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Has anyone made a turkey tenderloin? I picked one up when I went grocery shopping. I have never made one and don't know what to do with it. Any good recipes? Can you cook it in a crockpot or is roasting it better?

Speaking about cooking, here's a surprising way to separate eggs (so simple and amazing):

Very cool way to separate egg yolk - YouTube


Hi YesorNo!! :wave:
I showed this to my Huz, as he does all the cooking - and he said "Thanks Honey!" :loveyou:

Took awhile for me to get to the "Reply" window??!! What's going on?! :scared: I'm the only one here, and it shouldn't take that long??!!

♪♫ Happy Birthday to My Huz!! ♪♫

Here's his baby picture!! :loveyou:

(Darn... it won't let me attach a picture... stupid WS?!?!) :banghead: Maybe I'll try later...
Thanks everybody. My baby felt much better today! I didn't give him anything today for pain or nerves and he slept mostly and ate his usual amount, plus went outside a few times. He is still limping though. We felt his leg all over and there is no break or bone sticking out. I'm giving him one .25 mg Xanax and 1/2 of a coated aspirin of 325 mg. tonight. I cannot afford to take him to the vet but we'll see how it looks in a few days. Thanks for thinking of me and your helpful tips! :heartbeat::heartbeat:

I am glad he is feeling better, but that he is still limping is concerning.
Even if you don't feel the break he could have a hairline fracture that could get worse if not treated. Hopefully you are right and it is just sore, but just in case I found this list of organizations that can assist with financial help for pet care-

Heck I imagine if you just took him into a Vet they would agree to help him with some sort of payment plan.

(Not trying to be a butt-in-ski, just want to make sure your pup will be well :) )

ETA- Or you could probably google places in your area that help with pet care, it might be more specific for your location.
Hi, guess they couldn't put the real champ on there, she got away with it!!:floorlaugh::tantrum:

Guess who won?

They couldn't include that ***** in Florida on the poll because she was found "not guilty" by the "wonderful jurors" of Florida :aktion1:, so I guess it's like she didn't lie? :pullhair:

So, missy :jail: only won the :pinocchio::Crown: by default. :ufo:
For anyone here who has been watching True Detective-

*You have to watch the show to get this, and if you do I am sure you will appreciate it like I did :)

** There is a bit of language in the last 10 seconds.

ETA- Why are the videos I link not embedding like they used to? I used to just paste the link and the vids would embed right in the post, now they always create a link. Anyone know why this happens?
♪♫ Happy Birthday to My Huz!! ♪♫

Here's his baby picture!! :loveyou:

(Darn... it won't let me attach a picture... stupid WS?!?!) :banghead: Maybe I'll try later...

Happy Birthday to Mr. Niner!!


Hmmm, don't know what True Detective is, but must google after the video.

Is everyone safe, warm and dry?

Hope all puppies are okay.

Happy birthday, all the recent birthdays, from the people at WS!:partyguy2::bdsong:

Update on re-occurring face rash between eyes. It started slightly again. Went to a regular doc, was waiting for it to start. He did sit there and go through all the paperwork from everywhere else. He did take swabs and blood. That was 2 weeks ago. I called yesterday to see if I am supposed to call them or they call me. Well, my file is still on his desk. He did say it is most likely soil bacteria from the original cut (from hedge clippers). BUT, I still have not gotten a call. Guess I have the worst luck in the world for stuff happening. I'll update when I find something out, but want to thank all, especially Zuri for the help and telling me what to do. :loveyou:

Been watching films on captive Orcas. Just don't do that unless you want to be depressed and disgusted. It was a change from ex-hubby lending me all 5 seasons of The Wire, which, of course I love, as it relates to work and daily life, but, I thoughtthe Orca stuff would distract me. Turns out, it is merely another guise for the same idea and passion inside. How silly of me. :facepalm: He lent me Tremme last year, loved that to, but The Wire is put together a bit better.

I will not pretend that Capitan Muir is handsome and manly. He belongs to YesorNo. Big men are not my style anyway, but I think you guys will get a kick out of this. (It is not our eyesight, it is blurry):"]Irish Spring 1979 TV commercial - YouTube

And just because:

The Muppets: Muppaphone- Witch Doctor - YouTube
Hi daisymae, I am so happy to hear your puppy is doing better. The coated aspirin is would be best to have an xray for his hip,pelvis area. You can call a Vet and discuss this. Amy is a Vet tech, her boss helps people all the time. He even took a woman and her dog home because they didnt have a ride. He also gives meds to people who cannot afford them. I guess this is why they (he and his wife) have a little storefront hospital~but they are Good!!! Bless you for worrying and Bless your puppy! He has a good loving mommie...((hugs))..:loveyou: :beagle:
While cooking, hopefully the last pot of beans for the season, it gets to hot and humid here in summer - literally spring - and mold can grow in the window seals :sick:, I am trying to steam a cheap wooden spoon straight. Yep, steaming wood makes it bendable, the current spoon is hanging out on top of the pot of beans, I'll go in there and bend it every now and again. No reason, other than I need it to be straight. I am obsessive over silly crap. The spoon will be thrown out by summer, it was in a pack of 4 for 88 cents.

