SIDEBAR #15- Arias/Alexander forum

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OMG! You have a Yorkie don't you? I swear my Yorkie's feet smell like corn chips when he needs a bath!!! ... That's when I call the groomer ... When he gets all Frito Bandito. That is so funny!

Hahahahaa!!! Yes!! She's a Yorkie!

Frito Bandito... :floorlaugh:
Daisy, you nut! :floorlaugh: I walked away for a bit and am about to take a shower...........not in a terribly good mood. Had dental "work" done starting back in November, urgh, my panic disorder caused me to clench my teeth, anti-depressants are evil on your teeth, and needless to say, I busted a lot of molars in the process. Long story short, extractions, molds, stitches, fittings, upper and lower.........and now that I have these "partial" dentures, the son of a b****es are driving me crazy!!!! Have to go back to the dentist tomorrow because these "things" have "issues", like they hurt when I masticate......that's "MASTICATE", you all get your minds out of the gutter now! :floorlaugh:
Seriously, all I want to do is eat popcorn, is that asking too much?!?!?! :facepalm:
Why did I let it go on so long? Uh, single mom, 2 kids, and critters, priorities, priorities. Blah.
Going to go soak my head..................

Bernini, Same thing happened to me. Except I have just had to have everything crowned. The meds and clenching reek havoc on your teeth. I hope you get to enjoy your popcorn soon!
My brother lives in Phoenix and said no one he knows really knows much about the Arias case. Hopefully that means a jury can be seated quickly for the penalty phase. Too bad my brother can't serve. I definitely know whch way he would vote given the evidence.
When is the hearing? Jodi tweeted that it might have been moved up to Tuesday.
Status conference is at 8:30 Arizona time
At the risk of sounding unkind, I look forward to seeing prison stripes and chains clinking.
At the risk of sounding unkind, I look forward to seeing prison stripes and chains clinking.

One can only hope! I also hope she's wearing stripes that have previously been worn by another female inmate, with severe STD's.

I wish I weren't so scornful, sometimes. Why the thought makes me happy, I couldn't tell you.

I don't need her to get the death penalty in order to be happy, I just want the perpetual lock-down of death row inhabitants. Since LWOP inmates are on lock-down initially, and can earn their way into the general population, I don't feel like she deserves it.

If she does get LWOP, I hope general population gals make her life miserable. On a daily basis. Excruciating existence.

I probably need to pray or something. This much scorn can't be good.
I just read KCL's blog on Watsu. She writes so beautifully. I feel like she reaches my soul with every word she writes. I don't know her. I have never met her. But she has this ability to touch so many people. I realize from reading her blog that I am not as open, healthy, evolved or the best person I could be. I am inspired by her journey of self discovery. Life's events have molded us into who we are and I realized that I have been a "passive" participant for most of it. She has inspired me to change that. I hope you all will read her blog if you haven't. This one is very, very powerful. And I am truly grateful for her and for all of you sharing your lives with me. JMV
Beautiful Zuri... and better late than never. It is never too late to come to life and change those things. Sometimes it happens exactly when it is meant to! You are a lovely soul. I love Katie's blog and derive inspiration and insight weekly- for free! How lucky is that? I hope JA looks terrible. horrible. miserable. And I don't feel the least bit bad for saying it.
Beautiful Zuri... and better late than never. It is never too late to come to life and change those things. Sometimes it happens exactly when it is meant to! You are a lovely soul. I love Katie's blog and derive inspiration and insight weekly- for free! How lucky is that? I hope JA looks terrible. horrible. miserable. And I don't feel the least bit bad for saying it.

Up until the JA trial, I had never joined an online site. I lurked a month before I joined as I searched different sites and then came across this one. I have found companionship, catharsis, sharing, discovery, education, thought provocation and "friendship" with people I have never met. I am not the same person I was before I joined. I have found people so willing to answer my questions on subjects I know nothing about. I have found beauty in the compassion with which people share. I have smiled, laughed and cried with what I have read here. And for that I will be forever grateful. :seeya:
I just read KCL's blog on Watsu. She writes so beautifully. I feel like she reaches my soul with every word she writes. I don't know her. I have never met her. But she has this ability to touch so many people. I realize from reading her blog that I am not as open, healthy, evolved or the best person I could be. I am inspired by her journey of self discovery. Life's events have molded us into who we are and I realized that I have been a "passive" participant for most of it. She has inspired me to change that. I hope you all will read her blog if you haven't. This one is very, very powerful. And I am truly grateful for her and for all of you sharing your lives with me. JMV

Thank you so much Zuri! I really enjoy writing it and got a lot of inspiration on my trip, including the memoir writing seminar (she inspired me to consider getting an MFA in creative non fiction).

