Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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Your right. It could have been anyone that made changes on Sheri's Facebook. I haven't seen any evidence proving it was CC. There may be evidence but I haven't seen it. I really don't think it matters because they do have evidence that proves CC was at home at the time when his wife and children were strangled. Maybe someone else hacked into her computer but because of Time of death, I don't see how anyone could have killed his family but him.JMO

So, is the SODDI-Ninja-dude the one who is actually having the affair with TL? Perhaps it isn't actually CC who she's been philandering with at all? Perhaps SODDI-Ninja-dude is also a master of disguise and professional impersonater and has been posing as CC? Whoa! This is getting really interesting..........


Stick a cross-dresser in the mix and it might make everything believable............:crazy:
Sensitive? Mockery is not polite.

Can you explain the misspelled word? A disgrunted employee from JMM ... someone who knew Coleman ... let's agree to disagree.

Someone hacked into the computer to make changes on Sheri's Facebook ... and you have NO proof it was Coleman!

It is possible, though improbable, that someone else hacked SC's computer, although I don't really see a motive for that. The deer video doesn't prove someone murdered anyone other than a deer. It may show the callousness of someone. In your theory, how do you realistically get around the time of death - between 11pm and 3am?

ETA - As for CC's computer and the misspelled word - again, you may be right, but I have a hard time seeing how anyone would have thought to just pick up on that word, and then misspell it on threat letters while using CC's computers - and no one ever noticing that this particular someone seemed to be spending a lot of time on CC's PC, or in his office, or at his home...or at his dad's home......
It is possible, though improbable, that someone else hacked SC's computer, although I don't really see a motive for that. The deer video doesn't prove someone murdered anyone other than a deer. It may show the callousness of someone. In your theory, how do you realistically get around the time of death - between 11pm and 3am?

ETA - As for CC's computer and the misspelled word - again, you may be right, but I have a hard time seeing how anyone would have thought to just pick up on that word, and then misspell it on threat letters while using CC's computers - and no one ever noticing that this particular someone seemed to be spending a lot of time on CC's PC, or in his office, or at his home...or at his dad's home......

I agree. You wonder how someone picked up on that misspelled word and used it against CC. When Sheri pointed out the misspelled word to the police but didn't pick up on the fact that CC spelled it that way. Surely someone at work didn't know CC better than Sheri. So although there could be an argument for someone else framing him, it's not a sound argument. IMO
Greetings Vegas Bride,

Thanks for following up... I kinda thought that anyone hit with a whack of voltage like this might scream, first involuntarily ... any continuation of screaming, in my estimation, might depend upon the particular person, the voltage's effect, and the effect that the person hit might want to "portray." I know people hit with voltage to assist their hearts and keep them from dying suddenly, they usually shout once (they were surprised by their heart's needing the voltage hit), then they shut up (they are not wanting to bring attention to themselves, and they are wanting to settle down for their heart's sake) -- a person deserving of a taser hit might go for the "drama" with more screams.

The whole reason for my question was, "How might CC have found a way to quietly subdue his victims so that he could apply a ligature." (makes me sick to think about it.) I'm thinking a taser hit was not something he would have done now, but...we need more evidence. I'm thinking there is something else he did in order to approach and take all of his victims without causing a melee before he could. Did he put something in their food or drinks that night? Were they all just really sound sleepers? Did he apply some choke out thing first (and did they think this was a loving hug coming at first?)

All so sad to think about... But how did he take out 3 people without someone running and alerting others? And...I am still mindful of the rumor of 3AM screaming -- was this rumor, or was this true? Was someone screaming for help?

Maybe CC wore a mask ... Do you really think he could do that to his kids while looking them in the eye? SC maybe, but not those precious boys. I think they were sleeping and as someone else pointed out, the element of suprise was what he had working in his favor.
Maybe CC wore a mask ... Do you really think he could do that to his kids while looking them in the eye? SC maybe, but not those precious boys. I think they were sleeping and as someone else pointed out, the element of suprise was what he had working in his favor.