I am wondering how CMJA is liking jail now. You know, with the new vegetarian diet. This is so mean of me, but I thought about it when Sheriff Joe announced it. People not used to a veggie diet, beans, grains, what have you, will be blowing some smelly wind for a while! Compound that with people in small spaces and close together. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I guess that jail is rather unpleasant, being that windows can't be opened, and there are no fans running in winter, or maybe at all.

Forgive my juvenile thoughts, but I held it in too long. :laughcry:
1) Merc, True Detective is a drama on HBO, Sunday nights 9 PM.
It is an ahhhhhmazing show. Stars Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, and I think it is the best acting work both of them have ever done. Yeah, I gush too much over this show, it is just THAT good :giggle:
Anyway, check it out of you can, the finale is this Sunday though, so don't watch that if you want to get the story before the ending (do a marathon if ya can, I am sure HBO will run one over the weekend).

2) Merc, California is trying to stop parks from having Orca shows. They proposed a law today. The documentary "Blackfish" has really brought Orca treatment out in the open. Even though I love watching them, I am ashamed I ever went to SeaWorld after seeing that movie (they can still have their park, but they need to stop the mammal captures and captivity).

3) Happy Bday to Mr. Niner!!

I don't have cable! I love Woody Harrelson though. Maybe I'll see if there are some randoms on youtube. Shhh, they will delete them if there are!

Totally understand about going to see Orcas. I would have too. However, I would have been sad. I can't go to a zoo without wanting to set every animal free, unless it is a handicapped zoo.

My first years in life were on the now defunct Navy Base at Key West. Not too many memories, other than the ocean and it's larger beings terrified me when we went to a small place that harbored them. This would be around the time all these aquatic parks were thoughts or in process of building. They were not functional yet.

Mom used to tell us of Dad (navy) saving dolphins from storms on the island and putting them in pools. I thought that was cool as a child. I never thought about what kind of pool, chlorine couldn't be there. I never thought of Dad running from all to do with aquatic parks (he loved all of nature and critters, born and raised wandering woods). I never thought of Dad never talking about his time in the Navy, I thought it was all 'Nam and he couldn't. Today I learned these parks in the early 60's employed the Navy, and I question what mom was told and what Dad had to do for work and still could not say a word.

Don't be ashamed. The public does not know. Literally depends on parents to spend money that have no time for research, and for just curious. Who thinks of looking things up before hand?

No one could look things up when it all began, btw. No internet. No exposure. Total control of what was told to the public. ETA: They still manipulate exposure, as an corporation does.

I have never enjoyed seeing large beings caged (or any size for that matter). They do not do anything to deserve it. Unlike large humans, the number one predator, that sometimes must be caged. The aquatic world has it's own system, we should not trap, enslave, starve, and work, innocent beings. (Not talking human slavery where the Africaan King sold them to the Settlers in America or any other Country, but it still applies. Kings of Greed. No feelings for other beings.)

ETAA: I think, IMOO, the larger beings are best left to their natural environment. Even if handicapped. We do not have the means to understand or care for them. I keep seeing videos that Tilikum was fed "gelatin since the dead fish were not enough". How the heck is either enough to a being that can eat a Walrus, and humans look like seals, which the being also needs to eat.
Oh, dogs.

I know that Vets have said Regular Aspirin, the cheapo kind like I take, lol. Are okay for dogs. Just plain aspirin, no coating. Grind in the food, or sadly, hold their mouth and make them swallow if in arthritic pain. That was a bit ago, don't know if that idea has changed. I think it was limited to the size of dog. So a big dog would be one at breakfast and one at supper. A small dog would be half or quarter respectively.

