Sheila and Katherine Lyon-sisters missing since 1975 - #2

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Regarding the New Yorker I haven't looked back at the article but I thought LE SAID THAT THE CAR WAS THE UNCLE's, richard's. They are looking to glue HIM into this. They already have LLW behind bars. IMO.
LE that says LLW knew facts not known to the public-

I believe law enforcement was saying this long before they started digging on Taylor's mountain, where they may or may not have recovered bone fragments.

The "facts not known to the public" was likely some distinct clothing a girl was wearing. This would be done to help screen out false (honestly given or otherwise) sightings.

Since Lloyd likely saw and stared that the girls for a long enough time for a witness remember him and make the long-hair-man sketch, there is a good chance Lloyd picked up the information from seeing them at Wheaton Plaza. It's possible that Lloyd acquired the information from rumors all over the plaza the next weeks.

If the "facts not know to the public" were "facts only the murder would know" such as an uncommon cause of death, it would be good evidence, but as far as we know, the police don't even have the bodies much less a cause of death.
You are right, I think the word "evidence" I used is not the right choice. I think I consider these items "possible revelations"..

I think there are probably at least two guilty parties and an at least one accessory after the fact. I find it completely bizarre that someone who would a relative to "burn some bloody duffle bags" and the relative would participate without questioning.

It is important that LLW (allegedly) began to talk first to the detectives- that he mentioned the burning. If GJ witnesses mentioned burning without prompting, I think that could be worth something.

I may be reading a little much into this, but with a confession, a statement from LE that says LLW knew facts not known to the public- I am thinking they have their man. I am anticipating the release of the full indictment and the evidence discovery. I think the meat is coming soon.

If you had known cousin Lizzie and her kids back in the 70s you wouldn't think it was bizarre at all for her son to help her nephew take the duffle bags out of the car. You would have to know the kind of people we are to truly understand how this could happen. Family always helped family, no questions asked and we are a very trusting bunch of people when it comes to family...always lending a helping hand to anyone that needs it. I still stand behind what I said earlier about cousin Henry unknowingly helping Jr. He would not have known what was in the bags and he wouldn't have been nosey and opened his cousin's stuff. Another thing to remember is that we don't have and didn't have trash pick up, didn't have a landfill close by and it was a normal thing to see trash being burned in old metal barrels and in the garden. Jr. took advantage of a very trusting family!
Regarding the New Yorker I haven't looked back at the article but I thought LE SAID THAT THE CAR WAS THE UNCLE's, richard's. They are looking to glue HIM into this. They already have LLW behind bars. IMO.

I don't think law enforcement ever said the car(s) was (were) anyone's.

Every article I read, covering several types of cars such as station wagons or white two-door sedans was always VERY VAGUE on the model and year of car they were looking for.

If law enforcement thought the car belonged to a specific person such as the uncle, I am fairly sure law enforcement could find out the exact model and year, if not the exact serial number.
If you had known cousin Lizzie and her kids back in the 70s you wouldn't think it was bizarre at all for her son to help her nephew take the duffle bags out of the car. You would have to know the kind of people we are to truly understand how this could happen. Family always helped family, no questions asked and we are a very trusting bunch of people when it comes to family...always lending a helping hand to anyone that needs it. I still stand behind what I said earlier about cousin Henry unknowingly helping Jr. He would not have known what was in the bags and he wouldn't have been nosey and opened his cousin's stuff. Another thing to remember is that we don't have and didn't have trash pick up, didn't have a landfill close by and it was a normal thing to see trash being burned in old metal barrels and in the garden. Jr. took advantage of a very trusting family!

Law enforcement has repeatedly made the vague claim that Lloyd had "help" without saying what kind of help it was.

John Wilkes Booth, who murdered Lincoln, had "help" but this help ranged from conspirators in the murder plot, who were hanged, to Dr. Mudd who set his Booth's broken leg, which he brook jumping to the stage. It's disputed who knew what John Wilkes Booth did was when they helped him. Many people just helped John Wilkes Booth because they thought he was a returning soldier making his way home.