I HOPE he wore a mask - I really hope the kids never knew who, and I really wish they were sleeping and only were aware for a few seconds, but we know at least one of the boys fought back........ It is so sad.
Maybe CC wore a mask ... Do you really think he could do that to his kids while looking them in the eye? SC maybe, but not those precious boys. I think they were sleeping and as someone else pointed out, the element of suprise was what he had working in his favor.

Hi All...Long-time lurker here/do occasionally post for what it's worth, but sometimes I feel the need to jump in like today and express an idea/opinion of how I think the murdered his children..I don't think he needed a mask because I believe his children were sound asleep lying on their tummies so he didn't look them in their eyes when he quietly crept into their rooms, put his knee in the small of their backs, quickly slipped the rope around their necks and waited until they quit breathing. It would be beyond my comprehension that anyone could look into any child's eyes while strangling the little life out of them or murdering them in any manner unless of course this person is evil personified.

Thanks for reading and please keep up the wonderful sleuthing you guys/gals do here in Websleuths. :blowkiss:
I think that when these sociopaths go into rage mode, they don't care what they are doing. I know none of us can fathom it in our hearts, but it's true. They just don't give a d#$* about others, even their own children! I don't think wearing a mask, drugging the victims, or any other way of easing their victims. My apologies if this sounds harsh coming from me, but that is how pure evil works.
Hi All...Long-time lurker here/do occasionally post for what it's worth, but sometimes I feel the need to jump in like today and express an idea/opinion of how I think the murdered his children..I don't think he needed a mask because I believe his children were sound asleep lying on their tummies so he didn't look them in their eyes when he quietly crept into their rooms, put his knee in the small of their backs, quickly slipped the rope around their necks and waited until they quit breathing. It would be beyond my comprehension that anyone could look into any child's eyes while strangling the little life out of them or murdering them in any manner unless of course this person is evil personified.

Thanks for reading and please keep up the wonderful sleuthing you guys/gals do here in Websleuths. :blowkiss:

OH WOW! So nice to meet you! Looks like you've been a member here since Day One! :blowkiss:
OH WOW! So nice to meet you! Looks like you've been a member here since Day One! :blowkiss:

Nice to meet you,too, Kimster...and yes I've been a member lurker for quite a long time. Not wanting to veer too far off topic so I'll just say I think this case and your welcome has brought me out of Lurkville for the last time.

Let's git-er-done!:thumb:
"In newly released evidence in the Chris Coleman murder case, one fact that has drawn attention is that when Chris Coleman was told that his family was murdered in their home, he never asked the cause of death. The case is quickly becoming one that defense attorneys are readily admitting is a dream for prosecutors nationwide. Expert defense attorneys, when asked how they would proceed with the case, all agree that there seems little defense left then to plead guilty by reason of insanity, a tough sell in many murder cases." <snipped>
The house where Sheri Coleman and her two sons were murdered is now authorized for sale, a judge ordered today.

Attorneys for both Chris Coleman and Sheri Coleman's family reached an agreement on a permanent injunction protecting the marital couple's assets on Friday afternoon, according to Belleville attorney Jack Carey.

The order, filed today in Monroe County, states that Sheri Coleman's mother is allowed to enter the couple's former home in Columbia and “secure, inventory and remove” items of personal property of her daughter's and grandchildren.
They only have two choices as near as I can tell: Insanity or SODDI.

I don't see how the Insanity defense could possibly work in this case because of the elaborate ruse which he carried on for months and continued in the cover up. He will also have to confess he did murder them.

SODDI won't work either, but if he is not going to confess and take a deal...then it is really all they have to work with here. They can attack the testimonies, the evidence, and everyone else...but it won't pass a smell test for the jury.
Sensitive? Mockery is not polite.

Can you explain the misspelled word? A disgrunted employee from JMM ... someone who knew Coleman ... let's agree to disagree.

Someone hacked into the computer to make changes on Sheri's Facebook ... and you have NO proof it was Coleman!

