Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt7

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That's what I was thinking! CC worked nights (which still strikes me as odd based on his position, but anyhoo) and if the letter-writing killer was actually targeting Sheri and the boys, they would have had plenty of perfect opportunities to commit the murders while CC was at work. Makes no sense...

I do tend to believe CC was somehow pushed into the final phase of his plan ahead of schedule for some reason. However, I am still waiting to hear if he was supposed to be at work the night before and if they were truly planning to separate or divorce. I would also like to know when he normally went to the gym...

I'm thinking he had to force the timeline in the morning because Sheri and the boys were expected elsewhere soon and people would have noticed they were not where they were supposed to be. school? Wasn't it a school day?
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I was also privy to information on the father of
Ron years ago at a womens meeting I attended years ago. This info came from Ron's sister. She admitted to me that their father had molested her while she was growing up. Believe me, I have no idea why she offered this information to me, but she did. She was the guest speaker for the 3 day meetings and had not been home in many years and to my knowledge has not been back since. This is one messed up family.

This is totally a shock to me -

Never mind - I realize you were quoting another post. Duh!
note to self and gang:

The SWs have information in them telling the text of the threats, was this information told to the police at the scene of the crime, i.e. as in told to Sgt. Donjon (as if someone memorized it and repeated it to him) OR did this text get retrieved from something that had been put on record with the police prior to the fact and got added into the SW with the report?

What I am trying to point out to you is - don't think of the noose like knot as being placed over their heads.
A Garrote is not a noose - but a garrote can use noose like knots on each end of the rope (or twine) - something like a stick is placed into the noose like knots on each end of rope. (the noose like knots are more secure than simple knot)
so now you have a garrote that look like this


I@ = sticks placed in noose like knots
---- = twine or rope

The rope or twine is quickly placed around the neck and the excess is quickly twisted and the sticks give the perp something to control and hold the twist in the rope. That is how a garrote works.

Typically hair will be found wrapped in with the rope or twine. Sheri had long enough hair and they may have found Sheri's hair with the piece of orange twine.

If he used the bale twine off one bale (both pieces off the bale) then he would have about 8 to 9 ft of twine from each of the bale loops. (A total of 16 to 18ft to work with)
And we know that LE talked to people down there.

I want to know too, but I'm afraid if I do I'll be more upset she isn't in the slammer along with CC.

Ya know, considering the company she may keep, I'm kinda surprised none of her "friends" have gone to the media. Seems they might be the kind that like attention too...

When is the release date for the next issue of the National Enquirer?
note to self and gang:

The SWs have information in them telling the text of the threats, was this information told to the police at the scene of the crime, i.e. as in told to Sgt. Donjon (as if someone memorized it and repeated it to him) OR did this text get retrieved from something that had been put on record with the police prior to the fact and got added into the SW with the report?
Or did LE get the information from one of his computers? (Altho...IIRC...LE was given the notes he supposedly received before.)
And again from what we have read:

>>He described messages he'd seen spray-painted in red on walls. Laced with obscenities, they appear to have been directed at Sheri Coleman and include "punished" in the downstairs dining room, "*advertiser censored* paid" or "u have paid" in an upstairs room and "I saw you leave, (expletive) you, I am always watching" in the kitchen.<<

IF the words were "u have paid" -- then this was a slip in the consistency of the style that the so-called threatmeister tried to weave. They used the word "you" (not "u") in the so-called threats -- when they had time to try and think how they wanted to concoct their plan. IF the words "u have paid" were used -- if I were the SA, I would be all over the emails and texts of CC looking for a pattern of this use.

The usage of "u" in texting and emailing would be something you might see in a thread of someone's communications. I have probably written well over 50,000 emails in the last 10 years (support work) and I have NEVER use "u" instead of "you" in writing. Yes, there are many of the younger set who probably use this.

"u" is often used in I don't know about the sexting part. Today was the first time I'd ever heard of that!:waitasec:
Just thinking out loud -Is it possible that CC and MM could have a baby, or be expecting one? Has anyone mentioned this already? That would explain the need for a lot of cash - also maybe why we have not seen recent pictures.
Actually, I did bring up that possibility early on, but when we heard that Miss Motive had ordered wedding invitations for early 2010...I figured she probably isn't pregnant. Ooooo...but I never thought of them having one already! Hmmm...
note to self and gang:

The SWs have information in them telling the text of the threats, was this information told to the police at the scene of the crime, i.e. as in told to Sgt. Donjon (as if someone memorized it and repeated it to him) OR did this text get retrieved from something that had been put on record with the police prior to the fact and got added into the SW with the report?

