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Sorry, I'm not getting ESL student from that. :snooty:The only thing different about that f from the others is the tale at the bottom. How does one letter taken by itself say ESL student?????

The "f" almost looks like it might have started out as an "L"....

maybe she was going to write "listen to us" but remembered she used the word "listen" already & didn't want it to sound repetitive.
Sorry, I'm not getting ESL student from that. :snooty:The only thing different about that f from the others is the tale at the bottom. How does one letter taken by itself say ESL student?????

I think you're one of the most biased posters here, so of course you're not going to notice that the entire letter is nowhere near a small case 'f'. Maybe have another look? You might (emphasis on might) even notice that the middle cross-stroke on the 'f' is thicker on the right than it is on the left. Peculiar pen stroke, if you ask me.
I think you're one of the most biased posters here, so of course you're not going to notice that the entire letter is nowhere near a small case 'f'. Maybe have another look? You might (emphasis on might) even notice that the middle cross-stroke on the 'f' is thicker on the right than it is on the left. Peculiar pen stroke, if you ask me.

Holdon, you have to realize that the author was writing with a Sharpie...which has a felt tip, that can flatten over time and use...making letters fatter, or thicker than they would be, if another writing utensil had been used.
Holdon, you have to realize that the author was writing with a Sharpie...which has a felt tip, that can flatten over time and use...making letters fatter, or thicker than they would be, if another writing utensil had been used.

Sorry, wrong. Have another look. The vertical section of that letter f is misaligned so that section wasn't a single stroke. They started at the top, went to the middle, did the middle section, and then proceeded to the bottom, never lifting their pen off the paper. You or I would lift the pen off the paper to write the 'f'.
Sorry, wrong. Have another look. The vertical section of that letter f is misaligned so that section wasn't a single stroke. They started at the top, went to the middle, did the middle section, and then proceeded to the bottom, never lifting their pen off the paper. You or I would lift the pen off the paper to write the 'f'.

Okay, I will have another looksy.
Linask doesn't hold a candle to you, dear.

Jordan fades back...SWOOSH!

I think you're one of the most biased posters here, so of course you're not going to notice that the entire letter is nowhere near a small case 'f'. Maybe have another look? You might (emphasis on might) even notice that the middle cross-stroke on the 'f' is thicker on the right than it is on the left. Peculiar pen stroke, if you ask me.

That's your proof? One letter? I'm at a loss for words.

LinasK asked a valid question: How does one letter taken by itself say ESL student?????

I'm sure she'd appreciate a valid answer.

How do you get 'highly intelligent' from "... hence a earlier pickup..."

I don't. See, that's where you and I part company, Holdon: instead of picking one letter here and one phrase there, I'm taking the holistic approach to this thing. Get enough pebbles and you can dam a river, you know. But to answer your question, I get it from stuff like "adequate sized attache," "countermeasures and tactics," and "underestimate." Which were all correctly spelled.

Only an amateur or student would make that mistake.

ANYBODY can make a mistake, Holdon. I've been known to make the same mistake on occasion. The difference is, I'm not usually writing under high stress, so I have time to catch and correct them.

Riddled with assumptions and claims, SD and UK Guy, including but not limited to 'all items sourced to the house'.

Considering that those "assumptions" and "claims" were made by an army of professionals, I'm slightly disturbed (no other word for it) at how blithely you shrug them off.

This is a falsehood, as neither the cord, tape, or mystery blunt instrument have ever been sourced.

The field is pretty narrow, given what we know. Besides, the NOTE was definitely written with household materials.

Another falsehood, that 'no struggle' = 'no kidnapping attempt' is a matter of opinion, presented as conclusive fact. It cannot be resolved as fact with the available information.

Try me.
Why do you think Patsy wrote this ludicruous note. She is not stupid by any means and neither is John. Do you think they did it intentionally so that they could say - would I actually write a 3 page note so you could tell it was me.

I never thought of that, Solace.
Considering that those "assumptions" and "claims" were made by an army of professionals, I'm slightly disturbed (no other word for it) at how blithely you shrug them off.

I'm sorry you're disturbed. But isn't your new claim of an 'army of professionals' wrong? Can you name even one professional that concluded tape and cord were sourced to the house?
I'm sorry you're disturbed.

That's very funny.

But isn't your new claim of an 'army of professionals' wrong? Can you name even one professional that concluded tape and cord were sourced to the house?

Whoa, time out. The army of professionals I mentioned was in reference to what kind of person wrote the note. And yes, I can name them.

Linask never asked this question, you did.

Oh. no?

Sorry, I'm not getting ESL student from that. The only thing different about that f from the others is the tale at the bottom. How does one letter taken by itself say ESL student?????

That help?

I suggest using the quote feature of this website to avoid future problems in this area.

Duly noted.
Linask and SD, answer it for yourself.

Why does the note have numerous novice misspellings and grammatical errors in it? Why, at the same time, is the compostion obviously adult and very organized. Why are there corrections all over the place?
Linask and SD, answer it for yourself.

