Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

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Should Cindy, and/or George be charged??

  • Yes they should be

    Votes: 774 62.4%
  • No They shouldn't be

    Votes: 150 12.1%
  • I dunno yet

    Votes: 317 25.5%

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This is such a complicated case with so many black holes: ZFG, paternity, degraded evidence, perp alternately lying and silent, changing statements by the family...

I think the priority of the SA's office should be to prosecute the murderer. That is number one and that is where the focus should remain.

If prosecuting witnesses for perjury/obstruction/etc is necessary or helpful in the murder trial, only then should those charges be pursued prior to the murder trial.

If not necessary or helpful in the murder trial, perjury/obstruction/etc should be addressed after the murder trial.

Two questions: What is the time limit for filing perjury/obstruction/etc charges?
Does anyone see any possibility of Federal charges based on the family's interviews with FBI?
As potential witnesses at KC's trial (even if they may be hostile witnesses)...I believe that they must answer questions. They cannot plead the 5th can they???

If they have been charged for obstruction before the trial, then I do believe that they would be allowed to plead the 5th when answering.

Could this be why LE has not charged them?

Does this make sense? Any legal eagles out there?

If you remember Cindy is not shy about lying on the stand, think back to the bond hearing. SA doesn't need them getting up on the stand to lie "again".
I'd be surprised if SA calls either of them to the stand.
I'd be surprised if SA calls either of them to the stand.

I would tend to disagree. The SA has to call them to the stand as they were immediate witnesses to the time before and after Caylee "disappeared."

No doubt, they will end up being hostile witnesses. Even if they clean up their behavior and attitude as demonstrated in the depositions, they will not be cooperative on the witness stand. That means that they can be cross-examined by the prosecution.

I have long believed that their statements and behavior have not helped their daughter one bit. They have lied, changing their stories to "help" Casey. It will come back to haunt them come trial time.

While the A's will claim that any statements made in the media eye weren't "under oath" and therefore gave them the right to "lie," the fact is that EVERYTHING they said can and will be used to impeach their testimony.

(I'm thinking right now of Lisa Bloom's testimony at the Phil Spector trial. She was called to impeach Greg Sims' testimony about how terriby suicidal Lana Clarkson was. They showed the video of his interview and Ms. Bloom added testimony that he hadn't said anything different off-air. IMPEACHED! Mr. Sims's only defense to this was that while on the interview, he wasn't under oath. Sound familiar?)

For Cindy, I can see the list of videos the State will have cued up:

1. 911 call... "it smells like there's been a body..."
2. Casey's jail call... "you don't know what your involvement was?"
3. any rotten pizza comment
4. almost any part of her deposition
5. almost any part of the interview on LKL on December 10, 2008.

Mind you, these are just the tip of the iceberg.

As for George! All the prosecution has to do is bring out the transcript of his grand jury testimony. I think he will be less likely to "pull a depo" on the stand. He does have common sense inside of him somewhere. JMHO
I feel they both should be charged with perjury!! They continue to spew lie after lie. Especially Cindy,she continues to make a mockeray of the sysyem..
She should be locked up with a chocalate key and the orange county police department should be aloud to eat it!!!!!:dance::dance::dance:

Perjury is def a charge they should be facing. They lie so much so much so is sick.
I want them to show George's statement to the FBI when he stated the smell in the CAR was DEATH and how you never forget that smell and that when he went to open the trunk he prayed it wasn't Caylee and or Casey.

Then I want them to show a montauge of clips of him saying it was garbage and pizza.

Then I want them to discredit him and make note that anything GA or CA say can't be taken seriously.
As far as the A's go...IMO they are responsible for the cost of 5 months of prove it is not that difficult to me. I just want answers as to why they did not call for help as soon as they knew ALL Caylee's clothes were in the house and not with kc. They did not call LE from the tow yard when the car was reeking with odor of death. Cindy cleaned the interior of the car and washed the evidence including a steak knife (yes, I am betting it was a steak knife). She sent GA to work, saying she would handle everything with kc. She washed all the clothes from TL's and refused to hand over valuable information. She still will not discuss those credit cards. She interfered with all searches and created none of her own. Her only contribution was collecting money from the public for kidfinders and her own expenses.
She delayed on calling LE till she got the info she needed from kc. She warned kc she was coming and she warned kc when father reported gas cans gone. She did not want LE to find her. At some level, which I contend is the surface, Cindy and George knew exactly what happened to Caylee.

:clap: Excellent post!
Marla, I love your pic's,they make me laugh. I agree with you, G&C knew the minute they smelled that car. Also Bozo trying to find somebody else to pin this on makes me sick. (when asked did caylee have any enemies?) how stupid do they think a jury is? NO one other than Crazy would have a reason to hurt that baby...
IMO they should be charged with obstruction of justice, perjury, and child endangerment as Caylee lived under their roof and they knew KC's parenting skills were questionable and she was irresponsible with her daughter. CA herself was well aware of the danger as she confided in numerous people that she wanted custody of that baby yet she still did nothing about. Even after she had not seen Caylee for a month instead of contacting police she posted online and waited for KC to explain her actions...very disturbing for a grandmother who claimed to love that child as she did. Also, because of the misleading statements, lack of cooperation with law enforcement, and their personal campaign to slander law enforcements inability to find Caylee I think the Ant's should be reponsible for some of the huge debt incurred by the county in searches, not to mention ES's expenses. They came to Florida at CA's request and as soon as they showed doubt in KC's story CA & GA ceased to cooperate. They also bear some responsibilty in the slandering of ZG, I hope they are included in the suit. They need to be accountable for their lies and slanderous behavior.....:furious::furious::furious:
This is such a complicated case with so many black holes: ZFG, paternity, degraded evidence, perp alternately lying and silent, changing statements by the family...

