Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

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Should Cindy, and/or George be charged??

  • Yes they should be

    Votes: 774 62.4%
  • No They shouldn't be

    Votes: 150 12.1%
  • I dunno yet

    Votes: 317 25.5%

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don't think they need any money for the funeral..they were supposed to have collected the money for that way back when..being that it is such a huge topic I'm sure others donate things to it as well----I think they personally are shopping around as to who will pay what for viewing the service.....after all for kc to see it it would have to be on tv ---- if they are worried about the cost of things---do without--just put her in a dignified place of rest at this point instead of on a strip mall......

I read the A's are planning to cremate because they're concerned someone might try and dig up her grave.:eek:
They wouldn't even have to cremate the remains. Bones and teeth are put through a crusher to pulverize them into ash after the flesh has been burnt away. It would cost them next to nothing- cremation is quoted on weight and the baby weighed next to nothing when found.

And we're the ones to fear...not the fools they hired to investigate whose tapes are all over the news now. :bang:
I am still so angry! :furious:

There is NO EXCUSE for doing this!

I say charge them all!
... On NG the other night, she was interviewing Janet Donofrio from Channel 6, who broke the story that LE had "over whelming evidence of KCs guilt". Towards the end, she was asked if her LE contacts had indicated to her if the Anthony's would be facing any charges, and she stated firmly that no charges were planned or would be filed. Anyone else see this???
What's the problem with the A's selling the T-shirts and putting the money into the Find Caylee trust? People want to buy the shirts, the money is going into a fund that has already been earmarked to be donated, they offer right on the site to give an accounting of the funds to anyone who asks. Why all the hoopla?

What's the difference if the donate the shirts or if they sell them and donate the money? Sheesh, everyone's yelling about how they should face charges over this???? What would they be charged with? Raising money to be donated? What's the penalty for that?
What's the problem with the A's selling the T-shirts and putting the money into the Find Caylee trust? People want to buy the shirts, the money is going into a fund that has already been earmarked to be donated, they offer right on the site to give an accounting of the funds to anyone who asks. Why all the hoopla?

What's the difference if the donate the shirts or if they sell them and donate the money? Sheesh, everyone's yelling about how they should face charges over this???? What would they be charged with? Raising money to be donated? What's the penalty for that?

Because its the Anthonys. That's why. (I'm not being smart aleck either.) They "say" they will donate the money. They also "say" it was pizza in the car causing the smell. Anything they do that has to do with money and Caylee and "them" will always be suspicous (to me anyway). Their past actions makes it so.
Yes they should be charged with fraud, perjury and obstruction of anything else they're eligible for. If any A other than KC's fingerprints are on the duct tape or bag, make it homicide.

I'm preparing myself for that.


I'm hoping for the same ..
Seems like more effort into selling T shirts than funeral home arrangements for dear baby CAYLEE, IMO
Somebody else is going to Jail.

The PI was not ripping open trash bags looking for "Bottle's & Cans"

Somebody told him that Caylee was there.

If the PI's were smart they would cut a deal & rollover on the Anthony's because I believe thats exactly who told them were to look for Caylee.

Cindy & George both smelled the decomp is Casey's car & nothing is going to convince me that they honestly thought Caylee was alive.
Somebody else is going to Jail.

The PI was not ripping open trash bags looking for "Bottle's & Cans"

Somebody told him that Caylee was there.

If the PI's were smart they would cut a deal & rollover on the Anthony's because I believe thats exactly who told them were to look for Caylee.

Cindy & George both smelled the decomp is Casey's car & nothing is going to convince me that they honestly thought Caylee was alive.

I agree 100%!
O M G!!! I have seen a lot of videos in this case and have been following since July as well but I had never seen that video! Thanks so much for posting it Jay D...It really IS telling, especially in light of everything we know now! :eek:
My pleasure Pink. As I said in a previous post, this video is helpful to me to mantain my perspective when things get crazy. (Like today) :(
There have been many posters here that have stated that they would surely want to be a juror in KC's trial. Not me! Not for a minute.
But if the Anthonys are charged and there is a trial, well, I'd sure like to be there. Their actions have baffled and mesmorized me from the beginning. I first became interested in this case July 21 when Cindy was interviewed by Meagyn Kelly. Cindy actually hung up on Kelly during the interview.
That caught my attention in a way that no other missing person story ever has. I have been intrigued (obsessed? LOL) by the family dynamics and subsequent outrageous behavior since.
I guess I was inspired this morning to revisit this thread due to BC's (Anthony attorney) latest press release.
To me this video is a good "refresher", in that it helps me see the evolution of the changing stories from July 21. I do think that the Anthonys should be charged, and if they are, I would be just as riveted to that trial as many will be to KC's trial.

Wow, somehow I missed this one also. CA sure is full of herself, so egotistical. Her delusional self-importance both baffles and repulses me. Wow, kudos to the reporter :"We here, in America's newsroom, will look out for this child, which is more than we can say that the family did."
OMG....somehow I missed this......CA's brother said EVERYTHING to her that most normal people would have said. At least now I know that poor Caylee did have family who cared enough about her to speak the truth!!!

It would be so interesting to get his opinion on all this. I know he posted on Topix but I wish he'd come here!
It would be so interesting to get his opinion on all this. I know he posted on Topix but I wish he'd come here!

I wonder if he's received his "disinvite" to the funeral from his sister yet?
Without a doubt, if any of the Anthony family was involved in Caylee’s death or hid evidence or somehow hindered the investigation, they should be charged. I’m not referring to the washing of the pants which is something anyone might have done.

If they aren’t charged and have committed a crime of some sort it sets a precedent and open season on children by allowing them to use the grieving of the loss or possible loss of a child as a scapegoat. You get to be angry, sad, grieve, hate and whatever else you want or need to do but the minute you step over the line you have to be held accountable for the sake of other children.

If not those contemplating something horrible will believe that with the right excuses, they too will be able to circumvent the system.

JMIO (Just My Irritated Opinion)
what are they waiting for??Are the A's afraid that putting closure to Caylee's remains may end their gravy train???
I think it is a shame to continue to sell t-shirts when they could be donated, labels removed and new print applied for a "real Missing child"

I am just glad Caylee can't see how her remains were treated. She deserved more than a garbage bag for months and a cardboard box for months. It's time to lay her to rest don't ya think?
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