Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt5

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I was thinking, SC had taken her name off of the deed of their home back in November. Another poster said something to the effect that they thought SC was blindsided by his affair or that there was no sign of marital strife ... It would seem to me that if she took her name off of the deed ... or she agreed to have her name taken off ... that she had to have known something was up!! I am thinking that there was some home equity debt that she was attempting to distance herself from, in preparation to leave the marriage. Even if he initiated having her name removed from the deed, for whatever reason, she, by law, would have been given due and proper notice. That, in itself, would have clued her in that something was seriously wrong.
Rigor mortis
The presence of rigor mortis also assists forensic scientists in determining the time of death. The body muscles will normally be in a relaxed state for the first three hours after death, stiffening between 3 hours and 36 hours, and then becoming relaxed again. However, there is considerable uncertainty in estimates derived from rigor mortis, because the time of onset is highly dependent on the amount of work the muscles had done immediately before death.

So I have to wonder if struggling while being choked to death would significantly alter the onset of rigor? Or are they talking about a strenuous type of activity like running or fighting?

If not, it would put the time of death at least at 4:00 am or before. I am very satisfied it is coming from Dr. Baden as I really think he is one of the very best in his field. (Can't say the same thing about his wife tho. :X)

My bold... somewhere I did read that a victim that would have struggled would rigor more quickly than one that did not. It was specifically in regards to strangling deaths. I'll look to see if I can find that link tomorrow, it's on the other 'puter.
Just wondering if we heard it from the same source, that's all.

You & the PD dude, not you & me... duh!

*admitting I'm very slow tonight now that the wine has helped the pain meds kick in so I can no longer feel my wrist*
You & the PD dude, not you & me... duh!

*admitting I'm very slow tonight now that the wine has helped the pain meds kick in so I can no longer feel my wrist*
LOL When you can't feel your need to stop. Pain meds are to make you not feel your wrist, yes? :blowkiss:

Check out the picture! He just looks evil & souless.

Coleman waived a formal reading of the charges, which allege that he strangled his wife and two pre-teen sons. COWARD!!! Couldn't even listen to what he had done.

Coleman showed little emotion during the hearing. Not a surprise, he is EVIL! None of his relatives attended WOW!!! Didn't expect that since he's "innocent" per his plea & atty.

But 10 minutes after Coleman and another man departed with a trailer — toting the family's trampoline and tubs of belongings WTH!!! Your family has just been murdered and you're worried about the dang trampoline??? Just WOW!
LOL When you can't feel your need to stop. Pain meds are to make you not feel your wrist, yes? :blowkiss:

I really should stop, lol! Yes, they are for the broken wrist, which is really really hurting since I can't seem to stop typing!!!
Maj. Jeff Connor

"We got some information tonight that secured the warrant," Connor said. "I've been talking about how we were waiting for some forensic evidence, forensic testimony, different things, and it all just started coming together. And for several days now, we've been close. It's just tonight there was some more evidence that came forward and we were able to solidify the case."

He declined to elaborate.

The legal definition "Forensic Testimony is the report issued by the forensic expert which testify the issues, probable causes and expert opinions of the legal issues under consideration."

This can be done by anyone that is an expert in his/her... ME, forensic testing (dna, drugs, etc...) or even an Computer Forensics Examiner.

Since he stated both Forensic Evidence (TOD) and Forensic Testimony (Computers, DVR) I'm going to jump to the conclusion that they had both.
Since I can't sleep, I'll do the digging so you all can talk :)

"New Details on the Coleman Murders",0,416940.story
A basement window in the back of the home was open. The chilling words "I told you so" were spray painted in red on a wall near the stairs.

"Bodies Found In Seperate Rooms"
I pray Sheri didn't realize this monster murdered her babies.

This one is interesting, especially if you're new to the case & want to catch up
Chronology of the Coleman triple murders
Mgardner, it is standard for them to plead not guilty even if they may be willing to confess or take a plea deal down the road. There won't be a plea deal offered in this case tho and I do not believe he will confess. His defense attorney will maintain his "innocence" all the way to the needle or the chair.

