Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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So, they refinanced the house, took out equity in October, and then stopped making the payments? Who wants to wager any bets that CC was in charge of the finances? It takes a lot longer than being two months behind in payments for a house to be "near foreclosure"!!!

Kimster my neice and her husband are in the foreclosure process right now :( He was laid off in March and has not been able to secure a job making the same salary. They have used up their savings and are two months behind in their house payment, the third payment will be due first week of July. They received a letter from the bank saying "foreclosure proceedings" have begun. So "near foreclosure" is not out of line.

The Coleman's May payment was prob not made and now June is past due. But what happened to the 20k they pulled out in that refi in October (siting from memory may not have the details correct). Maybe they paid off other debt, they mentioned the sale of a car as well as the house. Maybe they paid off the loan on SC's car?
If you apply common sense and logic you can only come up with one conclusion. I'll eat my notebook for lunch if CC is not proven guilty in this case.
I'll join you - but can I chase it with ice cream???? :eek:
Kimster my neice and her husband are in the foreclosure process right now :( He was laid off in March and has not been able to secure a job making the same salary. They have used up their savings and are two months behind in their house payment, the third payment will be due first week of July. They received a letter from the bank saying "foreclosure proceedings" have begun. So "near foreclosure" is not out of line.

The Coleman's May payment was prob not made and now June is past due. But what happened to the 20k they pulled out in that refi in October (siting from memory may not have the details correct). Maybe they paid off other debt, they mentioned the sale of a car as well as the house. Maybe they paid off the loan on SC's car?

The lender sends out such letters in the beginning so that the borrowers understand that missing two payments is very serious business. However, it takes 9 to 10 months for the actual "foreclosure". I've worked in the mortgage business most of my adult life.

Perhaps the person writing the article doesn't understand exactly how it works either and thinks that the initial notice from the lender means they are already in foreclosure, too?
I am so glad Sheri's family filed their lawsuit. He would have spent every dime on his defense. I detest seeing the victim's money being used to help the accused killer. It happens too frequently. At least this way Sheri's mother can hold her possessions in good faith and know that he is not going to profit from them (and neither will his defense team).

ETA: Where is Stella?
You all missed the point about the Trojan and chose to mock me instead.

That is SO childish....but carry on since that's all you appear to have is mockery. Seven posts of mockery,,,pitiful.

FWIW, they tried this during the Scott Peterson trial. Computer access the morning Laci was reported missing was Laci? Jury didn't buy it because of the 'other' stuff accessed at the same time was definitely SP. I believe it was one of his Ebay auctions.

Maybe CC wore a mask ... Do you really think he could do that to his kids while looking them in the eye? SC maybe, but not those precious boys. I think they were sleeping and as someone else pointed out, the element of suprise was what he had working in his favor.

Imo I'm thinking he was not thinking of them as his kids, but as SC's kids. It just seems everything that was done was with such anger towards her. It does not take long to think of much easier, gentler ways if a person wants to kill their families. A lot less drama, many things could appear to be an accident, why did this have to be so over the top with threatning letters etc? Were the letters also meant to instill fear into her months ago so he could feel like a cat playing with a mouse?

Regarding the unauthorized changes to Sheri's Facebook page, the Coleman home computer could have been targeted by a trojan horse that allowed a hacker to gain access to learn all sorts of things and even allow installation of a keylogger program.

For more on trojan horses and what they can do see:

By now, I'm sure LE has the IP address of every change made to SC's account just like they know exactly where they first threat letter originated.
"In newly released evidence in the Chris Coleman murder case, one fact that has drawn attention is that when Chris Coleman was told that his family was murdered in their home, he never asked the cause of death. The case is quickly becoming one that defense attorneys are readily admitting is a dream for prosecutors nationwide. Expert defense attorneys, when asked how they would proceed with the case, all agree that there seems little defense left then to plead guilty by reason of insanity, a tough sell in many murder cases." <snipped>

He might be mentally ill, as in guilty but mentally ill, but, I don't see any insanity here - ie that he didn't know the difference between right and wrong.
BTW, my ex stopped making the payments in January and I rec'd the letter about initial foreclosure proceedings on Saturday...the house will sell in October if not paid by then. So, it takes quite awhile.

OK - Another clue for the money trail. Anyone think that CC (the from hell) was stashing the money that was supposed to go for the mortgage and cars away in an account jointly held with MM (the female from hell) - Because he was planning to split and didn't give an damn what happened to his family?

Did he have SC's name removed from the deed so that she wouldn't receive any correspondence regarding the late payments? How near foreclosure are they talking?

Or is this just a ploy to gain financial control of the house to sell it for legal fees?

This case is freakin unbelievable. I think they should use "possessedl" as the only possible defense - call in an exorcist - it's more believable than anything else. :furious:
Kimster my neice and her husband are in the foreclosure process right now :( He was laid off in March and has not been able to secure a job making the same salary. They have used up their savings and are two months behind in their house payment, the third payment will be due first week of July. They received a letter from the bank saying "foreclosure proceedings" have begun. So "near foreclosure" is not out of line.

The Coleman's May payment was prob not made and now June is past due. But what happened to the 20k they pulled out in that refi in October (siting from memory may not have the details correct). Maybe they paid off other debt, they mentioned the sale of a car as well as the house. Maybe they paid off the loan on SC's car?

