SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

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I have the pdf version of the Alan Carr book if anyone is interested -- pm me and I can send it to you -- I quit smoking on my own last year for seven months for the first time (I am 63), then life got in the way (Hurricane Sandy, etc.), and I am back smoking again -- going to read the Alan Carr book starting tonight -- would also like to start reading the quitting smoking threads on The Jury Room forum -- thanks to all who mentioned them.

Yes and No, Glad to hear about your decision -- I am thinking of going the oblate route -- seems it might be a good fit for me. Just thinking about it.

BBM That's what I'm thinking of doing if my quest doesn't work out. :seeya:

This part?

"But the thing is that if Ms. Wilmott and I were married, I certainly would say I want to F'g kill myself. That doesn't mean I want to kill myself. It means that there is a bad relationship and I'd want you to leave me alone."

OMG, that is awesome. And then Ms. W goes on to say to the judge that she believes that was an insult, and he says "no it was a compliment, bad joke". Love him!!

I wish we still had a dedicated trial thread. The sidebar thread is way too hard to navigate. You have to sort through too many posts to find bits and pieces of updates :(
There isn't a trial going trial thread. In the Caylee forum there is still a sidebar thread there, and bits of pieces of new info are posted there, even though the trial is long gone.

This part?

"But the thing is that if Ms. Wilmott and I were married, I certainly would say I want to F'g kill myself. That doesn't mean I want to kill myself. It means that there is a bad relationship and I'd want you to leave me alone."

yep...priceless :)
Whoa Nelly! Who knew sidebar could be a good as our sidebar!! I want more!

As Wild About Trial calls it... SIZZLEBAR...

How in the world did the court reporters not giggle during this?! I'm cracking up how Nurmi is ranting like a 5 year old boy as usual, and Juan says he can't hear him and wants him to repeat himself. Seriously, Juan is hilarious.
There isn't a trial going trial thread. In the Caylee forum there is still a sidebar thread there, and bits of pieces of new info are posted there, even though the trial is long gone.

I understand. I just think that with new info such as transcripts of questions the judge didn't read get lost in a thread like this. Between the videos and other discussions things get lost. I think we should have a thread just for big information like this.
Did she have pets, did she ever hurt a pet or otherwise?

Sooooo .. were they really following the admonition?

She kicked Doggyboy and he wasn't seen again. She was pissed that she had to pick up her brother and sister's dirty diapers out of the yard. She said she kicked him and he moved a few feet,but didn't think it hurt him.

Problem with rage and fogs much Jodi?
As Wild About Trial calls it... SIZZLEBAR...

How in the world did the court reporters not giggle during this?! I'm cracking up how Nurmi is ranting like a 5 year old boy as usual, and Juan says he can't hear him and wants him to repeat himself. Seriously, Juan is hilarious.
you can tell there was LOTS of tension at those sidebars. Usually lawyers have some sort of mutual respect for each other but after this trial I can see why there is total disdain. I found Nurmi and Willmott to be annoying and thats being kind...dont wanna get a timeout lol.
As Wild About Trial calls it... SIZZLEBAR...

How in the world did the court reporters not giggle during this?! I'm cracking up how Nurmi is ranting like a 5 year old boy as usual, and Juan says he can't hear him and wants him to repeat himself. Seriously, Juan is hilarious.
How did Mike do all that....with pictures of JA naked above his head....he is a true professional...I like him and I have never met him lol!
Also interesting is the way he writes the sequence of events (shot first):

Arias, 32, was found guilty of first-degree murder on May 8 for the brutal 2008 slaying of her sometime lover, Travis Alexander, 30. Five years ago this week, Arias shot Alexander in the head, stabbed him nearly 30 times, slit his throat and then dumped his body in the shower of his Mesa home. She claimed she killed Alexander in self-defense; the jury thought otherwise.

Oh yeah he blathered on and on about that series of "facts" as he sees them too. As one of my journalist friends recently said to me about him (she can't stand him and warned me to keep my distance..for years) "I think we need to sage him off of you". :lol: I guess that's true! The worm like nature of his biased reporting which gets repeated as fact just gets under my skin! I need to detox! (a worm under my skin is definitely NOT a good image in my head! lol).
Has anyone ever been to the mustard museum outside Madison, WI?
I have.

Oh boy that sounds like a place my Dad would have taken us on vacation. We toured the Kellogg's factory and the grandaddy of them all, the HERSHEY factory...saw how all those kisses were made.

When we toured Eastern Canada/ Quebec a few years ago, we ended up in the premiere accordion museum....I thought "oh how boring" til I saw some HOT accordion players on the videos they played.

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