer at 12:03 AM, May 15-- how dare you?

May 15. At 1:53PM Travis texts “mysterious Maria”- Hey there no call last night. What are you doing?

May 15. At 5:14PM Travis texts the killer- why r u going into my LDS linkup account and peeping it with bogus accounts?
Arizona is always GMT -7
California is GMT -8 during winter, -7 during summer.

So it could mean the email was sent from California. (if -0800 has anything to do with GMT hours)

Now, another spanner in the works. Does email reflect the time in situ or does it reflect the time on the computer? It's time-stamped by Gmail, right? Not per the computer? You can't jury-rig the time? But you can jury-rig the year? And it's stamped by the outgoing computer, not the incoming?

Was Jodi in CA on Valentine's Day 2008? Or did she change the 2008 date to 2007 while she was in Yreka and not at all on Valentine's Day. I would think the latter.

Could she have added paragraphs to the 2008 letter while she was in Yreka that weren't in the original Feb 14 2008 one she sent to Travis? I think yes.

The texture in the paragraphs is different from one paragraph to the next. That's why I said upthread that the letter is cuckoo, and there's some weird manipulation going on. Jodi typically has a very overworked writing style in emails. She evidently spends hours on every paragraph. Not the Darryl paragraph: this one's a mess. She just knocked it off.

The letter has been re-worked to cover her tracks for something. I realize she's trying to cover her tracks for the slashed tire episode, but there's another level of track-covering associated with the change to the 2007 date. In other words, she didn't just change the date; she changed some other stuff.

Gosh, whole new can of worms.
I never realized that part of it had been whited out. Let me guess; too prejudicial?

Any guesses as to what was originally written?

ETA: Sorry. Late to the game. After posting this I read your speculations. But was it whited out in the trial?

I put a template ^^^^ so we could figure out what might have been redacted. There are only a total of 20 spaces available.
Thoughts and theories about how those texts are related and who actually was texting with Travis in each? I have my own theory....:D
Second Text. May 13-14, 2008. “NA55” (unidentified in text records) and Travis.

(FWIW, Travis tells Michelle the day before that he is going to need her help for awhile).

Texting begins at 12:07 AM, with Travis asking, so what are you going to do to me? You said I should be scared. NA- not scared, just amazed.
Discussed, in approximate order- So who makes the first move? Where do u live? She gives him an intersection, but says -u won’t come.

NA: Come cuddle with me.

T: My house is more cool. Come over and make a baby.

NA- what? What does that mean?

T: It’s just a silly way of saying let’s make out

NA: .Can’t make a baby just kissing. T: Can’t make a baby just snuggling either.

T: Trying to figure out if u want to get scandalous with me, can’t tell

NA: Do u want a boy or girl?

T: Neither. not the result, just the action before.

T: Come here. Comfortable.

NA: Do you have a roommate? Just is huge we don’t see each other.

NA. Sweet.

T: Gonna come over and rape me?

NA: “It’s not rape if u want it. “

T: Good point. You must be horny to want to drive over at 1am.

NA: Would it be worth it?

T: Yes. U could get away with a lot.

T: What would you like to do together? What are you into?

NA: I don’t know.

T: You Might want to figure it out.

NA: What would u like me to do?

T: anything, except all out sex of course

NA: "You are confusing me".

T: "Yes, that’s the point. "

T: Tell me what you’d like.

NA: I don’t think u would do anything if I came over. Tell me what you’d do if I came over right now.

T: Does my answer determine if u will?

NA: Maybe.

T: Times wasting. Just come

T: Ha. Are you trying to incriminate me or trying to figure out what you can get away with if u came over? Just start driving..

NA: Would u freak if I took off my clothes.

T: No. are you coming? Are u teasing a brother?

NA: I want to get in your bed and take yr clothes off.

1:28 until 2:01AM , NA doesn’t reply to 4-5 texts of T saying- hello? Hello? What happened to you?

2:01AM. NA: I think u would freak if I came over.

2:02AM. “ Ouch. I’m a little hurt.”

2:05 AM. The killer texts: “ Wow, Not gonna lie. That hurts. Screening my calls. Wow.”

5:45AM. NA: Sorry. Fell asleep.

T: 5:45AM. I believe u.

11:13AM. Discussion about what work Travis does, he asks her-heard of PPL? She says sure…then. Haha. No. Tells T that he has a cool job set up/life.

Asks- So when r we playing in your bed.? T says tonight. She asks are you going to take me out on a date first? He says it depends on when you get here.

A long exchange follows where he’s explaining to her that (basically) his work includes having things that need to be done at night, that he has to structure his time around his work.

