SIDEBAR #24- Arias/Alexander forum

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Hi, just stopping by to say hi! I hope Monalou is doing better~ I like ~ I just finished watching some of the videos of J.Richardson case. I felt so miserable through a lot of the trial.. He definately needs DP..glad he got it. Watching those videos just show how evil he is. He should never see outside of walls again. He and Ms.priss would make a good couple......I made my 2nd. trip to Dr..guess I'll live! see you all tommorrow.:loveyou:
Haven't heard from the vet yet, but I did call and spoke with the nurse and she said Mona is still in surgery and she was looking at her right now. Said almost finished and she was doing good though it and Vet would call and let us know if we wanted to get her home tonight or by eight in the morning. So I'm waiting.. morning would be better, but I don't want her to feel alone with strangers.

Yes, I'm a helicopter mama for this little girl. Her whole life has been changed these last two weeks.

She's not wanting to get in the car now, before a ride meant sharing a cheeseburger with her brother, Sport. Sports sits in the middle of the back seat and smiles. He always smiles.
I can see Jodi getting a thrill to watch some one die. I still believe she killed Doggyboy and wonder if she watched him die, and the same with Travis. She was setting him free, nobody else would ever have that.

I agree, she's so cold, so unemotional, so totally detached, so without feelings about her cold-blooded, massacre of Travis, ...

And then we have Sells who is "Hate", I guess that makes Jodi Arias "Missy Hate". I have no doubt, have you seen the look in her eyes ? :scared::scared::scared:
The vet just called, said the surgery took longer than expected, and that a critical care vet had stopped by and looked at Mona and suggested another type of drain for her, and that way we wouldn't have to change any dressing, and that they skin underneath looked healthy and pink. They're keeping her till morning, so they can give her pain meds IM and not have to wait for a pill to kick in.
I Like to Bend Pages ~

Thanks for the update on MonaLou. That poor baby! Hope you're being good to yourself, too, during all this stress.
Haven't heard from the vet yet, but I did call and spoke with the nurse and she said Mona is still in surgery and she was looking at her right now. Said almost finished and she was doing good though it and Vet would call and let us know if we wanted to get her home tonight or by eight in the morning. So I'm waiting.. morning would be better, but I don't want her to feel alone with strangers.

Yes, I'm a helicopter mama for this little girl. Her whole life has been changed these last two weeks.

She's not wanting to get in the car now, before a ride meant sharing a cheeseburger with her brother, Sport. Sports sits in the middle of the back seat and smiles. He always smiles.
Oh I like,Bless their little hearts! My Red had surgery once, stayyed all night, we drove past the hospital about midnight, there were people inside checking on him! He wouldnt eat for them so we went there aand I fed him. Oh my baby, he's with Joe and Joey now. I have to get a picture of him on WS. MonaLou will be ok. soon..(((hugs))) :seeya: PS. my Buffy smiles.They nicknamed him Smiley at the shelter.
The vet just called, said the surgery took longer than expected, and that a critical care vet had stopped by and looked at Mona and suggested another type of drain for her, and that way we wouldn't have to change any dressing, and that they skin underneath looked healthy and pink. They're keeping her till morning, so they can give her pain meds IM and not have to wait for a pill to kick in.

I think I'd be taking these people to small claims court to make them pay for the damage their dog caused on your property. jmo
Whoa! ILikeToBendPages, was backtracking this and the previous thread, OMG. Hope your pup makes a full recovering.

I'm mad enough to...............ok, spit, since my post would get mod snipped all to heck! Grrrr!
After the first time my critters were attacked by dogs when I first moved up here, (19 years ago) I made a habit of having one of my weapons close to the door, 24/7. Unfortunately, I have had to use it over the years, but it was better dealing with Animal Control (who have always been fantastic) than getting hit up for enormous vet fees and trying to collect from the homeowner's insurance. It's hard for a dog owner to deny their dog was "at large" and responsible for damages when their dog's carcass is on my property. One gal refused to pick her dog up to avoid fines and we buried it on our property. That really indicated to us how much she really cared about her dog. It was heartbreaking.
We picked MonaLou at eight this morning and she now has a drain that uses suction to help drainage from where the skin and tissues had died. So, we get home and hid her pills in a donut hole, and I fixed her breakfast and put her in the bathroom to eat. She drug a towel down and rubbed against it and the tubing came out a little and she had it around he back foot.

She was OK for the drive back;not hyperventilating like before, and not as freaked about ort being there. They shortened the tubing, made a few more stitches to hold the drain in place, gave her a little sedative and now we're back home and Mona is stoned.

Thanks to all that gave a prayer for my little girl. She was my angel during a dark time. She sassy and talks back; She love to play ball, you can tell when she is showing off when she catch it on the first bounce. We use a tennis racquet and it goes about fifty feet and. she keeps up with it.

She knows that yum yum eat it up means a treat. this is Uncle George in the Little Rascals
Confused about the CNN request for live coverage of CMJA's penalty we have the answer from the court on that yet? And a few other questions:
Is CMJA in favor of it?
Any idea what side the pros or def are on this issue?
And, is May the month we'll see jury selection start or has there been another "delay"?

Sorry, kind of out of the loop.........:scared:
Confused about the CNN request for live coverage of CMJA's penalty we have the answer from the court on that yet? And a few other questions:
Is CMJA in favor of it?
Any idea what side the pros or def are on this issue?
And, is May the month we'll see jury selection start or has there been another "delay"?

Sorry, kind of out of the loop.........:scared:

Don't think there has been anything on the media coverage yet.

Jury selection is September.

What's been happening I went awol again.

My boy has the chicken pox...great lol I guess at least that's him had them now. Didn't even notice until this morning and the spots are already dead so not infectious (I think)

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I think I'd be taking these people to small claims court to make them pay for the damage their dog caused on your property. jmo

Mona is the property. Their dogs jump the fence and the only damage was to Mona. I guess it's different to us to think of our pets are family. Their insurance company can't say much with animal control dealing out seven citations and asking code enforcement to get involved abut the fence.
Grrrr why is she on my tv


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Grrrr why is she on my tv

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:scared: I think your TV needs an exorcism Josie..... :eek:

On the bright side, Happy Game of Thrones Day to you m'lady!

:clap: :loveyou: :clap: :loveyou: :clap: :loveyou:

I haven't watched this in a long time. Woody Harrelson surprised me in being such an evil person. Much like Brian Cranston did in Breaking Bad. I keep think back to Hal in Malcolm in the Middle. And Juliette Lewis AKA Casey Antony imaginary friend.

Hi I like, I saw a movie when I was maybe 11yrs. "Blood and Sand" with Rita Hayworth and Tyrone Powell. She was so mean I didnt want to see her following Movies!:floorlaugh: shows how impressive a young mind can be.. Prayers for MonaLou xoxo.:seeya:
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