SIDEBAR #20- Arias/Alexander forum

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About neighbors. I doubt anyone harbors a hate equal to mine. "Hall monitors" is a good start but just doesn't hit it in her case. She resorts to the police for any & everything. (The neighbor was related to s/o on the force, now retired and that, apparently inspired her or gave her assurance.) She trapped my two cats and had them killed by animal reg. Ordered the police into my house when I wasn't home. Of course, I sued but the police failed to appear in court, which is usual here. She put an anonymous letter in my mailbox, posing as a neighborhood posse, telling me to stop feeding the birds. Has sent police to arrest me numerous times (the cops only refer to "a neighbor" in explaining). She complains to the police that the fire dept. isn't clearing weeds to her standards. Blocks land usage behind our property by the real property owners, the school & the church. She is the late comer to all of these "nuisances" and when her property was a vacant lot, phoned the police because a woman parked on it when there was no other space available. Had her next door neighbor take out a beautiful tall palm so she could see better when exiting her property but blocks my drive out view with an enormous tall cactus planting. Needless to add, she doesn't tolerate noise and reports it immediately. Her own construction projects, however, are loud. She lives in a huge monolith on a postage stamp lot, with illegal side sets. This freaking pile shuts out both light and warmth and totally hides what had been a panoramic view of the ocean. Am I bitter? You could bottle me & sell me for hangovers.

Tuba, you win the prize for the worst neighbor. OMG how horrible for you. Sounds like she has a good deal of "ENTITLEMENT BELIEF" going on. Don't blame you at all for being bitter. What a nightmare. :notgood:
Thanks so much for your help and input. Thankfully I already take Endocet and Ibuprophen 800 every day due to a boating accident and 30 surgeries to fix my leg. I have gone to physical therapy off and on since 1989, although not for my arm or abdomen. I am going to call to make an appointment for the Cortisone shot asap. I had a bone density test done after the original chest x-ray and am in some stage of osteo..... The Dr. gave me 6 months to improve on my own before starting those meds. Think I need to have a follow-up with my family Dr to aid in the osteo side to help the healing along. So frustrating, but I did gain 10 lbs by eating all the ice cream I wanted to all summer, so there is that!!!! LOL Thanks again.

Oh, and I normally use my cane with my left hand, now I can't, so I am all discombobulated!!! It can only get better from here I figure. All the Dr's and physical therapists wanted me to use the right hand, and now I guess I will have to, so I guess there is that unintended benefit, at least for now.
Oh wow. I am so sorry about everyone's neighbors. I have no idea how to handle these types of issues, and I lack diplomacy, so I cannot help.

Guess I should be happy I rent. Dealing with slumlords, crack head neighbors, partying neighbors, rats, roaches, and you name it, at least I can move within a year and try again.

Update on the central air/furnace. Not a damn thing has been done. The thing still does not work. They told me that someone came in to dry off the moldy area!!! That does not take care of mold. They SARCASTICALLY asked me why the unit is not working. What the H?! How would I know? The man never fixed it in the first place. So, I reminded them. The leak was never fixed, I can guess that it short circuited again.

My boss is going to have to handle it now, and I may have to look into mold remediation, however, it is an apartment and I don't know if they will declare the entire building uninhabitable due to mold. It has lots. I don't want that kind of trouble, I have another year here, but I also have to remain healthy.

Zuri my face was getting better with your combo, thank you. But since I am here all day on weekends it is getting worse again. Have to wait until the 23rd for dermatologist appointment. I just hope I can make it to the ER if necessary. I am scared now!

I can't spray anything in there, as they have not said I could. I have to wait for them to do something.

Okay, maybe owning and renting have their issues. I am angry now though, b/c I am scared.

BBM1~ Do you rent/lease/own your apartment? Mold is extremely dangerous, who is responsible to fix that? I just replaced my furnace and hot water tank and it was $4500. :(

BBM2~ Sorry, what skin condition do you have?

Inquiring minds want to know!
Thats my neighbour to a T,sad thing is I guess she is only in her 40s.

Loves to watch my every move and take note if she thinks I have done something wrong.

Dont know why she has such a dislike for me,never spoken to her and I dont even know her name. I keep myself to myself. .it all started about 2 weeks after I moved here.

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The Property Manager at my complex is nosy and bossy as well. I own the condo, so whenever I have an issue I bypass her completely and go to the Property Owner.

When you're dealing with these types, it's always good to have someone on your side who will back you up if the s**t hits the fan.
I am so glad :( I am not the only one who has trouble with their neighbors. I really do try to be considerate of mine. I don't complain about them or to them as "people who live in glass houses should not throw stones". We keep the outside of our home neat and the yard is done every week. We don't park on the street out of respect for our neighbors and of course one complained that he had to turn his head to back out if one was parked out front.