I get as much out of it as you all. I got a real nice letter from Sebastian thanking me over and over for the essay and pouring his heart out to sweet was that. The gift that keeps on giving.

Go to the Ranch and your life will change forever..everyone says that. But of course I'm biased.

I'm going to the hearing tomorrow, that is if my back can handle it as I just pinched a nerve while sanding the callouses off my heels in the bathtub. True story! :truce::scared::truce:
Oh wow.......was over on KCL's thread. Hadn't gone there since the hung jury. Was getting the scoop on Juan and Katie's encounter at the airport.......
I hadn't realized that Alfonse was schizophrenic, sometimes I can just "bleep" over things when I read that my mind doesn't want to engage, "self preservation", I guess. Read her blog, specifically under the schizophrenic topic.
Having been married to a bipolar, paranoid schizophrenic for 15 years, and divorced, all I could think of was "How does she maintain?" I was in my 20's and 30's, with 2 kids, trying to keep our landscaping business afloat, and later doing the mobile home thing. But I couldn't imagine dealing with it now at the age of 52. Katie's not much older.........
I had to divorce because the annual full blown psychosis and off to the *nut hut for my ex, his self medicating, and his denial at the age of 26, after his first major psychotic event, that he would be on meds the rest of his life. And my kids.
My son couldn't locate his dad to wish him "Happy Father's Day". No one knows where he's at, he could be back East or right in Prescott. For that matter, no one's heard from him since November. His 2nd wife left him several months previous, took their 12 year old daughter with her. He went off his meds several years ago, took up drinking again, and renewed his obsession with religion. For him, it's the ingredients for the perfect storm, one that becomes suicidal and/or homicidal.
My son, Shadoe, (might as well put it out there, it's easier!) still has that fear in the back of his mind, that he too, will become schizophrenic. He's made it to 26 years of age, no symptoms, avoided alcohol and drugs, but that "fear" still lingers.
For some reason, we find strength when we need it most.
KCL is truly an amazing person. JMO.

*I use this in a form of endearment, as I also have spent 2 much needed "vacations" in said facilities. They put me back together.
ROFL! I guess I wasn't the only one who bee-lined it over to KCL's thread!
I'm headed to pick up my brother from the hospital right now! He's discharged today after a 2 week stint. fingers crossed...
My parents are from Long Island, very close to where the Long Island serial killer case is. My mom was up there two years ago in the spring when they discovered all the bodies. December of that year (2011) I saw the 48 hours mystery on it and then I joined. So most of my posts are in that thread. But since I graduated college the following spring and started working, I havent had much time.

I forgot about that case. Did they ever find more bodies after that or has this killer seemingly gone off the grid? I'll have to look that one up again.
One can only hope! I also hope she's wearing stripes that have previously been worn by another female inmate, with severe STD's.

I wish I weren't so scornful, sometimes. Why the thought makes me happy, I couldn't tell you.

I don't need her to get the death penalty in order to be happy, I just want the perpetual lock-down of death row inhabitants. Since LWOP inmates are on lock-down initially, and can earn their way into the general population, I don't feel like she deserves it.

If she does get LWOP, I hope general population gals make her life miserable. On a daily basis. Excruciating existence.

I probably need to pray or something. This much scorn can't be good.


I assume you're referring to the young lady's next vacation destination *Perryville... :desert:

Where can I find info re: LWop/gen pop? btw :seeya:
Evening m.
I'm watching Drop Dead Diva and then Ray Donovan and then Dexter. I don't know why I watch Dexter- just started to watch last year. I do like Michael Hall from his - now I can't remember what :banghead: he was in before. OK, it's coming to me:
Six Feet Under. Gawd I'm losing it or maybe I'm just tired.

I can't imagine why you would be interested in a show about a serial killer who is also a blood spatter analyst for Miami Homicide... that sounds crazy :giggle:

Dexter is one of my favorite shows!! So sad that this is the last season. Michael C. Hall has been brilliant in that role.
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