NA keeps trying to get him to drop his work to accommodate her, that it will be too late at night by the time he is done.

T: well, you were willing to come at 2AM last night. I guess you were just horny then.

NA: I was?

3:27PM, May 14. so r u coming tonight. Are u going to ravage me?

NA: Depends on what u mean by ravage.

T: Have yr way with me.

NA: Oh, I would.

(one minute after this text Travis texts Maria to ask how her lesson went).

T: What would u do to me?

NA: I’d throw u on the bed…

T: Objectify me?

NA: I’d use other words.

T: What words? I want them in writing.

NA sends a series of texts laying out what she’d do, kissing him starting on the lips and working her way down. She stops at his belly/hips. As she’s texting that Travis texts his friend who is editing the first chapter of his book, telling her to go read his blog and tell him if it needs edits.

NA stops and says- you haven’t said what u would do. T says- reciprocate.

Tells NA- I am groomed smooth as a baby. “ It makes things much easier.”

NA: Just start telling me.

T: “That’s a little risky. How do I know your roommates aren’t sitting there with you, listening?”

4:48-5:03PM- Texting Maria with cheerful friendly feedback about how her lesson went, as he and NA get more explicit.

NA: Tell you? I’ve told you my shirt is off and I’m on top of u. What more do u need?

TA: 5:04PM- Long description of how he would use his hands, mouth and “you can guess what else” to drive her wild with teasing, and then he’d submit to whatever she wanted that was most tempting to her.

TA: 5:05PM. Tells Maria to go check out his blog.

5:13 PM. T asks NA- did u fall asleep again? She says no. Sounds good.

T: What took u so long to reply?

NA: was just thinking about what u said.

Travis texts Samantha.

NA. What would you do? (note- LOL. Getting him to repeat it).

TA. I would (this and that) and then I would (position her “ in direct line with my member.”

NA: I would straddle you.

T: What would u do to make it fun?

NA: Move my hips. ;)

T: Am I up to this challenge? (texts CL- hey, get back in touch!)

6:33-659pm. A when? back and forth, back and forth.

6:59PM. T tells NA he’s looking at her new photos, asks her when they were taken, she looks so young. She says- I’m the blond one. T says- I know. When did u take them. U look so young,

T: You sure you’re not 16?

NA: I look like I’m 12. But you don’t look 30.

T says – as long as you are at least 18. Birthday? Oh, So u just turned 20.

7:24-7:44. Another back and forth about when. (lol).

NA changes the subject and asks T why he isn’t married. T replies- lots of reasons.

NA- but do you want to be? T: of course.

NA- How many girls have u been with?

T: Dated? Countless.

NA: How many did you date seriously?

T changes the subject,
tells her-Answer my question. When.

Next many minutes:

NA: “I want a present.” T: asks when. NA: “I want a present”. T: Asks when. NA: “I want a present.”

T: No. I need a straight answer. I have work that has to get done.

NA: Are u a good kisser? Are you good at other things?

T: “You think I don’t know what is going on.but I do and I have, I just don’t have all of it figured out yet.”

NA: Huh?

Another 10 min back and forth about when.

NA: I’ll make it worth your while if I can come earlier.

T:It’s not about that, it’s about work that needs to be done.

Between 9:18 and 9:58. She’s on her way there driving texts, including NA telling T she wants to see his puppy.

At 11:36PM she texts him- u didn’t want your roommates to see me? Travis replies- I just didn’t feel like having a discussion with them about it.

NA asks, what will you tell them? He says --that a friend from Riverside came to visit. She says, and that we were in your room with the lights off. Oh.

That is the last text ever from NA, sent at 11:48 PM, May 14.

Travis texts the killer at 12:03 AM, May 15-- how dare you?

May 15. At 1:53PM Travis texts “mysterious Maria”- Hey there no call last night. What are you doing?

May 15. At 5:14PM Travis texts the killer- why r u going into my LDS linkup account and peeping it with bogus accounts?

So, for clarity, how many of these women are actually Jodi? And is Jodi pulling one on Travis or is he pulling one on her hoping that she would listen in and get an earful?

Maria is Jodi too, right?

NA has to be Jodi: she's setting up the pedophile thing by sending him photos of a young teen. He emphatically didn't bite that one, though, explicitly, "you gotta be 18": totally nuked Jodi's "interested in children" theme.

And then there's the language that made it into the sex tape....
So, for clarity, how many of these women are actually Jodi? And is Jodi pulling one on Travis or is he pulling one on her hoping that she would listen in and get an earful?

Maria is Jodi too, right?

NA has to be Jodi: she's setting up the pedophile thing by sending him photos of a young teen. He emphatically didn't bite that one, though, explicitly, "you gotta be 18": totally nuked Jodi's "interested in children" theme.

