Sheriff refocuses Kyron investigation: a smaller task force will take over...

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I follow your reasoning, but I disagree with how you've narrowed down the options that would surprise "most people". It's probably true that "most people" believe Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance. I don't think there's a concensus on how that occurred, though.

Personally, I'd be surprised and shocked to learn that she sold him to a pedophile ring or any of the other horrific scenarios that have been suggested. Of the "most people" group, imo, a large number feel the same. In an effort to solve the mystery, we rummage around in our minds for answers, even peeking into the darkest corners of our imaginations. Much of what we find is titillating, and our curiosity drives us to examine the possibilities front and center. Nevertheless, we ackowledge their improbability, and if faced with the reality of any of them, would undoubtedly be surprised.

How many people are really aware of this case at all outside of the internet and the few people who follow these cases? My friends around the country most, if not all don't know anything about it. Those people might be surprised at the outcome, unlike those of us that do. I wish I wasn't so cynical and jaded about these cases that I would be surprised. I'd like to be surprised one day and have Kyron found. I'd love it if TH had nothing to do with it. It's beyond comprehension to me why parents hurt their children. As for motives and reasons, I gave up on that a long time ago, since none of the reasons and motives make any sense at all.
This abuse theory about Kaine has no basis. At the present time Kaine Horman is a victim. His son is missing. If MSM were to report on something that leads to these assumptions then we can revisit this issue.

You may discussss Kaine's actions, his words in MSM. You may not sleuth or point the finger at Kaine Horman since there is no indication that Law Enforcement is doing anything but working with Kaine Horman and keeping him and Desiree informed. If that changes, so would the rules here.
How many people are really aware of this case at all outside of the internet and the few people who follow these cases? My friends around the country most, if not all don't know anything about it.

This is a good point. Sometimes I think we overestimate the attention these cases receive. I live in Iowa--very far from Portland--- and if I never went on Websleuths, would I know about Kyron? I don't have time to watch the TV news so I just go on The top news stories are at the top of the page and you would have to scroll down to see the "Justice" section which is where a Kyron story would be. I don't think Kyron's story has been the top story on any of the national news networks yet where there's a big picture of him and a huge headline in your face when you go onto their website. But I have noticed that the national media can be pretty quiet when a child is missing but when they are found (dead or alive), they become a big story.
It's like DV, where some of it is quite evident to the neighbors, and some where nobody saw it and it comes as a complete surprise.

Child abusers learn to hide their acts. My highschool friends would be shocked if they knew what went on behind the doors of our house. The child will act happy as pie, anything to appease by acting like nothing is wrong, and smiling for all the pictures. If they dare tell, who would believe them? Unless it's blatant with broken bones or other serious injury causing an ER visit it goes on for years. Psychological and emotional abuse can be difficult to see.

I'm not pointing the finger at Kaine or anyone else, just IMO from my experience. Sorry to keep editing, just wanted to say thank you Bean for sharing, we need to all be gentle with each other since we really have no idea what roads they've traveled in life. We survived!
This abuse theory about Kaine has no basis. At the present time Kaine Horman is a victim. His son is missing. If MSM were to report on something that leads to these assumptions then we can revisit this issue.

You may discussss Kaine's actions, his words in MSM. You may not sleuth or point the finger at Kaine Horman since there is no indication that Law Enforcement is doing anything but working with Kaine Horman and keeping him and Desiree informed. If that changes, so would the rules here.

I think it is telling that the sheriff did not inform Kaine and Desiree that they were going to a) discuss Kyron's case at the PBA meeting and then b) have to make a public address to explain comments he made at the PBA, and then c) drop the word bombs that he did regarding the things the sheriff's office "shouldn't know about."

There is a natural time when the case of a missing person HAS to change, and one of those inevitable changes is that the parents aren't always going to be in on the strategy.

For what it's worth, though, I believe before they appeared on camera on Oprah, they were aware the sheriff had made the statements.
As I stated in the beginning of this thread, I did not get an oh no, from this news, It makes sense to me. Staton said the investigators that will be used have been on this case from the beginning, no one will have to be brought up to speed on the investigation. I don't feel they are back to square one, the investigation has moved forward, Staton has been briefed and feels what they have will eventually be turned over to the DA for prosecution.
As far as abuse goes, I don't think any physical or sexual abuse was going on, with Kyron. IMO Terri was very sly in the way she was, kind of not real nice to Kyron. IMO she appeared, on the surface, to everyone, that she was a warm loving Mother to him, but, IMO there was something there, IMO that wasn't as it appeared to be.
I think it is telling that the sheriff did not inform Kaine and Desiree that they were going to a) discuss Kyron's case at the PBA meeting and then b) have to make a public address to explain comments he made at the PBA, and then c) drop the word bombs that he did regarding the things the sheriff's office "shouldn't know about."

There is a natural time when the case of a missing person HAS to change, and one of those inevitable changes is that the parents aren't always going to be in on the strategy.