I've been wondering that myself.
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Perryville, MO
1 hr ago

I believe that the cult will fall apart because they have no foundation to begin with. This will only set the fall in motion. Ron's behavior really isn't the issue for most part. The cult is full of sheep that will follow for a time, but he will try to use church funds or ask for "donations" to fund his son's defense. He will not use his own personal funds. Ron Coleman is a self centered man that is only concerned about how this affects him. His actions through all of this do not surprise me or anyone that truly knows him. I have heard him speak of those grandchildren from the pulpit and they were most often derogatory remarks.

I was also privy to information on the father of
Ron years ago at a womens meeting I attended years ago. This info came from Ron's sister. She admitted to me that their father had molested her while she was growing up. Believe me, I have no idea why she offered this information to me, but she did. She was the guest speaker for the 3 day meetings and had not been home in many years and to my knowledge has not been back since. This is one messed up family.

I know we are supposed to take all of this stuff with a grain of salt, but considering CC's actions I'm not at all surprised.

I can't remember who it was that expressed concern for CC's mother and how she has been treated throughout her life, but I can't think that it has been easy. If divorce is frowned upon now a days in that community I cannot even imagine what the attitude was like back then. Not at all excusing any excuses that she may make for CC, because it certainly looks like she has been making excuses for a looooooooooooong time... just makes everything just that more tragic, if such a thing is even possible.:shakehead:

Especially considering where this woman may be at in her life's journey and the clarity that is accompanied with it, is it possible this woman will step forward if not for Sheri, then for her grandkids?
Puhleese, someone tell me that CCs body was inspected and that his clothes (in gym bag) were confiscated PRIOR TO the May 14th date I am seeing on documents.

Can anyone help me with seeing a date earlier than that?

The way I read them is that the search warrants were issued on the 5th (at various times throughout the day) for him, his vehicle and the house, ordered sealed on the 14th and ordered opened and released on the 27th.

EDIT: The second SW for the house (to include the bales of straw) was issued on the 8th.
Actually, I did bring up that possibility early on, but when we heard that Miss Motive had ordered wedding invitations for early 2010...I figured she probably isn't pregnant. Ooooo...but I never thought of them having one already! Hmmm...

I can't figure out why she is being kept hidden from everyone - when messes like this become public, news sources camp out in front of homes - follow them wherever they go - dig for info from any place they can find it including their trash cans on trash pick-up day. (I'm sure there is a joke in that last line, but I'm not going there. :eek: ) Anyone who has ever laid eyes on the person would be talking...... So I wonder what the deal is on her. Why is she being so.....protected????? everyone? This really has me stumped.
I know we are supposed to take all of this stuff with a grain of salt, but considering CC's actions I'm not at all surprised.

I can't remember who it was that expressed concern for CC's mother and how she has been treated throughout her life, but I can't think that it has been easy. If divorce is frowned upon now a days in that community I cannot even imagine what the attitude was like back then. Not at all excusing any excuses that she may make for CC, because it certainly looks like she has been making excuses for a looooooooooooong time... just makes everything just that more tragic, if such a thing is even possible.:shakehead:

Especially considering where this woman may be at in her life's journey and the clarity that is accompanied with it, is it possible this woman will step forward if not for Sheri, then for her grandkids?

I was really surprised to hear the rumors that RC's flock had called for his resignation, I had really not expected that. Is that maybe one more thing that makes it just that much harder for CC's mother to ignore the truth. I can't imagine that the Anthony's were a terribly social couple so the ostracization might be easier to overlook (although I just don't see how), for the Coleman's its just going to be so obvious.

I did not know that RC's "flock" called for his resignation. Did I miss that?