And then there's the language that made it into the sex tape....

1. Mysterious Maria was almost certainly the killer.

2. Talie is almost certainly not who she said she was.

3. NA could theoretically have been the killer, but I am 90 plus % certain NA is not JA.

4. I think a trap was set on May 13-14, but it wasn't the killer who set it.

5. Consider what the May text might be about if Travis knew the killer was snooping the conversation the whole time. ;)

6. The 12 year old girl thing definitely smacks one in the face, especially given what we were subjected to at trial. For thst reason almost alone, my 1st thought too was that NA was the killer.

But....consider this, which of course is in my February timeline opus soon to be posted. :D

A week after the Feb text the killer went to LV, and upon return waxed up and dressed up in her little horny school girl outfit, telling T to prepare for a wild night of sex, and that she was bringing the Tootsie pops. ("I wonder how I can break you.")

IMO, that's the connection and why it came up in the May text.
This is great. If I snip out some graphics then where is the best place to "paste" it or "Save" it.

I sometimes use MSWORD to put graphics but that is probably not the best place. Is there a basic application that my PC would have that is good to save graphics that I have snipped ?

Or can I save the Snipped graphics directly to a folder in the PNG format which it seems to default to?

I have a Windows 8 laptop.

I save my screen shots directly to my Pictures so I can find them easily. You can also copy-paste onto your Word,too.

I, sometime ago, 'captured' JA's straight left ring finger from the interrogation tape and uploaded them here in another thread but they are buried somewhere. I swear JA's ring finger got bent while she was in jail. Her fingers were all straight as of July 15, 2008.
What is a "sunset line"?

The "Happy Valentine's Day, Baby" is 2008-ish

Travis was stranded, carless, after she slashed his tires for the second time. She went to church in her own car, with an envelope in it containing something of T's that he needed, ASAP.

She texted him sweetly she was in church (4 hour long service), but she surely would drive straight there when service was over. As she drove- in no great hurry whatsoever- she texted him- look at the sky! What a beautiful sunset! Life is good!
I'm at work, so can't study, but it almost feels like May is a reverse of Feb. TLE leads in Feb to get admissions, but Travis leads in May to get NA "on the record". So confused!
I think Travis had an accomplice, and he set up the killer on May 13, to prove to himself that she was snooping his texts, because if she was she'd be too caught up in her snooping to pretend to be Maria during the VERY long time T texted with NA.

I also think he was mocking her every step of the way, AND telling her, because he knew she was hanging onto to every word, that he saw through the many tiresome games she played with him.

IMO, this was more than a trap, it was a way of telling her - I see you for who you are and what games you've played with me. I begged you to spare me your madness, and then I warned you that I was getting bitter and was beginning to despise you. I warned you if you kept it up I would take revenge and expose you. That's what I'm doing now. I have tried everything else and nothing else seems to get through to you. Maybe THIS will work).

NA: Come cuddle with me. (mocking her...I would have been happy just to cuddle with you...?)

T: Come over and make a baby.

NA- what? What does that mean?

T: It’s just a silly way of saying let’s make out. (To the killer-it is a JOKE).

1:28 until 2:01AM , NA doesn’t reply to 4-5 texts of T saying- hello? Hello? What happened to you? (mocking the March 9 text went to sleep thing? )

2:02AM. “ Ouch. I’m a little hurt.”

2:05 AM. The killer texts: “ Wow, Not gonna lie. That hurts. Screening my calls. Wow.” (Caught. echo echo. And he's blocked her calls to make sure he has her attention?)

5:45AM. NA: Sorry. Fell asleep.

T: 5:45AM. I believe u.

(As opposed to not believing "Talie?)

A long exchange follows where he’s explaining to her that (basically) his work includes having things that need to be done at night, that he has to structure his time around his work. (directed at the killer, telling her- I need to work!! I have a life and a job I need to do.?)

NA keeps trying to get him to drop his work to accommodate her, that it will be too late at night by the time he is done. (That's what you sound like, killer? Mock).

T: well, you were willing to come at 2AM last night. I guess you were just horny then. (To the killer- you're willing to come over whenever when it's about you, regardless of the time).

NA: I was? (LOL from the accomplice?)

3:27PM, May 14. so r u coming tonight. Are u going to ravage me?

NA: Depends on what u mean by ravage.

T: Have yr way with me.

NA: Oh, I would. (the baiting begins in earnest).

T: What would u do to me?

NA: I’d throw u on the bed…

T: Objectify me?

NA: I’d use other words.

T: What words? I want them in writing. (Directed at the killer. I don't trust you).