I've been thinking about the money pulled from the refi - I wondered if he put it in an account for he and TL, if he had "borrowed" money from JMM (unbeknownst to JM) and had to replace it, if he had charged a LOT (as in plane tickets, hotel bills, rental cars) and had to pay it off, if it was supposed to be a down payment on the house TL was looking to buy - or if he was getting things in order for after the deed was done. I don't think SC had a clue what was going on with finances. Anybody else have ideas?
I'm sure going with the idea that the $$ was gonna be used for the afterlife when he was unencumbered by all that was standing in his way. It may be wrong to wish hellfire and damnation upon another but I'm gonna go ahead and do wrong right now! :)
OK - Another clue for the money trail. Anyone think that CC (the from hell) was stashing the money that was supposed to go for the mortgage and cars away in an account jointly held with MM (the female from hell) - Because he was planning to split and didn't give an damn what happened to his family?

Did he have SC's name removed from the deed so that she wouldn't receive any correspondence regarding the late payments? How near foreclosure are they talking?

Or is this just a ploy to gain financial control of the house to sell it for legal fees?

This case is freakin unbelievable. I think they should use "possessedl" as the only possible defense - call in an exorcist - it's more believable than anything else. :furious:

I don't believe that removing her name from the deed would prevent her from getting notices about the foreclosure or status of the mortgage. As long as her name is on the mortgage she should be getting the notices. Of course they could come jointly at the early stage and maybe Chrissie had them sent to his PO box.
I've been thinking about the money pulled from the refi - I wondered if he put it in an account for he and TL, if he had "borrowed" money from JMM (unbeknownst to JM) and had to replace it, if he had charged a LOT (as in plane tickets, hotel bills, rental cars) and had to pay it off, if it was supposed to be a down payment on the house TL was looking to buy - or if he was getting things in order for after the deed was done. I don't think SC had a clue what was going on with finances. Anybody else have ideas?
TL and CC shared a credit card. They could have started some type of savings plan somewhere. Safe deposit box maybe? Her mattress?

My guess is the money was being used to plan the wedding and get them all set up for their new life. I think TL knows where the money is or was spent.
Aarrrrggggghhhhhhh! This subject brings up a very painful time from the long ago past - of me and my former dearly beloved sitting in a room working out child visitation with a "facilitator", in the very early stages of separation, and fomer db called his then shack job his "fiancee." I still haven't figured out how you can have a wife and a fiancee at the same time. Seems lots of peeps do figure that out though! And poor SC didn't even know there'd been a tearing away of the heart already! Man, is this burning in my tummy from that pastrami at lunch or from CC's shenanigans?
Greetings Vegas Bride,

The whole reason for my question was, "How might CC have found a way to quietly subdue his victims so that he could apply a ligature." (makes me sick to think about it.) I'm thinking a taser hit was not something he would have done now, but...we need more evidence. I'm thinking there is something else he did in order to approach and take all of his victims without causing a melee before he could. Did he put something in their food or drinks that night? Were they all just really sound sleepers? Did he apply some choke out thing first (and did they think this was a loving hug coming at first?)

All so sad to think about... But how did he take out 3 people without someone running and alerting others? And...I am still mindful of the rumor of 3AM screaming -- was this rumor, or was this true? Was someone screaming for help?

There was talk earlier about CC fixing supper the night before and it not being a normal thing for him to do.

If this is true, perhaps he was schmoozing his way into Sheri's good graces. I would not think that this how he would have brought up the subject of divorce. I doubt he ever did.

Remember Sheri was found naked, there has been no mention of sexual involvement. Is it possible that there was? Take it one step further, perhaps CC was trying to be romantic and put Sheri in a love making mood ... that would put Sheri in a very vulnerable position. I doubt that she had any idea about anything that CC was up to until the very end.
Howdy Knox,

Maybe CC wore a mask ... Do you really think he could do that to his kids while looking them in the eye? SC maybe, but not those precious boys. I think they were sleeping and as someone else pointed out, the element of suprise was what he had working in his favor.

Mask mighta been used, I think we kinda all pounded that around, but it is good to remember and pick at some of the possibilities, could explain some clues the investigators might have found.

I'm thinking -- and particularly with the element of surprise -- that if you have 3 people, you don't want to risk victim 1 and 2 shouting (in surprise, or horror, or "no dad no!") and alerting victim 3 who could run for help or be "witness."

Now, if there was shouting that "actually" was heard "coming from" that house (not just shouting in the neighborhood at 3AM with no idea what was said or from where it came), then it is possible that victim 2 or 3 did shout and scream.
Well, my God, at the many faces of betrayal with the same horrifying look in common! Would these creatures have no feeling if these betrayals were done back to them. Before a huge case of forgiveness took root in me I used to long for my ex to get a really good dose of his own medicine that he'd all too generously heaped on me. Now I no longer want that and it's a good thing because I don't think it could ever happen. Hello! Is there anyone home in there? Such are the days of an everyday narcissist! I had a good friend, she and her DH were gonna move into a new home the very next day. He gave her a magnanimous (and final) poke in the woods in the old home and next day (moving day) he gave her the good news that his things were going to a completely different "new" home with a new woman and that she was left to move into the original "new" home with their 3 kids. Sayonara Sex! Flippin beautiful I tell ya!
Howdy Knox,

Now, if there was shouting that "actually" was heard "coming from" that house (not just shouting in the neighborhood at 3AM with no idea what was said or from where it came), then it is possible that victim 2 or 3 did shout and scream.

snipped for heart of the matter -

Maybe the shouting was CC's rebel yell that he'd gotten r dun! Perhaps a self congratulatory whoop and holler for a job "finally" and "well" done! :furious:
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