To say or imply that everyone who "helped" John Wilkes Booth helped murder Abe Lincoln is just as wrong as saying that anyone who helped Lloyd is guilty of murder (if Lloyd is guilty). It all depends on the type of help and the knowledge they had when helping.
If you had known cousin Lizzie and her kids back in the 70s you wouldn't think it was bizarre at all for her son to help her nephew take the duffle bags out of the car. You would have to know the kind of people we are to truly understand how this could happen. Family always helped family, no questions asked and we are a very trusting bunch of people when it comes to family...always lending a helping hand to anyone that needs it. I still stand behind what I said earlier about cousin Henry unknowingly helping Jr. He would not have known what was in the bags and he wouldn't have been nosey and opened his cousin's stuff. Another thing to remember is that we don't have and didn't have trash pick up, didn't have a landfill close by and it was a normal thing to see trash being burned in old metal barrels and in the garden. Jr. took advantage of a very trusting family!

It may have been a normal thing to see trash being burned in old metal barrels or in the garden, but would it have been "normal" to have a fire that burned for several days and had the smell/odor of death/cremation which is how neighbors on the mountain described it?
@BruceLeshan: BREAKING: New #LyonSisters search warrant: Cops think #LloydWelch cousin Connie Akers was witness/participant in body disposal. @wusa9

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It may have been a normal thing to see trash being burned in old metal barrels or in the garden, but would it have been "normal" to have a fire that burned for several days and had the smell/odor of death/cremation which is how neighbors on the mountain described it?

If they are as isolated as I am ( I live on a mountain) a smell wouldn't have been noticed.
Here's the affidavit filed in support of the search warrant to search Connie Akers home (sorry I don't know how to post it as a hyper link directly to web page) but its on under News Links: Read: Search Warrant Affidavit.

According to the Affidavit Connie Akers told LE, when Lloyd showed up with the duffel bags in the spring of 1975 at her home on Taylor Mountain Road, he had a female companion with him.
"According to the Affidavit Connie Akers told LE, when Lloyd showed up with the duffel bags in the spring of 1975 at her home on Taylor Mountain Road, he had a female companion with him.[/QUOTE]

This is so sad and very sickening. I am astonished that so many people could keep this horrible secret for 40 years. How could a pregnant mother-to-be be aware of or witness this crime and not tell anybody, even later near the end of her life.

So LLW2 has a 40 year old son / daughter... No wonder this child and his other children with HC were eventually taken away from them. It makes you think about how their lives turned out. Hopefully better than their parents.
Here's the affidavit filed in support of the search warrant to search Connie Akers home (sorry I don't know how to post it as a hyper link directly to web page) but its on under News Links: Read: Search Warrant Affidavit.

According to the Affidavit Connie Akers told LE, when Lloyd showed up with the duffel bags in the spring of 1975 at her home on Taylor Mountain Road, he had a female companion with him.

Thanks for posting the link to the affidavit in support of the search warrant.

New information clearing added by the affidavit is

1) The police failed to identify the Long-hair-man in 1975. Assuming Lloyd is the long-hair-man, this looks like very bad police work to me. I would have excused the police if they identified Lloyd as the long-hair man, who was talking to them a week later, but passed him over because in 1975 he was just a two-bit juvenile deliquescent. Since Lloyd hung out at Wheaton Plaza, I would guess that canvassing mall regulars would lead to several people identifying him, if not by name, but at a minimum was a mall regular.

2) As I previously thought, the information not known to the general public was an item of clothing, a flowered colored shirt. Just knowing that the one of the sisters was wearing a flower either means the information was obtained by seeing the girls as everyone one who saw them that day did, or acquiring the information secondhand via gossip. I would hope that the police passed over Lloyds early statements in 1975 because many people in Wheaton had this "not known to the general public information"

3) Contrary to my previous thoughts, Lloyd approached the mall security to offer information on the crime. I previously thought that Lloyd was likely bragging that he knew what happened to his fellow friends at the mall (who could have easily identified him as the long-hair man) and these people informed mall security.

4) Lloyd said he BELEIVED they were "abducted, raped and burned up," but he did not claim to to have done it himself. Many people here (not me) and perhaps even the police believe the girls were "abducted, raped and burned up;" this does not make the people here, Lloyd or the police guilty of murder. (My GUESS is that the girls were murdered in a botched unlawful seduction (statutory rape), but not abducted or forcefully raped.)

5) Lloyd did show up one time in 1975 with a female companion (perhaps the pregnant Helen Craver he was dating and later married), and he did show up one time in 1975 with two bloody duffel bags, but it's never stated the two times were the same time. If the female companion and duffel bags (perhaps containing bodies) were on the SAME trip, well I guess Helen Craver could have been out of the loop and not know what Lloyd was up to, but it's possible she either knowingly or unknowingly (thinking it was bad hamburger meat) helped Lloyd dispose of the evidence.

