Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt6

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This video is very good! The family wants in the home to locate Sheri's signature, among other things.

Wanna make a bet they think Sheri didn't know her name came off the deed to her home???


I agree, this was an excellent report.

I know this has been commented on here, but it would take me forever and a day to go back and find it on these threads....

What is required to get a spouses name off the deed in IL? I assume the document has to be notarized. I am smelling a rat here, just like you Kim. Either someone else was "playing" Sheri in the presence of the Notary, or the Notary was not doing their job in checking for proper ID.

I agree, this was an excellent report.

I know this has been commented on here, but it would take me forever and a day to go back and find it on these threads....

What is required to get a spouses name off the deed in IL? I assume the document has to be notarized. I am smelling a rat here, just like you Kim. Either someone else was "playing" Sheri in the presence of the Notary, or the Notary was not doing their job in checking for proper ID.

On the west coast, it is called a "Quit Claim Deed". Not sure what it is titled in Illinois, but it would be a notarized court-filed document that is stating you want to be removed from the title of the property. If she was on the loan with CC, a refinance would have also needed to be done or else the mortgage lender could call the note and accelerate the loan. A lot of people do these Quit Claims without the lender's knowledge and then get stuck with a loan and no property.

Hope that made sense!
This is good news. Hopefully Sherri's family will be able to find the answers to their questions. I'm glad they are moving on this swiftly.

I hope we are able to glean some facts ourselves.......
BELLEVILLE, IL ( - A wrongful death lawsuit will be filed Tuesday in a Monroe County court, against Christopher Coleman. His deceased wife's family is suing for access to the Coleman home in Columbia, and to any assets Sheri owned.


"I have filed a second count alleging negligence. That is, if these threats were real, he was negligent in that he failed to protect his wife and his two children."

Christopher Coleman filed police reports months ago claiming someone was threatening his family. The case being built against him seems to allege those threats were a front.


They have no legal right to enter because Sheri's name was taken off the deed in October. Carey is asking a judge to grant a temporary restraining order on that deed. If the judge grants access, Carey says Sheri's family, some of whom are in town, will go inside the home as soon as possible to look around and take an inventory of what is there. One of the first things they will search for is Sheri's signature on something, to see if it matches the paperwork which removed her from the deed.,0,7721929.story

They could go to the mortgage holder and get a copy of the paperwork. That would have Sheri's signature on it.
On the west coast, it is called a "Quit Claim Deed". Not sure what it is titled in Illinois, but it would be a notarized court-filed document that is stating you want to be removed from the title of the property. If she was on the loan with CC, a refinance would have also needed to be done or else the mortgage lender could call the note and accelerate the loan. A lot of people do these Quit Claims without the lender's knowledge and then get stuck with a loan and no property.

Hope that made sense!
Just to add to that, a document like that could hold up in an IL court in the event of a divorce, if the property was acquired during marriage and transferred during marriage. It is a moot point now, but just posted as an aside.
They could go to the mortgage holder and get a copy of the paperwork. That would have Sheri's signature on it.

Nope. The Privacy Act won't allow it. They can only obtain things that were filed with the court. They COULD get the original Deed of Trust with her sig on it - from the court! But the mortgage company can't tell them a thing without Sheri's permission.
This is good news. Hopefully Sherri's family will be able to find the answers to their questions. I'm glad they are moving on this swiftly.

I hope we are able to glean some facts ourselves.......
I hope there will be no gag orders placed on this case. There is going to be a lot of information coming out about finances, Miss Motive, the threats, and other things! (I would love to submit my own questions for RC and JMM! LOL)

Watching the civil case of ZG in the Anthony saga, we have learned a considerable amount of information and it can be used in the criminal trial. This is very important since the civil case requires less of a burden of proof and the witnesses can be compelled to answer in Discovery and in the trial. (Chris can plead the fifth, but everyone else is fair game.)
Nope. The Privacy Act won't allow it. They can only obtain things that were filed with the court. They COULD get the original Deed of Trust with her sig on it - from the court! But the mortgage company can't tell them a thing without Sheri's permission.

Here again is another good reason for the civil suit. In the case of missing Jennifer and Adrianna Wix (on my sig line) there is information the family would like to obtain about a visit made to the doctor just a couple of days before they vanished. (LE says they are "presumed dead", BTW) Because of HIPA laws, the family is not able to obtain those records. (We assume LE has them, tho).

The family would have a much easier time making decisions if they had the legal right to Sheri's medical and financial information.
Nope. The Privacy Act won't allow it. They can only obtain things that were filed with the court. They COULD get the original Deed of Trust with her sig on it - from the court! But the mortgage company can't tell them a thing without Sheri's permission.

Sorry, I did mean with court order. The court could order the mortgage company to disclose it.
Wow! That is HUGE! This could open up so many things in this case.:

That paperwork included the wrongful death lawsuit and a summons for discovery for Joyce Meyer Ministries and Ronald Coleman. The summons has been filed in an effort to gather more information in this case.

Summons for discovery with JMM to find out is these so called threats were real or not (in regards to the he did not protect his family suit)

Summons for discovery with RC to find out what property was taken from the Columbia home. (in regards to them wanting access and inventory done of the property removed from the home.)

It was on news yesterday that Sheri's family wants to make sure that NOTHING is sold that might legally belong to Sheri. They don't want the Coleman's to make any money off anything that would help pay for CC's defense. It not a about greed but to make things very hard for Coleman so that he does profit in anyway from the deaths of Sheri & boys.
And here's ANOTHER asset for the suit, as posted on the STLToday site:

If Chris was the benificiary of insurqance policy incurance will NOT pay him since he has been arrested for that death, they will wait to see if he is convicted, if so,Then No they will not pay out the $$ but I wonder if Sherri's family wins the case,insurance may have to make the payout to them. Interesting.
I hope there will be no gag orders placed on this case. There is going to be a lot of information coming out about finances, Miss Motive, the threats, and other things! (I would love to submit my own questions for RC and JMM! LOL)

Watching the civil case of ZG in the Anthony saga, we have learned a considerable amount of information and it can be used in the criminal trial. This is very important since the civil case requires less of a burden of proof and the witnesses can be compelled to answer in Discovery and in the trial. (Chris can plead the fifth, but everyone else is fair game.)
Ohhh...... we don't need no stinkin' gag orders here. That would suck to the nth degree.

Wonder what they're hoping to get from RC and JMM? That should be interesting too!!
WELCOME to WEBSLEUTHS! Did you need to talk to a MOD privately? I'd be happy to locate one of them for you if you'd like! :blowkiss:

I was able to contact them, thank you for the help. Not savy on this site,still learning it.
Does anyone remember where the other rumored girlfriend was from?
Ohhh...... we don't need no stinkin' gag orders here. That would suck to the nth degree.

Wonder what they're hoping to get from RC and JMM? That should be interesting too!!

I would imagine financial info from JMM. 401K, LI, that type of thing? Perhaps CC pulled a Brad Cooper and signed his assests over to RC?
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