"She's Going Places" ~ Rascal Flatts Tribute

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Why do I get the feeling that their version of "meet and greet" involves a trip to Nashville complete with limos and private jets at someone else's expense!
I've only listened to the song once, but I don't believe Caylee's actual name appears anywhere in the lyrics, does it?

She was just a baby barely two-years-old
A story that shouldn’t have to be told
See that little girl with big brown eyes
Stole our hearts and touched our lives
Now we cry, ’cause we can’t understand.

You see, she wanted to learn to play guitar,
Be a ballerina, a movie star
She could've gone so far

She can be anything that she wants to
She can ride her bike every afternoon
She can laugh and play with her dolls and games
Just like all little girls should get to do
Too young for her life to be taken
She’s going places

I bet she’d spend her time skipping rope
Drawing rainbows on streets that are paved with gold
Get to ride a big wheel jumping curves
In a parking lot of the great big church
And I wish I could see it all

But her memory will live on right here
Till I get over there
And see her again

She can be anything that she wants to
She can ride her bike every afternoon
She can laugh and play in those backyard games
Just like all little girls should get to do
Too young for her life to be taken
She's going places

She can play kickball
Go swim and see-saw
Just like all little girls should get to do
We will sing sweet Caylee’s praises
She’s safe in the arms of God’s good graces
Ya, she’s going places
RF fans write a letter to their fan base to snub the A's.........
can we post a link to fan club or their agent?
RF should get all the $$$ and do what they want..........
P on the A's................

I don't think we're allowed to post a link asking people to snub them however, I don't see why you can't post a link just as an FYI (<modsnip> please).:innocent:

I just heard this song for the first time tonight and of course the tears just came streaming like a waterfall. I haven't read through the whole thread but I gather the Anthony's are inserting themselves into the music business now. (being polite here). I completely understand the continuing anger and believe you me I'm right there with you. But I've decided not to read the thread and allow the toxins of the families dynamics change the beauty and tears in which the music and words that were written for Caylee clearly from their heart. I'm not begrudging anyone of their opinions or feelings, I feel them everyday and still hold anger. But I just cant post those feelings on this thread.

Beautiful Song
beautiful song....cried like a baby...then I went to hug my babies...damn you Casey....damn you
According to TMZ, Casey Anthony’s parents are trying to get in touch with Rascal Flatts. They want to arrange a meet and greet to thank Gary Levox to thank him for his tune, “She’s Going Places.”


Really? I mean REALLY???

Can the A family please leave just one kind thing for Caylee alone? Let her have just ONE thing untainted?

What is with this family and "Meet and Greets"? Just send a thank you card, that will suffice.

It makes me wonder if this is about $$$$$.

Rascal Flatts does NOT need this kind of publicity.

ETA: IMO, cindy and george need to arrange a 'meet and greet' for 12 people from Pinellas county, THOSE are the people they should be thanking!!
I have to wonder why Rascal Flatts did not see this nastiness coming. EVERYTHING connected with toxic Casey gets burnt in the fire. Oh how they must wish now that they had put out a simple disclaimer when they released this song now. Like this is for Caylee! ONLY Caylee! And nothing but Caylee!
Really? I mean REALLY???

Can the A family please leave just one kind thing for Caylee alone? Let her have just ONE thing untainted?

What is with this family and "Meet and Greets"? Just send a thank you card, that will suffice.

It makes me wonder if this is about $$$$$.

Rascal Flatts does NOT need this kind of publicity.

ETA: IMO, cindy and george need to arrange a 'meet and greet' for 12 people from Pinellas county, THOSE are the people they should be thanking!!
Can I thank you 50 times for this post!
It's on Amazon.com for download.

She's Going Places tribute to Caylee
From "Taste of Country" website

"Levox co-wrote the song with Cledus T. Judd, who told Taste of Country the two had written a similar song called ‘He’s Going Places’ a few years ago. “So I called Gary and asked him if he’d mind if I re-wrote the song in memory of Caylee. He said, ‘Absolutely, have at it,’ and he spit out a few lines of it,” Judd says. Nashville artist Shane Hines sings the touching lyrics."


Listen to Samples and Buy MP3sListen to Samples and Buy MP3s
She's Going Places tribute to Caylee
by Shane Hines

Maybe that's partly why RF hasn't accepted CA's offer for a meet and greet. It seems RF is promoting it by association with their name.


Rascal Flatts is the name of the group - Gary Levox is the LEAD singer of the group. Rascal Flatts wrote the song, according to them.
Today on TMZ's live link on their website Cledus T. Judd was on. He is the co writer of the song. He said it was written over a year ago and titled "He's Going Places".

