Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

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Should Cindy, and/or George be charged??

  • Yes they should be

    Votes: 774 62.4%
  • No They shouldn't be

    Votes: 150 12.1%
  • I dunno yet

    Votes: 317 25.5%

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I am not an Anthony supporter, but I did email Cindy last night asking why they were not be cooperative with le and to please tell KC to end this for everybody. I received a response back immediately. I emailed her again thanking her for her response and received an email back from her. She stated that she tries to get back with everybody. I was quite shocked and from her answers it really did sound like Cindy. So in all fairness she does respond.

WELLLLLLLLLL..............what did she say ?
Exactly, Lionel Dahmer and Mark Hacking's father were big enough to acknowledge their son's crimes. They were responsible people before being a loyal parent! Kudos to them, unlike Jackie & Lee Peterson.

There is something evil in parents who would cover up for their daughter like they have for Casey. When something so horrible as a baby being dead happens, any real normal parent would step back and let LE do what needs to be done. They would never consider manipulating the scene, LE and the press to cover up for a crime.

I do believe they should be charged and I believe they WILL be charged. I feel the most sorry for Lee. He seems to be caught in the middle of a horrible family.

The Petersons lied, covered up for their son KNOWING he "slaughtered" their grandchild..........To me that is incomprehensible. They should have been charged regardless of public sympathy.
There is something evil in parents who would cover up for their daughter like they have for Casey. When something so horrible as a baby being dead happens, any real normal parent would step back and let LE do what needs to be done. They would never consider manipulating the scene, LE and the press to cover up for a crime.

I do believe they should be charged and I believe they WILL be charged. I feel the most sorry for Lee. He seems to be caught in the middle of a horrible family.

The Petersons lied, covered up for their son KNOWING he "slaughtered" their grandchild..........To me that is incomprehensible. They should have been charged regardless of public sympathy.

And in my opinion Casey is worse than Dahmer, Gacy, Bundy, and even Manson. At least they weren't evil enough to take the life of their own child. The Anthony family has clearly hindered the search and the investigation. I hope they all go down for what they have done. If I was them I wouldn't want her out of jail for her own safety. I would go MMA style on her with elbows. I'd ground and pound her :woohoo:
And in my opinion Casey is worse than Dahmer, Gacy, Bundy, and even Manson. At least they weren't evil enough to take the life of their own child. The Anthony family has clearly hindered the search and the investigation. I hope they all go down for what they have done. If I was them I wouldn't want her out of jail for her own safety. I would go MMA style on her with elbows. I'd ground and pound her :woohoo:

I would agree but I can't. Until we know the actual circumstances of the death, I will never hold KC anywhere near any of those men.
CAYLEE NEEDS JUSTICE! These losers are wasting LE time and searchers safety!!! IMO
Yes they should be charged, they have hindered this case almost from the beginning, telling lies trying to send LE in different directions,wanting to stop search.
Covering for casey it not good parenting..What signal does this send..Do anything BAD Casey and we will look the other way..

These are sick people, while casey is home why can't they just stay in their house or go out in back and do their thing, instead of coming out an harassing the protester just to stir the pot..When I saw what Lee did yesterday I was shocked. I will tell you that Lady was very cool, if it was me and he took my Dog's dish away
there would of been a tangle..No one does anything to my dogs..:furious: I say lock them up for obstructing JUSTICE.
Sorry if this is a repeat (just not time to read ALL the threads of interest!).....

Aren't there laws, at the very LEAST!, re "aiding and abetting"? Then, as other posters have written, there's tampering with evidence, withholding information, attempting to intimidate a witness, and on and on. Why do these nutcases ALL appear to be above the law?
I can see charging them with some form of obstruction if they lied under oath in such a way that it hindered the investigation, but stating their opinions about their daughter's innocence and pointing fingers at others while suggesting they may be involved isn't breaking any laws, is it?
I would have to say I dont know. I am split between GA and CA it seems as of right now I find CA to be more of a liar than GA. I think GA has no clue what is happening.
I voted don't know yet. I am leaning towards yes just because I don't SEE the grief that i would expect a grandparent to have when they haven't seen their granddaughter for 52 days. My mom would be a MESS!!!! Even if they believe she is still alive, I would think they would be a mess!
The washing of the pants, the "garbage" taken out of the trunk,... I just don't know. I keep going back to the 911 calls. Cindy saying the car smelled like a dead body and George pulling the cop aside. I don't know why they would do that if they THOUGHT they were tampering with evidence. I just don't know.....this case is freakin crazy. A crime writer couldn't make this stuff up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I see it a bit differently. I think Cindy is a complete mess. That 911 call where she kept saying Caylee's name? There is some real pain in those calls:waitasec:
I thought nurses main duties were to care for the patient, assist the doc and administer medication. I'm sure there are many that are more specialized, but, but I've never heard that nurses were trained in dismemberment.
I guess any murderer could cut up a body if they wanted, but I don't think Cindy's profession would make her more likely to dismember Caylee.