I admit Analytical ... Nearly every scenerio you put out there "could be" and in some cases you made me pause and think ... I have no problem with your views, I like "contrast". I speak for myself when I say I post and read here on this thread because I am trying to understand the "Why and How" of this case. I think anytime something tragic and senseless like this happens, we need to know why. So as we discuss the how's/why's and toss theories around, quit being offended at alternate views to those you post.

When this case first came out, I felt sorry for CC and thought, well they always look at the spouse first, they have to eliminate him. But as more details emerged it became pretty clear where this was headed. If you apply common sense and logic you can only come up with one conclusion. I'll eat my notebook for lunch if CC is not proven guilty in this case.
So, they refinanced the house, took out equity in October, and then stopped making the payments? Who wants to wager any bets that CC was in charge of the finances? It takes a lot longer than being two months behind in payments for a house to be "near foreclosure"!!!
I think that when these sociopaths go into rage mode, they don't care what they are doing. I know none of us can fathom it in our hearts, but it's true. They just don't give a d#$* about others, even their own children! I don't think wearing a mask, drugging the victims, or any other way of easing their victims. My apologies if this sounds harsh coming from me, but that is how pure evil works.

I so agree K. And something sent him into rage mode that nite - no doubt about it. So full of rage he couldn't think straight so that the only thing straight is how all the evidence points straight to him!
Sensitive? Mockery is not polite.

Can you explain the misspelled word? A disgrunted employee from JMM ... someone who knew Coleman ... let's agree to disagree.

Someone hacked into the computer to make changes on Sheri's Facebook ... and you have NO proof it was Coleman!
We don't mock people, but we are free to give our opinion on their posts. Sarcasm included. :rolleyes:

I can explain the misspelled word easily since the SA's Office explained it to the judge. Christopher Coleman wrote it the same way he writes it every time. This is one thing which connects him to the notes, the computer (again), and will help bury any kind of defense strategy to say he did not write it.

The someone who got into Sheri's Facebook to mess with her was Christopher Coleman using her password, imo. There has been no mention of evidence to say her account was hacked by anyone except by Sheri. She only knew things were being changed, but didn't know how or why someone would want to go after her. The computer forensics team does know exactly how, when, and by whom. The SA's Office may mention it in trial to show her blind trust in her husband while he was planning their murders, imo.
"In newly released evidence in the Chris Coleman murder case, one fact that has drawn attention is that when Chris Coleman was told that his family was murdered in their home, he never asked the cause of death. The case is quickly becoming one that defense attorneys are readily admitting is a dream for prosecutors nationwide. Expert defense attorneys, when asked how they would proceed with the case, all agree that there seems little defense left then to plead guilty by reason of insanity, a tough sell in many murder cases." <snipped>

Those defense lawyers are correct... CC is impossible to defend.

I just don't see how insanity is a viable option for him. The article mentions that he could use the religion angle, but I don't think that it would work. I don't see how it proves that CC was any more incapable of knowing right from wrong than sociopaths who are not raised like CC.

CC planned the murders. How can that fact be negated based on a warped, demented and inhuman crime scene? Bundy's crimes crimes were warped and demented and inhuman as well but he knew what he was doing and he planned to do it over and over again.

If he does try to use his religious upbringing in an insanity plea I don't even want to think what it will do to his mother.
Those defense lawyers are correct... CC is impossible to defend.

I just don't see how insanity is a viable option for him. The article mentions that he could use the religion angle, but I don't think that it would work. I don't see how it proves that CC was any more incapable of knowing right from wrong than sociopaths who are not raised like CC.

CC planned the murders. How can that fact be negated based on a warped, demented and inhuman crime scene? Bundy's crimes crimes were warped and demented and inhuman as well but he knew what he was doing and he planned to do it over and over again.

If he does try to use his religious upbringing in an insanity plea I don't even want to think what it will do to his mother.
"The Devil made him do it" defense strategy?! I can see it now! LOL
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