I do feel sorry for CC's mother. It has been reported that she is very ill - hence the visit to the hospital when LE was tailing CC. I don't believe any mother wants to ever face the fact they have raised a child willing and able to murder his own wife and children. They have been silent thus far - as far as I know. That says a lot to me. I have said that if my son killed ANYONE...I would know it as soon as I looked into his eyes. I can't imagine CC's mom is any different.
Hiya ChesterG,

I kinda got the garrotte thing (ugh, looked at it long before when looking at the JBR thing), but my point was whether noose or garrotte or wire, when there is ligature strangulation, something must eventually "encircle" the victims neck. This takes effort... For one disgusting millisecond, envision someone lying on the bed with their head on a pillow...just how do you get the garrotte or noose, whatever might be used, around the neck without a) going directly under their neck (purposely -- you feel their body) or b) going over their head (purposely you move their head accordingly) then slipping the ligature around their neck. My point was merely the disgusting overt, purposeful touching for the sake of murdering -- not like standing back and aiming a firearm or something else.

BTW, I had an experience the other night -- it was not pleasant and almost took me to a panic. Immediately after the fact, I started thinking of this case. I have a heart problem that causes me to go breathless sometimes (bradycardia and other arrhythmias), particularly at night. When that occurs, I am prone to start throwing off covers (natural response to "give me air"), making sure my nightgown is not, for some reason, restricting my neck in any way, and checking that my necklaces are not doing so either. Well, the other night, my shorter necklace was right into my skin at the front of my neck -- not much, but against it. I started to try to get it off and because most of my fingernails nails were short, I could not. I almost started flipping out -- started digging at my neck, then calmed down (the chain on this necklace is not strong enough to do anyone damage.) I finally rationalized and gently slipped a long nail under the chain to loosen it from my skin.

The above made me think of that which I might do if someone had put a ligature around me. I am "fluffy" -- not skin and bones like I used to be, but I would have had to gouge my neck to dig in to it and get behind a ligature.

The whole experience made me ache inside -- I knew my hands were free to help me get air, in the event something was constricting my neck. I can only imagine that the murderer of Sheri and the children did not leave arms/hands free to do anything to stop the plan. IF there were no defensive moves of the victims, i.e. even just to defend their own breathing by trying to free their neck (gouging, digging at the neck) -- the murderer restricted their arms. And again, if anyone from the SA's office does any reading here, I hope they will use information such as this to pound to the jury the heinous act of this murderer.
Point being the MCS caught on real fast to CC's motives. (1) Kill his family so he could avoid having to pay out anything to them in the event of a divorce. (2) Profit from their deaths in anyway he could.

Divorce is one thing -- between a husband and wife. I look at Drew Peterson (and his alleged killing of his wives) -- he didn't kill his kids.

There has to be a demon in CC to kill the darling little boys and wife (I almost said his boys -- but they don't belong to him...he best not dare say their names).

There's a special place in hell waiting for him. I sure hope it starts here on earth!

What's that saying -- Money is the root of all evil?

Hello WestSideGal,

I hope your following is accurate -- I can't imagine waiting longer than seeing CC at the scene to want to make sure he was searched, along with all else.

The way I read them is that the search warrants were issued on the 5th (at various times throughout the day) for him, his vehicle and the house, ordered sealed on the 14th and ordered opened and released on the 27th.

EDIT: The second SW for the house (to include the bales of straw) was issued on the 8th.
Over on this topix board someone suggested that people listen to the Halloween sermon that up on the GCM website. (RC gave it)

I cannot play this kinda stuff on my computer but maybe some of you can and report back what was said in the sermon.


hr ago
leeloo wrote:
Anyone that would like to hear Ron Coleman speak can go to and listen to the recorded messages. I highly recommend the Halloween sermon if it is still up, it will show you how ignorant this man is.
WOW! that was very interesting to say the least. It gives you a little insight on how CC was raised. He just babbles on. I listened to the holloween story, and he was just making up stuff on the fly. He talked about how he never let his kids celebrate holloween and then remarked how fine they turned out and actually said "there not retarded from it" WOW!
Typical Ron Coleman peep garbage...

Sparta, IL
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|Report Abuse |Judge it! |#17 Yesterday
Well, I should not respond, but I will. I personally attend Grace Ministries and I personally know Ronald Coleman...

LOL... these fools actually believe that police has only given us 10% truth about this case.
Of course these people never would believe that RC is an ex-con, they don't even want to believe that the police are telling us the truth when it comes to CC.
Be warned WS's of anyone who adamantly defends RC and also claims they don't attend GCM.
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