Tells NA- I am groomed smooth as a baby. “ It makes things much easier.” (a direct quote from March text).

NA: Just start telling me.

T: “That’s a little risky. How do I know your roommates aren’t sitting there with you, listening?” (To killer- I don't trust you).

4:48-5:03PM- Texting Maria with cheerful friendly feedback about how her lesson went, as he and NA get more explicit. (Deliberately getting in touch with other GF's to get in killer's face? To suggest he can expose her to anyone anytime?)

NA: Tell you? I’ve told you my shirt is off and I’m on top of u. What more do u need? (Accomplice- geez, as far as I'm going with the dirty talk?)

TA: 5:04PM- Long description of how he would use his hands, mouth and “you can guess what else” to drive her wild with teasing, and then he’d submit to whatever she wanted that was most tempting to her.

5:13 PM. T asks NA- did u fall asleep again? She says no. Sounds good.

T: What took u so long to reply? (To killer- One of your games).

NA: was just thinking about what u said.

NA. What would you do? (note- LOL. Getting him to repeat it.. rubbing it in).

TA. I would (this and that) and then I would (position her “ in direct line with my member.”

NA: I would straddle you.

T: What would u do to make it fun?

NA: Move my hips. (Directed at the killer-you went out of your way to make sure I broke that one vow I swore to myself I wouldn't. See? Now I'm doing it with someone else. Guess that makes your "win" just a little less special.)

6:33-659pm. A when? back and forth, back and forth. (To the killer- one of your games).

6:59PM. T tells NA he’s looking at her new photos, asks her when they were taken, she looks so young. She says- I’m the blond one. T says- I know. When did u take them. U look so young, (to the killer. You. The blonde one.)

T: You sure you’re not 16?

NA: I look like I’m 12. But you don’t look 30. (To the killer- yes, this is about your little 12 year old dirty school girl fantasy thing.)

T says – as long as you are at least 18. Birthday? Oh, So u just turned 20.

7:24-7:44. Another back and forth about when. (lol).

NA changes the subject and asks T why he isn’t married. T replies- lots of reasons. (Directed smack at the killer).

NA- but do you want to be? T: of course.

NA- How many girls have u been with? (The killer is at the edge of her chair....waiting..)

T: Dated? Countless.

NA: How many did you date seriously?

T changes the subject, tells her-Answer my question. When. (directed at killer. NO, I NEVER WAS SERIOUS ABOUT YOU).

Next many minutes:

NA: “I want a present.” T: asks when. NA: “I want a present”. T: Asks when. NA: “I want a present.” (directed at killer- this is what your tantrums sound like, your always wanting wanting wanting something from me).

T: No. I need a straight answer. I have work that has to get done. (Did you HEAR that, he says to killer?)

NA: Are u a good kisser? Are you good at other things?

T: “You think I don’t know what is going on.but I do and I have, I just don’t have all of it figured out yet.” (and that is directed right smack to the killer, as in- I know what you are doing and you're BUSTED).

NA: Huh?

Another 10 min back and forth about when.

NA: I’ll make it worth your while if I can come earlier.

T:It’s not about that, it’s about work that needs to be done.

Between 9:18 and 9:58. She’s on her way there driving texts, including NA telling T she wants to see his puppy.

At 11:36PM she texts him- u didn’t want your roommates to see me? Travis replies- I just didn’t feel like having a discussion with them about it.

NA asks, what will you tell them? He says --that a friend from Riverside came to visit. She says, and that we were in your room with the lights off. Oh. (Friend from Riverside, which is the area code of suggest to the killer who might be helping him expose her?)

That is the last text ever from NA, sent at 11:48 PM, May 14.

Travis texts the killer at 12:03 AM, May 15-- how dare you?

May 15. At 1:53PM Travis texts “mysterious Maria”- Hey there no call last night. What are you doing?

May 15. At 5:14PM Travis texts the killer- why r u going into my LDS linkup account and peeping it with bogus accounts?
1. Mysterious Maria was almost certainly the killer.

2. Talie is almost certainly not who she said she was.

3. NA could theoretically have been the killer, but I am 90 plus % certain NA is not JA.

4. I think a trap was set on May 13-14, but it wasn't the killer who set it.

5. Consider what the May text might be about if Travis knew the killer was snooping the conversation the whole time. ;)

6. The 12 year old girl thing definitely smacks one in the face, especially given what we were subjected to at trial. For thst reason almost alone, my 1st thought too was that NA was the killer.

But....consider this, which of course is in my February timeline opus soon to be posted. :D

A week after the Feb text the killer went to LV, and upon return waxed up and dressed up in her little horny school girl outfit, telling T to prepare for a wild night of sex, and that she was bringing the Tootsie pops. ("I wonder how I can break you.")