He said when the verdict came in, he was "sick to my stomach". It was then he decided to re write the song and titled it "She's Going Places". He wanted to take the emphasis off "mom" and "back on that beautiful child".

He said he would like to "sit with them in their living room for just 30 minutes".

Also, it isn't Rascal Flatts that sings the song, but just the lead singer, that RF really doesn't have anything to do with the song. He says it is only being attributed to them because their lead singer is doing the title.

Oh yeah, and the best part he said, "gonna fight it, trying to raise money in that little girl's name, when discussing C and G and their foundations.

He said all proceeds from this song go to a place called Protect.org, which is a place that help protect the ones in the home who should be safe, but aren't always. A place to keep children safe. It is a wonderful site, I visited it today.
Back from my self-imposed time out!

It has not escaped my notice that the A's want a Royal "Meet & Greet" with celebrity strangers, the "Rascal Flatts" and yet NOTHING, NADA, ZIP for NON-celebrity strangers that are trying to erect a memorial and park ON THEIR OWN DIME for the A's grand-daughter...

They make me freaking NAUSEOUS.
While its great they want to thank them....Why didn't they ever thank TM for looking for Caylee or RK for actually finding her?
Or thanking those who gave of their money , sweat and tears looking for their grandchild?
And people wonder why they are not a beloved family.

A few minutes ago, I sent ML an email. I tried to explain that, while they have had to deal with a tragic situation, they aren't doing much to help the public perception. The foundation with salaries, since they can't work - ridiculous. They can AND should work.

Contacting RF - Ridiculous, also. They want to thank RF, but never bothered to thank Roy Kronk? Or anyone else that searched? No way.

Regarding the foundations - If they want to do good works, drop KFN. Slimeball operation, and not needed if they truly intend to do some good.

Jetting off on trips, expensive limo's, comments from Cindy in the past, things that happened during the trial....none of it made for good PR or perception.

I was respectful to Mr. L, but let him know that I was not the only one who thought so.

Doubt my letter will do any good, but it made me feel good to send it anyway.

I do think RF should donate the proceeds to the foundation set up for Caylee and the Anthony's should not get a penny of it. I don't agree that they should profit....but I do see how they would want to thank them.

TMZ's wording of "meet and greet" was their wording. I also agree either a letter or a private meeting would suffice.

Donating to the Caylee Foundation, is a direct link to their pocket.

They never thanked the thousands of people who went and searched. I drove from North Georgia to Orlando after work on a Friday night, to search on Saturday, and drive home on Sunday. Don't need thanks, but I do think they should thank the person who arranged it. Tim Miller! And how about thanking Roy Kronk?

RF should give a NO to any meeting.
Why couldn't they have just privately worked to contact those responsible for this beautiful tribute to Caylee? If the As' motive was genuinely just to express appreciation, they wouldn't need their desire to meet with Rascal Flats to be released to the press. This PR move surrounding the song just takes away from Caylee being in the spotlight imo; which was the whole goal of the song according to those responsible for releasing it. Classic Anthony PR and control. The Anthonys and their lawyer/PR-rep need to zip it, zip it good... JMO...

P.s. Haven't heard the whole song yet. Have read the lyrics and listened for a moment, but busted out crying. Gonna take me a little longer until I can listen to it all the way through.

This song is all about you Caylee; and meant to help the millions who cherish you deal with the injustice thrust upon you and honor your life and spirit - it's all about you... ...:guitar:
So Cindy wants her a lil "meet and greet" "photo op" with Rascal Flats? I don't think there's a chance in hell of that happening. There's raw, heart felt emotion in that song. IMO, that emotion was fueled by the same anger we all feel at the injustice done to this little girl.

Cindy Anthony might not like what the artists connented with this song have to say to her.
They should tell the Ant's no thanks needed as the song is for all the LE, SA, search groups and public who searched and prayed for justice and grieved for Caylee.
Rascal Flatts is the name of the group - Gary Levox is the LEAD singer of the group. Rascal Flatts wrote the song, according to them.

Yes - I know.
Yikes - I didn't mean by association with the Anthonys!!!
I meant the group (RF) might be promoting the song for charity by association with its own famous name - a good thing to get more $$ for the charity.
hope that's more clear.

While I wonder if CA and GA realize just how toxic their daughter is, I also wonder why they don't "get" that they also are considered just as toxic in the general public. While people who see them may not be outrageously rude to them, I don't think anyone would be unhappy if they also just disappeared from view.
What a beautiful tribute!
I'm so glad the money they make on it is going to protect.org. :)

Write a flipping letter CA if you want to thank Rascal Flats, like everyone else in the world does. Grandparents who impede those searching for kidnapped children, who lie and destroy evidence and commit perjury aren't the people that song was written for. Try again to get your mugs on TV to sell bears or hawk the new foundation. :sick:

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