I think the priority of the SA's office should be to prosecute the murderer. That is number one and that is where the focus should remain.

If prosecuting witnesses for perjury/obstruction/etc is necessary or helpful in the murder trial, only then should those charges be pursued prior to the murder trial.

If not necessary or helpful in the murder trial, perjury/obstruction/etc should be addressed after the murder trial.

Two questions: What is the time limit for filing perjury/obstruction/etc charges?
Does anyone see any possibility of Federal charges based on the family's interviews with FBI?

Ya know one of the first pressers BC gave after Caylee's little remains were found was to say, in essence, that CA/GA would now be cooperating with the police in any way they are able. So what happened to that???? I swear I honestly thought they'd be forthright in the depos they gave last week.......what a sucker I felt like for buying any story of integrity or sincerity from these 2! I agree with you - take care of the murderer first - but if LE is human you just gotta know they're itchin to tuck it to the rest of that family.................
I get angry about some of the stuff the Anthony's do and say on TV but lets remember they are a victim of Caseys lies and actions.

They were in denial for a while and now they are scrambling to spare their daughters life.I see no harm no foul on their part.
I get angry about some of the stuff the Anthony's do and say on TV but lets remember they are a victim of Caseys lies and actions.

They were in denial for a while and now they are scrambling to spare their daughters life.I see no harm no foul on their part.
Uh huh. For sure. Something we should all be thinking about.

I would think that the State's Attorneys will not file charges against them until after the trial. The only reason they would probably do it would be if they lied on the stand and had to be "corrected" with all the information they put out in the media and the depositions.

They will have immunity on the stand based on Florida law. Nothing they say can be used against them.

The THREAT of OJ and/or perjury charges just might make them honest and better-behaved in the trial.

The State has already stated that they will use Casey's parents to get a conviction, and I believe them. Whether they like it or not, they WILL provide the information at the trial, like it or not, one way or another...
Ditto. I agree that he could have helped them if they had listened to his counsel. And love the borrowed Steely Dan image for true! I used to think she was a wildcard, but now think she's so predictable...argue, lie, roll eyes, huff, argue, grit teeth, lie some more....lather, rinse, repeat. :wave: back at ya!

You forgot "chomp, chomp, chomp, glurg, glurg, glurg" (gum and water) :crazy:
I think LE is waiting for Casey to be tucked away safely in a State Prison before they lay the charges in G & C and maybe Lee too.
Do they need a lawyer? haha They have somebody that calls himself a lawyer, I hope they keep him too, he's perfect for them.

Whatever happened to our Groan Button?

I miss it ..
Came in handy and helped keep me out of trouble .. :angel:
As far as the A's go...IMO they are responsible for the cost of 5 months of prove it is not that difficult to me. I just want answers as to why they did not call for help as soon as they knew ALL Caylee's clothes were in the house and not with kc. They did not call LE from the tow yard when the car was reeking with odor of death. Cindy cleaned the interior of the car and washed the evidence including a steak knife (yes, I am betting it was a steak knife). She sent GA to work, saying she would handle everything with kc. She washed all the clothes from TL's and refused to hand over valuable information. She still will not discuss those credit cards. She interfered with all searches and created none of her own. Her only contribution was collecting money from the public for kidfinders and her own expenses.
She delayed on calling LE till she got the info she needed from kc. She warned kc she was coming and she warned kc when father reported gas cans gone. She did not want LE to find her. At some level, which I contend is the surface, Cindy and George knew exactly what happened to Caylee.
Wonderful post!
Can you please send this to Oprah before she has them on her show?
I get angry about some of the stuff the Anthony's do and say on TV but lets remember they are a victim of Caseys lies and actions.

They were in denial for a while and now they are scrambling to spare their daughters life.I see no harm no foul on their part.

Much as I fear to disagree with a black ops holding a glock, I must. :) I see great harm and unending foul on the part of the senior Anthonys.

Isn't it wonderful that WS offers such a great forum for differing opinions? Thank you kindly, Tricia. :woohoo:
I get angry about some of the stuff the Anthony's do and say on TV but lets remember they are a victim of Caseys lies and actions.

They were in denial for a while and now they are scrambling to spare their daughters life.I see no harm no foul on their part.

I also get angry at some of the things that they have done and said, and believe that they are reacting out of desperation to save the only thing they feel they have left, KC. They may always be in denial, if only publicly, about the death of their granddaughter, and I will be the first to say that I pray I am never in their shoes. But, I do not feel that they are victims of KC's lies as much as they are enablers of her lies. I have always let my children know that I "had their backs" and would always be there for them and stand up for them, but only when they were in the right. If they were wrong, I would be the first to let them know so, and advise them on what the correct course should be. Maybe CA and GA tried this with KC when she was young, but I truly think, and this is just my opinion of course, that at some point, especially with CA, it just became easier to accept the lies than to fight with her. The "I'm just having 'female problems'" lie when she was pregnant is a good example. CA is a nurse. How could she not have known her own daughter was pregnant? It was so obvious from the pictures we have seen from the wedding. And, IMO, the harm and foul comes from them knowingly accepting a lie and smearing the names of others who I don't believe for one minute that they actually believe to be involved in this crime, just to deflect the attention away from the only person that the evidence points to.

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