6.) There are more details about Lloyd's story about his uncle, which may or may not include details such as locked rooms in basement which have been disputed by others who lived in the house.

7.) Henry Parker is the source of family conversations of Lloyd running from the police with two girls. But Henry Parker in a news interview fulling denies any knowledge at the time of the duffel bags and clearly states he would not be involved in any way with murder of two girls. These two statements are both true only if the conversation about the two girls was after the burning of the duffel bags.
Welch's stepmother, Edna Welch, told News4 she recalls Welch and Craver hearing about a reward in the case and Welch saying he was going to try to collect it.
"Lloyd and Helen were sitting on my sofa when the news broke about the girls, and they were talking about a reward for information," Edna Welch said. "Lloyd thought he was going to get something in it, I reckon, and he called in and said he knew something, but I don't think he knew a darn thing."


It could all be an act, especially Lloyd's talk, but this just seems odd if two guilty people talked like this and later Lloyd attempted to claim the reward.
I missed it the first time reading the affidavit, but one more piece of information added is

8) one of the friends of the sisters confronted Lloyd about his staring at the Lyon sisters.

To me this means that Lloyd must have know he could have been identified. Granted Lloyd is not that bright or maybe he could not have helped himself, but to continue with a planned crime after being identified is sheer stupidity. My own favorite theory is that Lloyd attempted to befriend or seduce one of the sisters, something went wrong with the crime, and murder happend. If Lloyd knew he could be identified as staring at the girls all day, he would know he would have to get rid of the bodies or be a top suspect.
I don't think law enforcement ever said the car(s) was (were) anyone's.

Every article I read, covering several types of cars such as station wagons or white two-door sedans was always VERY VAGUE on the model and year of car they were looking for.

If law enforcement thought the car belonged to a specific person such as the uncle, I am fairly sure law enforcement could find out the exact model and year, if not the exact serial number.

You are correct. In re-reading the article, they believe it is "associated" with Welch family members. They did NOT say Richard.

You are correct. In re-reading the article, they believe it is "associated" with Welch family members. They did NOT say Richard.

Since the recently released affidavit disclosed that Lloyd showed up one time (it's not clear if it was the same time as he brought and burned the duffel bags) with a "female companion" (likely Helen Carver), I suppose the "family member" who helped Lloyd get to Virginia with a car could have been Helen (whom Lloyd later married).

In this case, the car, if not owned by Helen may have been owned by someone in her family or a close friend; someone close enough to lend them a car.
It looks to me like Lloyd is telling the truth that the police are twisting his words:

"In a letter to The Washington Post, Lloyd Welch has said that investigators have twisted his words"

From a new story yesterday in Washington Post:

I really hope the police have a hidden card up their sleeve, such as DNA evidence, because a case based on what Lloyd may or many not have said is worthless. A case based on Lloyd's twisted words is less than worthless.

Not even Lloyd's stepmother believes him and Lloyd stories, maybe half true, half lies was likely also the start of Welch family gossip about Lloyd's involvement:

"Welch's stepmother, Edna Welch, told News4 she recalls Welch and Craver hearing about a reward in the case and Welch saying he was going to try to collect it.
"Lloyd and Helen were sitting on my sofa when the news broke about the girls, and they were talking about a reward for information," Edna Welch said. "Lloyd thought he was going to get something in it, I reckon, and he called in and said he knew something, but I don't think he knew a darn thing.""

From an old story:
I tell you...I'm just sick to my stomach after reading this affidavit. This entire family knew what was going on for 40 years and did NOTHING. They need to gather every one of these scumbags and throw them in jail for life.
The second paragraph of the affidavit states:
"Despite efforts, the investigation failed to identify the male who appeared to be fixated on the girls while they were at the mall."..."A composite drawing was made of the man seen staring at the sisters. The composite was released via media outlets."

I have not seen any evidence that the composite of Long Hair Man was printed in any media prior to 2013. Of course I can't claim to have seen every article or television report on the case in 1975. I believe Richard, who has a library of all the old reports, had never seen the Long-hair-man sketch prior to 2013, and Richard was surprised that such a composite existed?

The tape-recorder man was the sketch receiving media exposure.

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