Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

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Should Cindy, and/or George be charged??

  • Yes they should be

    Votes: 774 62.4%
  • No They shouldn't be

    Votes: 150 12.1%
  • I dunno yet

    Votes: 317 25.5%

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Much as I fear to disagree with a black ops holding a glock, I must. :) I see great harm and unending foul on the part of the senior Anthonys.

Isn't it wonderful that WS offers such a great forum for differing opinions? Thank you kindly, Tricia. :woohoo:

Paintr I agree! I also see great harm and foul on the part of the Anthony's. They are the only ones that raised KC to believe she was "above" the law and all little problems (stealing, lying, etc.) could be swept under the rug.

I hope & pray that when all is said and done, the Anthony's are charged with contempt of court, or better yet, obstruction of justice. I hope LE is going through the deposition tapes line by line and highlighting all the lies told along the way. They will perjure themselves once they are on the witness stand.
I get angry about some of the stuff the Anthony's do and say on TV but lets remember they are a victim of Caseys lies and actions.

They were in denial for a while and now they are scrambling to spare their daughters life.I see no harm no foul on their part.

Victims? They are co-dependents. They are enablers.
"Scrambling to spare their daughter's life." The problem is, it is not their decision whether or not to spare their daughter's life. That decision is for the jury. They don't get a vote in the deliberation room.
As far as the A's go...IMO they are responsible for the cost of 5 months of prove it is not that difficult to me. I just want answers as to why they did not call for help as soon as they knew ALL Caylee's clothes were in the house and not with kc. They did not call LE from the tow yard when the car was reeking with odor of death. Cindy cleaned the interior of the car and washed the evidence including a steak knife (yes, I am betting it was a steak knife). She sent GA to work, saying she would handle everything with kc. She washed all the clothes from TL's and refused to hand over valuable information. She still will not discuss those credit cards. She interfered with all searches and created none of her own. Her only contribution was collecting money from the public for kidfinders and her own expenses.
She delayed on calling LE till she got the info she needed from kc. She warned kc she was coming and she warned kc when father reported gas cans gone. She did not want LE to find her. At some level, which I contend is the surface, Cindy and George knew exactly what happened to Caylee.

Excellent summary! :clap:
As far as the A's go...IMO they are responsible for the cost of 5 months of prove it is not that difficult to me. I just want answers as to why they did not call for help as soon as they knew ALL Caylee's clothes were in the house and not with kc. They did not call LE from the tow yard when the car was reeking with odor of death. Cindy cleaned the interior of the car and washed the evidence including a steak knife (yes, I am betting it was a steak knife). She sent GA to work, saying she would handle everything with kc. She washed all the clothes from TL's and refused to hand over valuable information. She still will not discuss those credit cards. She interfered with all searches and created none of her own. Her only contribution was collecting money from the public for kidfinders and her own expenses.
She delayed on calling LE till she got the info she needed from kc. She warned kc she was coming and she warned kc when father reported gas cans gone. She did not want LE to find her. At some level, which I contend is the surface, Cindy and George knew exactly what happened to Caylee.

Extremely well put, Whisperer. Sums up nicely just how little the A's actually cared about finding their grand daughter. And how little they did about it once they knew what had happened. :clap::clap:
Yes and they should be stopped from ever collecting another penny off the murder
of that baby. Once KC is convicted they should be banned from ever discussing her or Caylee in media outlets.
Yes and they should be stopped from ever collecting another penny off the murder
of that baby. Once KC is convicted they should be banned from ever discussing her or Caylee in media outlets.

ITA. And I wish there was some way all the money these people are making (and include in that JB and KC) could be held till after the trials, after the convictions. It is so upsetting to see CA and GA lying their a$$es off and living off their lies. I wish the DA would charge them NOW and get a gag order on them. I truly doubt they need GA, CA and even LA, to convict KC.
It would be a beautiful thing if Lee, George and Cindy would be charged. I doubt it will happen, but they have shown themselves to be absolute liars. After the bizarre, hateful depositions I do not know how anyone can be on their side. Why in GOd's name should saving Casey take precedence over Caylee. Sorry, you don't get to serve two masters here - they knew Casey was behind this. Why do they keep getting this special treatment? Anyone else would be brought before a grand jury after depos like that.
Ya know one of the first pressers BC gave after Caylee's little remains were found was to say, in essence, that CA/GA would now be cooperating with the police in any way they are able. So what happened to that???? I swear I honestly thought they'd be forthright in the depos they gave last week.......what a sucker I felt like for buying any story of integrity or sincerity from these 2! I agree with you - take care of the murderer first - but if LE is human you just gotta know they're itchin to tuck it to the rest of that family.................

Yeah...and didn't we also hear that after the funeral they would talk about who Dominic was on the phone with?
It would be a beautiful thing if Lee, George and Cindy would be charged. I doubt it will happen, but they have shown themselves to be absolute liars. After the bizarre, hateful depositions I do not know how anyone can be on their side. Why in GOd's name should saving Casey take precedence over Caylee. Sorry, you don't get to serve two masters here - they knew Casey was behind this. Why do they keep getting this special treatment? Anyone else would be brought before a grand jury after depos like that.