By no means am I disrespecting your post, but I have to respectfully disagree. There are a dozen cases in which the perp pled guilty for murder:
Many do so, in an effort to get a lower sentence. If we find this is a DP case, we may get a different plea (I hope) so he can get LWOP.

Has the prosecution already said no plea deal? Is there a link to this (just curious).

If the evidence is so clear cut (and I think it is) - would you think CC would rather take his chance of death (if the moritorium is changed) or life? If he has any guilt or respect, he needs to own up to this and save the taxpayers millions of dollars. The killer isn't worth a penny! I think he's such a coward, he'll want to stay off death row. There's more "freedom" in general pop.

For example: 'I shot Lori': Mark Hacking pleads guilty in brutal slaying of his beautiful wife.

Hacking responded in a flat voice: "Your honor, I intentionally shot Lori Hacking in the head with a .22 rifle on July 19, 2004."

On June 6, 2005, Mark Hacking was sentenced 6 years to life in prison, the maximum the judge could give under Utah law. Under Utah's system of indeterminate criminal sentences, first-degree felony murder brings a mandatory five years to life, but Hacking's minimum is increased to six years because he used a firearm.

more info here:

So it does happen. Just google "men who plead guilty for killing families" and you'll find quite a few different scenarios.

I have to remember, all cases are different. But IF this creature did it, he owes his wife and children the decency to say I DID IT. If not, he must have a clue who the real perp is??

Thanks for listening.

You are correct that the protection under the law is the same, however, historically Protestant ministers have been more likely to breach privilege when they believe that it is in the best interest of society to do so ... whereas Catholic priests are far less likely to do so, since in the Catholic religion, absolution from sin depends on confession to a priest. When I was in law school I wrote a paper on this very subject ... I will try and find some of the sources I used if it is of interest to anyone.

I would love to see them. I have always been told/taught that unless confession is a major tenant of the faith, privilege does not apply. Which would rule out most faiths.
I agree, but what the defense will concentrate on is when did MCS come into the investigation? What was done prior to their arrival?

IIRC they came in at the very beginning. As soon as Columbia PD realized they had a triple homicide, the Chief of Columbia PD called in MCS.
I am so hoping she gets a cell of her own.

Hi Mikeysmom,

Is there a reason you think this "hostess" is involved? I wonder if she even knew he was married w/children?

I'd sure love to get my hands on her story.

All the best,

Yep. This case needs it's own little home here so we can do more specific threads... IMO.

Maybe if we all blow kisses to :blowkiss:

I just know this one is going to get crazy! There is going to be a lot happening. Can't wait to see the spin from A & B.

*kisses to :blowkiss:

Pretty please?
:eek: Uumm... speechless (for once) :eek:

I hope not!!! That man does not deserve a child!

OMG - call in CPS! It's unlikely CC would ever see the child, but coming into the world under such horror. And, what do we know about the mom/stripper/hostess.

If even 1 gene is passed on to this child, he/she needs to be watched veery carefully.

Ughhh....the spawn of Chris Coleman gives me the eebie-jeebies.

Note: not to take away from Garett and Gavin - they are the most handsome boys I have ever seen. They obviously received their looks and upbringing from their beautiful mother.


Hi Mikeysmom,

Is there a reason you think this "hostess" is involved? I wonder if she even knew he was married w/children?

I'd sure love to get my hands on her story.

All the best,


I don't know that the ho-stess was involved, but, she knew he was married with children, she was a high school friend of SC. This is per her cousin on NG the past two nights. She was a family friend according to the cousin - they were told by the Post reporter who broke that story prior to it being in the paper and were all shocked.
Chief Edwards had MCS called right away. I saw the report on P-D right after the story broke, but I can't find it now.

I am trying to catch up here after 12 hours away from this thread.

The last murder in Monroe County was 5 years ago. The man was aquited and most feel it was because local LE botched the evidence in the case. Local LE just does not see this type of crime in our area on a regular basis.

Thank God, Chief Edwards called the MCS right away. I would hate to have any evidence in this case "tainted" because of human error.
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