Frankly, it hurts to know that these neighbors trash me to other neighbors, some of whom I really like. But such is life. I don't interact with them. I simply can't imagine having neighbors like Tuba and gcharlie. I would be on my broom 24/7/365. :)

BBM~ Stand your ground. :seeya:
Good Day Fellow Sleuthers, I haven't posted much but have been lurking since the hung jury of the sentencing phase. Will it never end??? I wonder exactly what "she who must not be named" and CFJA think of each other?? Seems they are trying to out-do each other with their volume of court filings??
Anyway, you guys really crack me up at times, I sit here by myself and LOL at your posts and antics.
I am looking for some experience on a medical situation I am having if you all don't mind. Back in May, the 25th, while I was in Canada, my cousins dog really slammed me to the ground, right on top of a speed bump in the parking lot. I was with my elderly aunt and uncle (93 & 84). I drove them home the 550 miles a few days later. After about 2 weeks I decided to go to the ER and was told I had 2 broken ribs. About 2 months later, as the rib pain was starting to lessen I noticed my shoulder was really messed up as well. Last week I finally had a MRI on the left shoulder and new chest X-ray's done. Turns out there are 3 broken ribs, which they are now calling Healing Fractures?? They are still broke, but in alignment, and my shoulder has bursitis. I can call the office tomorrow and schedule a cortisone shot. I can't use my left arm if I move it upwards equal to my shoulder and can't maneuver any pivoting motions with the arm. Does bursitis just appear out of nowhere or can an injury cause bursitis? I have looked up WebMD and Mayo clinic. They all say ribs should heal by 2 months, I am closing in on 5 months. My son is starting to go back to work again and shortly I will have my grandsons, who are 1 and 3 years old.
Does anyone have experience with Bursitis or Rib fractures?? IIRC, Tulessa, you broke your ankle at the same period of time, are you fully healed?? I broke an ankle in H.S. and had no problem once the cast was removed. I am so afraid to get a cough or cold. Yawning, stretching or hiccuping really hurt my ribs, but normal breathing is ok. Has anyone had relief with Cortizone shots for bursitis?? Any info would be appreciated. You can PM me if you don't want to respond, or Mods, maybe this post should be in Misc, or in the Basement, but there is nothing happening on this case for a while now, so please excuse if in wrong spot.
Regards, VS


Welcome! Have you tried an anti-inflammatory? I was in a car accident almost 1 year ago and i'm still not healed.
Broken ribs can take awhile, but if it is affecting your quality of life, I would get an anti-inflammatoty with pain killers.

Is marijuana legal in your state? (Just asking, because it is used as a pain reliever instead of narcotics).
Sorry so long between posts, major computer issues are happening with this laptop. Going to try to use my kindle soon. My state is going to start medical marijuana in January, with a great number of restrictions though. Also my understanding is insurance will not cover it so it would be out of my price range living on disability.

I do however have a generous cousin from Canada who shares her Cessamet and Sativix with me, so I do have some of that available for free. I limit my use of them because I usually only have access 1 to 2 times a year. Thank you for your tips though. The Cessamet really helps me sleep and is time release and does help tremendously for that. Maybe I will try it during the day time on the days I don't have my grandsons. LOL

If I disappear again, computer issues, until I get my Kindle set up.
Thanks again Everyone - All input and suggestions are really appreciated.
This is Miss Gabby's 1600th post!!

Hello everyone!!
Congratulations! I hardly find you gabby. :floorlaugh: You're actually rather quiet!

I agree daisymae, Kensie has been quiet lately. Kinda, really do miss her.

Zuri, thanks for your advice about the mold. Really do appreciate it. :wink:
I am so sorry you are going through this. You should be able to break your lease as you have cause. Be sure to document everything. Calls made, repairs and what was said to you. Take pics of your face and how you are trying to remedy your symptoms. If possible, see your primary care physician before the dermatologist. Perhaps he can put you on a Medrol dose pack which is prednisone in decreasing doses. If you start having symptoms where your tongue swells and/or you have difficulty breathing, get to the ER.

Can you turn on the AC and raise the temp so as to have heat? The AC filters the air and hopefully can help with diminishing the mold spores. If possible, can you write a letter to your landlord, certified, return receipt requested, outlining the issues you are having and the resulting health issues? If the landlord is not the owner, cc a copy to the owner as well. I hope you feel better soon.

Who changes the air filter for your apartment? You or maintenance pepople? and do you/they use a HEPA filter?

Is this place gonna get lively tonight?
I agree daisymae, Kensie has been quiet lately. Kinda, really do miss her.

Zuri, thanks for your advice about the mold. Really do appreciate it. :wink:

gc, she's being unfaithful to us as I see her in other forums ... but then I'm not faithful either. My cheatin' heart .... :floorlaugh:
gc, she's being unfaithful to us as I see her in other forums ... but then I'm not faithful either. My cheatin' heart .... :floorlaugh:

You mean she's not monogamous? :floorlaugh:

That drove me absolutely batty...CMJA and her monogamous BS. :banghead: One twisted person, that missy.

She played it both ways in real life, but tried to portray it another way on the stand. Wittle innocent CMJA, sexting Ryan Burns, who she had only met once. But, hey, she was monogamous, because Travis was dead before she grinded with Ryan.

You know I love you all. You all have my heart.
My baby girl turned thirty seven yesterday. She was six pounds fifteen ounce and was born at two fifty seven pm on a Wednesday afternoon. She loves when her birthday lands on a Friday. Her name means grace or favor, and is a palindrome.
My baby girl turned thirty seven yesterday. She was six pounds fifteen ounce and was born at two fifty seven pm on a Wednesday afternoon. She loves when her birthday lands on a Friday. Her name means grace or favor, and is a palindrome.


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gc, she's being unfaithful to us as I see her in other forums ... but then I'm not faithful either. My cheatin' heart .... :floorlaugh:

Shhh Daisy. No sneaking around with Daisy.
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