Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt7

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I guess I'm going to have to listen to one of RC's sermons myself at some point. For some reason, I'm not looking forward to it.
Okay, I'm going to listen to one, but not the Halloween one. I don't celebrate Halloween either. But not because I'm afraid my kids would be retarded! <yikes!>
Typical Ron Coleman peep garbage...

Sparta, IL
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|Report Abuse |Judge it! |#17 Yesterday
Well, I should not respond, but I will. I personally attend Grace Ministries and I personally know Ronald Coleman. What we have here is a bunch of people "speculating" at everyone's actions without knowing any facts. You are getting 90% fiction from the media and 10% truth from the police. Ronald and Connie Coleman are the most outstanding people ever! Our church is still following our pastors because we know (because we know them personally, not by association of the press) that they are men and women of God that are in the most tragic situation. He is not going anywhere and no one is kicking him out. But, you guys wouldn't know that because you don't attend our church. So, stop speculating and get some REAL facts! Pastor Ron and Connie....we love you guys and stand behind you till the end! No matter what comes out guilty or not guilty, you are still our leaders in Christ and God loves you and so do we! Our support is with you and your family and may God give you peace through all of this!

LOL... these fools actually believe that police has only given us 10% truth about this case.
Of course these people never would believe that RC is an ex-con, they don't even want to believe that the police are telling us the truth when it comes to CC.
Be warned WS's of anyone who adamantly defends RC and also claims they don't attend GCM.

Oh my goodness! IIRC, anyone just off the street cannot attend this church, right? I bet the reporters in the area are knocking each other down to get in there right now and I'm sure they will all be denied. Impossible to get any facts if that is the case. Then again, my guess is that is exactly what the church is counting on....more than ever before!

Seems they do have their detractors though. Wonder why:rolleyes:
Oh my goodness! IIRC, anyone just off the street cannot attend this church, right? I bet the reporters in the area are knocking each other down to get in there right now and I'm sure they will all be denied. Impossible to get any facts if that is the case. Then again, my guess is that is exactly what the church is counting on....more than ever before!

Seems they do have their detractors though. Wonder why:rolleyes:

Detractors are the ones that have woke up and saw exactly what was happening to them.
True detractors of GCM will not defend RC as the core of GCM is RC.

Reporters in this area are probably part of GCM. The story in this weeks local paper was very neutral and was simply a reprint of the MCS's announcement from the night they arrested CC.

The MCS had one hell of a time getting anyone in this town to talk to them.
This is because (1) The people they were trying to get info out of were GCM members. (2) Or the people they talked to did not know enough about GCM because people who know GCM don't socialize with people who don't go to GCM. (3) Or if they are ex GCM members that are too scared to talk against GCM because this is such a small town.

The problem is we know there is a big following at the church but it's not like the members walk around with GCM tattooed on their foreheads. So you have to be very careful who you talk to in this town about GCM because you never know if the person you are talking to attends GCM.

I guess someone could stand off the GCM property and video tape everyone that walks into GCM to know who exactly goes in there. But the problem is someone would see you taping them going into the church and some would know who the person is that is taping them. So no one in this town would be brave enough to do this. You would probably get a knock on your door by a group of GCM members who would want to know why you were taping the people going into the church.
Okay, I just listened to one of his sermons called "Are You Real?" I wasn't thinking about it when I chose that one, it was pretty much random in my conscience thinking...but oh my gosh! EERIE when I realized he preached it one month before CC killed the family and it was AIMED at people like his OWN SON. I'm sure he didn't know this, though!

Honestly, I didn't think it was that different from many pentecostal type preaching. (Is this a pentecostal church?) There was too much emphasis on "works", IMO. ("Works" is a Christian term, for those not familiar with means what you have to do to gain something). I also didn't like it when he said "you have to go beyond the cross" when the cross is where we are to lay at the feet of Jesus..there isn't any going beyond.

So, I know I'm getting deep but I wanted to give a couple of detailed examples of what I disagreed with so you guys could see that it was more of a doctrine difference than anything.

I did feel he "attacked" people with tatoos somewhat. But he also said he wasn't trying to pick on them, per say...just asking what was the motive behind getting the tattoo. I guess he would ask me what my motive is by posting here and does it serve the cause of Christ or not, too. :crazy:

What was chilling was when he said that "life is all about choices". That made my hair stand up on end!

So, there's a briefing on my take of one of RC's sermons. Please note that I am a Bible believer and not into people's religions. Just the Bible...and so that's where I'm coming from with my synopsis.

And I didn't hear him ask for any money.
I did not know that RC's "flock" called for his resignation. Did I miss that?

No you didn't Fairy1. I was a rumor that was proven false. And I'd like to say that I "missed" it, but I thanked the post that dispelled the rumor AND have it scribbled through in my notes. Thank you for catching that one :blowkiss:. I went up and corrected the post with my apologies.

