SIDEBAR #22- Arias/Alexander forum

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Stay warm everyone. 16 degrees on my way into work today. I feel like I am ten pounds heavier with all these darn layers of clothes. I like to look at sweaters but I sure hate wearing them. Waiting on the t-shirt days to return.
Oh darn, nobody wants to play my quiz (besides Nore)??? :(

Anyways... I'll give you the answers anyway! They are in red!

1. What did the Beatles receive for performing three times on The Ed Sullivan Show?
a. $100,000
b. $150,000
c. $10,000
d. $5,000
C. $10,000

2. What was the No. 1 song on Billboard's charts on Feb. 1, 1964, a week before the Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan?
a. "I Want to Hold your Hand"
b. "She Loves You"
c. "Love Me Do"
d. "I Get Around"
A. "I want to Hold Your Hand"

3. What was the first song that the Beatles performed live for an audience in America?
a. "I Want to Hold Your Hand"
b. "All My Loving"
c. "Help!"
d. "Can't Buy Me Love"
B. All My Loving" on The Ed Sullivan Show, Feb. 9, 1964.

4. Who sent a congratulatory telegram to the Beatles before that first performance?
a. Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
b. Queen Elizabeth II
c. Bob Dylan
d. Elvis Presley
D. Elvis Presley. The telegram was also signed by his manager, Col. Tom Parker.

5. How much did a front-row ticket to their first concert in America cost?
a. $4
b. $6
c. $8.50
d. $12.50
A. $4

6. What item was stolen from Ringo while in New York for their first concert there in August?
a. His passport
b. His St. Christopher medal
c. His drumsticks
d. His autographed photo of Ed Sullivan
B. His St. Christopher medal was torn from his neck by Angie McGowan, a 16-year old fan. After Ringo made pleas for it during radio interviews, McGowan returned it, and met Ringo in the process.

7. The Beatles performed a regular set of songs (give or take a few) while on their North American tour in the summer of 1964. Which of the following was not in the set?
a. "A Hard Day's Night"
b. "Roll Over Beethoven"
c. "Yesterday"
d. "If I fell"
C. "Yesterday". It wasn't written yet. Paul wrote it for the Help! album, produced in 1965.

8. Their North American tour set a record as they zigzagged 22,621 miles across the continent in a little over a month. Roughly how many people saw the Beatles on that tour?
a. 25,000
b. 59,000
c. 209,000
d. 454,000
D. 453.950 tickets were sold, to be exact!
Oh darn, nobody wants to play my quiz (besides Nore)??? :(

Anyways... I'll give you the answers anyway! They are in red!

1. What did the Beatles receive for performing three times on The Ed Sullivan Show?
a. $100,000
b. $150,000
c. $10,000
d. $5,000
C. $10,000

2. What was the No. 1 song on Billboard's charts on Feb. 1, 1964, a week before the Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan?
a. "I Want to Hold your Hand"
b. "She Loves You"
c. "Love Me Do"
d. "I Get Around"
A. "I want to Hold Your Hand"

3. What was the first song that the Beatles performed live for an audience in America?
a. "I Want to Hold Your Hand"
b. "All My Loving"
c. "Help!"
d. "Can't Buy Me Love"
B. All My Loving" on The Ed Sullivan Show, Feb. 9, 1964.

4. Who sent a congratulatory telegram to the Beatles before that first performance?
a. Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
b. Queen Elizabeth II
c. Bob Dylan
d. Elvis Presley
D. Elvis Presley. The telegram was also signed by his manager, Col. Tom Parker.

5. How much did a front-row ticket to their first concert in America cost?
a. $4
b. $6
c. $8.50
d. $12.50
A. $4

6. What item was stolen from Ringo while in New York for their first concert there in August?
a. His passport
b. His St. Christopher medal
c. His drumsticks
d. His autographed photo of Ed Sullivan
B. His St. Christopher medal was torn from his neck by Angie McGowan, a 16-year old fan. After Ringo made pleas for it during radio interviews, McGowan returned it, and met Ringo in the process.

7. The Beatles performed a regular set of songs (give or take a few) while on their North American tour in the summer of 1964. Which of the following was not in the set?
a. "A Hard Day's Night"
b. "Roll Over Beethoven"
c. "Yesterday"
d. "If I fell"
C. "Yesterday". It wasn't written yet. Paul wrote it for the Help! album, produced in 1965.