Yes. I keep wondering, after viewing the depos of CA and GA and the way they acted, what will happen if they try to pull a stunt like that in court during the trial? I have never witnessed such disrespectful actions in my life! When JM is asking GA something and he says "the remains", GA just snaps at him! "How dare you speak to me like that!" and he threatens to walk out. Who do these people think they are? This is a legal proceeding, and they acted like they were in a schoolyard argument. I hope these depos are shown in court at the trial.
I followed the Scott P case (even though I wasn't registered here then). Jackie P was thought by many to have activly worked to get her son out of the country into Mexico. Many thought she would be charged with accessory after the fact. There was evidence that she told 'mistruths' and even gave Scott thousands of dollars.

During trial, when asked on the stand under oath, about the money she came up with a lame, unbelievable story. The pros were polite and she was dismissed. She was never charged with anything.

The courts seem very forgiving of family members in messes such as these.
I voted "yes" for all the reasons you listed: "For withholding evidince, obstruction of justice, Tampering with evidence, or accessory after the fact." I know for a fact that CA lied to the FBI about something. She told a neighbor something back when all this started, right before she called 911. That neighbor worked with me & relayed the story to me. Weeks or months later I heard the tapes of her FBI interview where she was completely contradicting what she'd already said. I do feel horribly, horribly sad for them, and would honestly be crushed if GA was charged, but they can't go on lying. It's disrespectful to Caylee.
I voted "yes" for all the reasons you listed: "For withholding evidince, obstruction of justice, Tampering with evidence, or accessory after the fact." I know for a fact that CA lied to the FBI about something. She told a neighbor something back when all this started, right before she called 911. That neighbor worked with me & relayed the story to me. Weeks or months later I heard the tapes of her FBI interview where she was completely contradicting what she'd already said. I do feel horribly, horribly sad for them, and would honestly be crushed if GA was charged, but they can't go on lying. It's disrespectful to Caylee.

Can you share what was said ..
I voted "yes" for all the reasons you listed: "For withholding evidince, obstruction of justice, Tampering with evidence, or accessory after the fact." I know for a fact that CA lied to the FBI about something. She told a neighbor something back when all this started, right before she called 911. That neighbor worked with me & relayed the story to me. Weeks or months later I heard the tapes of her FBI interview where she was completely contradicting what she'd already said. I do feel horribly, horribly sad for them, and would honestly be crushed if GA was charged, but they can't go on lying. It's disrespectful to Caylee.

Wow, that's interesting!
Do you know if the neighbor reported to LE what Cindy had told her?


Ya know one of the first pressers BC gave after Caylee's little remains were found was to say, in essence, that CA/GA would now be cooperating with the police in any way they are able. So what happened to that???? I swear I honestly thought they'd be forthright in the depos they gave last week.......what a sucker I felt like for buying any story of integrity or sincerity from these 2! I agree with you - take care of the murderer first - but if LE is human you just gotta know they're itchin to tuck it to the rest of that family.................

Me thinks thier was no immunity given to them.I really hope after the trial GA and CA are dealt with.. I felt bad for them for the longet time..NOT ANYMORE..I say charge them,who the heck do they think they are..They should also be sued by all thier victims
Me thinks thier was no immunity given to them.I really hope after the trial GA and CA are dealt with.. I felt bad for them for the longet time..NOT ANYMORE..I say charge them,who the heck do they think they are..They should also be sued by all thier victims

sadly at this stage it would be a class action lawsuit......
No I do not think they should have to say anything incriminationg against their daughter just like a husband / wife does not have to testify against
the other it should be like that for daughter/son, sister/brother, parent/child
No I do not think they should have to say anything incriminationg against their daughter just like a husband / wife does not have to testify against
the other it should be like that for daughter/son, sister/brother, parent/child

Boy do I disagree with that. Someone was killed.
No I do not think they should have to say anything incriminationg against their daughter just like a husband / wife does not have to testify against
the other it should be like that for daughter/son, sister/brother, parent/child

I understand why you believe privilege should be given between all family members. I would think the parent/child would be esp difficult, providing incriminating evidence on your own child/or parent would truly be horrific, but IMO it is right. As awful a position as that would be, I have to disagree though, I believe our justice system is correct in providing that privilege between spouses only. It is the only relationship (biblically) that blurs the lines between two individual people. Two married people are to become one, not only in the physical act but in baring their souls to each other, becoming intertwined. It would not be fair to have to testify against a spouse as it would be like testifying against yourself IMO.

Even so, I still understand where you are coming from. :cow:

I am wondering if LE is waiting until the end of the trial, when the A's (all 3 or 4!) testimony is on record, in a court of law, nailed down, before they charge any of them with anything. If our hunches are proven in court, (that they did tamper, destroy evidence, or obstruct, flat out lie) then I want the book thrown at them. :cow:
You know, I can totally understand being worried that your daughter is going to spend the rest of her life in jail, or possibly receive the death penalty. But to intentionally sabotage an investigation into the death of their granddaughter is wrong! Charge Em!
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