I do feel sorry for CC's mother. It has been reported that she is very ill - hence the visit to the hospital when LE was tailing CC. I don't believe any mother wants to ever face the fact they have raised a child willing and able to murder his own wife and children. They have been silent thus far - as far as I know. That says a lot to me. I have said that if my son killed ANYONE...I would know it as soon as I looked into his eyes. I can't imagine CC's mom is any different.

I don't know, I don't have any children, but I'd like to think that would be the case... :shakehead: He must have some problem looking people in the eye, he was avoiding Sheri's family.
OH YEAH! There was another part of the sermon where he was saying he didn't care if you wanted to be Al Capone (or some other gangster) but just don't be a part Christian and part world person. If you're going to choose one way of life then just DO IT. In hindsight, if he could hear his own words....oh my gosh!

I hope this made sense...he was talking about either be a Christian or be a non-Christian, just don't try to do both cuz it doesn't work. CHILLING.
O (Is this a pentecostal church?)
And I didn't hear him ask for any money.

No - some form of new age christian ministry

They won't ask for money - The sermons are probably from his radio show.
Members who attend the church are suppose to donate 20% of their earnings I have heard. If they don't they are pressured and eventually thrown out if they don't give 20%. I have heard they even ask to see W-2's and tax returns if you want to stay a member. (this is hearsay but I have heard this from several people from this town at different times. I have heard other stories but I don't want to post them on here cause they could cause me to be ID'd)
No you didn't Fairy1. I was a rumor that was proven false. And I'd like to say that I "missed" it, but I thanked the post that dispelled the rumor AND have it scribbled through in my notes. Thank you for catching that one :blowkiss:. I went up and corrected the post with my apologies.

I don't know, I don't have any children, but I'd like to think that would be the case... :shakehead: He must have some problem looking people in the eye, he was avoiding Sheri's family.

Someone claiming to be a member of Sheri's family has been posting on the STLToday boards. People have been very supportive there and for that I'm glad!
No - some form of new age christian ministry

They won't ask for money - The sermons are probably from his radio show.
Members who attend the church are suppose to donate 20% of their earnings I have heard. If they don't they are pressured and eventually thrown out if they don't give 20%. I have heard they even ask to see W-2's and tax returns if you want to stay a member. (this is hearsay but I have heard this from several people from this town at different times. I have heard other stories but I don't want to post them on here cause they could cause me to be ID'd)

Interesting. I'm sure we wouldn't hear any of that online! Well, I don't want to get into a doctrinal debate..there are plenty of other places online for that. But, I did feel I should hear him for myself and I'm glad I did. Rather than be shook up about his preaching, I was more shook up over the subject matter in light of what happened a mere month later! Oh my gosh...very eerie!!!
No you didn't Fairy1. I was a rumor that was proven false. And I'd like to say that I "missed" it, but I thanked the post that dispelled the rumor AND have it scribbled through in my notes. Thank you for catching that one :blowkiss:. I went up and corrected the post with my apologies.

I don't know, I don't have any children, but I'd like to think that would be the case... :shakehead: He must have some problem looking people in the eye, he was avoiding Sheri's family.

One poster said RC had resigned.
They asked me if I heard anything yet about it.
I told them I didn't know if he resigned or not but that I have been hearing rumors from non-GCM people that some GCM members are threatening to leave GCM if he does not resign. (I took it as these were GCM members whispering about leaving GCM if RC did not resign on his own free will.)

So maybe someone took my post that GCM members were publicly calling for RC to resign.
Do church's typically have a men only meeting night?

GCM does a men only meeting night on Monday nights (there are no women only meeting nights at GCM)
Do church's typically have a men only meeting night?

GCM does a men only meeting night on Monday nights (there are no women only meeting nights at GCM)

That's interesting. I've never heard of men's or woman's night in relationship to any religion. Sounds horribly sexist to my ears...

I think I remember on JMM's website she was promoting something that sounded geared towards empowering women. Lemme see if it's still up.
That's interesting. I've never heard of men's or woman's night in relationship to any religion. Sounds horribly sexist to my ears...

I think I remember on JMM's website she was promoting something that sounded geared towards empowering women. Lemme see if it's still up.

here is the GCM page that shows monday night is the men's meeting night
also they have usher/security meetings

"Women&#8217;s Conference 2009 is about believing you can change the world by choosing to purposely and aggressively help other people. Our speakers for the conference all have a heart for outreach and will be sharing inspiring messages about how God is using people like you to reach the poor and the lost around the world.

Joyce Meyer will be joined by guest speakers Pastor Tommy Barnett of Phoenix First in Arizona; Christine Caine of Equip & Empower Ministries, Australia; and Pastor Paul Scanlon of Abundant Life Church in England.

We are also thrilled to announce our weekend worship leaders&#8212;the British Christian band Delirious? and singer/songwriter Israel Houghton.

Girls, we&#8217;re looking ahead to an amazing conference and cannot wait to be surrounded once again by thousands of women like you! One person can make an unbelievable difference. This is your time to shine.

Get the revolution started at home by inviting a friend to attend. You could be the person God uses to change her life!"

Looks like it is a big ol' conference.
Daisy - I am gonna go to bed.
I will probably be on here later today (Friday)

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