8. Their North American tour set a record as they zigzagged 22,621 miles across the continent in a little over a month. Roughly how many people saw the Beatles on that tour?
a. 25,000
b. 59,000
c. 209,000
d. 454,000
D. 453.950 tickets were sold, to be exact!

Oh Niner, I would have but I didn't know a single answer, just not knowledgeable on Beatles trivia. Sorry :seeya:
I actually did them "in my head" but never got a chance to come back and post. I think a got a few, lol, I don't remember what I thought was correct!
I do appreciate your quiz though :tyou:, sorry for not engaging :(

I was a HUGE beatlemaniac when I was a kid, my first album I asked for on my 8th bday was the Beatles :)

ETA- OK I got 6 of the 8 right, but since I did not post I get no credit! (I got #1 and #3 wrong)

I couldn't answer any of the Beatle questions. :eek:

Anyone have someone in the house who has some knowledge of plumbing? :crossfingers:

Water is not coming out of my bathroom tub faucet. :scared:
All the other faucets in the house are running water, even in that bathroom.
Thank goodness there's another bathroom with tub.
So what can be the problem?

Help! :anguish:
A young man was sitting in class when the professor asked him if he knew

what the Roe vs. Wade decision was. He sat quietly, pondering this very

profound question. Finally, after giving it a lot of thought, he said, "I think this

was the decision George Washington made prior to crossing the Delaware

A florist went into a barber shop to get his hair cut. When he reached for his

wallet to pay the barber the barber said, "Oh, I'm doing this for community

service. I cannot accept your money." The florist graciously thanked him.

Next morning when the barber arrived at work there was a thank you card

from the florist and a dozen carnations.

Later that day a policeman came into the barber shop. When he reached for

his wallet the barber's reply was the same, "Oh, I'm doing this for community

service. I cannot accept your money."

The policeman graciously thanked him.

Next morning when the barber arrived at work there was a thank you card

from the policeman and a dozen donuts.

Later that day a senator came into the barber shop. He got a haircut and was

reaching for his wallet when the barber said, "I'm doing this for community

service. I cannot accept your money." The senator thanked him and left.

The next morning when the barber arrived at work there were a dozen

Senators on his doorstep.

Divorce, from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man’s genitals through his


David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot was fully grown with a bad

attitude and worse vocabulary. Every other word was an expletive. Those

that weren't expletives were, to say the least, rude.

David tried hard to change the bird's attitude and was constantly saying polite

words, playing soft music, and doing anything he could think of to try and set

a good example. Nothing worked. He yelled at the bird and the bird got worse.

He shook the bird and the bird got angry and more rude.

Finally, in a moment of desperation, David put the parrot in the freezer. For a

few moments he heard the bird squawking and kicking and screaming. Then

suddenly, there was quiet. David was frightened that he might have actually

hurt the bird and quickly opened the freezer door.

The parrot calmly stepped out onto David's extended arm and said: "I'm sorry

that I might have offended you with my language and actions and ask your

forgiveness. I will endeavor to correct my behavior".

David was astounded at the bird's change in attitude and was just about to

ask what had made such a drastic change, when the parrot continued: "May I

ask what the chicken did?"

After living in the remote wilderness of Arkansas all his life, an old codger

decided it was time to visit the big city. In one of the store he picks up a

mirror and looks in it. Not knowing what it was, he remarked, "How about that!

Here's a picture of my daddy." He bought the'picture', but on the way home

he remembered his wife, Lizzy, didn't like his father.

So he hung it in the barn, and every morning before leaving for the fields, he

would go there and look at it. Lizzy began to get suspicious of these many

trips to the barn. One day after her husband left, she searched the barn and

found the mirror. As she looked into the glass, she fumed, "So that's the ugly

b... he's runnin' around with."
There was once a great actor who could no longer remember his lines. After

many years he finds a theater where they are prepared to give him a chance

to shine again.

The director says, "This is the most important part, and it has only one line.

You walk on to the stage at the opening carrying a rose. You hold the rose to

your nose with just one finger and thumb, sniff the rose deeply and then say

the line 'Ah, the sweet aroma of my mistress.'"

The actor is thrilled. All day long before the play, he's practicing his line over

and over again. Finally, the time comes. The curtain goes up, the actor walks

onto the stage, and with great passion delivers the line, "Ah, the sweet aroma of my mistress."

The theatre erupts. The audience is screaming with laughter, but the director

is steaming!

