Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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This is my sis's computer at home (she lives with me) and I could only sneak in a quick few minutes while she ran to wallyworld so I won't be on again tonite. Maybe I'll see ya tomorrow.
Hello Kimster, CountryGirl, RollinOn86 and other prelim observers

Kimster, about the person with whom you are communicating about the prelim, is this a close personal friend? i.e. would this be someone with whom you have been and observed a situation before and both of you observed basically the same things? In other words, do you fairly well trust the observations of this person to be those that you might also have? Also, might this person be someone who has observed really tough court cases before and so could compare observations in the behavior of one set of people, to those of others who have been in similar circumstances?

CountryGirl and RollinOn86, did the two of you have different foci when in the court room, i.e. did one of you tend to watch CC's behavior more than his families or Sheri's family, or vice versa? Or did you continuously shift your attentions? Can you give us an idea of your vantage points? i.e. Was all you could see the back of everyone's heads, could you see their countenances when they turned their heads, head nodding and so on? Were you able to see one family better than the other? etc.

CountryGirl and RollinOn86, could the two of you take some time to review with us your observations on behaviors of the families?

:) I met the person on the internet. They are in a profession that I would consider to be trained on how to judge someone's character. This person doesn't mind me sharing their experiences, but wishes to remain anonymous, so I can't say a whole bunch. But, they do appear to be extremely credible and not self-serving in any way. :)
Just speculation that one or more of the victims could have been tasered or a stun gun used to subdue them.

Personally, I think there would be evidence on the body from taser darts or burn marks from a stun gun.

I agree with you although my dh said not all tasers (not the dart type) leave marks. I don't think I believe a taser was used. I think maybe meds made them drowsy, but not enough to stop SC and the older boy in fighting back.
Just speculation that one or more of the victims could have been tasered or a stun gun used to subdue them.

Personally, I think there would be evidence on the body from taser darts or burn marks from a stun gun.
I agree there would be two burn marks. I don't see CC needing to use a stun gun. I believe the toxicology tests may show they were sedated, but even if not...I think Chris could handle all 3 of them fairly easily. He had the element of complete surprise with his family. None of them expected him to kill them in a million years.
Plus, not really working out at the healthclub.
Poor thing must have been to tired to lift any weights after having such a busy night. :furious:

Yes, the straight to bathroom in the club surveillance tape says it all. Clean up on Aisle 3.
Regarding the unauthorized changes to Sheri's Facebook page, the Coleman home computer could have been targeted by a trojan horse that allowed a hacker to gain access to learn all sorts of things and even allow installation of a keylogger program.

For more on trojan horses and what they can do see:

Ah, the Trojan Horse defense. Unfortunately for CC, Microsoft Windows creates duplicates or logs of all data. Computer forensics tools can quickly reveal hidden, partial, or even deleted files. Then there is the misspelled word "opportunity".

Edit: This type of defense might work if CC was accused of hacking into someone's computer, but with all the other evidence against him, it won't fly. IMO.
You had asked about if a person may scream out when being tasered.
I spoke with 4 different people at the jail today and they were all in agreement. Yes people do scream out when they are tasered!

Doesn't a taser leave one or two small owies where they go into your body though? I would think there would be some type of marks left from it, but I'm not certain.

:cool: ~TCO~

Oh, never mind.
Greetings Vegas Bride,

Thanks for following up... I kinda thought that anyone hit with a whack of voltage like this might scream, first involuntarily ... any continuation of screaming, in my estimation, might depend upon the particular person, the voltage's effect, and the effect that the person hit might want to "portray." I know people hit with voltage to assist their hearts and keep them from dying suddenly, they usually shout once (they were surprised by their heart's needing the voltage hit), then they shut up (they are not wanting to bring attention to themselves, and they are wanting to settle down for their heart's sake) -- a person deserving of a taser hit might go for the "drama" with more screams.

You had asked about if a person may scream out when being tasered. I spoke with 4 different people at the jail today and they were all in agreement. Yes people do scream out when they are tasered! VB

The whole reason for my question was, "How might CC have found a way to quietly subdue his victims so that he could apply a ligature." (makes me sick to think about it.) I'm thinking a taser hit was not something he would have done now, but...we need more evidence. I'm thinking there is something else he did in order to approach and take all of his victims without causing a melee before he could. Did he put something in their food or drinks that night? Were they all just really sound sleepers? Did he apply some choke out thing first (and did they think this was a loving hug coming at first?)

All so sad to think about... But how did he take out 3 people without someone running and alerting others? And...I am still mindful of the rumor of 3AM screaming -- was this rumor, or was this true? Was someone screaming for help?
Regarding the unauthorized changes to Sheri's Facebook page, the Coleman home computer could have been targeted by a trojan horse that allowed a hacker to gain access to learn all sorts of things and even allow installation of a keylogger program.