IMO, that's the connection and why it came up in the May text.
The level of her deception and manipulation is so deep and extensive that I cannot fathom many of her actions.

Let me take a shot anyway:
Talie is JA using a disposable phone with a AZ area code?
(I don't understand her question to Travis- Why a CA area code? - in the beginning of their conversation. Travis was using his own phone, right?)

NA is Taylor with a borrowed phone (Riverside man)?
Or maybe NA is Chaitanya.
I think I'm going crazy.
1. Mysterious Maria was almost certainly the killer.

2. Talie is almost certainly not who she said she was.

3. NA could theoretically have been the killer, but I am 90 plus % certain NA is not JA.

4. I think a trap was set on May 13-14, but it wasn't the killer who set it.

5. Consider what the May text might be about if Travis knew the killer was snooping the conversation the whole time. ;)

6. The 12 year old girl thing definitely smacks one in the face, especially given what we were subjected to at trial. For thst reason almost alone, my 1st thought too was that NA was the killer.

But....consider this, which of course is in my February timeline opus soon to be posted. :D

A week after the Feb text the killer went to LV, and upon return waxed up and dressed up in her little horny school girl outfit, telling T to prepare for a wild night of sex, and that she was bringing the Tootsie pops. ("I wonder how I can break you.")

IMO, that's the connection and why it came up in the May text.

I would not have thought Michelle was NA except because of one feature. Travis has a whole 'nother life going on although he's supposed to be in, like, mid multiple orgasm. He's texting Samantha? Bwahahaha! He's asking for input on his book? :thinking:

Some of the NA texts are Jodi and some Michelle? And TA can tell which?

Something has to have happened in the middle of that conversation to firm up TA's sense that a) JA was snooping that conversation and b) she was somehow in the middle of that conversation. For instance, when T says "What happened to you?", a question meant for NA, both NA and JA respond almost simultaneously, but JA answers the question that she wasn't supposed to be in on. She answers "I'm hurt." That makes no sense unless she's answering the question directed at NA. There are probably more examples like this.

Asking about the Temple Recommend is a bizarre-o thing to be asking in a sex come-on. There's an ulterior motive....
Travis was stranded, carless, after she slashed his tires for the second time. She went to church in her own car, with an envelope in it containing something of T's that he needed, ASAP.

She texted him sweetly she was in church (4 hour long service), but she surely would drive straight there when service was over. As she drove- in no great hurry whatsoever- she texted him- look at the sky! What a beautiful sunset! Life is good!

LMAO I thought it was a technical term for the last line in a letter or something....

The level of her deception and manipulation is so deep and extensive that I cannot fathom many of her actions.

Let me take a shot anyway:
Talie is JA using a disposable phone with a AZ area code?
(I don't understand her question to Travis- Why a CA area code? - in the beginning of their conversation. Travis was using his own phone, right?)

NA is Taylor with a borrowed phone (Riverside man)?
Or maybe NA is Chaitanya.
I think I'm going crazy.

Wow! It didn't occur to me that Taylor was NA. I thought maybe Michele. Taylor makes perfect sense!

NA is not CL. She was also "friends" with the killer and wouldn't have done this, IMO anyway.

I don't know about area code. Maybe he had a CA number listed on his LDS linkup page?

Talie. IMO was the killer on a burn phone.
I would not have thought Michelle was NA except because of one feature. Travis has a whole 'nother life going on although he's supposed to be in, like, mid multiple orgasm. He's texting Samantha? Bwahahaha! He's asking for input on his book? :thinking:

Some of the NA texts are Jodi and some Michelle? And TA can tell which?

Something has to have happened in the middle of that conversation to firm up TA's sense that a) JA was snooping that conversation and b) she was somehow in the middle of that conversation. For instance, when T says "What happened to you?", a question meant for NA, both NA and JA respond almost simultaneously, but JA answers the question that she wasn't supposed to be in on. She answers "I'm hurt." That makes no sense unless she's answering the question directed at NA. There are probably more examples like this.

Asking about the Temple Recommend is a bizarre-o thing to be asking in a sex come-on. There's an ulterior motive....

Asking about the TR was dirty as all get out, IMO, and one of the reasons I think Talie was the killer.

NA was just one person; the raw text data prove that. The killer says she's hurt because she sees that he is refusing to take her calls.
TA to a friend in May- (paraphrased) "Love isn't a fun game unless you win."

TA to killer on May 26: "Ok, J. You win."

Killer after arrest, muttering to herself-- "beat you, brat."
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