ETA: A side note, now that I am on memories. Mom gave a teacup poodle a sudafed once because he developed a sneezy, running nose, allergy. Don't do that. That dog was literally tripping like LSD tripping, she only did it once. Mom and Dad didn't take dogs to vets other than rabies shots and emergencies, and ad took them to the woods back when people did that IYKWIM. Not the way I chose, but that was the way then. Later, they had another that was allergic, but I think it was the old house. Don't remember giving the big dogs, or all the cats, anything, but maybe I just didn't know. Fish and birds didn't get anything for humans, other than us kids feeding the tadpole tank bologna, it killed our tadpoles. :( We were small. I had no choice but take my pup to the vet, I live in apartments, so no land, no choice.

Sorry about the animal talk but even this video, no knowledge of whales, tells me this large being is distressed, very, very hungry, and is trying to tell someone (and clear Dawn knew too).

Tourist's Camera Rolls Seconds Before Whale Attack - YouTube
P.S. The few memories of the "aquarium" holding tank.

Small sharks, cannot remember the kinds, was mixed larger mammals. Behind something clear.

A Giant Sea Turtle, I remember this well, as a head injury happened right after, in my favorite little snap button (mother of pearl cover buttons) with sea creatures got ruined.

The Giant Sea Turtle was stuck. We could look down on it from above and a railing around in a circle.

The Sea Turtle had no way to move. It was huge, we were far from it, but it was clear that the turtle fit the circle, no room to move. I remember being greatly disturbed and starting to cry.

I was scared of the glass/whatever material tank with the big fish, but the turtle made me cry.

Head injury right after. Lawn mower rock throwing. Will leave out identifying details. Other than scorpions actually end up on the island, and Life Savers candy just got popular and not for groups of children outside.
For anyone here who has been watching True Detective-

*You have to watch the show to get this, and if you do I am sure you will appreciate it like I did :)

** There is a bit of language in the last 10 seconds.

ETA- Why are the videos I link not embedding like they used to? I used to just paste the link and the vids would embed right in the post, now they always create a link. Anyone know why this happens?

BBM It sometimes happens to me, too. I just go to "edit" and try again- sometimes it takes a couple of tries and sometimes it just won't embed.
BBM It sometimes happens to me, too. I just go to "edit" and try again- sometimes it takes a couple of tries and sometimes it just won't embed.

Lol, I don't even understand "embed". I just link.

What does "embed" mean?
Thanks YesOrNo, I will keep trying!

Merc, embedding a video in a post is when you post the link in your message but it actually puts the video on the message (as opposed to just a link to it).
It "fixes" or sticks it in place. I am sure one of our more techy WS'ers can explain that more, lol. I get the idea of it but I am not good at explaining it :giggle:
P.S. The few memories of the "aquarium" holding tank.

Small sharks, cannot remember the kinds, was mixed larger mammals. Behind something clear.

A Giant Sea Turtle, I remember this well, as a head injury happened right after, in my favorite little snap button (mother of pearl cover buttons) with sea creatures got ruined.

The Giant Sea Turtle was stuck. We could look down on it from above and a railing around in a circle.

The Sea Turtle had no way to move. It was huge, we were far from it, but it was clear that the turtle fit the circle, no room to move. I remember being greatly disturbed and starting to cry.

I was scared of the glass/whatever material tank with the big fish, but the turtle made me cry.

Head injury right after. Lawn mower rock throwing. Will leave out identifying details. Other than scorpions actually end up on the island, and Life Savers candy just got popular and not for groups of children outside.

Hi, merc :seeya:

Isn't it funny how and why we remember things?
I know when I remember things so clearly and someone will remember it differently, I don't know why that happens and maybe wonder what really happened. Maybe it's because we remember what's important to us and those things might not be important to others? I think most of us "see" things differently in memeories.
Sounds like you have a lot of compassion for animals.:heartbeat:
Sorry to hear you had a head injury. :therethere:

When I was young, we had dogs and cats and I don't remember my family ever taking them to the vet or shots for them. We didn't feed the dogs dog food- they just ate what we ate. I remember when my little sister was about 2 years old (I was 6), that she went to the dog dish and ate his people food right out of his bowl- it was so funny. :facepalm:

Dogs were never on leases then, either- they just roamed where they wanted during the day. Everyone knew whose dog was whose and their names.
Thanks YesOrNo, I will keep trying!

Merc, embedding a video in a post is when you post the link in your message but it actually puts the video on the message (as opposed to just a link to it).
It "fixes" or sticks it in place. I am sure one of our more techy WS'ers can explain that more, lol. I get the idea of it but I am not good at explaining it :giggle:

Embed is when you see the video like this (instead of just the link):

Il Volo & Placido Domingo - Il canto - YouTube

(it happened again and I had to "edit" and go back and copy and paste. It's been happening more lately)
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