If they ever assist in surgery, they might know how, but no, they aren't trained to normally. And some programs offer them a chance to witness an autopsy during training, but not all do.
Here in Texas, they have 2 year progams, 3 years, and 4 years. If I am not mistaken, some nurses also get a degree, but others are just licensed, no degree. I have NEVER heard of an 18 months program for RN's.. Our LVN's (LPN's in some states) go a full year. And an RN can do almost anything a doctor can do, short of surgery.
Back to the original question... No, I don't think Cindy and George should be charged with anything. If LE thought they were obstructing justice, they would have been charged by now. Since Cindy called them to pick up the clothes, then I think they gave her a pass... obviously she didn't believe at the time that they were related to the case. It might be a big deal to YOU, but it apparently was not to them.
I understand that, but I think that your training always kicks in. They had to of known better. Not trying to argue just stating it as I see it. The truth will prevail though. I believe that we all have to face a final judge and that judge is just.

I am also a nurse and if my kids get hurt I react as a mother not a nurse, I usually freak out. My nursing insticts do not prevail at all.
If what LP said is true, then yes, they should be charged with something. George certainly knew better than to lie about the last time he saw Caylee. He knew the time and the circumstances of that last sighting were important to the investigation and he lied, IF LP is correct in what he said.
Here are my thoughts, I believe the MOST important issue in this case is the timeline and who the masterminds are, or lack there of. That being said, here is my theory, I am not convinced Casey killed her daughter, nor am i convinced it was an accident, however, I do BELEIVE beautiful little Caylee is deceased. Now, with that belief and George being retired law enforcement, Cindy being a Nurse, BOTH being unstable. It seems to me the delay in reporting is the KEY. Let's just say they (the THREE of them) were now dealing with a dead body, how it happened is unclear to possibly 2 of them, that brings me to these questions - -who would know firsthand how to get rid of a body and the amount of time is needed for decay/comsumption of animals etc., along with a location that woudl work other than a law enforcement officer. He would have known through his previous training what it all entailed, and how to insure the wild goose chase we are experiencing as we speak!! Now on to Cindy, SHE would know how to clean the "evidence" up, AKA chloraform, she would also know as we have all witnessed her unraveling that she could spin this whole thing out of control and take the heat off her daughter just by being herself, UNSTABLE. As for Lee, I am a firm beleiver that he has removed his presence from this case because he has experienced FIRSTHAND the dysfuntion since he was born. Now to Casey, I am at a loss with her, she has perplexed me to a point that is unexplainable. Her demeaner alone has challenged in me emotions that are soo raw and brought me to the point of questioning what ANY human life could possibly mean to her including her HER OWN!!! So to me, the whole delay in reporting was planned and is going according to THEIR plan . . . .that is why, CINDY is a NUT and playing it UP, George is sitting in the background outside of his occassional mishaps (possibly when someone is getting close to an answer on something does this happen)for the most part QUIETLY watching this play out and Casey is as smug as she can be!!! Lee is removed and distancing himself from what will prove to be his families final display of dysfunction!!!

I am telling you they want to fill us with CONFUSION to avoid the obvious. The 31 days!!! I mean EVERYONE is getting so caught up on the details, as there are MANY, BUT the fact remains, 31 days IS the key, and in my opinion what the focus should be on. We, myself included haven gotten so caught up on dates, times, people, parties, etc. and making the focus Casey, SHE is NOT that SMART, maybe cunning, smug, aloof but NOT SMART!!!! You can tell that just by her choices in life thus far!!! The parents, well they have been protecting Casey and controlling her life for the most part, she tries to break away aka move out, they FLIP OUT and take CONTROL once again. I am convinced they are laughing at us all and our DAILY dose of details. I really do not beleive there are ALOT of pertinent details to this case, a child is dead and the FAMILY has the only details needed. The angle being played must change its direction, in order to get results. Just look at the money, time and emotion being played out in "The Anthony Families DysFunction". I am by no means discounting ANYONES passion for this case, I am merely stating my opinion. I think we try so hard to understand something that the only way we think we will is by getting ALL the details. In this case, we must go back to the VERY beginning and acknowledge the FIRST plan of Action this Family took and that was to DELAY REPORTING!!!

I am sorry if this in not on the proper thread but this case has me nutty and i just had to share this, if for nothing other than my own sanity!!!!

Post of the day :clap:
I believe CA, GA, and LA have attempted to obstruct justice with a combination of lies and smoke screens, for whatever unhealthy reasons. Hopefully, they haven't been successful and LE are arriving at the truth regardless, bit by bit. I don't think they will be charged, but I do think it will be difficult for them not to perjure themselves in court, and that can be a much heavier sentence.
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