For more on trojan horses and what they can do see:

This COULD be one of the def EXCUSES, ehhhh.......explanations for the defacing of Sheri's Facebook page. Wonder if the def knows IF the alteration was in fact made FROM the Coleman home computer and not Chris' work 'puter?:eek:

IF the defacing was in fact made from the home computer or even Chris' work computer, I'm sure they'll be able to find at least one computer expert that will testify on how this 'trojan horse' scenario is possible, in the hopes of convincing at least ONE juror it was not Chris doing the deed but a mysterious, elusive virus is the culprit.:rolleyes:

Like so many cases these days, much of the trial will be a battle between 'experts.':slap:

Question .. what is the reason for removing the DVD face plate and tossing it on the side of 255?

Was the recorder itself also missing or just the face plate? There'd also been a report of a DVR found as well along with the face plate but no mention has been made as to the readability of the DVR or if there was any data recovered.


A well known investigator once said, 'a good detective ALWAYS holds something back when confronting a subject.':eek:

That seems to be the case for the pros as well.:waitasec:

Bet the def is dying to know IF the pros ALSO found the actual DVR and not just the face plate.:bang:

And so the ninja hid inside the Trojan Horse virus and when everyone was asleep, he crept through the Coleman house and ever so quietly, strangled the life out of all but one family member. This Trojan ninja was soooo skilled at what he did, the sole survivor was unaware of the fact that his family had already perished before he left for the gym for his workout.

But, as he neared the parking lot, he remembered something was out of place when he left his home. That's odd, he thought to himself, I don't remember there being red hieroglyphics on the walls before......... So he nervously dialed his home number, his hands shaking........... but there was no answer. Realizing now that something was amiss, he dialed not 911, but his neighbor across the street because his number was much easier to remember than 911.

Oh yeah, I can see the jury buying into this............. it's over folks. That darn Ninja was the culprit. Darn it, why didn't I see that before?

:cool: ~TCO~
And so the ninja hid inside the Trojan Horse virus and when everyone was asleep, he crept through the Coleman house and ever so quietly, strangled the life out of all but one family member. This Trojan ninja was soooo skilled at what he did, the sole survivor was unaware of the fact that his family had already perished before he left for the gym for his workout.

But, as he neared the parking lot, he remembered something was out of place when he left his home. That's odd, he thought to himself, I don't remember there being red hieroglyphics on the walls before......... So he nervously dialed his home number, his hands shaking........... but there was no answer. Realizing now that something was amiss, he dialed not 911, but his neighbor across the street because his number was much easier to remember than 911.

Oh yeah, I can see the jury buying into this............. it's over folks. That darn Ninja was the culprit. Darn it, why didn't I see that before?

:cool: ~TCO~

:applause: I think you've got it!!! Poor CC, some ninja-dude is trying to frame him! :boohoo:
You all missed the point about the Trojan and chose to mock me instead.

That is SO childish....but carry on since that's all you appear to have is mockery. Seven posts of mockery,,,pitiful.
So, is the SODDI-Ninja-dude the one who is actually having the affair with TL? Perhaps it isn't actually CC who she's been philandering with at all? Perhaps SODDI-Ninja-dude is also a master of disguise and professional impersonater and has been posing as CC? Whoa! This is getting really interesting..........

You all missed the point about the Trojan and chose to mock me instead.

That is SO childish....but carry on since that's all you appear to have is mockery. Six posts of mockery.

A bit sensitive eh? I just showed that this type of defense might work IF he were accused of hacking, but he's not. Even if the defense could sell this story to the jury, it doesn't make all of the other evidence suddenly disappear. There is much more evidence against him than this, and they just can't explain that pesky misspelled word.
A bit sensitive eh? I just showed that this type of defense might work IF he were accused of hacking, but he's not. Even if the defense could sell this story to the jury, it doesn't make all of the other evidence suddenly disappear. There is much more evidence against him than this, and they just can't explain that pesky misspelled word.

Sensitive? Mockery is not polite.

Can you explain the misspelled word? A disgrunted employee from JMM ... someone who knew Coleman ... let's agree to disagree.

Someone hacked into the computer to make changes on Sheri's Facebook ... and you have NO proof it was Coleman!
Sensitive? Mockery is not polite.

Can you explain the misspelled word? A disgrunted employee from JMM ... someone who knew Coleman ... let's agree to disagree.

Someone hacked into the computer to make changes on Sheri's Facebook ... and you have NO proof it was Coleman!

That's quite the claim, do you have any proof? Like I said, this is but one small piece of evidence.

Also, the prosecution needs to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, not guilt beyond any and all bizarre theories the defense comes up with.

Ever see The Happening? Maybe it was the toxin-releasing trees that made him kill!
Sensitive? Mockery is not polite.

Can you explain the misspelled word? A disgrunted employee from JMM ... someone who knew Coleman ... let's agree to disagree.

Someone hacked into the computer to make changes on Sheri's Facebook ... and you have NO proof it was Coleman!

Your right. It could have been anyone that made changes on Sheri's Facebook. I haven't seen any evidence proving it was CC. There may be evidence but I haven't seen it. I really don't think it matters because they do have evidence that proves CC was at home at the time when his wife and children were strangled. Maybe someone else hacked into her computer but because of Time of death, I don't see how anyone could have killed his family but him.JMO
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