Sexual Assault -Merged-

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Paladin said:
Your theory doesn't explain how the writer of the ransom note knew that JR had received a bonus of $118,000. In order to link your theory with the facts, Karr would have had to have made contact with someone close enough to the Ramseys to know this information.
~~~~The check stub was on JR's desk in the study, was it not?~~~~
jc9876 said:
Aren't officials' salaries (CEO's, COO's) public knowledge? Was Access a publicly traded company?

Also, I read somewhere that JR was trying to buy Access from Lockheed Martin before it was sold off to someone else. Maybe he got in over his head trying to finance the purchase? Got into something seedy? Just a thought...
I don't know if private industry has to disclose salaries, but that wouldn't apply to bonus's anyway.
Color me dumb if this question has an obvious answer...but if one cleans up a room of blood with bleach, etc. the special lights LE uses can still tell if there is was/blood present, but a sample can't be examined becuse of contamination, correct?

Would the same be for semen? It's there but because one cleaned it up, it is now contaminated?
tumble said:
did it ever occur to anyone that it was a rape gone bad..not a kidnapping gone bad..and then the murderer tried to stage it as if it was a kidnapping gone bad..

Why not just leave

Who knows what goes on in these minds..but how often is murder covered up with the stageing of a burgulary? Lots.

Yes, when the culprit lives in the house or knows the victim. Otherwise no staging is necessary.

Sometimes staging can be part of a ritual in the killer's mind though. Avilas staged Samantha Runnion's body after he raped and murdered her, there was no burglary involved in that case.
BirdieBoo said:
Sometimes staging can be part of a ritual in the killer's mind though. Avilas staged Samantha Runnion's body after he raped and murdered her, there was no burglary involved in that case.
This is exaclty right. She was staged in a horrible way and it nothing to do with throwing off suspicion. IT was only for his own pleasure.
BirdieBoo said:
Sometimes staging can be part of a ritual in the killer's mind though. Avilas staged Samantha Runnion's body after he raped and murdered her, there was no burglary involved in that case.
Staged to look like what? An intruder?
No there was never any ransom note, he took her, raped her, murdered her and left her body posed out in the open on a hiking trail as if to show the world that he was proud of what he had done.
BirdieBoo said:
No there was never any ransom note, he took her, raped her, murdered her and left her body posed out in the open on a hiking trail as if to show the world that he was proud of what he had done.

Not to get off-topic but I will never forget the anguished 911 call those hikers made who found Samantha's body. I'm talking grown men who were screaming and sobbing.
Does anyone know if pedophiles are more apt to be attracted to little girls and boys because they are substantially less endowed in the genitalia area?
Honibugs said:
Does anyone know if pedophiles are more apt to be attracted to little girls and boys because they are substantially less endowed in the genitalia area?

I believe that all pedophiles are different physically but that they are all substantially less endowed in the heart, soul and personality area.
2luvmy said:
Color me dumb if this question has an obvious answer...but if one cleans up a room of blood with bleach, etc. the special lights LE uses can still tell if there is was/blood present, but a sample can't be examined becuse of contamination, correct?

Would the same be for semen? It's there but because one cleaned it up, it is now contaminated?
Thank You! That is exactly my point... After the killer 'wiped' JBR's genital area and most probably her thighs too...would this have degraded the swab test for semen enough to cause reports to reflect that there was 'no semen present' when in acutality there most probably was semen present, (since blacklight showed evidence of semen), but what was there was now simply too destroyed to result in a proof positive swab test.....

If this is what happened. The killer would know that there was semen...but that he degraded the evidence of it. It would/could be a fact 'only known to the killer and the ME/LE.
BirdieBoo said:
I believe that all pedophiles are different physically but that they are all substantially less endowed in the heart, soul and personality area.
:clap: :clap: :clap: Isn't that the truth, BirdieBoo!! Excellent (and correct) point!!
BirdieBoo said:
Where are the ex-wife's pictures that she was going to procure about 4 days ago? The ones that proved he was at home with her on that day?

Just wondering...I dont keep a hell of a lot of pics of my ex around either but I also don't tell the national media that I have them to show.
She could be waiting for the best offer.

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