SIDEBAR #20- Arias/Alexander forum

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Isn't it nice that we can feel free to express our feelings here ?

Hope you feel better today gcharlie and M.

Princess, I hate neighbors too.

Happy Saturday everyone.

Hi Kensie :seeya: Happy Saturday to you too.
This place is a safe haven for me. I get support here. No one in my real world understands my depression and I am not sure they want to.

Thank you all.
How is everyone doing today?

It's Thanksgiving weekend in Canada and i'm off to the in laws and meeting my BF's mom's new BF today.

*gobble, gobble*

I live on a small cul de sac street. The neighbor who wrote this lives 2 houses away. We are the end of the cul de sac. My neighbors love my husband but hate me because I haven't tolerated their bully kids. Small minds.

I'd stick a pair of those little foamy earplugs in their mailbox;)

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About neighbors. I doubt anyone harbors a hate equal to mine. "Hall monitors" is a good start but just doesn't hit it in her case. She resorts to the police for any & everything. (The neighbor was related to s/o on the force, now retired and that, apparently inspired her or gave her assurance.) She trapped my two cats and had them killed by animal reg. Ordered the police into my house when I wasn't home. Of course, I sued but the police failed to appear in court, which is usual here. She put an anonymous letter in my mailbox, posing as a neighborhood posse, telling me to stop feeding the birds. Has sent police to arrest me numerous times (the cops only refer to "a neighbor" in explaining). She complains to the police that the fire dept. isn't clearing weeds to her standards. Blocks land usage behind our property by the real property owners, the school & the church. She is the late comer to all of these "nuisances" and when her property was a vacant lot, phoned the police because a woman parked on it when there was no other space available. Had her next door neighbor take out a beautiful tall palm so she could see better when exiting her property but blocks my drive out view with an enormous tall cactus planting. Needless to add, she doesn't tolerate noise and reports it immediately. Her own construction projects, however, are loud. She lives in a huge monolith on a postage stamp lot, with illegal side sets. This freaking pile shuts out both light and warmth and totally hides what had been a panoramic view of the ocean. Am I bitter? You could bottle me & sell me for hangovers.
About neighbors. I doubt anyone harbors a hate equal to mine. "Hall monitors" is a good start but just doesn't hit it in her case. She resorts to the police for any & everything. (The neighbor was related to s/o on the force, now retired and that, apparently inspired her or gave her assurance.) She trapped my two cats and had them killed by animal reg. Ordered the police into my house when I wasn't home. Of course, I sued but the police failed to appear in court, which is usual here. She put an anonymous letter in my mailbox, posing as a neighborhood posse, telling me to stop feeding the birds. Has sent police to arrest me numerous times (the cops only refer to "a neighbor" in explaining). She complains to the police that the fire dept. isn't clearing weeds to her standards. Blocks land usage behind our property by the real property owners, the school & the church. She is the late comer to all of these "nuisances" and when her property was a vacant lot, phoned the police because a woman parked on it when there was no other space available. Had her next door neighbor take out a beautiful tall palm so she could see better when exiting her property but blocks my drive out view with an enormous tall cactus planting. Needless to add, she doesn't tolerate noise and reports it immediately. Her own construction projects, however, are loud. She lives in a huge monolith on a postage stamp lot, with illegal side sets. This freaking pile shuts out both light and warmth and totally hides what had been a panoramic view of the ocean. Am I bitter? You could bottle me & sell me for hangovers.

Good grief Tuba, it sounds like you have the neighbor from he//. My neighbor nuisances are small compared to yours. Our last neighbors would party all night in their hot tub and throw their beer bottles into our back yard. I gathered them up and lined them up on their front porch. We had a beautiful tree in our backyard, and one day they asked if they could "trim it a bit" because the branches were (they said) falling in their pool and damaging the liner. Before we knew what was going on they had cut practically the entire tree down - and we were renting at the time! The neighbors on the other side of us (a young unmarried couple) would have knock down drag out fights in the middle of the night right outside our bedroom window.

I don't miss neighbors at all :stormingmad:.
This place is a safe haven for me. I get support here. No one in my real world understands my depression and I am not sure they want to.

Thank you all.

Sweetie Kensie, if it makes you feel more at ease you have company. I dont really care for worldly things, what good are they? I just love family and friends like you who make me feel better. I do grieve for my son and my daughter. That will never go away. We are at peace here, can joke a bit and people understand. I hope your breathing is better today. Mine is bad :banghead: could be change in weather again. Please get a rescue inhaler. My Dr. gives them to me if he has them. I have an addy for a very good price on them. Take care. Gramma.
You're on a roll tonight!! Beware, my pressure washer will make your broom all soggy wet and too heavy to take off. So take that!

AHA I have a micro fiber mop! and my bucket spins.:drumroll: :seeya:
Sweetie Kensie, if it makes you feel more at ease you have company. I dont really care for worldly things, what good are they? I just love family and friends like you who make me feel better. I do grieve for my son and my daughter. That will never go away. We are at peace here, can joke a bit and people understand. I hope your breathing is better today. Mine is bad :banghead: could be change in weather again. Please get a rescue inhaler. My Dr. gives them to me if he has them. I have an addy for a very good price on them. Take care. Gramma.

Depression is a serious condition that few people, who haven't really experienced it, understand. My dear Mom, who loved me very much, never understood it. Her advice was to "just smarten up" LoL. There are people here who understand. :hug:
Even this cat lover has to admit that this is adorable:

While the trial was going on, during side bars and delays, Weebles would post some of the best animal .gifs ever. She/he got me hooked on them!
Arrest made in ‘Baby Hope’ case; police say charges to be filed against child's relative in 22-year-old mystery:

During his press conference, Kelly said that Juarez allegedly kidnapped Castillo and sexually assaulted and smothered her with the help of his wife, Balvina Juarez. When he realized that Castillo was dead, Juarez allegedly summoned his sister, now deceased, for help. Castillo was living with Juarez and other relatives at the time while her parents were going through a separation, Kelly said.
You have to thank my posts otherwise sadly, I can't grow in numbers. I can grow fatter, just not in numbers. Thank you, thank you very much.

What does thanking a post have to do with more posts? Seriously! I'm having a brain fart! :floorlaugh:
Zuri, if you want to play tit for tat, send an anonymous typewritten letter that simply reads "Deal with it." No signature, no return address.

Honestly, what if this person driving a diesel truck worked third shift? Don't even bother putting any more thought into this. Some people are just beyond rational.

Tuba, the stories that you told about your neighbors are beyond the pale. You have my sympathy. I don't know what I would do in your position.

I had a paranoid schizophrenic as a neighbor in a duplex. We had many, many uncomfortable situations with her. It was difficult, because on the one hand, we knew that she had a serious mental condition, yet sometimes these events were both disturbing and personally directed. It was hard not to get angry. Unfortunately, as a non-family member, there was little I could do to get her help.
I live four miles up in the head of a hollow, on top of the Appalachian Mountain chain. I have one neighbor to my east (been like a brother for 40 years.) I have one neighbor to the west ( my wonderful, one of a kind MIL). I am truly blessed!
very, very, qwuiet everyone hunting wabbits?

This puppy is going to bed...hope you all are well. :eek:fftobed:
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