Why does the note have numerous novice misspellings and grammatical errors in it? Why, at the same time, is the compostion obviously adult and very organized. Why are there corrections all over the place?

LinasK can give you her own answer. As for me, I go back to the "panic" thing.
LinasK can give you her own answer. As for me, I go back to the "panic" thing.

Yeah but you're an RDI fan, so you take informational pieces that indicate something else, and force fit them into the RDI puzzle, which is now unsolvable.

Suppose all you had was a sloppy handwritten note with misspelled words, corrections, and bad grammar. Suppose it had adult composition that was well organized. Suppose it wasn't connected to JBR murder at all.

An adult with novice English skills who wanted to fix their mistakes?

EASL student. Thats what the informational pieces indicate. Neither corrections, bad grammar, or well organized composition fit panic.
Yeah but you're an RDI fan, so you take informational pieces that indicate something else, and force fit them into the RDI puzzle, which is now unsolvable.

Suppose all you had was a sloppy handwritten note with misspelled words, corrections, and bad grammar. Suppose it had adult composition that was well organized. Suppose it wasn't connected to JBR murder at all.

An adult with novice English skills who wanted to fix their mistakes?

EASL student. Thats what the informational pieces indicate. Neither corrections, bad grammar, or well organized composition fit panic.

Yes but you are asking us to to have to grease up the ugly step sisters feet to make the slipper fit!!
Yeah but you're an RDI fan, so you take informational pieces that indicate something else, and force fit them into the RDI puzzle, which is now unsolvable.

Don't give me that.

Well get this straight, because I'm only saying it once: you've got it exactly backwards. I'm don't mangle evidence because I'm RDI; I'm RDI BECAUSE of the evidence. And I'm sick and tired of this game where nothing RDI "exists." I'm an RDI, so I'm blind deaf and dumb? That bird won't fly with me, and it's nothing short of a blessing that I've tolerated it this long.

Do I make myself clear?

Suppose all you had was a sloppy handwritten note with misspelled words, corrections, and bad grammar. Suppose it had adult composition that was well organized.

Sounds like one of my high school English paper rough drafts! When I hear hoofbeats, I think horses, not zebras.

An adult with novice English skills who wanted to fix their mistakes?

No, just a fallible person. That narrows it down to about six billion people.

EASL student. Thats what the informational pieces indicate. Neither corrections, bad grammar, or well organized composition fit panic.

I should have said "high-pressure."

Now you humor me.

The writer had no problem with big, multisyllable words like, "attache," "underestimate," "countermeasures."

The writer showed concern for John's well-being.

Concern for JB getting a proper burial

Writes acronyms in a way not taught for 40 plus years.

Writes in a passive voice as if there's not need for real action

How does that fit an EASL?
Riddled with assumptions and claims, SD and UK Guy, including but not limited to 'all items sourced to the house'. This is a falsehood, as neither the cord, tape, or mystery blunt instrument have ever been sourced. Another falsehood, that 'no struggle' = 'no kidnapping attempt' is a matter of opinion, presented as conclusive fact. It cannot be resolved as fact with the available information.

The RN author could be a EASL student of SFF. If you want to see the foreign penmanship style in action, look to the letter 'f' in 'follow our instructions' on the page above.

as neither the cord, tape, or mystery blunt instrument have ever been sourced.
mmm, so what can you conclude from your own statement?

The above items were found in the house as was the legal pad, size-12's, longjohns, broken paintbrush etc. None of these items have been linked to any intruder, the working assumption is that whomever killed JonBenet sourced these items in the house.

One mystery blunt instrument discovered in the house complete with the fingerprints wiped clean both on the inside and outside was the flashlight!

So whilst my assumptions are based upon artifacts within the Ramsey household it appears yours rely on fantasy and wishful thinking.
Linask and SD, answer it for yourself.

Why does the note have numerous novice misspellings and grammatical errors in it? Why, at the same time, is the compostion obviously adult and very organized. Why are there corrections all over the place?

Because an adult composed the ransom note as distinct from some kid e.g. Burke. The mistakes are either fake or genuine, who cares since the Ransom Note is patently staging, and crime-staging is never perfectly staged.

A Ramsey wrote the Ransom Note on their own legal pad, using their own sharpie pen, prior to this they tried out a few drafts. You would be laughed out of court for suggesting that some intruder indulged himself whilst composing the Ransom Note, not long after redressing JonBenet in the size-12's.

These are not things that were required to be done, they are totally redundant why because JonBenet never left her house, and if she had a quick call from a pay-phone would have sufficed e.g. we have JonBenet and want $118,000 for her safe return!

Linask and SD, answer it for yourself.

Why does the note have numerous novice misspellings and grammatical errors in it? Why, at the same time, is the compostion obviously adult and very organized. Why are there corrections all over the place?
Oh Puh-leze.numerous misspellings? it had 2 at the beginning,and then the writer forgot to misspell after that.
corrections? because the author wasn't a real Kn, and forgot basic things like KN's don't drop off their victims...they have someone pick them up.
what other errors do you mean? it didn't contain anything that would indicate a foreigner,not even the experts have said it could be written by anyone who first language isn't English.

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