For what it's worth, though, I believe before they appeared on camera on Oprah, they were aware the sheriff had made the statements.

IIRC the reporter who contacted them said they were on their way home from Oprah at the time of contact.

It could be though, that someone else had contacted them earlier. That would certainly account for how nervous and stressed I perceived them to be in that interview. It really struck me. I had never seen either of them appear nervous in an interview, yet they were even hesitant to answer, looking at each other, and completely unable to respond to one of Oprah's questions.

If someone told them of the task force prior to the interview, it could be they were shaken at the news, and distracted during the interview.

I just hope, whenever they were told, that they have had a chance to meet with LE, get their questions answered, and to catch their breath. It had to be hard news to hear, no matter what.
I think it is telling that the sheriff did not inform Kaine and Desiree that they were going to a) discuss Kyron's case at the PBA meeting and then b) have to make a public address to explain comments he made at the PBA, and then c) drop the word bombs that he did regarding the things the sheriff's office "shouldn't know about."

There is a natural time when the case of a missing person HAS to change, and one of those inevitable changes is that the parents aren't always going to be in on the strategy.

For what it's worth, though, I believe before they appeared on camera on Oprah, they were aware the sheriff had made the statements.


I agree that the parents knew something. Their appearance on Oprah seemed a bit "off" or "flat," especially compared to previous interviews and PCs. I don't know how to explain it, but it was such an opportunity to get the story out to so many people and yet it didn't say much. Maybe it is just because I follow everything locally here in Portland and on Websleuths, or maybe they were just exhausted, but something seemed odd.

I read somewhere that Oprah's show was recorded a couple of days in advance? :waitasec: IHNI if that has been verified though.
I read somewhere that Oprah's show was recorded a couple of days in advance? :waitasec: IHNI if that has been verified though.

it would make it all the more curious, then, if the sheriff didn't contact Kyron's parents, then, since they would be in the vicinity, right?
I read somewhere that Oprah's show was recorded a couple of days in advance? :waitasec: IHNI if that has been verified though.

I could swear I posted a news article that said the reporter had contacted them on their way home from taping Oprah. I'm trying to find it, but it's not a keyword-friendly search, so having to go through all my posts. :eek:

ETA: smacking my forehead. It could be they taped a few days earlier, and stayed over.
I could swear I posted a news article that said the reporter had contacted them on their way home from taping Oprah. I'm trying to find it, but it's not a keyword-friendly search, so having to go through all my posts. :eek:

ETA: smacking my forehead. It could be they taped a few days earlier, and stayed over.

Where was TY ? If he stayed home in Oregon, I wondef if LE told him about the reduction if force ? And he could then have told his wife ?

I'm very familiar with abuse. I was abused as a child. As an adult, I worked for years in the domestic violence arena.

I see no signs or indications, nor are there any reports, of Kyron having been abused by anyone - not Kaine, not Desiree, not Terri, not Tony, not teachers, not neighbors, not anyone.

All signs, indications, and reports are that he was a happy, loved child who was well taken care of by everyone with responsibility for his care.

Hi all I am new here, I have been stalking, but I am dedicated to finding Kyron & all missing kids! XOXOXO
Me too, abuse I mean. If anyone abused Kyron it was TH. The so-called seizures, I think could be she drugged him to calm him 1 too many times
Hello Myingan!!!

I read somewhere that Oprah's show was recorded a couple of days in advance? :waitasec: IHNI if that has been verified though.

Do you know if there is video anywhere of the complete 6 or so minutes of the Oprah show from the other day with Kaine and Desiree ?
I can't find one anywhere, and I didn't get it dvr'd :/


I'm very familiar with abuse. I was abused as a child. As an adult, I worked for years in the domestic violence arena.

I see no signs or indications, nor are there any reports, of Kyron having been abused by anyone - not Kaine, not Desiree, not Terri, not Tony, not teachers, not neighbors, not anyone.

All signs, indications, and reports are that he was a happy, loved child who was well taken care of by everyone with responsibility for his care.


ITA, Also,his pediatrician is a mandated reporter of abuse of any kind. It's great that peds are so well trained nowadays to spot any type of abuse. OT a little,but I'm sorry you endured what you did in your childhood....

ITA, Also,his pediatrician is a mandated reporter of abuse of any kind. It's great that peds are so well trained nowadays to spot any type of abuse. OT a little,but I'm sorry you endured what you did in your childhood....


Very respectfully, I do not agree that pediatricians, overall, in these days of HMO's and triple booked appointments, have the ability to tease out every (or even most) instances of emotional abuse. As a mandated reporter myself, I know it is a very difficult and sticky situation that is often met with derision by CPS toward the reporter. Unfortunately even those who suspect it are reluctant to report it as it is difficult to detect and almost impossible to prove if the abuser has much intelligence, and if not intelligence, at least street smarts (which most seem to have in abundance in my experience).
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