"You bloody fool!" he cries. "You have ruined me!"

The actor is bewildered, "What happened, did I forget my line?"

"No!" screams the director. "You forgot the rose!" :rose:

I know what Victoria's Secret is. The secret is that nobody older than 30 can

fit into their stuff.

I don't recommend getting older cause I don't think it is good for your health


An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening at a church

service when she was startled by an intruder. As she caught the man in the

act of robbing her home of its valuables, she yelled, "STOP! ACTS 2:38!"

(Repent and be baptized, in the name of the lord, so that your sins may be


The burglar stopped in his tracks.

The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done.

As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar, "Why did

you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell at scripture to you."

"SCRIPTURE?!" replied the burglar, "She said she had an AXE and TWO 38's!"
Anyone have someone in the house who has some knowledge of plumbing? :crossfingers:

Water is not coming out of my bathroom tub faucet. :scared:
All the other faucets in the house are running water, even in that bathroom.
Thank goodness there's another bathroom with tub.
So what can be the problem?

Help! :anguish:

I have no clue, but if I were you I would not turn that faucet on.
Just in case the pipe is cracked somewhere in the walls or wherever it runs through, you don't want water gushing.
Are you somewhere so cold it could have froze in that section?

So sorry YesOrNo, plumbing issues are such a major pain :tantrum:
I have no clue, but if I were you I would not turn that faucet on.
Just in case the pipe is cracked somewhere in the walls or wherever it runs through, you don't want water gushing.
Are you somewhere so cold it could have froze in that section?

So sorry YesOrNo, plumbing issues are such a major pain :tantrum:

Hi Is it on an outside wall? may be the only one froze.
Nore- there's a small linen closet between the tub and outside wall.

I do have the faucet turned on, but no water is coming out. Normally, when this happens, the water eventually does run- after a while.
Since we had -14 last night and only 4 degrees today, I did drip all the faucets, but not in the tub. I have dripped the faucets all day- just in case.

Hope I don't have to call a plumber- they are so expensive.

If there was a crack in the pipes and the water gushing out, I think, the water pump would be running a lot and it's not running more than usual.

Oh- I hate this!!!!!!!! :scared:
Hi everyone hope all is well. I'm missing princess and have been thinking about her a lot. We just got 13 inches of snow thank god i didn't have to shovel! Do we know when trial is starting?
March 17th Molly.

Has anyone heard from Zuri??? She has been on my mind lately.

Hope everyone is staying warm.
March 17th Molly.

Has anyone heard from Zuri??? She has been on my mind lately.

Hope everyone is staying warm.

From what is being reported I guess we have to go to Alaska to get warm. It's suppose to be 15 here tonight in NC, getting up to 40 degrees tomorrow then back down into the mid teens tomorrow night. Burrrrrrrr. My heather had buds on it. Poor heather.
Hi everyone hope all is well. I'm missing princess and have been thinking about her a lot. We just got 13 inches of snow thank god i didn't have to shovel! Do we know when trial is starting?

I miss Princess also, Molly. Where she used to post, there is now a void :( :rose:

It's odd isn't it, how the loss of someone is actually physically felt. At least that's how I experience it. How the void that they leave, is ever present, even on something so seemingly insubstantial as an internet forum. Which to me says that it's not really insubstantial, somehow that's comforting to know.

It's very good to see you back Molly, have missed you here :seeya:
I miss Princess also, Molly. Where she used to post, there is now a void :( :rose:

It's odd isn't it, how the loss of someone is actually physically felt. At least that's how I experience it. How the void that they leave, is ever present, even on something so seemingly insubstantial as an internet forum. Which to me says that it's not really insubstantial, somehow that's comforting to know.

It's very good to see you back Molly, have missed you here :seeya:

I feel the same way.
Anyone have someone in the house who has some knowledge of plumbing? :crossfingers:

Water is not coming out of my bathroom tub faucet. :scared:
All the other faucets in the house are running water, even in that bathroom.
Thank goodness there's another bathroom with tub.
So what can be the problem?

Help! :anguish:

I'm not sure but you might try blowing a hair dryer on it just to make sure it's not frozen, and make sure you drip the spigots / faucets inside and outside. I once had a frozen spigot outside and melted the ice with a hairdryer.

I just asked a friend of mine and she says it is likely the tub faucet is frozen but not the sink! And she's a smart person! :floorlaugh:
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